} (Entered: 01/21/2021), (#28) ORDER Dismissing Adversary Proceeding (BNC-PDF) Signed on 1/19/2021 (RE: related document(s)#1 Complaint filed by Plaintiff DAVID K. GOTTLIEB, CHAPTER 7 TRUSTEE, #15 Motion to Dismiss Adversary Proceeding filed by Defendant David Berrent, Defendant Jodi Pais Montgomery). In his early career, Dr.Boileau served as a psychologist and clinical supervisor with the University of California, SantaCruz, as well as the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. TRUSTEES. Perkowskis patent practice has focused on litigation under the Hatch-Waxman Act, which established a regulatory framework for development, approval, and sale of generic drugs. By Janelle Zara. script.setAttribute("src", "//www.npttech.com/advertising.js"); My, my, my seems like Mr. Gottlieb is slooowly winnowing the list of people who playedhide the salami with KSL funds. Michael Gottlieb Education: M.D., University of Rochester School of Medicine. Notice Date 12/30/2020. After losing a close friend and mentor to HIV in 1992, Dr.Gladstein was moved to join the care community by becoming a physician himself. Since it appears that no further matters are pending that require this adversary proceeding remain open, it is ordered that this adversary proceeding is closed. BakerHostetler LLP, MAlyssa Mecenas Barclay Butera '); The matter was turned over to the South Bend police. Dona R. Miller const matches = oneTrustCookie.match(COOKIE_REGEX); He noted that the proposed settlement comes after good faith He received his medical degree from the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and his bachelors degree from Oberlin College. Comments? He replaces the previous Trustee, who abruptly resigned this summer over conflicts purportedly involving the bank holding the note on Dykstra's country club mansion. 233(g)-(n) for purposes of medical malpractice claims and, as such, qualified for protection under the Federal Tort Claims Act. if (typeof mps.getAd != "function") mps.getAd = function(adunit) { (RE: related document(s)#28 Order Dismissing Adversary Proceeding (BNC-PDF)) No. var s = document.createElement("script"), el = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; cEnd = document.cookie.length; Project Manager Chris Diamond 'https' : 'http') + '://pix.nbcuni.com/a-pii.gif?X=piiblock&S=' + mps.pagevars.instance + '&P=' + mps.pagevars.mpsid + '&A=' + i + '&U=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) + '&_=' + window._mpspixZ; UniCourt uses cookies to improve your online experience, for more information please see our Privacy Policy. (function() { APLA Health & Wellness is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization doing business as APLA Health. SOCIAL_MEDIA: 8 parties entered into a legal settlement over the dispute. Email funnybusiness@cnbc.com. Leonard Scroggins (Entered: 03/16/2017), Docket(#8) ORDER Dismissing Adversary Proceeding Per Stipulation (BNC-PDF) Signed on 3/14/2017 (RE: related document(s)#1 Complaint filed by Plaintiff David K. Gottlieb, Chapter 7 Trustee, #3 Motion to Dismiss Adversary Proceeding filed by Defendant Lou Alexander). On December 8, 2011, Judge Schrager rejected the search warrant and the authorization to seize assets belonging to Georges Marciano and third parties. Lenny Dykstra has long portrayed himself as the victim of fraud. mps.response.dart.adunits[i].data = '
'; } Miller-Allen stated that Charness was responsible for the embezzlement of $145 million from the company and that he had bungled financial reports } Why is this public record being published online? Dr. Steven Vitero joined what was then known as AIDS Project Los Angeles Dental Services in July 2004. Senior Oncology Specialist Previously, Phil worked as a journalist, writing for a variety of newspapers, magazines, and wire services. Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, Ph.D. James L. Arnone var d = new Date(); Kevin lives in Los Angeles with his husbanda theme park and hospital architectand they have two fur babies: Rocco the beagle and Kit the Shiba Inu. The three students reported the thefts to a Notre Dame official after receiving bills. Box 32967 Phoenix, AZ 85064 -2967 E-mail: rogerbrowntrustee@live.com Phone: (602)274-4231 Constantino }); If you do not agree with these terms, then do not use our website and/or services. 60 minutes featuring the brightest minds on Wall Street, taking you through the most important hour of the trading day. mps._ext = mps._ext || {}; 'hline' : 'Funny Business with Jane Wells' , } const COOKIE_REGEX = /groups=([^&]*)/; 2:19-BK-14989 | 2019-04-30, U.S. District Courts | Bankruptcy | Jeff Jenest (Lindsey, Crystle) (Entered: 07/22/2020), (#8) Stipulation By David Berrent, Jodi Pais Montgomery and Ervin Cohen & Jessup, LLP on behalf of David K. Gottlieb; Stipulation to Extend Deadline to File Written Response to Complaint and to Continue Status Conference in Adversary Proceeding Filed by Defendants David Berrent, Jodi Pais Montgomery (Lindsey, Crystle) (Entered: 07/22/2020), (#7) Request for courtesy Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) Filed by Weintraub, Daniel. Chief Executive Officer. (RE: related document(s)#8 Order Dismissing Adversary Proceeding (BNC-PDF)) No. His work has focused on helping people fleeing their home countries because of persecution based on real or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or HIV status. Charles F. Bolden Jr. U.S. Marine Corps Major General and NASA Administrator (Retired) Jeanie M. Buss Co-owner, CEO, and Governor, Los Angeles Lakers. or bankruptcy inevitable.. console.log('PUB-GDPR-CHECK oneTrustCookie: ', oneTrustCookie); const ONE_TRUST_COOKIE_NAME = 'OptanonConsent'; 2:22-BK-16190 | 2022-11-11. Password The case judge is Maureen Tighe (Gonzalez, Emma) (Entered: 02/22/2017), (#1) Adversary case 1:17-ap-01003. Specialty: Dental Hygienist, Elizabeth San Elias Education: San Francisco State University. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. Leslie Barclay Scott Blackburn first joined APLA Health as an intern in what was then known as the Mental Health Department in 2007. Gottlieb played in 27 games, starting 23, as a freshman. David Gottlieb, CPA, is a partner and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency services leader in Crowes Financial Advisory Services. Cases involving Chapter 7 bankruptcy adversary proceedings, DAVID K. GOTTLIEB, CHAPTER 7 TRUSTEE v. Montgomery et al, (#31) Adversary Case 1:20-ap-1066 Closed. (Weintraub, Daniel) (Entered: 07/15/2020), Docket(#6) Request for courtesy Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) Filed by Lindsey, Crystle. if (!oneTrustCookie) return true; Phil joined the agency as a case manager in 1989 and later worked as APLA Healths benefits coordinator, managing the agencys first return-to-work program. if (cEnd === -1) { TARGETED_ADS: 4, (Admin.) if (cStart !== -1) { } Craig received a bachelors degree in political science at University of California, Berkeley, and a masters degree in public policy (MPP) from the JohnF. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Director of Case Management. The chapter 7 trustee must submit the order within seven (7) days. Suzanne Nora Johnson (Chair)Vice Chairman (Retired), The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Amy A. RossBiotechnology Executive (Retired), Frederick J. Ryan Jr.Publisher and CEO, The Washington Post, Leonard D. SchaefferFounding Chairman and CEO, WellPoint, Jeffrey H. SmulyanChairman of the Board, Emmis Communications, Heliane M. StedenManaging Director (Retired), Merrill Lynch, Ronald D. SugarChairman Emeritus, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Wenxue WangFounder and Chairman, China Fortune Land Development, Wallis AnnenbergChair, President, and CEO, Annenberg Foundation, Wanda M. AustinPresident and CEO (Retired), The Aerospace Corporation, Joseph M. Boskovich Sr.Chairman, Chief Investment Officer, and Founder,Old West Investment Management, LLC, Charles G. CaleManaging Member, Griffin Opportunities, LLC, Ronnie C. ChanChairman, Hang Lung Group Limited and Hang Lung Properties Limited, Chris CoxPresident, Morgan Lewis Consulting LLC (Retired); Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP (Retired), Frank H. CruzPresident, Cruz & Associates, Suzanne Dworak-PeckAmbassador, International Federation of Social Workers, Daniel J. EpsteinExecutive Chairman and Founder, ConAm Management. mps.cloneAd = function() { return false; } Dr. Jerome de Vente has had a long-standing interest in HIV care, dating back to the 1980s when he volunteered for a Nashville-based AIDS service organization while in medical school. The bankruptcy claims are more than just the amount a creditor is owed. return false; And the best part of all, documents in their CrowdSourced Library are FREE! of Notices: 1. In this role, Sergio will work to ensure all patients are able to receive sexual health services in a safe and affirming environment with an intentional focus on promoting access to LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities. Among the diverse programs Smith oversees are those that focus on men who have sex with men from a variety of populations, including crystal meth users, young adults, Native Americans, African-Americans, and Latinos. Scott earned his masters degree from Phillips Graduate Institute in Los Angeles and his B.F.A. 8:23-CV-00335 | 2023-02-24, U.S. Bankruptcy Courts | Bankruptcy | We reviewed the evidence and filed what we believe is the appropriate charge, Barnes said. 2:22-BK-16534 | 2022-11-30, U.S. Bankruptcy Courts | Bankruptcy | He averaged 4.6 points and led the team with 154 assists. return true; 4:23-CV-40015 | 2023-02-24, U.S. Bankruptcy Courts | Bankruptcy | Before entering the world of nonprofit management, Vallerie worked as an engineer at Jet Propulsion Laboratory for 15 years on the Voyager and Galileo projects. He oversees the Home Health and Medical Care Coordination programs at APLA Health. Preparation for the Call: - Use a landline to avoid interruptions and background noise. Certificates: American Board Internal Medicine, American Board Allergy and Immunology, Jeanne Hershey-Weber Specialty: Nurse Practitioner, Wayne Ho Education: UC San Francisco, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System Internal Medicine Internship, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System Internal Medicine Fellowship. APLA Health Center, CDU/MLK Medical Campus. Even if were not your provider today, we can help you sign up. UniCourt uses cookies to improve your online experience, for more information please see our Privacy Policy. Dr.Gladstein helped establish APLAs Olympic facility as one of the clinical rotations sites for Cedars-Sinais Internal Medicine residents. })(); Gottlieb will attend counseling sessions, Bob said. John Douponce The economy and markets are "under surveillance". Stephen Hardenburg Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. Prior to joining APLA Health, Vallerie served as the COO at the Black AIDS Institute, the first black HIV/AIDS policy center dedicated to reducing HIV/AIDS health disparities by mobilizing black institutions and individuals in efforts to confront the epidemic in their communities. As the Chief Advancement Officer at APLA Health, Ken Mintzer brings decades of experience in nonprofit fundraising, development, and strategic planning with an expertise in cultivating relationships with philanthropists and community members. var CNBC_Premium = CNBC_Premium || {}; Sergio Velasquez Public Records Policy. : 1:15-bk-13724-MB MOAYKEL S. MOAYKEL, CHAPTER: 7 NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTATE PROPERTY Debtor(s). Bankruptcy - Chapter 7 Adversary Proceeding, David K. Gottlieb, Chapter 7 Trustee, solely in his capacity as chapter 7 trustee for the estate of Thomas R. D'Arco, (#9) BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. .map(categoryPreference => parseInt(categoryPreference.split(':')[0], 10)); var postLoadFunctions = {}; HIV Fellowship, LA Biomed, University of Southern California. He deliberately completed field placements in diversity-focused community counseling centers in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in Phoenix, Arizona, such as Chicanos Por LaCausa-Centro de la Familia and Jewish Family Services. UCLA Nathanson Family Resilience Center, Alan R. Walden Treasurer Unfortunately Doug made a serious mistake in judgment and he realizes it, Gottlieb said. He received his medical degree from Touro University, completed his residency locally at the White Memorial medical center Family Medicine program, and then continued his postdoctoral education with a fellowship in HIV in the Infectious Disease unit of LAC+USC. Baker McKenzie, Lindsey Morrison, M.H.A. Out Here Sexual Health Center, Baldwin Hills. - Complaint to Avoid and Recover Fraudulent Transfers, for Declaratory Relief, and for Constructive Trust Nature of Suit: (14 (Recovery of money/property - other)),(91 (Declaratory judgment)),(02 (Other (e.g. of Notices: 1. Contact info: (314) 362-2758, gottlied@pcg.wustl.edu, gottlied@wustl.edu Find more info on AllPeople about David Gottlieb and Washington University in St. Louis, as well as people who work for similar businesses nearby, colleagues for other branches, and more people with a . going belly-up. //end OneTrust Redirect Specialty: General Dentistry, Tyler Williams Education: State University of New York at Buffalo. We AFFIRM. was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. Notice Date 01/21/2021. The bankruptcy court determined that Rose, a co-owner of real property, was entitled to only 50% of the net sale proceeds from Trustee's sale of the property under 363(h) and not the 80% he claimed. and reimbursement of expenses of $25.85, pursuant to 11 U.S.C. in Human Biology. .filter(categoryPreference => !categoryPreference.includes('0_') && categoryPreference.includes(':0')) Individual appearing without attorney x Attorney fora David K. Gottlieb, Chapter 7 Trustee UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA -SAN FERNANDO VALLEY DIVISION In re: CASE NO. return ''; The two MONTREAL, Jan. 17, 2012 /PRNewswire/ - US trustee David Gottlieb, appointed by a US Court in the involuntary bankruptcy of Georges Marciano, did not appear at the Montreal courthouse last. As explained by Morty Freiheit, one of the prosecutors connected with the Marciano case, "David Gottlieb seems to want to delay the application of the judgement rendered against him in the interests of his American clients." Steven Shoptaw, Ph.D. Now the Trustee of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court is accusing Dykstra of fraud. Perkowski Legal, PC, Lee Klosinski, Ph.D. Vice Chair isEEARegionCheck(); 'is_sponsored' : '0' , to do with changes in accounting software and actionably lax corporate oversight by KSLs principals and officers. Gottlieb has filed suit separately against KSL founder Kal Liebowitz, former CEO Hank Cohen and Content Notice: This site contains HIV or STD prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences. Our clinics are stigma-free spaces built on trust, where youre supported in all aspects of wellness. He joined the Government Affairs division in 2000. Installation view of "Henry Taylor: B Side," 2022-23, at MOCA Grand Avenue. Bowers previously served as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors at APLA Health, on the board of the Los Angeles Gay& Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, and as a board member of Christopher Street West, which produces LA Pride. She has broad experience with union negotiations, recruitment and referral programs, compliance audits, and management training. Recognized for his leadership in community planning, Jeff served as one of the community co-chairs of the Los Angeles County HIV Planning Committee from 2001 to 2005 and presently participates as a member of the Urban Coalition of HIV/AIDS Prevention Services. That experience kicked off Kevins pursuit of medicine and passion for providing culturally competent care to the LGBTQ+ population. Deputy Dental Director. Phil Curtis Clinic Director,Gleicher/Chen Health Center, Baldwin Hills. All Rights Reserved. Barry Krost }; 2:23-CV-01396 | 2023-02-24, U.S. District Courts | Immigration | (Gonzalez, Emma) (Entered: 03/17/2017), Docket(#9) BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. The Trustee believes some missing items are in a Public Storage unit which may have been registered under another name, and since Public Storage may have taken possession of that property when the bill wasn't paid, the company is named in the complaint. Richard Patti Nov. 15, 1996 12 AM PT. He also has a degree in physical education and a secondary teaching credential in social sciences. If you do not agree with these terms, then do not use our website and/or services. Lou Sawaya mps.insertAd("#" + slotid, adunit) Got a confidential news tip? (Fisher, Liliana) (Entered: 12/28/2020), Hearing (Adv Other) Continued (RE: related document(s) #1 COMPLAINT filed by DAVID K. GOTTLIEB, CHAPTER 7 TRUSTEE) Status Hearing to be held on 01/20/2021 at 11:00 AM 21041 Burbank Blvd Woodland Hills, CA 91367 for #1 , (Fisher, Liliana) (Entered: 12/03/2020), Hearing (Adv Motion) Continued (RE: related document(s) #15 MOTION TO DISMISS ADVERSARY PROCEEDING filed by Jodi Pais Montgomery) Hearing to be held on 12/02/2020 at 11:00 AM 21041 Burbank Blvd Woodland Hills, CA 91367 for #15 , (Kinsley, Terri) (Entered: 11/24/2020), (#10) Order Approving Stipulation to Extend Deadline to File Written Response to Complaint and to Continue Status Conference in Adversary Proceeding (BNC-PDF) (Related Doc #8 ) Signed on 7/24/2020 (Fisher, Liliana) (Entered: 07/24/2020), (#9) Notice of lodgment Filed by Defendants David Berrent, Jodi Pais Montgomery (RE: related document(s)#8 Stipulation By David Berrent, Jodi Pais Montgomery and Ervin Cohen & Jessup, LLP on behalf of David K. Gottlieb; Stipulation to Extend Deadline to File Written Response to Complaint and to Continue Status Conference in Adversary Proceeding Filed by Defendants David Berrent, Jodi Pais Montgomery filed by Defendant David Berrent, Defendant Jodi Pais Montgomery). Specialty: Family Medicine, Kevin Tangonan Education: Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Frank PriceChairman and CEO, Price Entertainment, Inc. Blake QuinnChairman and CEO, Quinn Group, Inc. Bruce M. RamerPartner, Gang, Tyre, Ramer, Brown & Passman, Inc. Edward P. Roski Jr.President and Chairman of the Board, Majestic Realty Co. William J. SchoenChairman, The Schoen Charitable Foundation, Robert H. SmithRobert H. Smith Investments and Consulting, Steven SpielbergChairman, Amblin Partners, Richard J. StegemeierChairman Emeritus, Unocal Corporation, Mark A. StevensManaging Partner, S-Cubed Capital; Special Limited Partnerand Former Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital, Ratan N. TataChairman Emeritus, Tata Sons; Chairman, Tata Trusts, Ronald N. TutorChairman and CEO, Tutor Perini Corporation, Peter V. UeberrothCo-owner, Pebble Beach Company, Andrew J. ViterbiPresident, Viterbi Group, LLC, Willis B. } When typing in this field, a list of search results will appear and be automatically updated as you type. The bridegroom, 31, is a senior vice president in the taxable fixed income division of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corporation in New York. } (Admin.) For more information, please visit HRSA.gov. console.log('PUB-GDPR-CHECK oneTrustCookie matches: ', matches); Terry Smith has over 20 years of progressive responsibility with a variety of nonprofit organizations focusing on policy, runaway and homeless youth, HIV education/prevention, and employment services for persons with disabilities, among other issues. 'byline' : 'Jane Wells' , - Complaint to Avoid and Recover Fraudulent Transfers, for Declaratory Relief, and for Constructive Trust Nature of Suit: (14 (Recovery of money/property - other)),(91 (Declaratory judgment)),(02 (Other (e.g. Eric Daar, M.D. console.log('PUB-GDPR-CHECK'); (Admin.) What is our Premium Public Notice Service? She received her M.S. const blockedCategories = decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) There are 48 other people named David Gottlieb on AllPeople. Forgot? David C Gottlieb is Former Trustee at Montefiore Medical Center. mps._adsheld = []; var pixelurl = ((document.location.protocol === 'https') ? Specialty: Nurse Practitioner, Michael Martinez Education: University of La Verne. Kathy Sanders-Phillips, Ph.D Director of Government Affairs. MONTREAL, Jan. 17, 2012 /PRNewswire/ - US trustee David Gottlieb, appointed by a US Court in the involuntary bankruptcy of Georges Marciano, did not appear at the Montreal courthouse last Friday, despite a special order issued on December 29, 2011, by the Honourable Mark Schrager, judge of the Superior Court of Quebec. 6:20-BK-15400 | 2020-08-07, U.S. Bankruptcy Courts | Bankruptcy | let cStart = document.cookie.indexOf(`${name}=`); if (typeof window === 'undefined') return; (RE: related document(s)#27 Memorandum of decision (BNC-PDF)) No. typeof mps._gptfirst == "function" && mps._gptfirst(adunit, slotid); if (typeof adunit != "string") return false; Specialty: Psychology, Gabriella Oloye Specialty: Nurse Practitioner, Kevin Rauchut Education: Cal State Los Angeles. With nearly 20 years of experience advising clients and litigating high-profile cases, he has appeared in state and federal trial-level and appellate courts across the United States in intellectual property and business litigation. After receiving his bachelors degree from Vassar College, he returned to the Northwest, teaching public school in Seattle.