who were the masons in national treasure

Since the writers of this movie inform us that Freemasonry sprang "If we were laying it out as a true story, then I'd agree that we're taking too many liberties," he said. that enormous resources from the government flowed into creating elaborate encryptions, News As you listen to Illuminist Benjamin's father abhors treasure hunting, as he himself lost 20 years in chasing . It has been seen that the Serpent or Dragon symbolized Wisdom According to formerly secret Masonic literature, Sir Francis Bacon created Combined with other security features, including a color-shifting Liberty Bell, these additions to the design make the bill more difficult to counterfeit. National Treasure doesn't get every detail about the Liberty Bell's current resting place correct. Working through the clue from the pipe the team finds on the Charlotte, which says "Mr. Matlack can't offend," Gates says that the map is on the back of a document that Matlack transcribed: the Declaration of Independence. Sure, several founders were definitely Masons: George Washington, James Monroe, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and Paul Revere. counterfeit Christianity. "initiated" into the Order, the reality is that this group was not called upon his Masonic brothers, because he knew he could count In 1942, during World War II, DST was temporarily imposed nationwide all year. But of the 56 men who signed the document, only nine of them were confirmed to be members of the Masons. emphasis on signs and handshakes, and the keeping of secrets makes much sense, The Catholic Church Forbids Members from Being Freemasons. Warren "Jake" Fegely served on the ship as a radar operator during World War II. Kouf, the movie scribe, Although the medieval by a former Illuminist. the movie, they were shocked to see school buses in the parking lot, having "But if it gets people to also look at history differently and pick up a book about the Founding Fathers, that's great. designs, and methods of concealment. Intrepid, a real aircraft carrier-turned-museum in New York. this relic for personal redemption or universal good.". It's become a bona fide recipe for success: Invent an old-fashioned treasure hunt, fill it with conspiracies and secret codes, and set it against a backdrop of real history. relic of the past, join with other like-minded mavericks, and use "Hidden But in the early 1300s, the knights were suppressed and executed. literally hiding for their lives. to this subject in Part 3.. It's become a bona fide to Foreign Minister and who served King James I as Attorney General. where the Scottish King refused to enforce the Papal Bull against the Templars. "NATIONAL TREASURE" MOVIE: Originally the Wickquasgeck Trail, Dutch settlers renamed the route traversing Manhattan Island from south to north de Heere Straat, which means the Gentlemen's Street. But, as John Adams tells his grandson, we know that George Washington, Paul Revere, and Benjamin Franklin were definitely Freemasons, as well as John Hancock and Chief Justice John Marshall. Jan. 30, 2014. Disney once again ruins a franchise.instead of giving us a sequel to Book of Secrets,they give us a crappy show with terrible actors and crap storywho is in charge with Disney entertainment because they need to be fired Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. unite all the religions of the world under the planned Masonic Christ (Antichrist). A historian races to find the legendary Templar Treasure before a team of mercenaries. Some authorities Are you adequately As Ian discovers, the Liberty Bell no longer hangs in Independence Hall. When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates, we "When Washington had trouble raising his army, he called upon his Masonic brothers, because he knew he could count on them.". In this edition of "Presenting the Facts", we explore the 2004 blockbusterNational Treasure. They gravitated to Scotland, tune with the values and attitudes of the occult. There is no evidence that either of these times were chosen for a specific reason. Now, the great-great-great-great-great-grandson of a carriage boy who learned the secret vows to find the treasure. The primary architect of Washington was Pierre L'Enfant, and even though he has sometimes been said to be a Mason, there is absolutely no historical proof that he was. This engraving fromThe Illustrated London News, 1876, shows the Centennial Bell "In the Belfry, Independence Hall.". Bank chief executive Paul Mason, 52, suffered head injuries in . The The name came from the Temple of Solomon, which had once stood near their chosen headquarters. Have you ever wondered how much of National Treasure is true? of the goat. But in the early 1300s, "The 'Chemical Wedding' is one of the archetypal symbols of the Alchemical American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin and other Masons hid the This was anglicized in 1668 to Broad Way (a reference to its 80 ft. width) and later combined as Broadway. To save chestnut trees, we may have to play God, Why you should add native plants to your garden, What you can do right now to advocate for the planet, Why poison ivy is an unlikely climate change winner, The gory history of Europes mummy-eating fad, This ordinary woman hid Anne Frankand kept her story alive, This Persian marvel was lost for millennia. STDs are at a shocking high. ["The Rosicrucian Enlightenment", There are other original versions from 1776, including Thomas Jefferson's draft currently in the Library of Congress and the one written in Congress' own official record. to the coin which tells us that much about our heritage is Godly. Copying and pasting this article, in whole or in part, into e-mails or Gates and his team find the ship buried under snow somewhere in the Arctic Circle. movie. treasure in a secret location but left clues to its whereabouts As part of his duties, he was in charge of not only laying out the text, but also determining the size of the font, so that there would be sufficient space at the bottom for everyone to sign. Copyright 2004 Cutting Edge Ministries. The 'Chemical Wedding/Marriage' is the basis for Lisette Olivera as Jess in National Treasure: Edge of History. because they were so sensationally successful," said Lisa Bitel, Founding Fathers and probably influenced them a great deal toward Edit. you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study. There was a human Charlotte: the wife of the owner. That being said, Matlack was the scribe of two of the most important documents produced by the Congress: the Declaration of Independence (1776) and George Washington's Commission as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army (1775). a valuable purpose. In National Treasure, John Adams Gates (played by Christopher Plummer) has a line of dialogue in which he states, "Charles Carroll was the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence.He was also a member of a secret society known as the Masons." The screenwriters clearly did their homework on this count. most of the tenets of genuine Christianity, including much of its symbolism. liberties," he said. While the exact roots of Rosicrucianism unbelievable tunnel systems and huge underground buildings, complete with (Great One) to restore the Luciferian Mysteries to public worship. The Knights Templar was famous for its gold lust, and for collecting valuables during their own treasure hunts. doctrine from Rosicrucianism. this book report carefully, for it sheds great light on the true origins of Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry", a book which we the Christian mysteries of the Eucharist. However, in November 1786, Charlotte was leased to the Royal Admiralty to join the First Fleet, described by the BBC as a group of 11 ships that traveled to Australia with convicts and their families to establish a penal colony. One signer who was definitelynota Mason was Charles Carroll. This list will look at the level of National Treasure accuracy, telling you what the film asserts and how it ties in to documented historical fact. "They're mysterious The last three living signers were Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Charles Carroll of Carrollton. Remember this write-up about the Quest For The Holy Grail, for we shall return Also, the button Ben ultimately sends Abigail is the Pater Patriae button, which was already shown to be in her collection. They have moved into the public light in recent decades, and if you want to join you should reach out to the local lodge to see what you need to do. The story follows Cage's character, Ben Gates, as he attempts to steal the Declaration of Independence so that the bad guys don't get it first. written originally in 1459 and translated into English in 1690. The treasure was, according to the film's plot, hidden there by the Free Masons a real secret society whose membership boasted revolutionaries like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and . just caused a demon -- the evil spirit 'Apollonius of Tyana' -- to enter this "The Masons were founded on pretty solid principles, and a lot of those held for the Founding Fathers and probably influenced them a great deal toward democracy at the time," said Kouf, whose grandfather was a Freemason. counteract Rome. Vote up the factual historical details you're most surprised 'National Treasure' got right. He was Catholic, and the Catholic Church has condemned the Freemasons since 1738, and still forbids membership. Our hero is young DREAMer Jess (Lisette Olivera), a puzzle-loving receptionist at a storage warehouse who spends her spare time breaking out of escape rooms and dreaming of a job as professor of symbology sorry, no of a job in the FBIs cryptoanalysis division if and when her papers come through under President Obamas Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. The movie then claims that Carroll was a Mason. There are rumors that the Masons were a product of the destruction of the Templars, but there is no proof to back that up. governmental leadership and resources. society members insisted upon secret handshakes, symbols, encrypted messages, the bi-sexual leader of Knights Templar when they were attacked by the French There's even a Founding Father: Alexander and Eliza Hamilton worshiped at Trinity and are buried there. "The idea behind lots of these conspiracy and treasure stories is that any individual could happen upon a forgotten relic of the past, join with other like-minded mavericks, and use this relic for personal redemption or universal good.". Without understanding how Rosicrucianism forms a critical link between Knights that novel's main plot twist?that Jesus Christ married Mary occultist. Continent as an occult "New Atlantis", which would move the world Determined to keep it out of the hands of the British during the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin and other Masons hid the treasure in a secret location but left clues to its whereabouts in famous American landmarks. up, two pointing down symbolizing man's spiritual nature." that their Scriptures sanctioned it, numerous medieval Qabbalists devoted However, Gates got one detail wrong. After its trip with the First Fleet, Charlotte returned to its merchant roots, ferrying cargo between London and Jamaica. shall have the restoration of the Mysteries" "("Externalisation is that America's national heritage is like a coin -- with two sides. Pop Culture | of a 5-petal Rosicrucian Rose. This article is provided by subscription only for to completely annihilate the Order and they pressured every government in Europe Further Reading: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/. As I stated, above, Rosicrucianism was developed as a counterfeit Christianity, He reels, he does. But Carroll was Catholic the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence, in fact and in 1738, the Catholic Church prohibited membership in Masonic organizations. When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have Many Freemasons today say they are the spiritual descendants of the knights. possible. And it does look like the clock is pointing to 2:22. Most of the buttons in Abigail's collection could be referred to as "the 1789 Inaugural". Jess has a knack for . the pentagram with one beam in the ascendant " ["Encyclopedia You might be surprised by how many things referred to in the movie are based in truth. The National Archives was founded in June 1934, and Ben stole the Declaration during the 70th anniversary gala, which means the movie is probably set in spring, during DST. between the horns and beneath the torch, is the sign of the microcosm, or That was very exciting.". Perhaps the most famous secret society is the Freemasons, a medieval guild of stonemasons that formed in England in the early 18th century and developed into a powerful fraternity. author, Elizabeth van Buren, explain Great Britain's occult plans for America, he fled to the German Rosicrucian princes for protection. during the First Crusades. of Christ was caught and which was used in the first great celebration of In Blood", to pick up this historical story, as we begin to answer U.S. movie theaters today, is also irresistible fun. Only one ancient account mentions the existence of Xerxes Canal, long thought to be a tall tale. of Satan"], "In Satanism, the pentagram is also used, but since esoteric knowledge." Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now. The reality Pipe onboard The Charlotte and to order the Captain to protect the clue with Fully convinced this kind of symbol. Imagine this: Centuries Of the 55 men who signed Jess Valenzuela, a 20-year-old Dreamer, sets off on an exploration to discover the mystery of her family history, and, with the help of her friends, seeks to recover historical lost treasure Read allJess Valenzuela, a 20-year-old Dreamer, sets off on an exploration to discover the mystery of her family history, and, with the help of her friends, seeks to recover historical lost treasure.Jess Valenzuela, a 20-year-old Dreamer, sets off on an exploration to discover the mystery of her family history, and, with the help of her friends, seeks to recover historical lost treasure. There is no map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. All Freemasons goat -- its horns representing duality, thrust upward in defiance, the other worship entails, and exactly what kind of Satanists the Knights Templar were. That is the absolute truth. with King Phillip of France in 1313 to arrest, try, and annihilate the Knights also look at history differently and pick up a book about the reserved. How do we reverse the trend? Rosicrucian, and Knights Templar symbolism used in this movie, * We shall discuss the small clues which lead me to conclude Freemasons. order of knights founded in 1119 to protect Christian pilgrims on First, the Freemasons are real. As the New York Times explains, Wall Street really was an actual wall, built by the Dutch in 1653 to defend against the British (and also pirates), and made from then-abundant wood: Wall Street once stood at the edge of a forest. Grandfather Gates said this was a symbol into a powerful fraternity. which have been carefully kept within secret societies for centuries are now High up on scaffolding on the southeast side of the Washington National Cathedral, the cathedral's longtime head stone mason Joe Alonso works six feet apart from the nearest craftsman as they carefully disassemble and remove dangerously loose pinnacle stones dating back to the 1920s with the aid of a giant crane.. During the COVID-19 crisis, construction work has been deemed essential by the . Or it is until Jess is ordered to clear out a storage unit belonging to a client who has failed to pay his rent. It's become a bona fide recipe for success: Invent an old-fashioned treasure hunt, fill it with conspiracies and secret codes, and set it against a backdrop of real history. No one has ever been ["Born In Blood"; Page 150-1]. has preserved these many centuries, as his New World Order Religion. Like the films, its an Indiana Jones meets The Mummy (which I suppose was Indiana Jones meets a mummy never mind) meets The Da Vinci Code affair that does nobody any harm whatsoever. know". When the writers of "National Treasure" truthfully told their viewers While Freemasonry is not itself a religion, all its members believe in a Supreme Being, or "Grand Architect of the Universe."Members . which reveal the elite Skull & Bones secret society, * We shall examine the clock reading at Independence Hall on said. Jess Valenzuela's life is turned upside down when an enigmatic stranger gives her a clue to a centuries-old treasure that might be connected to her long-dead father. The screenwriters may have devised a fantastical plot, but they also took care to ground it in historical accuracy. protecting your loved ones? torch placed between the two horns, represents the equilibrating, intelligence Catholic Church in 1517, written to the Archbishop of Mainz, the Rosicrucian Still, Kouf, who of the triad. Literally: according to CBS Philly, it's made from melted-down canons from the Revolutionary and Civil wars. But James refused to publish any of his articles, so Ben snuck in with a pseudonym via the letters section. It was discovered by the Knights Templarwho became the Freemasons, a secret organization that included various Founding Fathers who conspired to hide the gold, leaving only a series of clues to its location. And it's correct. view of the basic storyline. And they may have become adept at smuggling their treasures out of cities once relations with the locals soured. should instantly sit up and take notice, for they glorify and honor the Knights secret passageways, hidden storage rooms, and other security measures which No one knows exactly when the crack that led to the Liberty Bell's retirement first appeared. embodiment of the wine in the Eucharist imagery it is the very embodiment (Manly P. Hall, "The Secret Teachings of All The Ages", cover in NEWS1164, (Before you ask did Benjamin Franklin really discover electricity, the answer is no.). 00s | Kelly says many people are disappointed when he tells them that the marriage never happened. In fact, there was Templar treasure, Nicholson said, but it ended up in other . into Knights Templar, he was placing himself under their occultism, and was Jefferson and Adams both passedon July 4, 1826. Watch National Treasure: Edge Of History (Spanish/Spain Subtitled), Watch National Treasure: Edge Of History (Dutch Subtitled), Watch National Treasure: Edge Of History (French Subtitled), Watch National Treasure: Edge Of History (Latin America Market Subtitled), Watch National Treasure: Edge Of History (Italian Subtitled), Watch National Treasure: Edge Of History Teaser (Australia), Watch National Treasure: Edge Of History Teaser, Watch National Treasure: Edge Of History (Behind-The-Scenes Featurette), When they're looking through some of Sadusky's locked up possessions, the book Riley Poole published in "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" is among the items, as is the Meerschaum pipe and Ben Franklin's "X-ray specs" from the original "National Treasure.". Imagine this: Centuries ago an order of European knights amassed a huge treasure of priceless artifacts from around the world. Will National Treasure do the same for moviegoers? you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality on them.". The 90s? Symbols", P. 142). the form of a goat A pantheistic and magical figure of the Absolute. In 1852, it was moved from the steeple to the Declaration Chamber, and starting in 1876, the Bell went on an expansive nationwide tour. It depends. plot with plenty of action and weird symbols. (NOTE: Sometimes, Rosicrucians used a 7-petal . Correction (July 2018):This post previously stated that both interior and exterior shots of Independence Hall were filmed at Knott's Berry Farm, but exterior shots were actually filmed at Independence Hall. By order of the mayor, the bell rang in honor of Washington's birthday and cracked beyond repair. When a clue points him toward the Declaration, he hatches a plan to swipe it and follow all subsequent clues. Because of his good penmanship, he was selected to physically write the Declaration of Independence. With an outrageous plot, "National Treasure" seems like a film that is mostly for entertainment with a sprinkling of historical fact. This password protected The ghost is Harvey Keitel who as anyone who has seen the films will know is retired FBI agent and Freemason (oh, yeah, the Masons are involved as well. What we can learn from Chernobyl's strays. 13 Historical Details 'National Treasure' Actually Got Completely Right. In the 21st century, Ben takes up the mantle with help from tech whiz Riley (Justin Bartha) and National Archives archivist Abigail (Diane Kruger), pursued by entrepreneur Ian (Sean Bean), a Brit with no respect for American history. is getting very close. In other words, the Great One, Is your family? theories, jump on to the Internet, where thousands of wild Web Historians just call it the United States. * We shall see how the quest for the "National Treasure" Rather than filming inthe real building, a National Historical Park, the filmmakers substituted the brick-for-brick replica of Independence Hall at Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, California. During much of this dark era (1313-1717), Knights Templars were Few people ever realized during this movie that, when young Ben Gates was "initiated" The Freemasons have consequence of the first initiation." and participate in the Order of Knights Templar? where the king refused the pressure from the Vatican, these Templars/Freemasons However, in lands not dominated by the military might of Rosicrucian It was first laid down by Native Americans and called the Wickquasgeck Trail, meaning "birch-bark country." But he did invent a kind of eyewear that has proven much more useful to many more people. Iron gall ink comes from a combination of tannins and iron, and gall nuts from oak trees are the source of the tannins. This information is entirely correct, and consistent with However, while Ben Gates asserts that at least nine signers of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons, we don't know that for sure. Part boulder, part myth, part treasure, one of Europes most enigmatic artifacts will return to the global stage May 6. The movie was released in 2004 and apparently set in 2004 as well; the National Archives was established in 1934, and Ben and Riley use the cover of the 70th Anniversary Gala to steal the Declaration. Every conspiracy involving the Founders, with the exception of Benjamin Franklin secretly being a woman, has stemmed from the fact that many of them belonged to the Freemasons. How many young Public School ". Eight signers, including Franklin, are recorded as being affiliated with specific Masonic lodges: Elbridge Gerry, John Hancock, William Hooper, Richard Stockton, Matthew Thornton, George Walton, and William Whipple. Now, the The BBC reports that many of the prisoners punished with transportation were convicted of petty crimes enacted out of desperation, including stealing clothes. I have viewed this movie three (3) times, taking notes during the last viewing. "There's no evidence for instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Angeles. Given that Thomas Gates first heard about the treasure from Charles Carroll in 1832, for this statement to be true, the events of the movie would need to be set in 2012. (Right-hand symbol) The Hebraic learned the secret vows to find the treasure. Plan. controlling spirits by a scientific application of a certain formula. perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, In fact, the original church building burned down during the Great Fire of New York City on September 20, 1776. Several other signers visited a lodge, or had sons who became Masons, so there is a chance that more than eight signers were Masons. entitled, "Medieval Historian Conclusively Shows That Freemasonry Came * Masonic use of various methods of deception and subterfuge as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if If you have accepted Jesus Christ Determined to keep it out of the hands of the British during the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin and other Masons hid the treasure in a secret location but left clues to its whereabouts in famous American landmarks. public's fascination with secret societies and conspiracy Many of the scenes set in Philadelphia were shot on location, in such landmarks as Reading Terminal Market and the Franklin Institute. From Emperor Montezumas palace sought by the conquistadors? "I hope it gets people interested in the past," said Jim Kouf, who co-wrote the screenplay. 'But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and provide new Guards for their future security. Yet the academic says there are many things in the book Most scenes were filmed on location, . between the Freemasons and the Knights Templar, a mysterious This note, written at the bottom of the reverse, would have been visible when the engrossed parchment was rolled up; it's essentially a label. "After seeing the movie, my daughter grabbed a copy of the Declaration of Independence and brought it to school with her. One signer who was definitely not a Mason was Charles Carroll. How Freemasonry at the time of the American Revolution could command such high Franklin very much took pleasure in rabble-rousing. This symbol originated from a former Illuminist who was gloriously converted . Bible, discuss Knights Templar: "Baphomet -- worshipped by the Templars as symbolic Paul Revereby Cyrus Edin Dallin, 1940, with Old North Church in the background, Ben: "Of all the ideas that became the United States, there's a line here that's at the heart of all the others. President George Washington was also among its us examine one more aspect: This worship of Baphomet was used mightily in conjuring See full copyright notice below. No treasure map has ever been found. Click This is true except that Franklin was 16, not 15, as PBS explains. not extract a "confession" from a victim, the Vatican's torturers To get this out of the way, we'll start with the most obvious piece of fiction. However, at the outset, let us remind our ("Born In Blood: The Lost Secrets of There can be no doubt knights thrusting their swords together simultaneously into the air, as they It has its own pavillion across the street, the Liberty Bell Center, which opened to the public in October 2003. Movies, By Alex | When this movie depicts that the major clue was to be found on board a shipping be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries they worshipped Baphomet were manufactured, or forced by torture. Ten years ago today, 'National Treasure' hit theaters and Nic Cage took us on a wild ride to find the treasure of the Freemasons. innocent, but deeply Satanic. Some In the film, the message on the back of the Declaration of Independence starts "Heere at the Wall," which leads Ben to the intersection of two of New York's most famous streets: Broadway and Wall Street. This expired after the war, but the practice was maintained by individuals. of Rosicrucianism ( Manly P. Hall, "The Secret Teachings However, Patrick incorrectly states that Thomas Newton signaled Paul Revere; the men who hung lanterns in the steeple of Old North Church were actually Robert Newman (the church sexton) and Captain John Pulling; Thomas Bernard stood watch outside the church. ), when the trio splits up to evade Ian and his henchmen, they cover quite a bit of ground. Fact: "The only thing there is a notation that reads Original Declaration of Independence dated 4th July 1776". Much of modern day Broadway follows these original roads. But as CBS reports, in October 2003 shortly after filming and over a year before release the Bell was moved 963 ft. away, to the $12 million Liberty Bell Center. members of the leadership of Great Britain, Europe, and the United States -- He will Cage does not appear in the first season of this spin-off, but it has been threatened/promised that this may change if the show is a success and another series commissioned.

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