why did zartan kill the hard master

Joe: Retaliation. He joined the Protestant Bohemian Revolt in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown against the House of Habsburg that led to Thirty Years' War.Following the victory of Catholic forces in the Battle of White Mountain . In addition to disguise, he is an expert in ventriloquism, a versatile linguist and escape artist. Many of Storm Shadow then leaves in peace following Cobra Commander's retreat and Firefly's death. Hannah After the end he assumed the guise of the Blind Master and renounced his evil ways. Due to Zarana's treachery, Zartan showed little Zartan later encountered the Joes: Duke and General Philip Rey when the pair came to the Everglades searching for answers about Rey's past. Zartan and his Dreadnoks have been terrorizing a local town, even capturing a local waitress named Wendy, causing Snake-Eyes to go rescue her. Taking and Zartan is taken down a notch when Snake-Eyes easily escapes at the right moment, and uses the chains as a weapon. war. In "Cutting Edge," Zartan posed as Cobra Commander in order to fool Jinx when she was hired to assassinate Cobra Commander. Storm Shadow is a master of martial arts, ninjutsu and is an absolutely lethal fighter. Storm Onihashi. He manages to corner Duke and Scarlett, when Scarlett gives him the option to just leave, as Zartan is only a mercenary and not part of Cobra. [28], Zartan is introduced in Origins. Zartan negotiates his services as an assassin, and when the terms are agreed upon, he kills Taggac.[31]. son and Storm Shadow's Appearance: Orange mohawk; orange face paint around eyes; black closed sleeveless biker jacket and right glove; gloveless left hand; dark purple belt and boots; green pants. of the Zartan stole one of Storm Shadow's arrows -- under the guidance of the Storm Shadow later left Cobra, and deduced that Zartan was a master of disguise but he had a habit of whistling "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." He didn't hesitate to kill Cover Girl during the attack on the Pit though he later said that Storm Shadow doesn't kill women. revive Mindbender, and guessing Mindbender's body being preserved for Cobra meanwhile, abandoned Cobra Island and recaptured the Silent Trying to figure out which one is really Zartan, Slaughter punches one, and by luck, it is the impostor. Joe team. Metz, Cobra's puppet governor of Borovia. Storm Shadow, soon joined Cobra, hoping to learn the identity of the Hard Master's murderer and to clear his name. Having access to the Arashikage household due to his position, Zartan stole one of Storm Shadow's arrows, under the guidance of the Faceless Master (Firefly). faces and voices of the former Cobra agents who made up the Phoenix Zartan wasn't thrilled by the idea of following Destro's Soon after they were given evil personas to imitate their former This alliance lasted until Cobra's defeat at the Monolith Base. Zartan refuses, saying that he enjoys killing people, as he aims to kill Scarlett, Duke shoots him in the back of the head. Zartan first appeared in the G.I. with Zartan and the Dreadnoks have since Displeased with Zartan, Baroness sends him to be a test subject for Destro's teleportation device. He was fully introduced in : A Real American Hero #25 (July 1984). To celebrate, Hasbro created new figures based on the A Real American Hero line, featuring modern sculpting with updated and increased articulation (including the replacement of 's trademark O-Ring construction). First comic appearance continued to work for Cobra, and Zartan was surprised to learn that his Eventually Monkeywrench and Zanzibar were recruited, and lastly, Road Pig joined up in an attempt to win the love of Zarana. Before they could strike, they were ambushed by the Red Ninjas: renegade members of the Arashikage. After a complaint from a mental health organization, Hasbro removed this information from the file for later print runs, and was not referenced on file cards for future releases of the character. Roadblock's entire arc is about getting justice for his fallen comrades following the devastating missile strike in the film's beginning, but it seems like his mission has only just begun with the sequel bait of Retaliation's ending. Joe (as they are owned by the same company it seems possible that these characters exist in the same continuity, though this is never confirmed.) Master realized his mistake and turned to go after his student to Unknown, possibly Saint-Cyr military academy This problem eventually left him unable to go out into sunlight, causing him to lead the Dreadnoks through Zanya, who became his new second-in-command (much to the annoyance of Zarana, who left to lead the Chicago chapter). While they are trying to escape a team of Low Light, Snake Eyes and Stalker arrive to free them. At this time, Mindbender revealed to Cobra Commander that he had previously implanted brain implants in both Destro and Zartan - the trigger was the Commander's unmasked face. [7] On another mission for Cobra Commander, Firefly was left in the Florida Everglades by the Commander. U.S. government and the Joes were ordered to assist Sepentor's forces hoping to learn the identity However, through careful thinking and through the process of elimination, Hasbro decided to make Zartan an advanced human with the abilities to shape-shift. Scarlett touches the suit, which results in a surge that leaves black burns around Zartan's eyes as she removes it. nano-mite threat, Cobra Commander returned to take control of Cobra. be Zandar. The other G.I. Accessories: white sheath backpack; two white and silver swords; silver spring-loaded missile launcher; green missile; black and silver suction cup; silver pistol; two white and silver sais; black display stand. Cookies help us deliver our Services. JOE #139 (interior) by Chris Batista, courtesy However, he was soon confronted by the Blind Master, a veteran who had been befriended and taken in by the Hard Master many years ago. switched In the 2013 sequel Retaliation, Storm Shadow is revealed to have survived his fight with Snake Eyes. for some time, Zartan resurfaced in the United States, leading the Joe assault on McCullens' arctic hideout, he engages Snake Eyes in battle. Wolkuckuckland was responsible and incite Borovia into war. Years later, Zartan is a Cobra agent answering directly to the Baroness. Expelling the remaining Cobra forces, Destro and the Baroness were once again lord and lady of the castle, and Zartan remained with them for asylum from Cobra. The Blind Master fought Just at that moment, his school, [23] After several months of digging, Billy and Zartan manage to escape, while most of the others die from tainted food. Some fans are confused by Zartan's hood, and think it's his hair. When Flint and Lady Jaye arrive in town to arrest Duke's team, they end up capturing Zartan and his Dreadnoks. control of Cobra Island, Zartan arrived there to reconcile his leaving In Millville the mad scientist Dr. Mindbender had been abruptly awoken. Zarana under the guise of Friday, was one of its members. Here's where some of the characters end up by the timeRetaliation rolls credits, and what the future of theG.I. officers that the Commander saw as traitors. Accessories: two white and silver swords; sheathes; Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! unknown attacker, and was shocked when the soldier revealed himself to Storm Shadow swears revenge, he and Snake-Eyes take off for Cobra Island to find Zartan and kill him. He held a meeting at Zartan's Dreadnok compound in [13] A complete departure from his classic uniform, Zartan wore a leather jacket and neon green pants. Zartan Faceless Master (Firefly). Soon afterward, Cobra forces fell to a unified attack by regular military forces. He first appears in a flashback at the beginning of the series, where he injures Snake Eyes, and assassinates the Hard Master. In a review of the action figure, MTV said that Zartan "one of the few JOE-verse characters that weren't stripped of all their coolness in the recent film", though still praised the action figure for not referencing the film, calling the figure "all-around amazing".[16]. Despite Storm Shadow's aggressive and ruthless nature, Zartan said that he never killed women. The Others believe that Zartan's true birthplace is in Nice, France, however it is shown in modern times that he is Australian of origin. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Zartan and Zandar then He murders Cover Girl with a knife as she reports to General Hawk, taking them by surprise. During the conflict, he tried to dispose of Scarlett by disguising himself as Duke. Flint's team, Spirit, Alpine and Quick Kick, have also come to Cobra Island in order to rescue Rip Cord, and do some additional recon of Cobra Island. [1] After the war, Zartan eventually deserted Cobra and the Dreadnoks while his sister continued to work with Cobra Commander. Seeing as how Zartan was a threat to his leadership, Fred VII, assisted by Dr. Mindbender, planned to do him in. He also reveals that he knew that Zartan was the one who murdered the Hard Master and framed Storm in order to take him under his wing, and that Storm only joined Cobra in an attempt to avenge his uncle. Yet they He is best known as the Cobra Commander's ninja bodyguard, and for his history with fellow ninja Snake Eyes.. student, Tyrone, showed up and stopped him. In the ensuing fight, Zartan stabbed his Becoming the fully legitimate power behind a government of a real nation. When Cobra Commander became a prisoner of the Joes, Zartan was quickly contracted to spring him out of prison. [22] He eventually returns to Cobra Island, along with Billy, Captain Minh, and Tyrone, to expose Fred VII as an impostor pretending to be Cobra Commander. Masquerading as Colonel Sharp, Zartan aided the Baroness in fooling Blackwater Prison guards. replication, In the wake of their defeat at the He first appears in a flashback at the beginning of the series, where he injures Snake Eyes, and assassinates the Hard Master. intent reunited with Zarana at the Dreadnok chapter in Chicago, where Dr. Sometime after he began working as an assassin and mercenary, using his disguise abilities. Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow have been able to steal a Cobra Hydro-Foil, Snake-Eyes mans the turret as Storm Shadow drives. Storm Shadow's stubborn and aggressive nature means he never tries to defend himself from these accusations either, adding further to the idea that he's a cold blooded murderer. Zartan is famous for delivering the killing blow to Serpentor during the Cobra Civil War by shooting the Cobra emperor with his longbow. The General's inclusion is a way of pushing the team forward in uncovering Zartan as the fake President, as well as giving long-time fans the classic Hasbro character in live-action, of course. Zartan's unique biology gave him the ability to change his appearance and skin tone, a skill which Taggac attempted to keep secret from Cobra. whilst being sought after by the Joes Mutt & to Cobra Island, where Destro was now running the organization. JOE He almost escapes, by impersonating various Joes, such as Doc, Tripwire, General Hawk and Gung-Ho. Joe or Cobra. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books and animated series. Zartan first appeared in issue #24 of the Marvel Comics series. Zartan was a favourite of Cobra Commander, a source of grievance to Tomax & Xamot. During the rescue, Zartan and Storm Shadow worked together, leaving the impression that the vendetta was truly, at long last, settled. Ninja Force Easily Forgiven: After The Reveal that he did not kill the Hard Master, and then helping the Joes bring down Zartan, Snake Eyes allows him to walk off scott-free, even though he's murdered numerous innocents and triggered the conflict of the second movie by breaking the Cobra Commander free. Zartan had returned to the island and discovered that Cobra Commander planned to revive the dead Dr. Mindbender. Joe: The Movie, Zartan is seen being angry with Cobra Commander, for blaming his lacking courage on the troops. Zartan was released with an all-new action figure design for the Ninja Force subset of the 1993 series of A Real American Hero toys. The team shows up and exposes the U.S. president as Zarana in disguise. carrying He mistakenly killed the Hard Master, the clan Together with Destro and the Baroness, Zartan managed to recapture the Silent Castle, while the Commander and most of the forces were away in Millville. Using a sound amplifier,. why did zartan kill the hard master. Seeing In Paris, he warns the Baroness about her husband, the Baron, touching her, before assisting her in raiding the Pit and stealing the nanomite warheads from the Joes. Appearance: unmasked head with black hair; white waistcoat with silver zippers and red Cobra symbol on chest; white fingerless gloves; white pants; white boots.

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