distinguished honor graduate award bullet

His knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the detachment's mission. SSG Doe was key in supervising, planning and executing the installation, operation and maintenance of Signal support systems and network integration for the BN. He helped to develop a relaxing place, not only for the current Soldiers, but also for the future U.S. contingent personnel. He successfully maintained and operated a $6,000,000 IT architecture that was comprised of 3 SATCOM suites, and 2 Virtual Ground Terminals. SPC Pooh Bear's attention to detail resulted in notification to the Convoy Commander of 3 separate incidents of suspicious activity outside of Kublai, Afghanistan. - ACC/A3 awd board president; steered five mbrs/rvw'd six noms--improved pkgs/set-up winner for HHQ competition. He maintained his equipment valued at $52,581.84 with zero discrepancies. SGT Waters developed and published the Standard Operating Procedures for the company as it grew into a reception element for Wounded Warriors. SSG JOE consistently proved to be a valued asset as the 1-1 Cavalry Regiment Squadron Liaison (LNO) based in Camp Buehring, Kuwait. He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCOs, coordinating and executing plans. She displayed great courage and commitment driving over the dangerous roads of Iraq. Input SSN, Query Record, and click "Awards Decs" button. Distinguished Honor Graduate. Specialist Robertson has assisted in at least five transmission installations. His expertise not only in Aviation planning but also in the Air Defense systems allowed him to develop, refine, and implement Brigade TOC Battle Drills, resulting in increased efficiency throughout the Brigade TOC. Soldier continued to perform the role of BN XO ensuring maintenance and logistics concerns of the 1-119th were addressed. This outstanding achievement demonstrates her initiative and dedication to the Task Force Maverick team. Specialist Smith's willingness to step up to the plate and share his detection asset knowledge and experience was instrumental in the initial instruction of the detection assets to the new soldiers of 2nd platoon, providing them with the standard skills necessary to operate the equipment, resulting in the success of the mission. She took charge over three peers to ensure communication systems, tactical and automations, were established with 2 Brigade Combat Team. SGT Santos demonstrated himself as a professional Noncommissioned Officer while serving as the Palletized Loading System (PLS) NCOIC during NTC rotation 16-02. His dedication to checking out equipment ensured it was always available and training was effective. Outstanding Thesis Award. SPC XXXX without hesitation, voluntarily took on the extra responsibility of being the sole dedicated Electronic/ Mobile Technician for XXXX. 2017). SGT Bozeman's proficiency and understanding of the AFATDS operations was critical to the Division Fires Cell as he often instructed and taught subordinate units. SPC House's efforts led to the rapid transport, early treatment, and positive outcomes for all 10 patients. - Aced 120-hr formal C2 crs; expanded MAF plng/employment/execution knowledge--awd'd Distinguished Grad He volunteered over 100 hours planning, networking, and organizing 10 events that lifted the morale of the 950 Soldiers and civilians stationed at North Camp. While serving as an RTO for Task Force Shield & Team MOI, PV2 Snuffy monitored radio traffic, blue force tracker & mIRC transmissions for over 250 combat & logistics patrols. SGT Santos was in charge of the movement of five PLSs and Trailers and the transportation of all equipment in support of the 68th CSSB. As a fire direction specialist, he assisted in establishing the operations center as well as maintaining unit statuses throughout each competition. single-highhandedly assessed and completed the longevity awards for 50 Soldiers within the company, all . She not only executed her assigned tasks in a timely manner, she anticipated taskings that may get assigned to her and took the initiative to complete tasks beforehand. As the newest member of the Platoon, PFC Snuffy has shown a great ability to quickly adapt to new environments and new leadership contributing to the success of his team and the mission. Army Achievement Medal Award Bullets. This allowed Soldiers to maintain 100 percent accountability of equipment through eleven months of combat operations and became the detachment standard to account for equipment. PFC Sotelo was crucial for Company Operations to have Zero Communication failure during Mission Execution of Platoon MESL. SGT Smith assumed responsibilities of Operations Officer as well as NCOIC separately during the period of 1 month. His hard work and positive attitude was vital to the turn in of over 12 million dollars worth of equipment. SPC Siler's dedication to duty and superb organizational skills allowed her to effectively manage and assist in the complete setup of the Chemical Threat Section directly impacting the squad's ability to accomplish the mission. Her tireless work ethic was key in maintaining parts ordering for 11 ACFT. She was responsible for four AN/TRC-190(V3) assemblages that were upgraded with Quad-multiplexing capabilities. Chelsea Baker) His expertise in the field of automation is far above that expected of a Specialist. SGT Lizyness displayed tireless devotion to the safety and well being of his Soldiers, and utilized composite risk management in all aspects of his squad's day to day duties. SGT Delaney is the example of the NCO Creed and the Army Core Values. (b) If the output of the process that sets the resistance is centered on 0.50 . Her knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the battalion's mission as she was able to keep an Aid Station running 12 hours per day while in RUBA, maintain constant cognizance of her surroundings and act accordingly while urging her Soldiers to succeed in continuing mission with minimal manpower loss. This enabled everyone to expeditiously provide and receive vital mission information. SSG XXXX successfully served as the ATL for Tactical PSYOP Company (TPC) throughout the deployment to Iraq in 2008, conducting over 60 tactical PSYOP missions in support of COIN. Mastered ALS w/prestige; awarded coveted "John L. Levitow" honors--promotion well deserved! SPC XXXX has went above and beyond the call of duty by using his personal expertise with Microsoft office, to aid the XXXX G6 maintain a track record of the daily operations here in XXXX. SPC Beaver's extreme attention to detail ensured the Chain of Command was provided with up to date information of Soldiers' status. Through his attention to detail, PFC Does's vehicle often was singled out as the best in the fleet. To contribute examples, please enter them below and click Submit. So it doesn't necessarily indicate good . SGT Smith's attention to detail and adaptive work ethic enabled the operations of CIT 1 to run successfully throughout the deployment. SPC Duzen's innovative methods of training created a flexibility that enabled subordinates to learn from many diverse sources during Operation Saber Dawn. SPC Doe embodied professionalism, flexibility, and commitment to mission accomplishment by accumulating 3,740 accident and incident free miles. His ability to aid the platoon in all aspects let to mission success. SGT --- served as the TISA section NCOIC while assigned to --- Branch; she was directly responsible for 3 Soldiers and personally inspected -- million dollars worth of subsistence. He supervised three NCOs and seven enlisted Soldiers focused special emphasis on properly employing and utilizing all systems to enhance effectiveness of the brigade combat team airspace users, by providing the commander situational awareness of the brigade combat team airspace by receiving and displaying air tracks. SPC Berdan contributed to the platoon by maintaining a 100% operational readiness. Ms Angela Chatmon is recognized for her outstanding efforts in closing out SEDD's FY 20 fiscal year budget. XXX Doe was selected above his peers for the coveted Distinguished Military Graduate Award; placing him in the top 10% of all newly Commissioned Officers in the Nation for Fiscal Year 2016. Honor Graduate, Pathfinder Course. SSG JOE's coordination efforts were completely transparent to the senior command team, thus allowing Task Force Jailbreaker leadership to focus on combat operations in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. He educated his superiors and peers on the functions of the Radiology equipment and the processing of Radiographs. Chaplain Leiter was a part of the everyday preparations for the pre-deployment phases for the 1011th QM Co. Chaplain Leiter provided services for all COC's, farewell and welcome home ceremonies. His commendable efforts were singled out by the senior US General officer of the US response cell. In addition, the First Sergeant and Company Commander relied on him for assisting in training and mission requirements. His commitment to duty, vigilance,and professionalism enabled him to provide a safe and secure environment for over 1,500 military and civilian personnel, which included the USAREUR Commanding General, Deputy Commanding General, and Command Sergeant Major. Has anyone ever received an ARCOM for achieving Distinguished Honor Grad from a NCOES school? Her involvement in the community promoted a positive image of Soldiers being viewed as role models. She earned the recognition of Soldier high miler for 4th Quarter, FY 08, executing 3,543 incident free miles and hauling 428 tons of class I-IX in a combat zone, servicing fourteen forward operating bases in support of the Iraqi national reconstruction effort. As a Senior Information Systems Specialist SGT _______ performed the duties of the Group Support BN S6, Senior IT Specialist. His enthusiasm and ability to work unsupervised was instrumental in increasing the overall readiness of the 501st Area Support Medical Company. Free NCOER and Award Bullet Tools. SFC Landeros served as the acting TMR OIC five times and served as the Acting Distribution Section NCOIC three times during the deployment while also serving as the TMR Section NCOIC. He superbly managed all Soldier transactions, personnel actions, and developed tracking systems which ensured that the Battery exceeded established standards for timely submission of personnel actions. SPC Randolph was an outstanding contribution to U.S. Billeting Modular Housing's day to day operational success. Those responsibilities included the completion of over 1,200 trouble tickets, establishing VOIP, VOSIP, NIPR and SIPR communications, video teleconferencing (VTC), and Army Training and Certification Tracking Systems (ATCTS), which tracked the BN for all automated training certifications. SPC Nil's technical capabilities resulted in the training of over 24 launcher crews, improving the units combat effectiveness. He was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers. He has created and assisted in the implementation of digital trackers for Theater Provided Equipment, unresolved I.T. CPL Martin also volunteered over 10 hours to bring a modern atmosphere to the USA Club. Award Bullets by Type (COA, AAM, ARCOM, MSM) 0. His outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts to make sure the missions were completed on time resulted in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of over 45 training and qualification ranges. He directly managed 156 modular buildings, maintaining accountability of over 6,000 civilian contractors and coalition forces. She was able to maintain over 900 lines of back shops bench stock supply. He helped the Brigade staff to focus, plan and prepare for onward movement into Iraq. Distinguished Leadership Award is voted at the end. During this mission he single-handedly devised language training and cultural awareness for the Thai Special Forces. SGT Lizyness was adament about motorcycle safety and took it upon himself to mentor younger motorcycle riders on the dangers of operating a motorcycle. "The Distinguished Graduate Student . During this time the 1-119th was called twice to SAD in which MAJ Mason played a crucial role in communicating with the BN the 272d RSG and JFHQ capabilities of the battalion while maintaining current COVID operations within the AA. SPC XXXXXX was selected to serve as the enlisted aide to the Command Sergeant Major of Regional Health Command-Pacific. The Honor Graduate award, officially the BG Thomas C. Hamilton Distinguished Honor Graduate and formerly the MG Raymond C. Peters Distinguished Honor Graduate, is the top award of the Texas State Guard Officer Candidate School (OCS). SPC Taylor showed great pride and enthusiasm in every task she undertook, producing excellent results throughout the rotation. As a team member, he was responsible for the welfare and accountability of over 15000 transitioning military servicemembers and civilians. His constant critques and comments are always intelligent and help the squad better itself and be ready for an ever changing tactical situation. His exceptional knowledge and expertise allowed his section to complete 27 recovery missions safely and without incident during training events prior to the deployment. SGT Doe went above and beyond his duties as FO during the Platoon STX following the LFX. His actions exemplified Duty, one of the seven Army Core Values, where he did more than just carry out his assigned tasks. As the day-to-day unit training NCO, SGT XXXX acted efficiently for the Commander in exercising the technical planning process that takes place behind the scenes of the command. He assumed responsibility for team's Property Book containing over $3.2 million worth of equipment. SPC Smith demonstrated accuracy and a high degree of technical skills that allowed the (unit) to pass its Safety inspection as an Arms Room Assistant Armorer. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer, Army Achievement Medal for Meritorious Service (PCS Award), Army Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service (PCS Award). His dedication to excellence also enabled HHBN to support the 9th Air Support Operations Squadron's (9ASOS) 61 pacer items while conducting several simultaneous missions supporting NTC rotations. SPC DOE served as a fire direction specialist for six live fire exercises. SPC Rue while still performing all of his duties as M915A3 Driver, still found the time to also complete a 40 hour Combat Lifesaver Course. His dedication to the task helped him proceed to the next Soldier of the Quarter for the 1-63rd Armor Regiment. ARCM-PERFORMANCE/SPC HOGNER ASSUMED THE ROLE OF THE BATTALION S6 OFFICER IN CHARGE OF ALL COMMUNICATION AND TRACKING OF INBOUND AND OUTBOUND CONVOYS. SGT XXXXXX provided needed intelligence to his squad to ensure they were abreast of the new TTP's while on combat patrols. SSG Snuff was responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars of supply during deployments and abroad. His enthusiasm and loyalty to the team inspired other Soldiers, which contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. His professionalism and flexibility contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. While attached to 7306th MESB, as a member of the Effect and Enablers (E&E) Cell during CSTX 78-15-02, SPC ---- conducted jobs such as roleplayer in Cut Suit, moulage of mannequins and moulage roleplayer for mission injects. As an Early Warning System Operator, SPC Doe crew successfully mastered the tactics, techniques, and procedures, of the TCS by never failing a Crew drill, SPEAR, MRE or an ORE. She established a precedence for conducting operations with both garrison and community agencies. He kept constant contact with 32 Mission Essential Civilians and 32 Non-Combatants. . CPL Martin also developed an up to date Standard Operating Procedure to refine specific guidelines on accountability, safety, and assisted with periodic inspections. SPC Rodriguez' tireless work ethic, knowledge and interaction of supplies ensured preparation for real world and simulated casualties. SPC HOGNER, IN HIS ROLE AS THE S6 OFFICER, A CAPTAINS SLOT, WAS ABLE TO ACCURATELY AND IN DETAIL BRIEF THE BATTALION COMMANDER DURING ALL BATTLE UPDATE BRIEFS. SGT Hardin has completed 20 missions, 16 of those while in support of the 230th SFB Hickory Three missions at Joint Base Balad. His attention to detail and commitment to keeping his vehicle systems mission capable allowed the detachment to maintain a 95 percent operational readiness rate with heavily used equipment. SGT Hardin's moral courage and selfless service distinguished him from his peers by having been on the most missions out of the platoon. Her help in training of the new soldiers gave them the tools to be completely confident in their training. HIS PROFESSIONALISM REFLECTS GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, 50TH SIG BN, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. SPC Smith played a vital role in the simulated treatment of over 75 patients while working as a member of the mobile treatment team during three company level Field Training Exercises. The Distinguished Honor Graduate Award is given to the Noncommissioned Officer who possess a variety of Army knowledge and displays great military bearing and characteristics. While operating over 800 miles from the nearest support facility, Sgt Deez's duties included NCO in charge of camp over watch positions, entry control points, random antiterrorism vehicle patrols, Airfield Security Operations, and as a quick reaction response force team leader. The AA distributed nearly $35,000 worth of supplies and managed a fleet of short term rentals that covered over 3000 miles without incident or accident. Sometimes they even have a best essay award usually for SHARP but not always. SGT SoSo's level of technical and tactical knowledge contributed greatly to the accomplishment of countless missions during his platoon's training cycle. SPC WATSON'S INITIATIVE, HARD WORK, ETHIC, AND "CAN DO" ATTITUDE HAD A DIRECT IMPACT ON THE SUCCESS OF RANGE OPERATIONS. His unwavering skill significantly contributed to the success of his unit's mission. SGT DOE was an instrumental part of the Recovery Section for B Company, 204th BSB from 1 December 2009 to 1 June 2011. SPC Rue never complained about missions assigned to him, and always completed every task to the best of his ability. SPC XXXX's hard work and professionalism has reinforced him as the new standard in which other Soldiers will be measured against in the future. SGT Wheaton's input was instrumental in establishing a strong battle rhythm and revising the Standing Operation Procedures (SOP), which ensured a more efficient operation. PFC Snuffy served as the Company's Non-Combatant Evacuation operations (NEO) NCOIC. SGT Smith also adopted many NCOIC roles throughout the deployment. PFC Blank rapid learning ability was instrumental in the transition of authority from C CO, 1-24 INF to HHT, 1-14 CAV. His attention to detail was constantly on display; ensuring each IET's medical, dental, clothing and administrative records were updated and filed accordingly. She took the lead in training her peers in preparation for OP Tomadachi. Yes, this is because the ropes are a tech school-specific position that has no bearing on the rest of the Air Force. His leadership characteristics, combined with his ability to improve the potential of others, played a vital role in the success of the organization. SGT Bobo was chosen over four other Specialists to relocate from FOB Falcon to Camp Liberty as a maintenance liaison for the HHT maintenance team. He conducted diagnostic radiographs on over 360 personnel from the 13 contingencies. His dedication and contribution to the success of the mission received praise from the Japanese General. He spent countless hours ensuring that his assigned vehicle system was in top condition and at 10/20 standard. I got an AAM. Specialist Pooh Bear effectively navigated the tight, hostile roads of Afghanistan during mission support of LOGPAC movements to and from FOB Shank. SPC Doe lived the Warrior Ethos by placing the mission first. x Distinguished Honor Graduate (40 promotion points) x Distinguished Leadership Graduate (40 promotion points) x Commandant's list . We need more examples. SSG Knucklehead, epitomizes the NCO Corps, he is a true role model for his Soldiers as well as his peers. NCO earns distinguished honor graduate award. SPC Doe displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a team leader for 1st squad. With everyone spread thinly, his actions helped to maintain effective communication amongst leaders, staff and fellow soldiers wherever they were dispersed. His ability and knowledge to quickly establish a Key inventory system allowed the (unit) to conduct its daily operations. SPC Doe ensured that his assigned equipment was properly accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard. Using her knowledge of intelligence analysis and technical skills, SGT Doe become the CTB/G2 expert on Microsoft FrontPage and trained 5 additional individuals to use the software. In certain situations when taskers came out with a suspense date, it was either swim or sink; not only did SSG Acevedo swim, he also carried others on his shoulders to safety. He meticulously executed his duties in a manner equivalent to a Senior Human Resources NCO. CPL Martin served as the Radiology Noncommissioned Officer In-charge for the North Camp Dispensary. His skill, competence, and leadership enhanced the preparation and overall accomplishment of Operation Blank and Blank, resulting in three major nodes to become fully operational. He taught them to proficiently operate and troubleshoot the equipment independently. He was able to skillfully publish all unit deliverables to include Training Schedules, Operation Orders, Rosters, complete purchase requests, and accurately forecast rations and POL. His skills and ability were essential to GREYWOLF's mission and the Government of Iraq. He also taught the class Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services and how to properly carry out a lubrication order to standard to the Platoon. SPC Doe performed the duties of an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC) and was directly responsible for all aspects of the pre-execution phase of detachment's missions. Sergeant Page was assigned the additional duty of communications specialist for Bravo Company. She was an integral part of the tech supply section by maintaining parts worth 3,175,00 for 11 ACFT. SPC K's knowledge played a pivotal part in HHBN's success of the Division Tactical Operations Center (DTAC) during NTC 15-05 and 15-07 operations. SGT sonso conducted over 200 technical inspections and unscheduled maintenance on an entire fleet of engineer equipment. In the absence of an NCO, SPC Beaver performed flawlessly outside his MOS (25N) working in the Battery orderly room supporting approximately 190 Soldiers. His actions greatly aided in the mission's success. As the Task Force high time pilot his vast experience, maturity, and proficiency were vital to not only the success of Bravo Company, but across the entire Task Force (Name). SGT Doe participated in not only one but two deployments to Iraq in support of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team's mission and the War on Terror. Sergeant Doe enhanced the 119th Inland Cargo Transfer Company's image in the community by volunteering over 400 hours at the local elementary schools, actively engaging the students to assist with the lesson plans, assisting in the gym to keep the students active and orderly, and assisting the staff with everything from parent drop off at Alanton Elementary School, to helping with paperwork at John B. Dey Elementary School. The Distinguished Honor Graduate, which was awarded to the candidate with the highest academic percentage, went to Spc. His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. With limited resources and no S1 personnel SSG Acevedo carried out the S1 mission while conducting his S3 duties.

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