transfer ownership of mobile home in california

Thank you for connecting and reaching out again. Since you have done a thorough inspection of the property and are unable to come up with any identifying markers or numbers for the property or what absolutely encourage you to call out the state to have them reissue you a new VIN or serial if possible. Your PPT will be named Registered Owner on Title. My manufactured home is currently licensed by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. It is important to understand exactly what you are signing and you want to make sure that you do not have to pay any extra money and that the title will be coming to you in your name. Thank you. I am not sure if you can help or not, but you seem to have a very good understanding of mobile homes. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. In addition print necessary state forms below. With all that said, I would very much encourage you to contact the city planners and asked them specifically what packet they were referring to. The trailer needs major work, and am not asking for any payment. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Agreed. The mobile home park where mobile sits is a fifty five and older community and Im 48. TY. This has been an ongoing issue for 2 years and Im at a loss for words and do not know what to do. Im sure that you are already experiencing this in other ways. The Multi-Purpose Transfer Form 476.6G) doesnt seem to apply re designation of co-owner term section. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. For my understanding the home would have to be sold from both of your names to simply your friends name and ownership. I am happy to tell you there is a simple answer. Congratulations on purchasing the second home for your property. Congratulations on finding a home that you really like and will be living in as a private residence. As always, if you ever have any specific questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. In some states there is a state specific bill of sale as well. 7. Additionally, this mobile home may already have one or two lanes currently on the property and you may take third position. If you let me know where your property is located I can see if I am working with any local investors in your area. The California HCD: Welcome to your mobile home title headquarters. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. You can find more information on the process, here: James Frederick In California you will not use a DMV so I will continue the rest of this comment assuming that you are in a state that uses the DMV to transfer mobile home titles. This is an excellent article that you published. You will need to provide them with the serial numbers for your home and let them know that this is a sale between family members for zero dollars. We have a good credit score, no debt. I do not charge anything for answering questions or helping you out via email. I have a mobile home and bought it from someone who only had the DMV title. However if you can show the buyer was only renting you will likely be able to evict the buyer. He just found out that there is a lien on the title from the original owners from 28 years ago. In my opinion you should not trust your mother-in-law anymore when it comes to this deal. Im from CA and thinking of getting into mobile home investing. It will be going through an escrow that contains both property which we will pay transfer fees on and the transfer of the mobile home involving use tax. I am a certified paralegal and would like to market and sell on my own. These folks are usually very helpful and are typically in the office from 8 to 5 Monday through Friday. Different states have different ways to transfer ownership and use a combination of titles, certificates of ownership, statements of ownership, etc. If I miss the marker did not fully answer your question never hesitate to comment back. Certification of Retail Value and Purchase Price (Only if Decal number starts with A) =, This form will let you pay use taxthat is collected by HCD. There may be some merit for you to go to court however legally she could repossess the home and have you evicted. If you are not sure than I would encourage you to find this out as quickly as possible. However, because it has not perhaps you can negotiate with the seller to split this with you 50-50. Depending on how the title was written and issued years ago will determine the procedure moving forward to go through escrow or be bonded. Are their rules, something like: where someone pays taxes for 5 years then becomes legal owner? On the other end, if you have a credit score of 740 or . Besides the owners name and address of course. You want to contact the state where the home resides in the current title is located through. If you bring all the completed forms down to the Riverside office, you will not expedite the process however you will ensure that the paperwork does not get kickback because it is incorrect. Does a 433a certificate mean that it is up to HUD standards? I have to apologize that Im still a bit unclear if the mobile home is a touch to the land and considered real property or if there is a title or pink slip to this mobile home and therefore considered personal property. I was asking 47k but have lowered it to 38k. Your help is greatly appreciated. The procedures for this can be found on the state website mentioned above. Im gonna go ahead and get an escrow company for my first deal as you suggested and just reference those contracts i get for future sells. With that said if this doesnt work please feel free to email me directly for additional potential ways to move forward. Without forging some signatures it would be difficult to get the home into your name very quickly. She has repaid the loan in full, and I want to release the title back to her. For example a single-wide will have one pink slip, and a double-wide will have to pink slips. She wants to sell it as-is. I am curious how you ended up with this mobile home and how long you have been living in it, or if it is just for investing purposes. Approx. Thank you so much for helping us with our questionMy concern is my mother holds the title for a mobile home along with her ex-husband they are divorced now, the judge granted sole ownership of the property to my mom now my mother wants me to have it..What do I need to do transfer of ownership or a bill of sale and how do we show that the ex-husband is no longer a co-owner. All the best. (800) 952-8356. In California you want to call this number and talk to a clerk over the phone that picks up. My sister called HCD yesterday and after waiting on hold for half an hour, we found out that use tax doesnt apply anyways because the mobile home is on Sonoma county property tax. Do you think it would be better to just wait until i can find a seller who is willing to accept seller financing, or should i get a Hard Money Loan to pay for the good deals that i normally cant afford and cant get to seller finance? Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Use only when the legal owner or registered owners names are change. I agree to continue listening to other offers however I would not be in the market for this home is you are looking for a retail price. However all my experience would say to make sure to have a very competent attorney on your side. Some mobile home park managers are greedy, rude, selfish, spiteful, racist, and worse. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I hope this helps and begins to point you in the right direction. The other wrinkle is that the registration is through DMV as it was when the original registered owner transferred it. Do you know how I would contact the DMV without having numbers or the name of the owners. How would I go about that? Depending on the mobile home park they may have a limit to how many people can live in a mobile home. Hi.Does it really take 6 months to transfer title on a mobile home in California now? If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to write back any time. With regards to your questions a local real estate agent may be able to help you put together a loan and security agreement between you and your seller. Address is 2550 Pacific Coast Highway in Torrance Calif. We got a 60k + offer from one of the home developers and we are still accepting offers at this point. I financed this MH when I purchased it I wasnt informed of anything needed by DMV then. Since your brother is also on the title he will be able to order a duplicate title from the state. The taxes are current. How will the California Department of Housing set a value on this mobile home to determine the Use Tax? However because I want to give you any wrong or misleading information. Hi John! I pay the taxes every year to the gov. After you move in you can certainly try to obtain a new title with the help of an attorney and/or tracking down the true owner of the home. Any follow-up questions you have or have never hesitate to reach out any time. If the ownership is in your name and you can absolutely resell the mobile home to another buyer. Base your decisions out of logic and not out of emotion. Is their a department of California State that she can contact to dispute this or let them know her brother is attempting to change title without her permission? Perhaps less if the home is a single wide. All the best. Today is 9/30/21. Use this line in California. My son has just moved out this month, and I want to give the mobile home away in a as is condition. We get this signed because we have been burned by the state wanting more paperwork due to something being incorrect on the title from long ago or currently. ( the link above does not work). I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information so I would rather you hear it directly from the horses mouth. My mother and father are the registered owners on their mobile home, but my mother wants to sign off so that my father has clear title. I hope this helps answer your question. However if you intend to mail in payment, title, and paperwork always call the state HCD office to get an exact total amount to send in via mail. Please dont ever hesitate to comment back here or email me personally at These folks are usually very helpful and will be able to answer your exact questions moving forward. If you need any help locating this our extra assistance never hesitate to let me know. And how do the taxes on the mobile home sale work? Keep in touch. Thanks for sharing this article. With that said I would definitely call the state at the phone number above to ask them any specific questions with regards to your specific mobile home. All the best. How long does the process take to get the new title back? I would very much encourage you to contact the California HCD to explain this exact situation and asked them the paperwork and best steps needed to move forward quickly and affordably. Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. The seller may be correct in only having a registration for the home. Have you already found a home you love? I hope this helps some. There is a saying that goes, if the home is on a list, a deal doesnt exist. This is a blanket statement of course, but outlines the point that the homes in your area sold well below retail are found by knowing everything that is for sale and being in constant with professionals, dealers, Realtors, investors, sellers, park owners and more. There certainly has been a good bit of time since your dad signed as seller, however you are power of attorney so nothing should be misconstrued or deemed fraudulent moving forward. All the best. As always, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. They will definitely let you know the back due fees exactly for this particular mobile home. With regards to your taxes you will simply want to take the county tax rate and multiply it by the appraisal value you receive from your appraisal. The value of the decedent's property in California does not exceed $166,250 (if the decedent died on or after 1/1/20). Keep in touch. Because you are so new and without a mentor and without paperwork I would suggest you close with a help of a local escrow/title company and/or a closing attorney. Now for my questions:, Great information here thanks. Thank you very much for reaching out and commenting. Hi John, Can I expedite the process if I walk all the completed papers into the Riverside office? He purchased the property and home 15years ago as a foreclosure. In California the process is fairly simple. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. Mobile homes can be titled a few different ways in California so I would definitely encourage you to call the HCD at (800) 952-8356. Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. We have given them every piece of information they have asked for!even about the original owners family. Who pays the transfer fee an additional cost to get the property into your name should have already been negotiated. Hi John: Im a senior in a mobile home park in Sacramento and would like to know if I can sell my home on my own. For this reason I would very much encourage you to call the California HCDs manufactured home department to ask them specifically how to achieve the goal you are looking for. As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. Thanks for reaching out and commenting with this issue. You should contact your county auditor-controllers office to determine if any of these other taxes may apply to your manufactured home. I very much regret to hear about your son wanting to send you away. Make sure to send these forms to the state for transfer of Title to go smoothly. I paid the trailer in full amount and only got a bill of sale. How can I move forward on this? You may have to wait on hold for a little bit however there always very helpful when I speak to them. I did read a ton of these. The amount of time your friend has owned the home does not matter with regards to your tax consequences. Now, I understand that there is no use tax in California if the sale is from parent to child. by a lot! The closing costs will be the same for you. Thanks for all the info. If the previous owner is dead, a death certificate will be required as evidence, and the stand-in will . Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Thank you so much for putting this online. Depending on the serial number or VIN the state may tell you to do a couple different things. I hope this helps and answers your question.

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