how did islam spread through military conquest

The Islamization of Egypt occurred after the 7th century Arab conquest of Egypt, in which the Islamic Rashidun Caliphate seized control of Egypt from the Christian Byzantine Empire. Does anyone know what was the connection between religion and trade in Afro-Eurasia between the 13th and 16th centuries ?? Direct link to Ricshawna Williams's post who did the first four ca, Posted 4 years ago. interesting is to think about how and why it was able For example, interaction between Arab Muslim forces and the Tang dynasty may have resulted in the exchange of the technology of paper, which revolutionized the Muslim world and later traveled to Europe. According to Thomas Walker Arnold, for the Persian, he would meet Ahura Mazda and Ahriman under the names of Allah and Iblis. [26] Both periods were also marked by significant migrations of Arab tribes outwards from the Arabian Peninsula into the new territories.[27]. How does the Islamic view of Muhammad differ from the Christian view of Jesus? lives, Mohammed's own life. The early caliphate had a strong army and built garrison towns, but it did not build sophisticated administrations. [51], Islam was readily accepted by Zoroastrians who were employed in industrial and artisan positions because, according to Zoroastrian dogma, such occupations that involved defiling fire made them impure. At the same time, the Byzantines continued to attempt to regain their lost territories, including Jerusalem. Muhammad died in Medina (after his pilgrimage in Mecca on March, 632) by a brief illness on June 8, 632. "And there is to be no aggression "except against the oppressors." [50] In the coming centuries, relatively large parts of the Caucasus became Muslim, while the larger swaths of it would still remain pagan (paganism branches such as the Circassian Habze) as well as Christian (notably Armenia and Georgia), for centuries. Explain the causes of the expansion of Muslim rule; how and where did it expand before 1450? A drawing of a group of people traveling on horseback in a straight line. Although military conquest occurred in the past, military campaigns have been rare since the fall of the . They created a sense of internationalism and multiculturalism. [citation needed] Figures such as Osama bin Laden and Abdallah Azzam have been crucial in these developments, as much as domestic and world politics.[32]. [16] In contemporary usage, "Islamization" and its variants too can also be used with implied negative connotations to refer to the perceived imposition of an Islamist social and political system on a society with an indigenously different social and political background. The Rashidun can be credited for military expansion, but did Islam truly spread through their conquests? - [Instructor] Other Vol. Judaism and Christianity were practiced in Muslim empires. In contrast, Roman Catholics, while tolerated, were suspected of loyalty to a foreign power (the Papacy). [63] During Delhi Sultanate's Ikhtiyar Uddin Bakhtiyar Khilji's control of the Bengal, Muslim missionaries in India achieved their greatest success, in terms of number of converts to Islam. this actually becomes a contentious issue that we'll talk about in other videos. Even there there are rules of law here, or rules of engagement. The Mongols destroyed the caliphate and persecuted Islam, replacing it with Buddhism as the official state religion. you see Islam spread from as far west as Tunesia and Egypt, all the way through Persia. Hi Evan, thanks for the question! [45] At times, Muslim leaders in their effort to win converts encouraged attendance at Muslim prayer with promises of money and allowed the Quran to be recited in Persian instead of Arabic so that it would be intelligible to all. Since its emergence in seventh-century Arabia, the religion of Islam spread rapidly, by swift military conquest and by conversion, throughout the Middle East and North Africa. The remaining Muslim converts in both elected to leave "lands of unbelief" and moved to territory still under the Ottomans. Sufi missionaries navigated these difficulties adeptly, making Islam appealing by assimilating it into existing religious traditions. and if those persecutors stop then don't seek revenge. There is also evidence of religious pilgrimages after 850CE to tombs of Catholic saints outside of the city of Carthage, and evidence of religious contacts with Christians of Arab Spain. In Bengal, Arab merchants helped found the Port of Chittagong. Direct link to Juan C. Mendoza's post Explain the causes of the, Posted 3 years ago. Was the phenomenon of "taxation of unbelievers for the national treasury" actually a significant part of the dynasty's income? religious texts of Islam, especially the Koran, and even the Hadith, which are the secondhand accounts of the life and practices of Mohammed. [68] Eventually, after numerous wars sapped its strength, the Mughal Empire was broken into smaller powers like Shia Nawab of Bengal, the Nawab of Awadh, the Nizam of Hyderabad, and the Kingdom of Mysore, which became the major Asian economic and military power on the Indian subcontinent. This can be seen with the Ottomans taxing trade between Europe and the rest of the world, since Europe was Christian. For example, Kebatinan, a religion that appeared in modern-day Indonesia around the sixteenth century combined animistic, Buddhist, Hindu, and Islamicespecially Sufibeliefs and practices. The Abbasids were intent on differentiating themselves from their Umayyad predecessors, though they still had a lot in common. In 1380, Sufi orders carried Islam from here on to Mindanao. At Mecca, Muhammad is said to have received repeated embassies from Christian tribes. They were essentially in exile. During the following Abbasid period, an enfranchisement was experienced by the mawali and a shift was made in the political conception from that of a primarily-Arab empire to one of a Muslim empire. After the reconquest of Spain by Christian forces, much of the scientific knowledge that was developed by Muslims came to Western Europe through Spain. Direct link to David Alexander's post Sufism emerged early on i. "And if they cease, then indeed "God is forgiving and merciful. As people converted to Islam, tax revenue collected from non-Muslim subjects dwindled, and the Abbasid court could no longer sustain its expenditures. No previous conqueror had tried to assimilate the Berbers, but the Arabs quickly converted them and enlisted their aid in further conquests. Richard Bulliet's "conversion curve" shows a relatively low rate of conversion of non-Arab subjects during the Arab centric Umayyad period of 10%, in contrast with estimates for the more politically-multicultural Abbasid period, which saw the Muslim population grow from around 40% in the mid-9th century to close to 100% by the end of the 11th century. Direct link to Angel's post Im not 100% sure, however, Posted 6 years ago. The earliest forms of warfare by Muslims occurred after the migration of Muhammad and his small group of followers to Medina from Mecca and the conversion of several inhabitants of the city to Islam.At this time, Muslims had been persecuted and oppressed by the Meccans. The result, he points out, can be seen in the diversity of Muslim societies today, with varying manifestations and practices of Islam. It's definitely not the This assimilation is evident in the mix of Islamic traditions with pre-Islamic belief systems in syncretic religious systems. Most of the significant expansion occurred during the reign of the Rashidun from 632 to 661 CE, which was the reign of the first four successors of Muhammad. Direct link to i 's post Non-Muslims living in a M, Posted 4 years ago. The Sixth Fatimid caliph, al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, 9961021, who was believed to be "God made manifest" by his most zealous Shii followers, now known as the Druze, destroyed the Holy Sepulchre in 1009. Crete was conquered during the 17th century, but the Ottomans lost Hungary to the Holy Roman Empire, and other parts of Eastern Europe, which ended with the Treaty of Carlowitz in 1699. As scholars compiled histories, laws, and philosophical treatises, the main schools of legal thought emerged. Sufism emerged early on in Islamic history, partly as a reaction against the worldliness of the early Umayyad Caliphate (661750) and mainly under the tutelage of Hasan Al-Basri. "But if they fight you, then kill them. Through commerce, Islam spread amongst the Somali population in the coastal cities. notion of dhimmi status. Significant conversion and cultural exchange did not occur during their short rule, nor were complex political institutions developed. In 1212 the crucial Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa meant the recovery of the bulk of the peninsula for the Christian kingdoms. Sometimes it was carried in great caravans or sea vessels traversing vast trade networks on land and sea, and other times it was transferred through military conquest and the work of missionaries. If there's a Muslim ruling class, and if you want to be associated If I am wrong I apologize, however it must have had some role to play. From the ninth century to the twelfth century, Islamic culture flourished and crystallized into what we now recognize as Islam. This conquest was made much easier by the weakness of the Sassanid Empire, which was wounded by internal conflicts and a lengthy war with the Byzantine Empire. The Abbasids five-century existence finally came to an end with the Mongol sacking of Baghdad in 1258. [5], As of 2016, there were 1.7 billion Muslims,[6][7] with one out of four people in the world being Muslim,[8] making Islam the second-largest religion. For example, the Fatimids and Berber dynasties in North Africa were able to expand into Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Ghaznavids stretched farther into India. Muslim conquests following Muhammad's death led to the creation of the caliphates, occupying a vast geographical area; conversion to Islam was boosted by Arab Muslim forces conquering vast territories and building imperial structures over time. [60] These are typically represented by the following schools of thought:[60], Muslim missionaries played a key role in the spread of Islam in India with some missionaries even assuming roles as merchants or traders. and unto my religion." taking territory from them. "Earlier generations of European scholars "believed that conversion to Islam "were made by the point of the sword, "and that conquered people's [17], Muslim Arab expansion in the first centuries after Prophet Muhammad's death soon established dynasties in North Africa, West Africa, to the Middle East, and south to Somalia by the Companions of the Prophet, most notably the Rashidun Caliphate and military advents of Khalid Bin Walid, Amr ibn al-As and Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas. Because back in ancient times, the Arabian Peninsula was about as close to the middle of the world as possible. The new understanding by the religious and political leadership in many cases led to a weakening or breakdown of the social and religious structures of parallel religious communities such as Christians and Jews. "And if they cease, then indeed God "is forgiving and merciful." [39] (Other sources question how much the native population welcomed the conquering Muslims.)[40]. The caliphs of Damascus (661-750) were tolerant princes who were on generally good terms with their Christian subjects. What is now Syria may have had a Christian majority until the Mongol invasions of the 13th century. Around the 7th and 8th centuries some states of Turkic peoples existed - like the Turkic Khazar Khaganate (see Khazar-Arab Wars) and the Turkic Turgesh Khaganate, which fought against the caliphate in order to stop Arabization and Islamization in Asia. [30], Islam has continued to spread through commerce and migrations, especially in Southeast Asia, America and Europe. This is talking about killing subjugated in most cases. Just a question, I've often heard about the Umayyad Tax Policy (taxing non-muslims more than muslims, as touched on by Sal at. the end of that at 750 CE, you see Islam has now spread or conquered from modern-day Spain and Portugal, all the way to modern-day A depiction of Mohammed (top, veiled) and the first four Caliphs. "And fight in the way of Poorer Muslims (Moriscos) who could not afford to leave ended up converting to Catholic Christianity and hiding their Muslim practices, hiding from the Spanish Inquisition, until their presence was finally extinguished. urban classes of the population, "or tribal communities. The spread of Islam spans about 1,400 years. In 670, the Arab general and conqueror Uqba Ibn Nafi established the city of Kairouan (in Tunisia) and its Great Mosque also known as the Mosque of Uqba;[42] the Great Mosque of Kairouan is the ancestor of all the mosques in the western Islamic world. [27] Around 930 a law was enacted that required all bureaucrats of the empire to be Muslims. Islam did not begin with violence. [4], While there were cases such as the Sassanid army division at Hamra, that converted en masse before pivotal battles such as the Battle of al-Qdisiyyah, conversion was fastest in the urban areas where Arab forces were garrisoned slowly leading to Zoroastrianism becoming associated with rural areas. However, the era that followed under the rule . [4] These trends are the conversions from the state religion that had already plagued the Zoroastrian authorities that continued after the Arab conquest, coupled with the migration of Arab tribes into the region during an extended period of time that stretched well into the Abbasid reign. The famous medieval epic poem 'Cantar de Mio Cid' narrates the life and deeds of this hero during the Reconquista. [81] This demographic transition can be illustrated by the decrease in the number of mosques in Belgrade, from over 70 in 1750 (before Serbian independence in 1815), to only three in 1850. Now, Sal repeatedly mentions about this being a, "Muslim conquest". [19], Modern day Islamization appears to be a return of the individual to Muslim values, communities, and dress codes, and a strengthened community.[31]. Upon his father's death, Ali was driven out of his inheritance by his brothers). Early Sufi missionaries settled in the region as early as the 8th century. Direct link to David Alexander's post You make a good point and, Posted a year ago. In Vietnam, the Cham people proselytized due to contact with traders and missionaries from Kelantan. This really seems to be "Indeed, there is no superiority "of an Arab over a non-Arab, considered to be disbelievers. Why could the translation shape how one understands the dictums communicated in a sacred text? Direct link to Polina Viti's post During the *Umayyad Dynas, Posted 4 years ago. In that context they're saying, "And fight the way of Direct link to hamidkastir's post Well, the four caliphs co, Posted 2 months ago. (eds.). Now those who would defend or see a little bit more nuance here, would say, look, you've got to, this is not talking about the Nineteenth Century. His successors would rule the most powerful of Sultanates in the Swahili coast, during the peak of its expansion the Kilwa Sultanate stretched from Inhambane in the south to Malindi in the north. Direct link to Absha Pragasam's post How did the caliphate dev, Posted 3 years ago. an empire form this quickly. As a socio-cultural process of diffusion and integration over an extended period of time into the sphere of the dominant, A related view is that conversions occurred for non-religious reasons of pragmatism and patronage such as social mobility among the Muslim ruling elite or for relief from taxes, Was a combination, initially made under duress followed by a genuine change of heart, That the bulk of Muslims are descendants of migrants from the, Kayadibi, Saim. Non-Muslims living in a Muslim land had to pay a tax called ''Jizyah''. For four months, the siege continued. [77] The Mongols had been religiously and culturally conquered; this absorption ushered in a new age of Mongol-Islamic synthesis[77] that shaped the further spread of Islam in central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. ordinarily wished to dominate "rather than convert, and most conversions "to Islam were voluntary. The Muslim community spread through the Middle East through conquest, and the resulting growth of the Muslim state provided the ground in which the recently revealed faith could take root and flourish. This is not surprising, as the armies of those days were not like modern armies - but more like a federation of tribal mercenary groups who were not paid and whose only material reward came from the spoils of war. Look up different translations. So to some degree, those who would see the nuance in this passage, The main reasons are trade, military conquest, and religion. If you lived in the Islamic empire, and were not Muslim, what did you have to do? To make things more difficult, the Prophet had not left clear instructions as to who should lead the community after his death. Posted 6 years ago. It depends on the context and the manner in which the "new" serves better than "what came before.". acknowledged to be for God. As Islamic ideas and cultures came into contact with new societies, they were expressed in unique ways and ultimately took on diverse forms. As a rule, the Ottomans did not require followers of Greek Orthodoxy to become Muslims, although many did so in order to avert the socioeconomic hardships of Ottoman rule. P. M. ( Peter Malcolm) Holt, Bernard Lewis. into the territory of the Pechenegs, where he taught and converted individuals to Islam. idea of protected persons. By sharing a common religion and a common transliteralization (Arabic), traders showed greater willingness to trust, and therefore invest, in one another. Mohammed, as we talked about, When Arab Muslim armies conquered most of the Middle East and North Africa in the seventh century, many of the conquered peoples saw the Arabs' unending string of military victories as clear evidence of the reality and power of their one God, Allah. That might have meant controlling more land, but it was about power. They expanded for both religious and political reasons, which was common at the time. Direct link to Saharsh Madullapalli's post *bold*How did the Arabian, Posted 3 years ago. While the tensions that led to the development of these sects were certainly present in the early history of Islam, it took centuries for different religious interpretations to become organized into clear schools of thought. Direct link to Alexia Santos's post Does anyone know what was, Posted 3 years ago. The first Indian mosque is thought to have been built in 629CE, purportedly at the behest of an unknown Chera dynasty ruler, during the lifetime of Muhammad (c.571632) in Kodungallur, in district of Thrissur, Kerala by Malik Bin Deenar. Societal Islamization has historically occurred over the course of many centuries since the spread of Islam outside of the Arabian Peninsula through the early Muslim conquests, with notable shifts occurring in the Levant, Iran, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Africa,[15] Central Asia, South Asia (in Afghanistan, Maldives, Pakistan, and Bangladesh), Southeast Asia (in Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia), Southeastern Europe (in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo, among others), Eastern Europe (in the Caucasus, Crimea, and the Volga), and Southern Europe (in Spain, Portugal, and Sicily prior to re-Christianizations). [69], Islam came to the Southeast Asia, first by the way of Muslim traders along the main trade-route between Asia and the Far East, then was further spread by Sufi orders and finally consolidated by the expansion of the territories of converted rulers and their communities. A painting depicting five men, one of whom has his face covered. in different regions. During the seventh century, after subduing rebellions in the Arabian peninsula, Arab Muslim armies began to swiftly conquer territory in the neighboring Byzantine and Sasanian empires and beyond. For centuries after the Arab conquest, European accounts of Arab rule in Iberia were negative. Dome of the Clocks, Umayyad Mosque, Damascus, Syria. happen at the sacred mosque. [67] The Mughal decline provided opportunities for the Maratha Empire, Sikh Empire, Mysore Kingdom, Nawabs of Bengal and Murshidabad and Nizams of Hyderabad to exercise control over large regions of the Indian subcontinent. Palestine once again became a battleground as the various enemies of the Fatimids counterattacked. can anyone tell me where the sufi tradition comes from? Through his death in this battle and his extended campaign, Uqbah became the legendary hero of the Muslim conquest of the Maghrib. "Such is the recompense Some of the tribes decided that as their loyalty to Islam had been primarily to Muhammad himself, his death allowed them to end their allegiance to Mecca and to Islam. There are many stories of descendants of Visigothic chieftains and Roman counts whose families converted to Islam during this period. property contract rights, but different political rights. By the 680s the Arabs had gone too far in the conquest of the Maghrib to be willing to accept defeat at the hands of a Berber leader, albeit one professing Islam. Direct link to Ismir Eghal's post can anyone tell me where , Posted 6 years ago. Direct link to David Alexander's post Man, that looks like a ho, Posted 4 years ago. This powerful provocation helped ignite the flame of fury that led to the First Crusade. The Ghurid Empire soon evolved into the Delhi Sultanate, ruled by Qutb ud-Din Aibak, the founder of the Mamluk dynasty. "[21], Only in subsequent centuries, with the development of the religious doctrine of Islam and with that the understanding of the Muslim ummah, would mass conversion take place. Even before the conquest of Islam, they were probably subjugated by a king or part of an empire People disagreed with this event because they had different perspectives on what were the main events for Islam spreading so quickly. are destroyed or killed, or God might command his There's also worldly motives. [26] Governors lodged complaints with the caliph when he enacted laws that made conversion easier since that deprived the provinces of revenues from the tax on non-Muslims. In the forefront, a decorated, gold structure. There were still Muslims who could not flee from Mecca and were still oppressed because of their faith. and spiritual motives "for conversion blended together." The first is the expansion of Islamic statesthat is, states whose ruling elite consisted Islam, Islam The religion that God set forth for Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and muammad proclaimed by the latter in Arabia in the 7th century, which enjoys the Pan-islamism, Pan-Islam Pan-Islam is the ideology that calls for the . They weren't persecuted or anything like that, but they weren't treated exactly like the Islamic people. These kinds of exchanges affected native populations slowly and led to more conversion to Islam. "[21] Conversion initially was neither required nor necessarily wished for: "(The Arab conquerors) did not require the conversion as much as the subordination of non-Muslim peoples.

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