what is religious brainwashing

The negative implications of indoctrination come from the fact that much indoctrination involves presenting the subject only with material and sources which support the views held by the person or organisation doing the indoctrinating, and classifying other material and sources as evil or incompatible with the views being promoted (the attitude of some fundamentalist Christian organisations to The Origin of Species being an example), Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Massimo Introvigne (born June 14, 1955 in Rome) is an Italian sociologist of religions. https://www.britannica.com/topic/brainwashing, Psychology Today - The Art of Brainwashing, National Center for Biotechnology Information - PubMed Central - Brainwashing by Social Media: A Threat to Freedom, a Risk for Dictatorship, brainwashing - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Indoctrination: teaching a person about a religion, like always taking them to church from a young age, but allowing them to choose whether they want to believe and live by that religion. For many, the religious brainwashing begins at birth when we are baptized and subsequently attend Sunday school. In essence, the prisoners did not actually adopt Communistbeliefs. We can all agree children shouldnt be allowed to do whatever they like. The Chinese did, however, succeed in having some of the prisoners make anti-American statements by placing the prisoners under harsh conditions of physical and social deprivation and disruption, and then by offering them more comfortable situations such as better sleeping quarters, better food, warmer clothes, or blankets. and they equally couldnt rely upon their colleagues. Is teaching children religion brainwashing? An additional article by Hunter on the same subject appeared inNew Leadermagazine in 1951. Be aware that when someone accuses another of having been brainwashed by their church or synagogue, they are speaking from a deep well of prejudice and manufactured hysteria. Maybe youhavent noticed this, but man is the only animal that has this yearning to know the truth about God, the universe, and himself. In Islam we engage the brain with logic and reasoning. THAT is religious brainwashing in the extreme. What this means is that you dont feel like you have an identity anymore. A noted scholar of comparative religion and former Franciscan monk, Dr.Frank K. Flinn, when Adjunct Professor in Religious Studies at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, undertook an examination of the Churchs program for religious rehabilitation of members of the ministry and unilaterally found the Churchs program to be consistent with similar practices in Jesuit orders and in some Eastern religions such as Buddhismand milder by comparison. They claimed that such people were subjected to practices designed to impair the brains powers of information processing, leading to delusions, altered awareness, and changes in thinking. This is particularly effective where nationalist orreligioussentiment is invoked and where the population is poorly educated and has limited access to independent or foreign media. Singer and Benson has been repudiated by the scientific community, that the hypotheses advanced by Singer were little more than uninformed speculation, based on skewed data, and that [t]he coercive persuasion theory is not a meaningful scientific concept.. Religious brainwashing is a fantasy; it is nothing but the invention of an uninformed minority used to spread anti-religious sentiments about new religions. Be aware that Why? It should be noted that many of these techniques are more subtly used (usually unconsciously) byadvertisers, governments, schools, parents, and peers. Are these things just brute facts, or have we been fed them so many times that weve started to accept them as truth? Gradually each child can learn using Reason to distinguish between what is worth believing and what is mere myth. Komenda na legalnego aimbota CS:GO. Stalin and Mao were just as determined as the Holy Inquisition to stamp out free thought. Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu. Who in the end could forge anew the paths of experience and thought which have yielded the treasures of human wisdom and religion? Bishop Barron's Gospel Reflections straight to your inbox. Do we think its ok to surround ourselves with luxuries at the expense of the people whose country the raw materials came from? In the 1960s, after coming into contact with new religious movements (NRMs), popularly referred to as cults, young people suddenly adoptedfaiths,beliefs, and behavior that differed markedly from their previous lifestyles and seemed at variance with their upbringings. Some religion is nice; the sort that comes with a tasteful choir and topical sermons. Brainwashing is the reduction of people to near zombie-like status through psychological manipulation in the religious and related domain. You are not, sadly, an original thinker. The phrase was a play onx xn( to wash the heart), a phrase found in manyDaoisttemples exhorting the faithful to cleanse their hearts of impure desires before entering. Jumpthrow bind. Do we support wars that turn out to be erroneous? Under such conditions, they described the mind as snapping under the pressure, and realigning with the patterns of thought presented by those in control of the process. Its also sharing the most meaningful relationship you have with your loved ones. Odbierz DARMOWE przedmioty w ulubionej grze! This is when young, influential and impressionable minds are engrained with the need to be saved by Jesus Christ. This blog contains (Jesus loves you) a hidden message. No religious minorities were exempted from her expansive opinion that the brainwashing theory applied to the voluntary participation of persons in new religiousmovements. I wonder whether some people grab for the word brainwashing out of despair, particularly when they know seemingly well-adjusted Christians. But should they be encouraged to think freely? We Can Expand Our Concept of Beautiful: Bravo, Mattel, WOF 384: Bishop Barron and Jonathan Roumie: A Conversation, WOF 383: What Christianity Brings to the Public Conversation, WOF 382: The Beauty of Hope w/ Fr. Steven Hassan (1988), suggested that the influence of sincere but misled people can provide a significant factor in the process of thought reform. Various lawsuits were brought, some by families and organizations opposed to NRMs; others by members of NRMs who were subjected to deprogramming by people hired to bring them back to their former beliefs and lifestyle. ing brn-wsh-i, -wsh- : a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting In 1953, Allen Welsh Dulles, the CIA director at that time, explained that the brain under [Communist influence] becomes a phonograph playing a disc put on its spindle by an outside genius over which it has no control.. They argued that Singers theories of religious brainwashing have no scientific validity and noted that to the extent that the [theory of coercive persuasion from minority religious practice] can be said to have any empirical foundation at all, that foundation is so methodologically inadequate to beworthless.. Who, for instance, could assess critically the countless scientific findings upon which modern life is based? Singers half-baked theories were soon debunked by the scientific community. Choosingnotto share Christianity with them signals that you either dont care enough about the faith to find it worth sharing, or dont care enough about your kids to find them worth sharing with. While many lives have been destroyed in the process, total success has never been documented. You only care about your religious goals. published by the Center for Studies on New Religions, The Unreliability of Stories and Rumors byApostates. When it comes to religious brainwashing, people often undergo a sudden personality change. By this measure, the religion of Pastafarianism is the creation of a first-rate mind. The justification was that if members of these faiths had been brainwashed and had no free will, then it was perfectly acceptable to beat their religious conversion out of them. WebReligious brainwashing is a fantasy; it is nothing but the invention of an uninformed minority used to spread anti-religious sentiments about new religions. They pointed out that radical changes in both belief and behavior are hallmarks of a conversion experience. The methods of these deprogrammers included not only various coercive persuasion techniques to break their new-found faith, but also the forcible abduction, orkidnapping, of these young adults. For most religious people that are not brainwashed, If you disagree, fine, but youre wrong. The smoke generated by the battle over faith schools has obscured a far more fundamental dispute that between liberals and authoritarians. Your brainwashing is showing. Rational persuasion involves getting Johnny to apply his own powers of reason and think for himself exactly what Authoritarians dislike. Later, two studies of the Korean War defections by Robert Lifton (1961) and Edgar Schein (1961) concluded that brainwashing had only a transient effect when used onprisoners of war(POWs). Dont live in guilt or shame for what others have done to you. Brainwashing someone through religion takes careful planning no matter how strong you are, even the best of us can be manipulated without realizing it. So whyshouldChristian parentsshare the Gospel with their children? But lets make sure they are liberal faith schools. Butits more than that. More recently, its reported use in fringe religious cults and radical political groups has aroused concern in the United States. And you might say, as an atheist, We want them to make up their own minds, which is great so do I but do you really make it that open-ended? This is very scary because you dont feel like you are who you used to be anymore. It isnt the agreement with a statement about how the world is. Has the cause of a rocket failure ever been mis-identified, such that another launch failed due to the same problem? By controlling the physical and social environment, an attempt is made to destroy loyalties to any unfavourable groups or individuals, to demonstrate to the individual that his attitudes and patterns of thinking are incorrect and must be changed, and to develop loyalty and unquestioning obedience to the ruling party. Being a Christian is not just something you think, or do, or believe. By constantly harping on the vagaries and meaninglessness of life outside their belief system, the pure, geometric certainties offered by a political or religious Authority can be made to seem increasingly attractive. Part One: Milieu Control 2.) They would be unable to rely upon the scientific conclusions of anyone who had come before them (after all, whos to say that they didnt doctor their research?) In 1974, the institution sought religious status to avoid legal battles over zoning law violations. He also rips off an arm to use as a sword. This means that the human beingthe one who seeks the truthis alsothe one who lives by belief. Liberals say yes. It was submitted for Face to Faith in The Guardian, but the editor of that section rejected it. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. It only takes a minute to sign up. Introvigne is the author of some 70 books and more than 100 articles in the

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