plane hitting pentagon

Mete Sozen, an American Society of Civil Engineers team member and professor of structural engineering at Purdue University, told Popular Mechanics that one of the planes wings hit the ground and the other was sheared off due to the impact with the Pentagon. 2023 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. As Americans pause to remember 9/11, the anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon and the crash of Flight 93in Pennsylvania, haunting images of destruction, courage and sacrifice likely leap to mind. As eyewitnesses described and photographs demonstrate, the hijacked airliner dived so low as it approached the Pentagon that it actually hit the ground first, thereby dissipating much of the energy that might otherwise have caused more extensive damage to the building; nonetheless, as described by the New York Times, the plane still hit not "just the ground floor" but between the first and second floors: The Boeing 757 crashed into the outer edge of the building between the first and second floors, "at full power," Mr. Rumsfeld said. The speaker in the video further claims that witnesses who saw the missile were silenced and that the missile attack was carried out by the deep state. The video has over 60,000 views. In the authentic broadcast, as confirmed by CNN spokesperson Sydney Baldwin, Woodruff askedMcIntyre about an earlyreport that Flight 77 had not actually crashed directly into the Pentagon, but had instead damaged the building when it crashed nearby. It slammed into the side of the Pentagon at an estimated 350 miles per hour after first hitting the helipad. When the plane hit at 350 miles an hour, the limestone layer shattered. The CNN report was deceptively recut to make it seem as though. or redistributed. The Pentagon released security camera footage from the attack in 2006, and it's an overstatement to say trillions went missing from the Pentagon's budget. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news, CLAIM: A CNN report from Sept. 11, 2001, is evidence that no airplane debris. The area hit by the plane was newly renovated and reinforced, while the areas surrounding the impact zone were closed in preparation for renovation, so the death toll could have been much higher if another area had been hit. She said it sounded like "an explosion, like a bomb. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box. Kilsheimers eyewitness account is backed up by photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building. Within hours,. The Instagram video received more than 100,000 viewsin three days and echoesold conspiracy theoriesthatclaim the Pentagon was damaged by something other than a plane on 9/11. In 2006, theDepartment of Defense also releasedimages of the attack recorded by the Pentagon's security cameras after the conservative group Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request, according to CBS News. A video shared on Facebook shows footage of the Pentagon being struck by an object on 9/11. You'll recall from the discussions above that the hijacked airliner did not "only hit the ground floor of the Pentagon's first ring" it struck the Pentagon between the first and second floors and blasted all the way through to the third ring. On Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers crashed the American Airlines plane into the southwest side of the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. after two other hijacked planes hit the World Trade Center towers and a third crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Daniel Ellsberg fully expected to spend the rest of his life in prison after he leaked the Pentagon Papers to The New York Times and The Washington Post in 1971. It is a special cloth that helps prevent masonry from fragmenting and turning into shrapnel. There are no large tail sections, wing sections, a fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around.. Any sizable portions of the wings were destroyed in the explosion or the subsequent fire. Boger was in the control tower for the Pentagon's helipad when he saw the plane, which was flying at 530 mph, loaded with 7,000 gallons of jet fuel and carrying 59 people. From page 10: At 9:37:46, American . USA TODAY reached out to the social media users who shared the claim for comment., an online animation widely circulated in the United States and Europe, claims that photographs showing intact windows directly above the crash site prove a missileor a craft much smaller than a 757 struck the Pentagon. Department of Defense. "I remember praying, like, 'God, I don't believe you brought me here for me to die like this,'" she said. 1 April 2002. Conspiracy theorists claim both holes are far too small to have been made by a Boeing 757. Father Stephen McGraw has just witnessed Flight 77 crash into the west wall of the Pentagon. I also saw a large piece of shattered glass that appeared to be a cockpit windshield or other window from the plane., After more description of the scene from McIntyre, Woodruff cites an eyewitness report CNN covered earlier in the day that American Airlines Flight 77 may have landed short of the Pentagon, and asks McIntyre, Can you give us any better idea of how much of the plane actually impacted the building?. mentions the huge, gaping hole, he continues, : I can see parts of the airplane that crashed into the building very small pieces of the plane on the heliport outside the building. Five al-Qaeda terrorists took over American Airlines flight 77,. Because the plane disappeared into the building's interior after penetrating the outer ring, it was not visible in photographs taken from outside the Pentagon. All rights reserved. Emergency vehicles rushing towards Pentagon, AUDIO of sirens\r9. debris from an airplane had not been found. During the exchange,McIntyre states that there is no evidence of a plane having crashed "anywhere near" the Pentagon. American Airlines Flight 77 was the third of four hijacked aircraft to crash. These vivid images offer a special glimpse into the events in and around the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. Some social media users are sharing a video that purportedly shows aCNN broadcast covering the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the Pentagon. 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Allyn E. Kilsheimer, the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon following the crash, told Popular Mechanics, It was absolutely a plane. Kilsheimer further states that he saw and picked up parts of the plane debris and found Flight 77s black box. Fact check: No truth to claims about secret cities under Antarctica. The footage in the Facebook video is blurry and of poor quality, and its source could not be found. If you expected the entire wing to cut into the building, Sozen tells Popular Mechanics, it didnt happen.. In the speech, Rumsfeld talked about how it was difficult to track financial transactions because of antiquated systems within the Department of Defense, according to a transcript. At 9:37 a.m. on September 11, 51 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center, the Pentagon was similarly attacked. The CNN report was deceptively recut to make it seem as though a correspondent at the scene, Jamie McIntyre, said debris from an airplane had not been found. Exterior photographs are misleading because they show only the intact roof structures of the outer rings and don't reveal that the plane penetrated all the way to the ground floor of the third ring. The claim: No plane debris was found at Pentagon, no CCTV footage of crash and trillions went missing from budget American Airlines Flight 77 was hijacked by al-Qaida militants and crashed into. And as I said, the only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you could pick up in your hand. Evey says that without the reconstruction, the floors might have collapsed immediately. 3) You'll remember that the aircraft only hit the ground floor of the Pentagon's first ring. "We have everything bolted together in a strong steel matrix. 7) Can you find the aircraft's point of impact? Boger was in the control tower for the Pentagon's helipad when he saw the plane, which was flying at 530 mph, loaded with 7,000 gallons of jet fuel and carrying 59 people. Like our page to get updates throughout the day on our latest debunks. Sozen further stated that a crashing jet doesnt punch a cartoon-like outline, and instead, what was left of the plane following the impact flowed into the structure in a state closer to liquid.. For starters, modern airliners are essentially large hollow tubes, not solid masses of metal. Other eyewitness accounts also indicate there was debris on the premises. When asked by a journalist: "Is there anything left of the aircraft at all? Emergency vehicles arriving at Pentagon, thick, black smoke and fire at site\rAP Television\rWashington, DC, 16 May 2006\r7. In this case, one wing hit the ground; the other was sheared off by the force of the impact with the Pentagons load-bearing columns, explains Sozen, who specializes in the behavior of concrete buildings. (17 May 2006) US Department of Defence FILE: Arlington, 11 September 2001++MUTE++1. It was Sheila Moody's first day at the Pentagon, and her office was on the outer ring of the building directly in the path of the plane. He confirmed that he had seen plane debris at the scene and published pictures of some of the wreckage he found. Photos from an FBI investigation show debris from Flight 77 around the crash site. The Pentagon had previously refused to release the videos, saying they had been provided to the Justice Department as evidence in any criminal proceedings. As always, our prayers remain with all those who suffered as a result of those murderous attacks.". Signs of fire and black smoke now ring the outside of the jagged-edged hole. The video was also edited to remove a question from the CNN anchor that provided clarifying context forMcIntyre's statements. He recovered 63 exactly one third of all the people who died that day at the Pentagon. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. And despite the appearances of exterior photographs, the Boeing 757-200 did not "only damage the outside of the Pentagon." Though dozens of witnesses saw a Boeing 757 hit the building,. 2023 Pentagon document leaks. photographic evidence of airplane debris found at the crash site. SOUNDBITE: (English) Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch:\r\"Well, it's important for people to understand that Flight 77 was used as a weapon against the Pentagon and many, many people died. On its way to Los Angeles, the plane was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. EDT; 184 people died in that attack. It hit the Pentagon at 0937 on 11 September 2001, disintegrating in a ball of flame as it ploughed . But inside, those shards of stone were caught by a shield of cloth that lines the entire section of the building. As reported by CBS, Sean Boger, who was in the control tower of the Pentagon helipad, saw the plane coming towards the Pentagon a few seconds before it struck.

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