entry protect driver failed to start citrix

14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\WorkspaceHub. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(563) - Read ProductCode from MSI: {D2F83464-5687-4B49-8038-239D516FCB29} 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {22FBF0A5-1222-41C8-9C86-EBF8A062F782}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\SSONWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-SSONWrapper-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CPreserveRegistry::CreateBackupRegistryKeysFolder(292) - Registry backup folder is created in HKLM [CVADHELP-20655], When you add a disabled store through a GPO and a different store from the same StoreFront server through a GUI, a loading screen might appear and adding an account might fail. Contact your system administrator with the following error. (Key not present.) Error 1: "You might be having an issue with a Citrix virtual driver (HDX RealTime Media Engine). 14:52:30: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isProductInstalled(421) - Enter [CVADHELP-20593], The inactivity timeout value might not expire if you exit from the Citrix Workspace app before reaching the set time out value. 14:52:30: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isAppProtectionInstalled(377) - Check is AppProtection Installed I'm posting my solution here, since it might help someone in the future. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::CheckForAllComponentsInstalled(3020) - CheckForAllComponentsInstalled for Component display name=Authentication Manager 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = AuthManager.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AuthManager.msi 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6} 14:52:37: Information - CInstallationManager::CleanObseleteMSIBeforeUpgrade(1767) - m_PMInstalledClientProductCode= ,m_PUInstalledClientProductCode= To use our site, please take one of the following actions: Thank you, 14:55:28: Information - CApp::MessageBoxShow(285) - Message Box result: 4 To enable the fix, set the following registry key: HKEY/LOCAL/MACHINE/Software/Citrix/Dazzle, HKEY/LOCAL/Software/Wow6432Node/Citrix/Dazzle, Battery status notification and automatic keyboard pop-up dialog might not appear during the session when Automatic keyboard display policy is enabled on the DDC. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = EULA_zh-TW.rtf, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\EULA_zh-TW.rtf 14:52:37: Information - CInstallationManager::CleanOldUpdaterBaforeUpgrade(1065) - Cannot delete the outside subkey InstallDetect. (Key not present.) [CVADHELP-19482], The Applocker rule in Group Policy Object blocks the integration of the Citrix Gateway plug-in with Citrix Workspace. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Localized_nl.xml, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Localized_nl.xml 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsUserUpgradeOverAdmin(3602) - Receiver Details from the installed msi(ICAWebWrapper):m_PUInstalledClientProductcode=,m_PMInstalledClientProductcode= 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = EnvInfo.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\EnvInfo.dll 14:52:19: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} Right-click on the Start button and click on Device Manager. 14:52:19: Information - CApp::IsProcessRunning(4148) - IsProcessRunning: wfica32.exe Error = 2, Hence searching in HKCU) 14:52:37: Information - StopDriverFilterService(3941) - Trying to stop driver service : ctxusbr 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpSelectedComponents(3211) - Selected Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {D2F83464-5687-4B49-8038-239D516FCB29}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AuthManager.msi, InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AuthManager-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False Upvote if you found this answer helpful or interesting. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = WorkspaceHub, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = WorkspaceHub, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {4D46B3A6-67F5-4385-86D2-8E769EA07827}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\WinDockerInstaller.msi, InstallOrder = 12, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-WinDockerInstaller-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\WorkspaceHub. 14:52:20: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1070) - Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {22FBF0A5-1222-41C8-9C86-EBF8A062F782}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\SSONWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-SSONWrapper-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Localized_ko.xml, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Localized_ko.xml 14:52:20: Error - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(950) - Cannot get transformFileName path. (Key not present.) Thanks for your feedback. 14:52:37: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isProductInstalled(421) - Enter 14:52:20: Information - CInstallationManager::PreservePluginExport(409) - No Previous receiver found. Learn more Sign in to follow this Followers (4) 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = WebHelper, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = WebHelper, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {FDEE55AD-66D0-423C-8851-273FAAB5CD65}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\WebHelper.msi, InstallOrder = 11, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-WebHelper-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = CitrixWorkspaceBrowser, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = CitrixWorkspaceBrowser, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = True,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\mini_installer.exe, InstallOrder = 15, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-mini_installer-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False Transform File Name = CtxBrowserInstaller.mst 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = CtxBrowserInstaller.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\CtxBrowserInstaller.msi This issue occurs even when these prerequisites are met: Network related CAS events are not sent for browser-based launch of apps or desktops. (May not be empty.) Ensured that all windows updates have been applied. Note: If Roll Back Driver option is not available, windows . 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsEdgeWebView2Installed(4181) - Checking if Microsoft Webview2 Runtime is present on the system. 14:52:37: Information - CApp::KillRunningCtxProcesses(4138) - KillRunningCtxProcesses successful 14:56:05: Information - CApp::MessageBoxShow(285) - Message Box result: 4 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1070) - Component: ID = ReceiverInside, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Workspace Inside, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {29DD2754-8167-4771-B9F1-A65563BC28E9}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\RIInstaller.msi, InstallOrder = 01, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-RIInstaller-20220511-145219.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = AppProtection, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = AppProtection, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {C5A15829-7233-48A7-B34E-378A5C6D0D2C}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AppProtection.msi, InstallOrder = 13, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AppProtection-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False (Key not present.) 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(572) - The installed version is currently set to per machine version 14:52:19: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6} The issue occurs after upgrading Citrix Workspace app for Windows to version 2203.1 LTSR CU1. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(564) - Read UpgradeCode from MSI: {658B9946-F89A-44F5-AB98-AE8885D9DBED} 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Receiver.ico, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Receiver.ico Our site does not support outdated browser (or earlier) versions. Verified from Control Panel - Administrative tools - Local Security Policy - Local Policies - Security Options = that these again match machine where it works. You can find more information, Install the Google browser. Click OK. This issue occurs while authenticating to Workspace (cloud) store. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} [CVADHELP-19904], Microsoft Office applications might exit unexpectedly when the Software protection service fails to start due to faulty App Protection components. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsReceiverAppXPackageInstalled(1317) - Enter CApp::IsReceiverAppXPackageInstalled method. [CVADHELP-20253], Citrix ADC appliance might crash when certain conditions are triggered from Citrix Workspace app for Windows. 15:00:14: Information - CInstallationManager::ShouldTryRecovery(1740) - Show message to user about cleaning-up system with failed installation in case of Auto-update. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = WinDockerInstaller.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\WinDockerInstaller.msi 14:52:37: Warning - CProcess_Execution_help::Execute_SelfServiceEXE(671) - Unable to get Binary path 14:52:20: Information - CApp::ProcessIsElevated(3714) - Process is elevated. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpSelectedComponents(3211) - Selected Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {C3730689-D4B7-46FC-AAA4-9F3AEB9ACAD8}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\ICAWebWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper-20220511-145219.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Localized_fr.xml, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Localized_fr.xml 14:52:20: Information - CPreserveRegistry::ParsePreserveXML(84) - Preserve XML Path : C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\PreserveOnUninstall-Install.xml 14:52:39: Information - CInstallationManager::InstallPackage(4027) - DxSetup.exe Installationfinished This causes a delay while adding an account. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(841) - Cache client version : (Haftungsausschluss), Ce article a t traduit automatiquement. 14:52:37: Information - CApp::IsRequireToInstallVCRedist(2556) - Checking for installed VC Redist 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = DesktopViewer, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Workspace (DV), Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {F59A37E7-244E-4BCB-BF33-183F357F4C31}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\DesktopViewer.msi, InstallOrder = 04, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-DesktopViewer-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CApp::CheckIfAClientPackageIsInstalled(2296) - Checking if a 13.1 or later package is installed. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(841) - Cache client version : Attempts to launch applications or desktops from a tablet using Citrix Workspace app might fail. (Key not present.) 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = USB, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = USB, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {BA0B2832-5341-423E-9200-BF2DA2B38F8C}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\GenericUSB.msi, InstallOrder = 03, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-GenericUSB-20220511-145219.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False After you successfully log on using Citrix Workspace app, an incorrect sign-in prompt with this message might appear: You must sign in to access Citrix Workspace. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(563) - Read ProductCode from MSI: {CD29FC30-092F-4B47-82C8-F08F36863C45} 14:52:20: Error - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(950) - Cannot get transformFileName path. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(186) - Processing Resources: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract Upvote if you also have this question or find it interesting. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ReceiverInside. 14:52:20: Information - GetPidForGUIDCode(3528) - PID for given GUID is 9B123F490B54521479D0EDD389BCACC1 Starting an application and suddenly a BSOD. 14:52:37: Information - CInstallationManager::Install(86) - Running core Install method. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Localized_zh-CN.xml, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Localized_zh-CN.xml Verify that you have suffieient privilges to start system services" with options of "retry" or "cancel". 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} SSL Error 4: The operation completed successfully." Solution 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(564) - Read UpgradeCode from MSI: {FE5C3BC9-611B-41CC-AC01-69C6F4717206} When you unplug an audio device, the wfica32.exe process might experience an access violation and exit unexpectedly. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563} On Device Manager screen, expand Display Adapters entry and double-click on the Graphics Card. When the machinerestarts, verify thatthe Citrix Desktop Service startsor restarts. If so, I'd recommend checking for any updates and applying them or uninstalling if there are no updates. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FE5C3BC9-611B-41CC-AC01-69C6F4717206} With this fix, you can set TWITaskbarGroupingMode to GroupNone either in HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. 14:52:39: Information - CApp::CollectEnvInfo(1849) - Collecting environment info 14:52:39: Information - CInstallationManager::InstallComponents(2148) - Receiver Inside:m_PMInstalledClientProductCode= ,m_PUInstalledClientProductCode= 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitInstance(1063) - User is Admin User : 1 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(564) - Read UpgradeCode from MSI: {D64F3971-283B-45E8-8D25-0DC06ED6D91E} 14:52:30: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isProductInstalled(440) - return value is: 0 14:52:20: Information - CApp::InitInstance(1218) - CApp::Run(): Before DualModeSelection. /help - Displays this usage information 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6} 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {C3730689-D4B7-46FC-AAA4-9F3AEB9ACAD8}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\ICAWebWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper-20220511-145219.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False

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