harry potter fanfiction harry needs diapers

Harry was sitting in his cupboard under the stairs we he had slept for the last nine months, ever since his parents had disappeared in a flash of green light, and he had come to live here with his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and his cousin Dudley. "It's not like it's furry and has a tail." Hermione's face went red at the memory. The famous boy who lived, Harry Potter, is below average in everything besides quidditch. Once she was done, she picked up a forkful, held it up to his head, and cooed "Open up." Harry giggled and opened his mouth, allowing Molly to feed him the . asked Remus. The children went to her. HARRY HAD SLEPT better than he had for a long, long time that night, unaware that he'd ingested a wonderful helping of Hermione's mazing breast milk, which was the perfect thing to give him a peaceful slumber. Yet, what is he to do when a certain clum "She is my daughter. The next few days went fairly quickly for Harry. Upload or insert images from URL. 'You take Harry to the car. 'Of course she will. Aria Potter, twin sister of the boy-who-lived wa How was Harry supposed to know that collecting three certain artefacts was a bad idea? They both had decided that it would be best if Harry wasn't allowed into the same room as the Dursleys and the Ministry had agreed. He was angry, grieving, and depressedthe loss of the only person whod ever loved him settled under his skin like a constant ache he couldnt get rid of. ? - Overlap of These Shadows That Bind Us - Part of the Dreams Saga. "But, I don't wanna." said Harry. 'His aunt and uncles. She turned back to Ron. 'He has some things to do before coming here'. In which Sirius is not an early bird, Harry turns five and is obsessed with Gryffindor and Quidditch, nobody is dead and everyone is happy. asked Dumbledore. They all nodded and after being dismissed exited. Abuse. She had only taken him in because of the extra money she would get and she didn't know what else to do with the boy. We dont need to have one soon, surely?. 'This is Remus, Harry', he explained to the little boy. 'I hope they are getting punished.'. This is excellent so far, cant wait to see the rest! Future lemons. He use to make triks and hard jokes to the students. He knew that Harry was filling his nappy still and he wasnt at all surprised as he had had a lot of juice and for a child who wasnt used to it could make them poop alot. It described the different kinds of labels you could be Dom, sub, Owner, Puppy, Daddy/Mommy, Little. Molly nodded and Sirius went to go and find Harry to change him. He's a senior who bullies just for the fun of it. Remus nodded. 'I doubt it, but I know Severus would have before the trial, but couldn't because of Dumbledore and knowing the trial was coming up', Arthur said. He probably hasn't been to a park since Lily took him', Severus said, glad that Sirius had thought of something to do with the boy. Unspeakables tend to break the rules., August is from the fitieHermione frowned. Romance. 'Thats alright dear, it about time Ginny and Ron had their nap before lunch', Molly said. 'We'll have to discuss which if us will have him and on what days', Sirius said. Preferably complete and definitely slash, although I don't mind who with :-) Thanks. I see, you are under a spell- he said laughing -Well, was my pleasure to rescue you- and he does a reverence, after that he start to float out the room. He loved them. When on tumblr late one night he discovers a thing called age play and tries it out on his own. ', Petunia decided she would speak up. Severus ran to get a trolley. I have decided to update again. Remus nodded. Sirius nodded glad that it was someone he knew helping Harry. As it is this is a wizarding world matter as Harry is apart of that world and you will be called upon for a trial at the ministry. Who here knows what a theme park is?' He relaxed in his pushchair and wet his nappy making it sag in his shorts, not that Sirius or Remus noticed. It's Easter and Harry is super excited! Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lay your head to sleep (A Snarry Fairy Tale), Niall Horan/Zayn Malik/Liam Payne/Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Draco calls harry sweetheart and baby boy, Harry Potter and the Classification potion, lots of sadness and stuff in the beginning, i'll add more tags as i add more chapters, Severus Snape & Harry Potter - Relationship, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne/Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles Calls Louis Tomlinson "Daddy", Louis Tomlinson Calls Harry Styles Pet Names, it's not that fluffy but it's not angsty at all, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Raise Harry Potter, This boi needs some goddamn peace and cuddles, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Age Regression Caregiver Hermione Granger, with my back to the shoreline, i dreamt that he drowned, sick of the questions i keep asking you, that make you live in the past, Bring Back Black | Sirius Black Returns From Beyond the Veil, (wow thats an interesting tag Ive never seen before), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, these boys use ink as a form of expression and coping and i think thats beautiful, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Canonical Child Abuse has Actual Consequences, it's hard to parent when your kid thinks you're a dog, harry actually gets interested in his schoolwork, Remus Lupin & Lily Evans Potter Friendship, this should've been crack but I took it too seriously, Harry doesnt know to keep his new urges private, Trigger warning - Death of a child through abuse although not really, Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Tom Riddle & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Severus Snape & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The Weasleys were a loving bunch, but couldn't give Harry the attention he needed. The moment the Killing Curse hits, he wakes up the day after he and Hermione traveled through time. He's a very powerful young boy, Sirius. Augusta leaned onto the arm of her seat. 'I'll be going now, so I might see you a bit later on, I don't know yet but I will let you know by Floo after the visit to the Dursley's', said Severus. Published: 2015-10-17. He will need a few potions for them to heal, I'll give you the recipes for them. She didnt want him to have an accident, even though magic could easily clean it up, she would rather not use it if completely not unnecessary. Once he had paced it into the car they were off again. Harry still had the scars on his back and that would have to be seen by the Ministry as prove of the abuse as well as the memories. His tummy was growling and his little body was trying to tell him something but he didn't know what as he was only just 2 years old. Add in protective Slytherins, big brother Draco and a sane Dark Lord and you get a family that will stop at nothing to ensure his safety. The way he saw it- he wasnt there when it happened, what right did he have to discipline him years after the fact? They all hated that they had to put the little boy through all off this but they knew it was necessary. Remus smiled. Thats very powerful magic,' Remus said. They went to the toy store to get the toys. Sirius knew about Severus giving Remus some money and he was pleased that Severus had helped his friend for this. He's only recently just been put into our care as his relatives weren't suitable for him. 'I know for a fact there isn't and the Weasleys are struggling, but I have an idea to run by Molly and you. Bill helped him once he was done to wash his hands and pull his trousers up. Mwahahaha. the ideas just keep coming to me ? 'I need a wee wee', he said grabbing himself. 'What did you do there?'. Harry survives living with the Dursleys the only way he knows how. In a world with many different classifications, Harry finds out that there's nothing wrong with being a Little. A strange request is made of him and he feels obligated to acquiesce. ***This story has been "Archived." His maternal grandfather wants to get to know him as well. Dumbledore went straight to Hogwarts and Severus went to his manor and sent on owl to Remus and Sirius about what was said. Lady Magic was one of those listening. PLEASE! 'Ron you may join in now'. Andromeda got it ready and put it in front of Harry who immediately began to eat. 'Yeah, there's quite a few bits and I think thats it now. In her last year of Hogwarts coming to a close, the Potions Professor is the last person "Your dad gave you this?" It's the stranger who ran into him a few days ago and he still looks gorgeous. Two hours later and the court had dismissed and the Dursleys had been charged with neglect and abuse of a child and sentence to nine months in a muggle prison and Dudley was to be raised during that time by a relative. 'We were afraid of him. The time hour by hour has making worst to the poor girl to hold on the pressure insides her, she was tired. 'Andy, can you make sure Harry has more fruit during snack time. Then, just before his Portkey whisks him away, Severus encounters a bruised little boy - with Lily's eyes! Within half an hour Ginny began to stir and the smell of urine was beginning to arise. Sirius looked towards the hall where the Floo was and saw that Remus was there. Dumbledore had agreed but his brother wouldnt need the job as his bar needed to be tended to and Sirius had agreed to be his replacement. 'You won't make it, Ron, now go potty', said Andromeda sternly. stood next to the high chair and proceeded to cut up Harry's food. You've had an hectic morning. Harry was still playing with the train, wetting his nappy again, making it sag even more than it already was. They only let him sleep and do his punishments in this cupboard. No more than the mewing of a kitten. Do not be afraid. In that moment the pressure of the Dracos shoulder in her tummy was increassing the urge to pee on Hermione, but she can not say it, NOT TO HIM! Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. 'Seamus can you tell us what it is?' 'Molly will understand, won't she?' My sister. He knew about owls of course and Quidditch, as Sirius had been reading Harry a Quidditch book before bed the night before. Harry has a furry little problem but Dracos scent soothes the savage beastie. Now that they had set the date for the Hogwarts Junior to open 2 of the 4 rooms wouldnt be needed. Sirius nodded and summoned the supplies he needed in order to change Harry. Harry was familiar with Neville, and Neville was kind to Harry, but Augusta could hardly take care of Harry's physical needs at her age. Harry spends the night at Remus and Sirius's. Remus and Sirius had decided on getting the place tidied up and soon the time was spend and it was bedtime. Gifted this chance, Harry sets out to learn about about what has been denied to him since he lost his parents. He would have to get some toys for Harry to have in his room for when he woke before Sirius or Severus when he was there awake. And he definitely hadnt meant to keep the fact from Sirius. The days flew by and the day of the trial was here. 'All ready'. Harry hates being sick. One; is Harry toilet trained?'. That ones used for the wizards to take moving pictures. Sirius laid him down on the mat, took out wipe and took of Harry's pajama trousers. There will be food delivered to your door when you need and someone will be watching you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week until your trial. He is a little and afraid of what will happen when others find out. I think you two can go home now', Arthur said. Sirmione. Severus is there to take care of the two idiots. Yes. Harry ran up to Sirius who caught him instantly. Hermione breath in relief when she looks Draco gets lost in the exit of the right side. Remus wheeled him. Yes, yes - it's a Kitten!Harry fic. A few moments later the spell had finished doing its work. Once they were home Remus set about making some soup for them all as it was quick and easy and would help Harry get the nourishment he would need. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). next one will be longer I promise. -I am tired Mrs. Granger, I like to go to rest but if you promise to close propertly whe you leave the library I can let you to stay here-. Will Draco be able to save him when Harrys world begins to crumble? Sirius looked. He wet the nappy again and as he wet he pushed some poop put. The trial of the Dursley's was set for the next few days and Harry would have to go with them. 'You know why i am here i presume', said Severus with a sneer. Pasted as rich text. I'm discontinuing this story has i have lost my ideas on it. I asked: what was the hardest part about Zayn leaving? he asked again, lips forming into a tight line. Long story short, Harry and Louis decide that whipped cream is a good idea for breakfast. Snape is the first to care for him as Harry, not as the Boy Who Lived. Harry defeated Voldemort, yada, yada, yada. An unexpected meeting after Hogwarts leads Blaise to the oddest relationship he's had to date. 'Blimey, we have to go, Severus is picking Harry up at 2 and we have to get him fed and he has to have a nap before he goes'. He wasn't Tom Riddle x Harry Potter Sirius chuckled to himself. 'I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts where your wife's sister went for seven years, and this is Severus Snape. They had procured some penseive memories for the case and they had already given them to the Ministry. But true love knows many guises. She quickly changed him wrapping the wet things in a plastic bag. Ten minutes later they were at the park and Harry was having a whale of a time, Sirius was glad to notice. He carries her whitout care of the protest of the girl, -Let me down! Well, its a good thing were witches, isnt it? She was taken by surprise and only had could move her hands at the half way to protect her face lefting her standing in a protective pose with both legs separeted, she couldnt move any part of her body but her head. Ten minutes after Severus had gone, the Floo flared making Harry jumps and poop in his nappy out of being frightened. 4 adults who had charge of one room each. Remus agreed, it would be good for Harry to have a nap after lunch before they went to the wizarding shopping centre. He got size 5 nappies, wipes, powder, rash cream, nappy bags, sippy cups which he got some with different characters and some that was plain but different colours, shampoo, sponges, wash cloths and by the time he had finished, Severus had come to meet them. That is a ridiculous accusation and it will not be stood for! Vernon blanched and Petunia looked fearful. I have to have a few words with Petunia,' said Severus. Love is a form of suicide for Draco and an unwelcome invasion for Harry. -Come on, come on, it is not a big deal- said Malfoy, a girl like you never should be studying here. Quickly Hermione hide between the wall and the heavy armour just one instant before Draco appeared he was alone obviously angry talking with no one but himself. At nursery he was allowed as he was encouraged to by the nursery nurses. -HE HE HE, I told you, Im going to show you a lesson, dont worry I am not going to rape you, I do not like the half blood girls anyway- Tells the boy finishing to tearing her skirt completely from up to down expossing the helpless Hermione . Timetravel with a twist. Sorry it is such a short chapter this time. Remus had decided he would take them both to the wizarding shopping centre. Sorry i havent updated for a couple of days. By Guest Rachel October 14, . I'm hoping to post the next chapter at some point tomorrow. It will be a lot of fluff. asked Remus. 'So do I. Severus made the appointment the last weekend while Harry was having a nap for us. Please no. Harry waddled over to Sirius knowing that he would be getting changed and dressed ready for the day. Is he the one Louis was looking for? Severus might already have them but he is the potions expert', Pomfrey told him. He loved playing with his new toys, he never had the chance when he was with the Dursley's as he wasnt allowed to. Draco Malfoy was not expecting to come home to a new baby brother. Prince let her stays inside after the time to close. There were almost six oclock when she explode again in rage -LET ME GO NOW!-, Malfoy almost fall of the chair for the surprise, but inmediatelly recover himself -Or what?-, -Let me go Malfoy, this is not funny, I have to go now, please!-. The day quickly past and they soon went home. He was exhausted by the effort -Axio Backpack, Axio Bag- he says moving his wand in the air. He still thinks he works at Starbucks., The diagnosis at this stage is temporarily graded retrograde amnesia. Remus cut in Theyve been asking him questions all afternoon to see how far back it goes. He was glad the nursery was only open till 3.30 everyday. said Sirius holding out his hand for the toddler. 'He had welts that he had healed by himself with magic. Harry and Ron stood uneasily in the middle of the room, both getting more anxious every minute passing. Wow! Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Dumbledore said calmly. Dudley was in training for the toilet so it wasn't used very much. Sirius decided that Harry had everything he could want for time being and grabbed hold of his hand and led him back to Remus who was still in the educational toy section. One of the kids had been beaten so badly. 'Butbuti wanna go in big boy potty,' said Ron desperately now holding himself more tightly. Petunia was in the living room with her son, Dudley on her knee. 'Oh Merlin', said Sirius putting his head in his hands for a couple of moments. Your previous content has been restored. 'Well thats sounds a bit more like it', Sirius grumbled. 'They will be. Sev has always been known for his unorthodox detentions with the children, sometimes lasting over several days. Malfoy didnt answer, he was taking pictures from the front side of her underwear, from her face, from the puddle, and her wet ass. 'I hope so, but we wont know until they get back', Severus said summoning a calming draft for them both. I will let you know at the end of each update. -Stop, Im beggin you- Malfoy doesnt stop, he was occupied taking pictures of her panties waiting for a wet patch and a yellow puddle. There are nearly 25,000 comments and almost all of them are positive ones. Disclaimer: Characters most of them belong to J. K. Rowling. It sounded good to him. Bellatrix Lestrange says with powerful eyes. 'I know, we'll be finding all sorts of things now about him. Harry Potter has always had to be more adult than he really is. Harry hurried of to the toys but not before nodding his head at Sirius in answer. Louis swore as he dropped a brush on the floor, bending over to pick it up. The interviewer, clearly a Dom, eyed Harry suspiciously before he repeated his question again. She would have to change him, it was no way she was using magic for this, as she had told him several times.

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