class action suit against reclast

It took months and dialaysis for anything resembling normal to return and I was unable to work during this time because the kidney failure prompted numerous other conditions. I make an appointment for later that afternoon so the neighbor can take us when he gets off work. Her temperature and blood pressure are normal. Have severe dental issues with bone loss and gum loss after taking Prolia. I know this cannot be a healthy thing for my body and its been going on a full year. [Reclast's] infusion should take a minimum of 15 minutes. I would like to join the lawsuit. After a rocky start with the RA by 2009 she was back doing almost everything she had done before the RA. One year ago today Janet had a good day. Other side effects include bone and femur fractures. One year ago today Janet seems some better since her blood is less toxic after the dialysis. All material on the site is the intellectual property of the Law Offices of Gregory Krasovsky, and no part of the site may be reproduced without the expressed consent of the Law Offices of Gregory Krasovsky. Instead of looking into it, she continued the Prolia and it compromised my immune system. One year ago today Janet isnt gagging today. Canada has already demanded that Reclast include information on the possibility of kidney faillure on their inserts. I see her kidney doctor today and he is pleased with Janets kidney function. The yeast infection in her esophagus is some better, but it is still difficult to swallow. This was Janets last trip to this store. Ive had two so far. However, other Reclast side effects include, but are not limited to, the following: Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a condition in which the bone tissue in the jaw does not heal after minor trauma. November 12, 2010 Who is eligible for compensation in the Reclast lawsuit? How do I join it? Reclast is meant to prevent osteoclasts from destroying bone and to promote steady bone growth. Be sure to have a Ct scan or mri if the thigh. Your email address will not be published. November 9, 2010 Its crucial to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure you get all the deadlines for filing your claim. She is very hoarse, her heart rate is high, her blood pressure is high and there is still concern about her electrolytes being low. After 20 years of good health Janet was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis in 2007. Then about 3 years after that I fell an had to have a partial hip replacement. I would like to know how to join the lawsuit against Amgen also. One year ago today I check at the hospital first thing. I checked with the nurse about the stomach upset and she said it was normal when food starts going down the feeding tube to have some nausea. If you used Facebook in the United States between May 2007 and December 2022, you can apply to claim your share of a $725 million settlement that Facebook's parent company agreed . Fractured my femur just under the hip. I have developed stress fractures in both femurs due to taking Prolia for 8 yrs. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing an update to the drug label for Reclast (zoledronic acid) to better inform healthcare professionals and patients of the risk of kidney (renal) failure. Have you any information you have learned about joining the law suit that you can share? October 30, 2010 I called Amgen and gave them my name and told them how sick I was. Also- she had had an X-ray of her knee thinking it was the issue (it was not). This evening Janets oxygen level goes very low and they begin using a pressurized mask. I have been through 2 oral surgeries. Class action provides a controlled number of suits. Reclast is for use when you have a high risk of bone fracture. Then following that news, I experienced the loosening of three teeth that held a bridge and crown. two years ago. Reclast is also used to treat Paget's disease of bone. She carefully covered them with blankets making sure each one was tucked in. A reclast lawsuit, by law, is a lawsuit that is brought by a person who has suffered a legitimate loss because of the actions of a drug manufacturer or distributor. November 6, 2010 Her stomach is tender, but the thing that causes the most concern is that Janet is having trouble remembering things and at times seems confused. These labeling changes are being made to the Reclast label only. last year he fell and broke the top of his femor (hip), his first fracture ever. I check with the hospital around midnight and they say Janet is stable and under a lot of cover since the dialysis is making her very cold. One has to wonder if this is a knee-jerk reaction to the upcoming meeting that is to be held on September 9 in an attempt to act like they are trying to do something with regard to warning others with regard to the side effects of Reclast. If you have taken Reclast and experienced serious side effects, you may be eligible for compensation. I had a really bad rash on my back. Kidney function should be monitored both before and after giving Reclast. She asked me if I found a bike and I told her that I did. I know Janet is where she needs to be and I hope the meds the doctor gave me work so I can go tomorrow. As I do every year I take the fountain down and Janet takes up the yard ornaments. A class action is a legal procedure that allows many people with similar grievances to join together and file a lawsuit. On September 9, 2011, one day after our anniversary date, there will be FDA hearings related to bisphosphonates, the drug class Reclast falls in. Reclast, also known as zoledronic acid, is a medication called bisphosphonate. The doctor also told me that since the occurrence of severe Reclast reaction was so rare that only a few of the doctors who saw my wife has seen it before. soon after getting this shot, one week or so, he exhibited horrible symptoms. She was in the hospital for 2wks and had every test imagineable and all came back negative. I get a call about midnight from someone I cant understand, it is Janet she is very confused and afraid because she cant find me. This night they give Janet the same medication that they gave her the other night to help her sleep. We also urged the FDA to require Novartis to issue these warnings to U.S. doctors and patients. One year ago today Janet was doing fine. Side effects associated with this drug include dry skin that peels, severe joint pain, bone pain, and pain in the thighs. I have not reported to the drug company as I feel it would be a futile effort. he's doing somewhat better after several bags of fluid, but if you can't drink, it's only a matter of time before it occurs again. When Janet gets to her room her mental stasis has deteriorated. If you or a loved one has been afflicted by osteonecrosis of the jaw, or by any other serious side effects, this Reclast law firm would like to help. CubbieFan2308. Because of the lack of funding available through traditional legal financing organizations, some families turn to drug settlement companies to help fund the lawsuit. Contactus 1-202-558-52871-866-294-2354 Skype: krasovsky. Since 2015 my white blood count has been very high and is flagged. Which explained all the pain she was having and loss of use. I went to specialist to re build my face but that would i need a bone from my leg, a feeding tube and a trach. One year ago today Janet still feels fine. I first came to the the site seeking advice because I had been persuaded by the doctor I had at the time that I needed the drug RECLAST infused into my body. We talk about taking a short trip next week to visit some of the music store in a small town south of here, this trip never happens. Her kidneys are beginning to clean her blood and the blood toxin levels are still high, but they are improving. With a strong legal team on your side, you will soon discover that the courts are fair when it comes to these types of cases. For example, yesterday it was 177/84 and within an hour I felt it drop drasticallychecked it and it was 72/44. In addition, the manufacturer of Reclast will issue a Dear Healthcare Provider letter to inform healthcare professionals about this risk. Novartis provided the following guidance for consumers: The risk of developing renal failure in patients with underlying renal impairment also increases with age. Confusion is a sign of Reclast serious side effects and overdose. I think Im in shock about the whole ordeal. I asked a lot of questions but in the middle the doctor walked out and I continued to ask the NP who was very busy inputing info in computer. The Reclast lawsuit highlights the importance of patient safety and the responsibility of pharmaceutical companies to provide accurate information about their products. Details on how to file a claim for the Nexium class action lawsuit settlement have arrived! 5 Reasons to Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney, 5 Reasons for Hiring and Working with a Medical Malpractice Lawyer, How Your Personal Injury Lawyer SEO Can Help You, Applying for British Citizenship with an Innovator Visa, The Complete Guide to Picking Tax Lawyers: Everything to Know, Personal Injury Lawyer in Michigan: Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer. This medicine also increases bone mass in men with osteoporosis. The tenderness in her stomach turned out to be pancreatitis brought on by her failing kidney function. Additionally, it is occasionally used to prevent recurring hip fractures. I'm down emotionally but I won't allow Reclast to take whatever happiness I have and crush it as it has crushed me physically. Country crooners Lonestar go straight for the heart with lyrics like "I wanna spend the rest of my . Because of the yeast infection Janet is still unable to ear or drink. Her kidney function is fine, but she is still facing the heart rate, blood pressure and electrolyte issues. They called already to try and schedule the infusion, but no pre workup was done or creatine clearanceI exercise daily by walking, I do Orange Theory (crossfit type of workout) 3-4 times a week (minus situps ). These drugs are also used at an earlier age in over 36 million women due to the increased risks that come along with hormone replacement therapy. I was experiencing several issues after completing an infusion of Reclast in 2018. November 3, 2010 One year ago today Janet is still a little gaggy in the morning and still hoarse. I belive in miracles. which can be, by itself, most debilitating. Accordingly, the FDA published warnings on labels. I tell Janet by and come home. I hope this posting will save lives and if your doctor is really pushing this drug on you direct then to this site and let them read Janets Story. Contact one of our dangerous drug lawyers to schedule a free and confidential case consultation. Because women use these drugs at an earlier age and for longer time spans, they are more prone to developing Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ). 0:05. when I went to the dentist they wouldn,t do anything because I took prolia I even went 150 miles to Patients who have experienced severe injuries caused by Prolia should receive monetary compensation. Calculate creatinine clearance before each dose of Reclast. We have no family or close friends here in town and for the first time in my life I feel truly alone. Janets mental status is not good. Today as everyday for the past few years Janet takes three pills for her RA and the calcium plus vitamin D as required by Reclast. Research demonstrated that Prolia caused fractured vertebrae. They are having trouble regulating her electrolytes, mostly the calcium, potassium, phosphorous and magnesium. Her kidney function is staying at an acceptable level and has been for several days. One year ago today Janets lung function is much better today. In addition, product liability attorneys conducted their investigations into the damages caused by Prolia. For the first time in a week I am beginning to feel positive about things. It is alternatively known as Zomera, Aclasta, and Zometa. Continue to screen patients prior to each administration of Reclast to identify those with underlying acute or chronic renal impairment, advanced age, or dehydration. Other than being tired she seems normal. It's prescribed to treat and prevent osteoporosis, which weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures. The doctor made the comment that because of Janets size; maybe the normal dose of Reclast was too much. April 30, 2023. Drug manufacturers have accountability to the public. Janet still feels fine. October 23, 2010 This is because children metabolize medications at different rates. In order for a plaintiff to secure a maximum settlement in litigation of a Reclast claim, regardless of whether in an individual lawsuit or in a class action lawsuit, it is crucial that the law firm representing you have a competent and experienced team of Reclast lawyers to guide you through all of the legal hurdles as well as sufficient funding (litigation funding or legal finance) to cover litigation costs.

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