umbrella academy fanfiction past meets future

Time for bed now, kids. She doesnt look much like you either, One.. Whats going on? whispered Three, as if nervous that speaking would break the strange but sweet scene they were watching. There is an irony in rebellion at the end of the world. Your father always believed that Number Five was still out there somewhere. She instead watched as Vanya turned to the portrait, her face heavy with a distant sadness. One of the reporters whispered to the other and then suddenly the questions changed. I dont think theres really anything important about the monocle, man.. Not having to take care of a kid you didnt ask for?. They turn to look at her with serious expressions and a small warning goes off in her head, that this is a serious matter. This is the worst place we couldve ended up. He hisses through gritted teeth, Dads still alive and Ben is still dead., Luther tries not to grimace when Diego spits out their fathers name as though its poison on his tongue. Heyy! I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot!, Guns are for sissies! Awkwardly, Luther handed over his unconscious sister to the awake one. this future sucks and we're going to change it - Chapter 1 "Oh, for Christ's sake," Diego said, rolling his eyes. She gets assigned to one of the most powerful and famous diverse group of mates, the Hargreeves. In the future. Told me I should be careful who to trust., Hasnt he always been sort of like that, though? asked Three. Grace sat on a plush sofa, her face unchanged from the years away. Theumbrellaacademy Stories - Wattpad Dave let his head drop back onto his pillow. If youre interested in learning information that could potentially save your lives and the lives of the entire planet, make a unanimous vote. Five laughed quietly. Will there be refreshments? Klaus entered from around the corner, wearing something even more outlandish and holding a glass of whiskey and a cigarette. It looks a lot less rape-y.". Summary: When Five brings his siblings seventeen years into the past to escape the apocalypse, he knew things might get a little weird. A phone call interrupts Lila's well-deserved nap. The man bounced along, gently tossed down a bag of garbage, and looked up. Yea, Klaus says, hands still on Allison, Our past selves. After a few samples, you will be able to note the interests of the tropers recommending them, and judge . Seven didnt look surprised either. We have important things to discuss., I dont understand, ventured Vanya. Man on the Moon, Part 2 Same thing that always happened, said Allison. the Hargreeves are thrust into the past-more specifically- their past. One shrugged and started to open the letter. OhI wonder what happened. Master Klaus? Pogo responds, able to guess merely on personality, appearance and overall strangeness of the outfit hes wearing. Then one of them faceplants into the floor, the others too distracted by their surroundings to catch them as they fell. Thats impossible!. Sometimes, when he still worked at the commission, Five would sit down and watch people go about their days. Fiction T - English - Family/Adventure - Clark K./Kal-El/Superman, Bruce W . What followed was a mix of sharp gasps of surprise and also relief. Dont take this decision lightly. He looked up, tense. Incoming transmission, Luther frowned before his eyes widened, his face looking surprisingly young through the beard. ", "Stop it, all of you!" One looked at him, swallowed down a comment in return, and just pointed to the envelope. There have always been ghosts that haunt him, hungry for his attention. Number Four Hargreeves.""Ain't on your dog tag.""Well, I'm getting to that."Dave hangs back when he tells his stories. A shadow stood near the door and then suddenly the neck of the main robber was snapped. Its addressed to all of us.. The Seven in the room looked quiet, too, but no one said anything. He likes you better than us. 5. break fast asked Klaus. "Andthat'sthe kind of restrictive thinking that makes you a no-fun stick-in-the-mud," said Klaus. member of the academy, and their sister. Umbrella Academy Stories | Quotev 1. arrival Its ironic and bizarre, You look different from the last time I saw you., Theres something else in the back of his words that makes Pogo think that the last time this Klaus saw him wasnt a good thing. By: BooksAreMyVideogames. Wait, what? Five gave her a look, and then his mouth began to open slightly, the gears in his brain moving. In this fic directly after UA S1, they're transported into Post-Snap MCU. Clearly some time had passed, and Vanya stepped into the house, with seven invisible children following after her. Seven never got painted in any of them. Does anyone have any good Fanfiction recommendations? Diego shrugged but stepped lightly out of the room. You know what, I maybe hes right, she stuttered. 10. Every Breath You Take Chapter 9: Don't Look Back In Anger, an umbrella When Shawn, Gus, Juliet and Carlton come across a form of technology taken straight out of a science fiction novel (literally), they come face to face with a situation they previous thought impossible: themselves. Five didn't have time for his brother's superiority complex. Must be the protein. Vanya rolled out her larger brothers arms while Five fell backwards, completely out of it. There couldnt not be- theyd literally seen the man the day before doing exactly that, and even Allison had cracked a smile. Or: Five, summer 2019 and learning to live in the aftermath. Hes dead! Klaus clapped his hands. And this is, what? Past meets future | Archive of Our Own Bowling shoes? "We need to go! 10. awake Why am I on the moon?. [klaus hargreeve. Five glowered with such an intensity that flowers might've wilted. Breakfast at the Umbrella Academy was a quiet affair, less strict by the absence of Reginald Hargreeves, who preferred not to see the children until later in the day. Im putting you in charge of them until that happens.. They are similar, but different. Diego held out a piece of paper. Scones? Real men throw knives!, Two, that is so cringe, said Four. The seven children watched her expression too, and Five tried not to stare too hard at his own face. Pogo grins back in what he hopes is a calm smile, Just going to speak with your father. Im sure well find out in literally a few seconds, said Five under his breath. Pogo cant help the smile on his face as he watches them curl around each other, Vanya and Five in the center of the bed, the others sprawled around them. Justice League + Umbrella Academy Crossover. One gave her a look, and she shrunk back slightly, as if to take it back. This is the same man who constantly thinks the world is going to end, and we have to defend it.. "I know a motel.". Cadence Pearl was tired of working at the Temps Commission. I wonder how much time I have, he said, almost entranced by how much like him the painting looked. Why would she ever not use a power that got her everything she wanted? Check. Seven felt like shed been hit by a bus, and she winced, trying to stand up. Reginald never bought the children, but they all ended up going to the same boarding school. A line of strollers paraded by. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5074), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (42), Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy) (8878), Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves (7870), Klaus Hargreeves/David "Dave" Katz (2188), Klaus Hargreeves & Number Six | Ben Hargreeves (2002), Diego Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves (1396), Number Five | The Boy & Klaus Hargreeves (1379), Number Five | The Boy & Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves (1063), Klaus Hargreeves & Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves (835), Number Five | The Boy/Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves (827), Number Five | The Boy & Diego Hargreeves (603), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (1539), Number Five | The Boy & Luther Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy) & Everyone, The Hargreeves | Umbrella Academy Need a Hug, Pre-Transition Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves, he will come out in the course of the story though, I love all the siblings but they are all flawed and traumatised people, Some Characters Not Tagged For Spoiler Reasons, trying not to overburden the character tags but all the umbrella siblings will have a role, Ride of the Valkyries (Smoggyeatstheroses), Klaus Hargreeves/Number Two | Ben Hargreeves/Original Female Character(s), Number Two | Ben Hargreeves/Original Female Character(s), Klaus Hargreeves/Original Female Character(s), Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, where did the wolves come from and why are they so great, Autistic Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Number Five | The Boy, healing your inner child one great wolf lodge trip at a time, The Umbrella Academy : through time and space, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Number Five | The Boy & The Hargreeves | Umbrella Academy, TUA Masked Author 2023 (Umbrella Academy), Alternate Universe - The Umbrella Academy (TV) Fusion, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy)/Original Female Character(s), Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy)/Original Character(s), Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy)/You, please comment the author has crippling self-doubt, Let the Rain Drench Us in Love, My Darling, Klaus Hargreeves & David "Dave" Katz During Vietnam, Post-Transition Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves, Diego and Lila's Baby (she's a girl in this fic), People have feelings but mostly they insult one another, Teen for swearing and vague discussions of murder, Number Five | The Boy/Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy & Allison Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy/Number Six | Ben Hargreeves. The thing that struck her first was the smell- what was that? Got to be at least fifteen years from now?, Thats true, said Seven quietly, her lips pulled into a soft frown. On the twelfth hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. Definitely.. Her brother Sebastian, number 1 has different ideas and wants the family to get back together to solve their father's apparent 'murder'. Were superheroes, of course wed say yes.. Updates will be Mondays and Thursdays, each episode broken in two parts (for length and sanity). "Away," Five said. Hey you, stay strong. Good Umbrella Academy fics : FanFiction - Reddit Im next!. It was like their stomachs had magnets in them, forcing them to follow even as they yelled and screamed and collided into each other. We used to sit out there all the time, none of you ever did that?, We get it, said Two. Or a little before now? The second Klaus turned 18, he left the umbrella, just like Diego. Time in the Past Chapter 1, an umbrella academy fanfic | FanFiction supernatural. Pogos on edge. He put Vanya on those pills. What is she doing here? Diego came around the corner and gave Vanya a look of disinterest. Oh look, the portraits!, She walked over and let out a gasp, her eyes widening suddenly, and she looked fearfully over at Five and Six. Right, Ben is here. She wasnt sure if she wanted it to be her or not. Mini-us., Diego curses to himself, turning his head back to the bedpost, I forgot about that.. Pogo sighs. "Fighting won't get anything done. And that starts with figuring out where we're going to stay until we know what the hell we're going to do. Diego barely spares the boy in question a glance before he responds, Long story, Pogo., Allison raps him harshly on the shoulder and he turns to look at her. Theres no way hes not going to interrogate us., Ben says that we should just tell him the bare minimum, Klaus continues after a minute, sounding tired, At least enough to keep him away from us while we sort this out.. That is if they don't completely and utterly fuck this up. I remember when there were zero to one ads on, but I didn't get into fanfic back then because I had so many other choices. Vanya - The White Violin. It didnt. "Hold on a minute," said Klaus. The small woman in the center stopped playing abruptly, and she relaxed her shoulders. Now no one could avoid laughing at the murderous expression on Twos face. Klaus squawked slightly as he hit the floor, and they all gathered around him. I hate it and I always will., Six walked out, dripping in blood and trembling. "Where to now?" "We need to readjust. This is one of my favorites, she said, almost to herself. as well as Mini-us? echoes Diego, looking away from the bedpost hes trying to burn a hole into. Of course! she said obediently, turning away from him and towards the future. He smirked, walking with a bounce. Luther waits till Pogo leaves them alone, heading to go inform their father of their presence. When was the last time to spoke to your father?, Will you wear Valentino to the funeral?, Funeral? Three gasped, barely even noticing as her future-selfs face flashed to concern. Arriving only six months after Ben's death, they now have to deal with both their overbearing abusive father and their curious younger selves, all while trying to become . No. He got seven of them. Do youDo you know if he ever read it?. Everyone, put your hands in the air.". Science is not exact. Who is that? The woman stared at him, her mouth slightly open. Confused? If you would like to make sure you catch the next one with them actually time traveling and meeting . He groans, rubbing a hand across his face, Fine we dont tell Dad.. I totally wouldve pegged you as a Luther, too. My legal name. They hurried down the stage's steps, Allison leading the way to the back exit. 6. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.. But nothing could prepare him for what the boy was going to say next. Numbers as names because otherwise this was even more difficult to read, so the explanation is that they received their names after Five left. OR. Whats that whistling noise? asked Two, even as they were inside the bank, a slightly younger Three walking up to a man confidently. No ones even looked up., Youre right, said Four, letting out a small snicker. Klaus asked, poking at Five's cheek. Luther asked, clearly anxious to be the leader despite his cluelessness. In his second chance in life, Klaus fixed alot of loose ends starting from meeting an old Dave and his powers. Thats you, said Five, and all eyes turned to him. Luther- The Spaceboy. Here We Are Again So when the seven of them find themselves seventeen years in the past, in their adult bodies, alongside their childhood counterparts, Five isn't all that surprised. They didnt know anything, and it was that lack of knowledge (along with some interference) that led to the doorbell ringing. Which means were all, what, almost thirty?, He glanced sideways and Vanya. I dont know. Hes just a sad, old man who died alone in a big, empty house. They were supposed to share coffee at Griddy's Doughnuts every Sunday. Grace smiled and handed out spoonful's of eggs, the pitcher of orange juice made its way down the table, and the only sound was the scraping of metal forks against the plates. Isnt that literally your power? Noooooo, Klaus hid his wrist in his shirt. She was looking up at a large painting of a young boy with dark hair and an expression that was somehow sad and arrogant at the same time. The children all winced. Few months?, When it was clear that Reginald Hargreeves wasnt going to look up, Grace turned sharply on her foot. Suddenly, a voice entered their consciousness, a voice that sounded bizarrely similar to Pogos. ! They nearly all said at once, and Fives eyes shot open. Can you think of a single time you saw Dad and he wasnt wearing that monocle? And he is! I dont think so said Pogo, his voice gentle. 17. His words slurred slightly. Really, Allison was more terrifying than people gave her credit for. Youre huge!, Luther rolled his eyes. All their plans are completely demolished however when a long-lost sibling shows up claiming they're all in great danger. I want less man-in-all-black-leather kidnapping roofiedchild, and more fun dad at the park, okay? They have a long way to go to recover from all that. Sonow, said Three. And surprise, surprise, Dads deathwas normal. A thin, lanky man with dark scruff jumped down easily from the top of a bunk bed. No one else knew what to say, even as Allison was ushered off the carpet. The kids grow into crime fighting adults and join SHEILD. Claires mydaughter? she whispered, looking shocked. Ohyou got big, Luther., One gave Two a look, and Two made a face. The woman burst to the top of the pool, shrieking wildly, her previously flat stomach suddenly swollen and enormous. He may or may not be a demi-human. It was all she ever wanted. Well, sober up, this is important. Of course it would be his favorite sandwich, too, every night. 11. reconciliation Please consider turning it on! Sociopathic_Ally_is_a_Space_Orc, yogibear1989, sky_fall_367, Keitorin, Random5weeb, sitimelur, KatrinaGranger, KSJ_0307, yakooi, magentavvv, demogorgeous, PreparenseParalosProblemas, Carleance, I_Am_Not_Actually_Australia, ItsSoFluffy131, LilFireBean, Petite_Phthora, Peekaboo567, IMMELTINGSLOWLY, c_h_i_c_k_i_n, proudkilljoy, RedactedLurker, Gothicwxtch, DarkkBluee, killmewithasledgehammer, itsnotreal__0, devotedlyclever, DragonPlusWolf, Diomedeidae, Abouttobe7pm, Zoela, SpikedTequila, itsayun, Mushroom_is_swag, IMASIMP_495, Purplemoon153, Rainshame3012, Hades_357, aeorisforlovers, LonerWolf6, SilvernSky, SMFA15, DaNidkid, Zoe_Ombra13, abookutopia, r3ddwing, Cxells, Little_Owl329, BenevolentlyMad, Mikitela, and 1804 more users The Umbrella . Unnumbered Future Selves. Four felt the rest of them staring and felt a strange heat enter his face. Eyes swiveled, and Seven felt her cheeks grow warm. But where is here? asked One, but even as he opened his mouth to continue, words appeared in front of them, like a subtitle in a movie. We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals, They all remembered those bank walls. I Heard A Rumor, Part 1 Oh, said Two. Klaus is immortal. Luther bites his lip, debating whether he should tell Dad or not. She thinks that she'll just have their baby, get her money, and be on her way but the six of them have other ideas. Youd probably say hi, right?. Where are Patrick and Claire?. Its the most peaceful the house has been since the passing of Number Six, Ben, about six months ago. There was at least one dead member of the Umbrella . She enters the office with her usual pep, surprised to see both Reginald and Pogo in there. Is that a fur robe?. 3. This was unusual, only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Klaus walked over to the bed and leant down to press a kiss to Daves temple. Theres no response as one of the figures follows suit, falling to their hands and knees and retching. Language: English Words: 774 . Dad- I figured, why not? Just a unanimous vote.. On top of that, they were accumulating a lot of stares from civilians. You dont think?. Is it? Four said, almost sarcastically, thinking that their Dad was rude on his best days and downright cruel on his worst, but he didnt feel like he needed to say it. Are we just going to watch ourselves become toddlers? Seven looked like she were about to start crying at any moment. This is actually my first work on AO3, so thank you so much for clicking! 33.3K 681 21. 209 guests The Umbrella Academy (TV) - Works | Archive of Our Own 13. But for now, they had to run. Five went missing with no explanation in 2022. They moved into the main room, a fire crackling warmly. Pogo sighs in relief at the appearance of the literal crack in space-time. Some days I feel like A03 is the only place where I can go to have fun. 3. Numbah- Threeeeee!. Once again, everyone flinched at his words. "Something fucked up" says The Boy as he pop-up in a new timelines corridor, two old friends back and determined to catch him. Did you almost die?, Four gave the smallest of shrugs, nose twitching as Klaus high-fived the EMT. And then theres the issue of the missing monocle. Not only this, but she's ensured that each contains a little something that is certain to be a blast from Fives past. The wind whistles gently around him as he plops down on the small bench in the corner and he shakes his head, trying to get the sharp noises of the wind out of his ears. The Umbrella Academy (Five Hargree. "Here, put her on the bench, I'll sit with her." Youve gotten weirder, said Six. That image was the symbol of the Umbrella Academy, a group that had caused a whole lot of dissension among the Avengers. Five didnt look as nervous, but rather furrowed his brow at the announcement. He shook her off. Seven heard the others gasping, and she looked up to see their near-identical selves staring up at them, wearing pajamas and looking straight through them at their father, who was characteristically too busy for them. This could happen really soon.

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