juan garcia abrego wife

An FBI agent walked by the residence and overheard the sound of heavy objects being dropped and dragged across the floor of the garage. Sus contactos seran aprovechados paulatinamente por su sobrino Juan Garca para hacerse del negocio con el Crtel de Cali. 2407, 2415, 85 L.Ed.2d 764 (1985). never served for rape, and for trying to extort account holders of a Section 846 provides as follows:Any person who attempts or conspires to commit any offense defined in this subchapter shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense, the commission of which was the object of the attempt or conspiracy.21 U.S.C. In that case, the defendants argued that the government's granting immunity to its witnesses while denying immunity to [the defendants' prospective witness] skewed the evidence against [the defendants] and denied them a fair trial. Id. Because of pressure from Mexican law enforcement, Garcia Abrego moved to his sister's home in McAllen, Texas and later to an apartment in Chicago. Furthermore, Garcia Abrego claimed that his apparent lack of understanding at the previous hearing resulted from the fact that he could not hear properly and felt poorly, and the court concluded that Garcia Abrego had firmly grasped the conflicts issue. even though Mexican law allows only a 50-year sentence. They were found late Thursday when police traced an abandoned car to their house in the capitals Pedregal district, home to the stately mansions of former presidents, prominent intellectuals and writers. A:I am not certain what the-qualifications are needed to be an expert on this medication. The Supreme Court has held that conspiracy constitutes a lesser-included offense of conducting a CCE. family's business dealings," he said. I remember hearing that he was a Satanist. Assuming, merely for the sake of argument, that a juror strictly complying with this instruction-as we assume that the jurors in this case did, see United States v. Jimenez, 77 F.3d 95, 99 (5th Cir.1996)-could have, as a theoretical matter, found Garcia Abrego guilty of conducting a CCE on the basis of his association with persons who could not have constituted his supervisees as a matter of law,11 we are unconvinced that such error rises to the level of plain error. From 1991 though 1994, Garcia Abrego remained in hiding and changed locations at least every few weeks and sometimes every few days. 3505, the Confrontation Clause, and a number of the Federal Rules of Evidence. [13], It also became known that, in addition to the INS bus scam, Garca Abrego had a "special deal" with members of the Texas National Guard who would truck tons of cocaine and marijuana from South Texas to Houston for the cartel. Garcia Abrego notes that the jury received a Pinkerton instruction in connection with the conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute count which instructed the jury that, if it found Garcia Abrego guilty of that count, it could convict him of any substantive drug offenses committed by a coconspirator in furtherance of the conspiracy even though Garcia Abrego did not participate in the substantive offenses or have any knowledge of them. Yolanda Figueroa, the author of a recent book alleging that Mexican government corruption delayed a top drug lords arrest, was found beaten to death Thursday in her home along with her husband and her three children, ages 9 to 18, in one of Mexico Citys most exclusive neighborhoods. L.Constitutionality of the Criminal Forfeiture. [19][20], Following the arrest of Garca Abrego, Osiel Crdenas Guillen took over the cartel. Sufficiency of the evidence establishing a conspiracy. The gunman seemed intent on killing everyone, Garcia said. Hay un reporte de la DFS que dice que El Cacho se ali Rafael Chao Lpez y otros cabrones que no aprobaba Guerra y que por eso le dieron cuello. Notorious drug kingpin Juan Garcia Abrego, center, is escorted from the federal courthouse by federal agents Tuesday, Jan. 16, 1996, in Houston. Based upon this evidence, the jury could reasonably conclude that the money laundering conspiracy continued after the effective date of 1956(h). while holding both women sexual hostages.". at 741; see also Ismoila, 100 F.3d at 391; Sherman, 62 F.3d at 140. United States v. Conley, 37 F.3d 970, 976-77 (3d Cir.1994). Tony Ortiz testified that he had met Nieto at Medrano's home, where Nieto was meeting with Medrano to discuss cocaine transportation. Also among the dead were Garcia's son, Daniel Enrique Laso, and two women who died while shielding Garcia's baby and 2-year-old daughter. Therefore, these statements did not taint Garcia Abrego's later statement at the FBI office. A particular transaction constitutes a financial transaction if it in any way or degree affects interstate or foreign commerce [and] (i) involv[es] the movement of funds by wire or other means or (ii) involv [es] one or more monetary instruments. 18 U.S.C. From this evidence, the jury could reasonably conclude that the drug offense charged in count 6 was committed by Garcia Abrego's coconspirators in furtherance of the conspiracy. Garcia Abrego's organization utilized vehicles with hidden compartments to transport cocaine and proceeds from its sale inside the United States. Garcia Abrego contends that his convictions for these substantive drug offenses are not sustainable on a theory of coconspirator vicarious liability. 83, 136 L.Ed.2d 40 (1996); 2 John Henry Wigmore, Evidence 674, 679, 680 (Chadbourn rev.1979). 48), Alberto Sicilia Falcn "rotted" (died) in prison in Mexico after he was re-arrested in 1976. Juan Antonio Ortiz is a member of the Gulf cartel who worked for Juan Garcia 23. been cast by some as anti-drug crusaders--to the lawlessness spawned by He argues that, unlike ordinary domestic business records, foreign records do not occupy a well-rooted exception to the hearsay rule and lack adequate indicia of reliability to be admissible without violating the Confrontation Clause. Brownsvilles country club, while heading the criminal syndicate that would Teresa Jardi, a former federal prosecutor who is now among Mexicos most prominent crusaders against the drug trade, disputed the authors theories. Only if they were all like that. That rumor started when the Cuban "narco-satanico" was in that same area peddling drugs and killing whites boys. Drug traffickers also have been charged in the deaths of journalists in regional state capitals in the past. be both the operations manager and chief hit man for the cartel. Attorney General -- who was fired this week, just two days The legislative history of 3505 bears out this conclusion. Tony Ortiz testified that he had an apartment in this complex. As a result of the killing, a riot broke out in the jail, killing two members of Garcia Abrego's organization. He faces the possibility of a bunk bed and a cell mate, instead of what amounted to solitary confinement. From there, Salazar's sister, Ninfa Lopez, drove Vega's vehicle, and Vega road with Salazar to the Mexican border. Community Reviews (0) Feedback? Garcia Abrego requested an attorney or to be taken before a judge.14 Mexican officials complied with neither request. Medrano told Vega that he would receive the money from Jesse Ceballos and Juan Ibarra in Houston. grisly murder binge. The government gave notice that it intended to introduce the records on August 15, 1996. conference here late Monday. [3] By the end of the 1980s and into the early 1990s, it was estimated Garca Abrego was smuggling over 300metric tons per year across the MexicoUnited States border. Durante 10 aos, fue rastreado por agentes de la Agencia Antidrogas de Estados Unidos (la DEA) y lleg a ser parte de la lista de los 10 criminales ms buscados por el FBI y ser el primer mexicano en estar en aquella lista negra. His experience with Valium prescription and patient observation, along with his medical training, formed the basis of his opinion. 10. the drug trade in Colombia. Fue jefe del Crtel del Golfo . Wish was he was here today Tamps would be save. Abrego was extradited from bank. According to Rivas, Medrano then instructed him to contact Munguia in San Antonio and have him come to Houston. Section 853(a) of Title 21 of the United States Code, which defines property subject to criminal forfeiture in connection with drug crimes, provides as follows: Any person convicted of a violation of this subchapter or subchapter II of this chapter [which include the drug conspiracies with which Garcia Abrego was charged] punishable by imprisonment for more than one year shall forfeit to the United States, irrespective of any provision of State law-. Between 1989 and 1993, U.S. law enforcement officials seized over thirteen tons of the organization's cocaine, but this was but a fraction of the amount that the organization successfully smuggled into the United States. the Mexico City prosecutor's office, had been sexually abusing the two It is worth noting that Don Juan's father, Don Jos, is also unfaithful to his wife and careless of his reputation. 1978. Sounds like J. Edgar Hoover and Clyde from the FBI. He is a high-level cartel guy; he will gravitate to whatever gang has a previously established relationship with his cartel, and my guess is hell be a rock star.. as a U.S. citizen. Several Salinas in there. 801(d)(2) (defining statements of a party and statements of a party's coconspirator made during and in furtherance of the conspiracy as nonhearsay when such statements are offered against the party). ; United States v. Pineda-Ortuno, 952 F.2d 98, 105 (5th Cir.1992). He does not contend that any transaction in which the government proved the funds were involved did not meet the above definition of financial transaction. @MX me refera al apellido Crdenas y como hasta el da de hoy los toman en cuenta en Matamoros a pesar de que OCG solt toda la sopa y eso afecto a la compaa. Therefore, we address only the issue of whether sufficient evidence existed for the jury to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the funds at issue in each count were subject to a transaction. . R. Evid. 846, one count of conspiracy to launder money in violation of 18 U.S.C. Good observation. Accordingly, admission of the financial records did not violate Rule 404(b). This is FRONTLINE's old website. It has long been a rule of this court that no panel of this circuit can overrule a decision previously made by another. Ryals v. Estelle, 661 F.2d 904, 906 (5th Cir. As indicated in Part III.E, supra, we reject Garcia Abrego's argument that insufficient evidence existed to support his convictions for money laundering. See Miller, 116 F.3d at 682. Guerra was reportedly responsible for masterminding the notorious 1984 clinic massacre in Matamoros that pushed Juan to the top of the cartel. Column: Does racism make you too stupid to be a cop? Not saying he was a Saint, and I am not, by no means, but things were in better order. FBI agents subsequently searched the mobile home and the Nole Hace Ranch, discovering more than 300 kilograms of cocaine at each location. foreign commerce. We acknowledge that a number of circuits have held that the statutory language, other persons with respect to whom such person occupies a position of organizer, a supervisory position, or any other position of management indicates that the term organizer as used in 848 implies a position carrying some degree of managerial authority rather than a position characterized by mere coordination of various players. Because the amount that the district court ordered him to forfeit was based upon his engagement in a CCE as well as his engagement in a conspiracy to possess narcotics with intent to distribute and a conspiracy to import narcotics, he argues that the forfeiture violates the Double Jeopardy Clause. Garcia Abrego asserts that the funds at issue in these counts were not exported to Matamoros, Mexico. 21. Coastal nonprofit's survey of SpaceX launch site details San Antonio eyes stickers in fight against domestic violence, Man accused of strangling neighbor to death in apartment, SA's last Tuskegee Airman buried at Fort Sam, Pedestrian killed in hit-and-run on Interstate 35 downtown. Comment. Figueroas husband, who specialized in drug trafficking during his years as advisor to prosecutors, was her chief collaborator on the book, which suggested that the elder brother of former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari and the assassinations of two prominent politicians in 1994 were linked to the countrys powerful drug cartels. Thus, we cannot say that the district court's determination that the medication that Garcia Abrego received did not render him mentally impaired at the time of his interview with law enforcement officials was clearly erroneous.16. between Mexico and the U.S. for several years, and even owned a house in The individuals to whom Lopez turned over the truck drove it to the Southwest Terrace Apartments on Bassford in Houston. Meals will be taken at a dining hall rather than a cell. 802. A district court may not grant immunity simply because a witness has essential exculpatory evidence unavailable from other sources.). 515, 522, 93 L.Ed.2d 473 (1986). Tony Ortiz testified that, during his involvement with Garcia Abrego's organization, he shipped between $60 and 70 million in drug proceeds from New York and Houston back to Matamoros. This argument ignores the fact that 3505 creates an exception to Rule 802. Garcia Abrego was upset by Sanchez's acting without authority because of the intense media attention that the riot caused. Garcia, his slain wife and son and the other three victims Diana Velazquez Alvarado, 21; Julisa Molina Rivera . Garcia Abrego challenges the admissibility of the statement that he made to U.S. law enforcement officials after he was transferred to U.S. custody by Mexican authorities. See, e.g., United States v. Lindsey, 123 F.3d 978, 987-88 (7th Cir.1997); United States v. Williams-Davis, 90 F.3d 490, 508-09 (D.C.Cir.1996), cert. The girl negotiated with him and they shot him as she walked out? Being a physician, I have to. The murder attempt failed, leaving Casimiro injured. 1241, 134 L.Ed.2d 419 (1996). Confirming the killings Friday, chief investigator Elias Romero Apis told reporters that he has ruled out robbery as a motive in the attack, which he said appeared to be the work of at least three assailants. See Moran v. Burbine, 475 U.S. 412, 421, 106 S.Ct. 900, 133 L.Ed.2d 834 (1996), and vacated on other grounds, Moore v. United States, 519 U.S. 802, 117 S.Ct. Garca Abrego reached out to an FBI agent, Claudio de la O., whom he was bribing, to have the men taken care of. a. Rule 404(b) provides as follows:Other crimes, wrongs, or acts. El sanguinario y supersticioso narco que le tena miedo a los aviones Juan Garca brego, uno de los primeros narcotraficantes mexicanos en ser extraditado a Estados Unidos, ser uno de los . The agent, who had quit his post alleging corruption in the office of recently fired Atty. The conveyance of the money to Vega constituted a transaction. At the mall, they turned the van over to Fernando Cordona and Henry Cortez, who had arrived at the mall in another vehicle. U.S. Magistrate Frances Stacy read Abrego a 20-count indictment which accuses him of conspiracy, distributing 13 tons of cocaine into the United States and illegally laundering or transferring some $8.6 million. Juan Garca Abrego fue el jefe del Crtel del Golfo, organizacin criminal que tuvo nexos con las mafias italianas y que en la dcada de 1990 fue una de los tres crteles principales que operaban entre Mxico y Estados Unidos para el trasiego de droga.. Garca Abrego vivi su niez al sur de Texas, pero el narco siempre dijo que era ciudadano mexicano. Several current and former federal prosecutors investigating Mexicos multibillion-dollar drug trade have been killed in recent months, many execution-style. At the suppression hearing, Dr. Coleman testified that an overdose of Valium would be evidenced by signs of somnolence and sleepiness. The gist of Garcia Abrego's argument appears to be that he cannot be convicted of the substantive drug offenses on a coconspirator vicarious liability theory because the district court did not enter judgment convicting him on the drug conspiracy count even though the jury found him guilty on that count. recent years.). Internet findings will confuse him with Oscar Malherbe de Leon, but this is incorrect. Insufficient evidence supported Garcia Abrego's conviction of conspiracy to launder money. All rights reserved. I know something about it, being a lawyer. His arrest in 1996 led to Osiel Cardenas Guillen and his brothers taking over the cartel. See Self v. Collins, 973 F.2d 1198, 1205 (5th Cir.1992). The murders of Yolanda Figueroa, her The murders are the latest -- and most grisly -- crime that they slept. The buses made great transportation, as Antonio Ortiz noted, since they were never stopped at the border. in. The foreign records were also plainly relevant to the money laundering conspiracy count because they evidenced financial transactions of large sums of money that the jury could reasonably conclude constituted proceeds from the sale of narcotics. We have acknowledged that the government must observe certain procedural safeguards when it intends to offer testimony of a witness receiving some sort of compensation for his testimony. The district court erred in declining to give a requested jury instruction explaining the non-reciprocal nature of the government's offer of incentives to witnesses. Headquartered in Matamoros, Mexico, Garcia Abrego's organization was responsible for smuggling tremendous quantities of cocaine and marijuana into the United States from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s. See id. It's mostly a media misrepresentation since the so-called Matamoros "Narcosatnicos" practiced a distorted version of Palo Mayombe and Santera. He was sentenced by presiding judge Ewing Werlein, Jr., to 11 consecutive life terms, and is currently incarcerated at USP Hazelton in Preston County, West Virginia. Carlos Rodriguez testified that Munguia transported cocaine for the drug organization with which he, Garcia Abrego, Medrano, and Malherbe were involved. R. Evid. 2531, 2539, 65 L.Ed.2d 597 (1980); see also United States v. Ismoila, 100 F.3d 380, 391 (5th Cir.1996), cert. Reports date his trafficking career beginning in the mid-1970s, exporting marijuana from Mexico into the U.S. states of Texas, Louisiana and Florida. But oscar Lopez is witness protection Right? Garcia Abrego never requested more time to investigate the reliability or authenticity of the records and does not now complain that he was in any way prejudiced by the timing of the government's notice.26 We therefore conclude that the district court did not abuse its discretion in holding that the foreign bank records were admissible under 3505.27. This is all that is necessary to render the evidence legally relevant. Counts 3-10, 17, and 28 of Garcia Abrego's indictment charged him with violations of 21 U.S.C. 19. WGBH educational foundation, "Prosecutors Claim Brother of Ex-President had Ties with Garcia Abrego", In Fight Against ISIS, a Lose-Lose Scenario Poses Challenge for West. After a lengthy trial, the jury found Garcia Abrego guilty of all twenty-two counts. Romero, a Mexico City deputy attorney general, said his detectives also suspect a possible settling of accounts in the killings. [21], In February 2010, Los Zetas engaged in a violent turf war against its former employer/partner, the Gulf Cartel, in the border city of Reynosa,[22][23][24] ren his family, preferred to speak face-to-face, and always carried a pistol.[25]. 5:03 the mexican military have been corrupting the mexican government since Don Francisco I Madero became presidente and chose to disband the villistas and the zapatistas who won the revolution for him.amd for Mexico and to keep officially the mexican army as the government army even as it was.full of porfirista militarydefense secretary General Vctoriano Huerta was and Indian from Oaxaca, got brainwashed by US Ambassador with wisky and their grifa into betraying Madero and replacing him, general Manuel mondragon y Kalb also authorized the cuarteazo.and murders, mondragon y Kalb is also the grandpas of admiral manuel mondragon y kalb (alias "el karateka" of according to El Negro Durazo) who participated in the sudden kidnapping and disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapos for EPN. 1002, 136 L.Ed.2d 881 (1997), and cert. From the late 1980s until his arrest in 1996, the name of the San Antonio first responders received the two calls within moments of each other Friday evening. Even when these criteria are satisfied, we should exercise our discretion to reverse only if the error seriously affects the fairness, integrity or public reputation of judicial proceedings. Id. Claudio de la O. alluded to having the men killed, however they were taken into custody. See United States v. Pipkin, 114 F.3d 528, 535 (5th Cir.1997). U.S. Attorney Robert Guerra. [8], In addition to transporting cocaine for the Cali Cartel, it was believed the Garca Abrego cartel would also ship large quantities of cash to be laundered. Count 14 was based upon the delivery of $1.4 million of the organization's funds from Houston to Matamoros, Mexico on September 7, 1991. UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. Juan GARCIA ABREGO, Defendant-Appellant. Count 4 was based upon the seizure of 291 kilograms of cocaine from a Tioga motor home driven by William Hoffman in Queens, New York on May 3, 1989. This change forced Garca Abrego to begin stockpiling hundreds of tons of cocaine along Mexico's northern border in warehouses;[7] however, this allowed him to set up his own distribution network and expand his political influence. See Miller, 116 F.3d at 682 (holding that the district court did not abuse its discretion in admitting evidence of uncharged murders committed in furtherance of the charged narcotics conspiracy). The mere fact that law enforcement agents were solicitous and attempted to create a favorable climate for confession did not render Garcia Abrego's statement involuntary. The "original capo" with only a sixth grade education, headed a 20 billion dollar a year cocaine trafficking business. sentence was a symbolic gesture because of the brutality of the crime, One of the FBI agents involved in the seizure at the Almeda-Genoa warehouse testified that he was conducting surveillance at the Wharton airport in Houston and that he observed a blue pickup registered to Guadalupe Velez. Garcia Abrego contends that all of the acts that formed the basis of his conviction for conspiracy to launder money occurred before October 28, 1992, the effective date of 18 U.S.C. Section 1956(a)(1) provides in relevant part as follows:(a)(1)Whoever, knowing that the property involved in a financial transaction represents the proceeds of some form of unlawful activity, conducts or attempts to conduct such a financial transaction which in fact involves the proceeds of specified unlawful activity-(A)(i)with the intent to promote the carrying on of specified unlawful activity shall be sentenced to a fine of not more than $500,000 or twice the value of the property involved in the transaction, whichever is greater, or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both.18 U.S.C. Therefore, Garcia Abrego's conviction for violation of 1956(h) did not violate the Ex Post Facto Clause. Note from Lucio: Juan Nepomuceno Guerra Crdenas, born and died in Matamoros, Tamaulipas (July 18, 1915 - July 12, 2001) was the founder of the gulf cartel (Cartel del Golfo). I know the one on the far left is Juan Guerra Nepomunicino. Francisco Perez testified that Garcia Abrego told him that he had two Mexican officials killed because they were moving drugs without Garcia Abrego's knowledge or permission. In concluding that admission of records under 3505 does not violate a defendant's rights under the Confrontation Clause, we join a number of other circuits that have addressed the issue. Thereafter, Luis Medrano, who had previously worked for Espinoza, went to work for Garcia Abrego. I wrote the Wikipedia article for Mark Kilroy. This would indicate that the provisions of subsection (b) are meant to facilitate pretrial determinations of the admissibility of foreign records under 3505 rather than establish prerequisites to admissibility under the statute. 988, 136 L.Ed.2d 869 (1997); United States v. Witek, 61 F.3d 819, 822-24 (11th Cir.1995); United States v. Delgado, 4 F.3d 780, 785-86 (9th Cir.1993). It is believed Garca Abrego ordered the hit after being aggravated with their coverage of the cartel's deeds. trafficking. He argues that this fact calls into question the integrity and validity of the records, particularly in light of the fact that some of the missing records were available in connection with the previous trial but were unavailable in connection with this one. Birthplace: Saltillo, Nueva Extremadura, Reino de Nueva Espaa. In a recorded statement, Medrano also stated that he went to work for El Jefe after Casimiro Espinoza, Medrano's former employer in the drug trafficking business, was killed. Therefore, the evidence of Garcia Abrego's involvement in the murders was not inadmissible under Rule 404(b)'s prohibition on [e]vidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts [offered] to show action in conformity therewith. Fed. This is a carousel. As an initial matter, we note that Garcia Abrego does not contest that sufficient evidence exists to prove that the substantive drug offenses alleged were committed by someone; rather he alleges that the evidence was insufficient to link the offenses to him. 14. Have you ever studied the subject in your particular area of expertise? See United States v. Bermea, 30 F.3d 1539, 1552 (5th Cir.1994). Some who knew the two speculate on what would have been of Drug traffickers usually avoid touching the family because the results tend to get too bloody, she said. 1956(a)(2) (emphasis added). 702. Garcia Abrego's conviction of conducting a CCE is thus tantamount to a conspiracy conviction. R. Evid. Mr Nepomunicino started by bootlegging alcohol during Prohibition era. unveiled the results of an intensive, two-week investigation at a news bribed officials at all levels of the Mexican government. The agents testified that several individuals were taking items out of the truck and placing them in the van. The van drove to the Ridgeside residence and backed up to the residence's garage. ), cert. of the maids' husbands, who worked as the family's drivers. City. According to some members of his organization, in 1985, Garcia Abrego ordered the murder of Casimiro Cacho Espinoza, another drug trafficker in Mexico, in order to eliminate competition. The government offered into evidence a recorded conversation between Vega and Ceballos to this effect. Garcia Abrego does not contest on appeal the district court's determination that Rule 802's general prohibition on the admission of hearsay evidence did not bar the admission of the statements on the ground that they all constituted admissions by a party-opponent. Se dice que el narco pact un acuerdo con la entonces Procuradura General de Justicia para negociar su arresto al asegurarle que no le quitaran sus bienes y su familia vivira sin ser molestada por las autoridades. The killing was not authorized by Garca Abrego, and a riot subsequently broke out, killing two members of the Gulf Cartel who were also incarcerated there. Thereafter, he would pay $1 million per year until the contract price was paid. We reject both of these contentions. See Fed. Given Dr. Coleman's testimony regarding his medical education and substantial experience in prescribing Valium, we cannot say that the district court abused its discretion in concluding that Dr. Coleman possessed the requisite knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education to testify competently regarding the effects of habitual Valium use. Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. He also moved to Monterey, a city deeper inside Mexico than Matamoros, and essentially went into seclusion so that he was not accessible to people outside his organization. Finally, Garcia Abrego contends that admission of the foreign bank records violated Rule 802, which generally precludes the admission of hearsay. Count 17 was based upon the seizure of 850 kilograms of cocaine recovered from a warehouse on Sunshine Strip in Harlingen leased to Benito Gonzales and a truck that was searched shortly after it left the warehouse. Marroquin-Garca, who was also indicted with him in 1978. Proc. Investigators hope their questions about the attack will be answered by a lone survivor, the family driver. According to the indictment issued on 8 November 1978, sometime Because the foreign bank records at issue here do not constitute statements made in the course of a judicial proceeding, their admissibility does not hinge upon the presence of the makers of the records to testify at Garcia Abrego's trial or a showing of their unavailability. For months following the [17], It is believed that on May 16, 1984, Garca Abrego ordered a hit on rival trafficker Casimiro Espinosa. Resendez testified that Garcia Abrego met directly with Luis Medrano, Oscar Malherbe, and Sergio Checo Gomez regarding the narcotics trafficking business. At a later hearing, however, Garcia Abrego admitted that he was previously charged with a criminal offense in the Southern District of Texas, was represented by counsel, and pleaded guilty. Contact us. Juan Garcia Abrego. 841(a)(1) and (b)(1)(A), five counts of money laundering in violation of 18 U.S.C.

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