why do russian soldiers tilt their heads

They've described hearingmissiles fire through the skyin the dead of night, having toshare a single bulletproof vestas Russian soldiers tear through their towns, andtroops shooting at homes and hospitals. "I repeatedly observed the training of the presidential regiment and was simply delighted with the clarity and correctness of the movements. The country boasts a number of military systems and some equipment that, without doubt, areunrivalled. Just as Kremlin watchers would pore over photographs during the Cold War days of the Soviet Union to see who was in and out of power, the group looked for other evidence in videos. If this were true, then the Russian army would be greeted as liberators as their tanks rolled through Ukrainian towns and villages. Produced by Will Reid and Michael Simon Johnson. There was little to no external visual reference due to cloud. In it, Browning showed that mass violence against civilians in this case, the gruesome executions of Jewish men, women and children in a forest, one by one, with a bullet to the head was carried out not by virulent antisemites and fervent Nazis, but by ordinary men who, until then, had lived normal civilian lives, just like the Jewish people they were now ordered to murder. The man, a soldier located in Ukraine's Donetsk region, was speaking to his wife on the phone, who's back home in Russia. The old tradition of giving military salute only when the head is covered is still preserved. I agree with previous commenters - some understanding of pilot perception and context is needed. This corresponds to the direct ('Western') indication, and such people must adapt to it more naturally. It was performed with the middle and index fingers extended and touching each other, while the ring and little fingers are bent and touched by the thumb. WebHosted by Sabrina Tavernise. Teachers read a list of words, and every time the learner made a mistake, they were instructed to administer a painful electric shock. Ubuntu won't accept my choice of password. When leaders like Putin walk past, they tilt their heads at jaunty Regarding to your point #1, I know the indicators are depicted in a weird way. Vladimir Andreeff, a man who says he is a Russian army veteran, says this is all part of the standard "military greeting". There is no question that Ukrainians have the will to fight and have already put up a heroic resistance. Now researchers think they know why: Its most likely KGB weapons training at work. I think the biggest factor is that under intense stress where the "mental tunnel vision" effect starts to take hold (I've had that experience in the simulator) you revert more and more to your most base line and strongest mental foundations (and if they aren't there you simply freeze). I get neck pain just watching the first 5 mins of that parade. Enjoy watching this other masterpiece by Russian troops. In the military forces of the Russian Federation, a hand military salute is carried out with the palm facing down and only when the head is covered. It seemed that almost two thirds of the subjects were willing to obey orders and inflict pain on an innocent human being; that ordinary Americans in the 1960s were not unlike Brownings ordinary men.. 10,000 hours later and I still sometimes get tripped up. In 1973 the unit was renamed the Separate Red Banner Kremlin Regiment, later receiving an Order of the October Revolution. I had always wondered what that meant, but these soldiers are making this very distinctive expressive salute-like movement, and I suspect that this is what he meant. The military regulations require that the military salute is conveyed "in a precise and dashing manner" ( ). Russian soldiers have been told they are there to liberate Russian-speaking Ukrainians from a genocidal Nazi regime bent on eradicating their language, culture, and identity. These rules are still employed in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (with the exception of giving the salute to the Lenin Mausoleum). WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. They saw the same strange gait in Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, two former defense ministers and a military commander named Anatoly Sidorov. @RomaH, I agree. Identify blue/translucent jelly-like animal on beach, "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection. The gauge is relative to the pilot so it always appears 'square' from their frame. What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? Killing is hard even in the military, under orders. How long will they be willing to follow orders? ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? (Except that sky and ground were reversed, with the blue or white half at the bottom). The pilots were manually flying in a busy phase of flight. Here's an example https://focus.ua/files/images/0/-87397.jpg Soldiers here were given a command to align to tribune and salute the president. Ukrainian intelligence officials claim to have intercepted a call in which a Russian soldier says Vladimir Putin's troops are shooting their own people in Moscow. WebYes, they can. In Russia, the salute was to be performed solely when the head was covered with military headwear. However, when, for example, President Vladimir Putin, dressed in civilian clothing, is saluted, he doesnt return the salute, because he is not in uniform and isnt wearing military headwear (unlike the U.S. President, for example). First, the airplane figure was usually. Get the week's best stories straight to your inbox. He claimed a charter reads: "To carry out the military greeting on the spot outside the building for three or four steps before the chief turn in his direction, take the drill stand and look into his face, turning his head after him.". In September 1918, the Latvian Riflemen left for the fronts of the Civil War, and they were replaced by the officer cadets of the 1st WPKA Soviet Joint Military School "All-Russian Central Executive Committee" that were redeployed into the Kremlin for this purpose. But what about Russian soldiers? I'm now flying modern glass cockpits using Western (skypointer) FAI. In contrast, on the Russian instrument, the aircraft silhouette is moving in front of a static horizon. For the subjects to remain willing participants in a process they found morally repugnant, their actions needed to be cast not just as morally justified, but as morally necessary. What is the symbol (which looks similar to an equals sign) called? We propose that this new gait pattern, which we term gunslingers gait, may result from a behavioral adaptation, possibly triggered by KGB or other forms of weapons training where trainees are taught to keep their right hand close to the chest while walking, allowing them to quickly draw a gun when faced with a foe, they concluded. It can be also obstructed by Flight Director bars. To Russian soldiers, the conflict doesnt look like genocide, and their mission doesnt look like liberation. WebThe Russian reserve has more than 2 million former conscripts and contract soldiers, but few are actively trained or prepared for war. Aviation Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for aircraft pilots, mechanics, and enthusiasts. WebThe National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine characterized the blame as "an attempt to ignite anti-Ukraine hysteria in Russia," according to Radio Free Europe, a US-funded Yesterday I watched a documentary on Crossair Flight 498 accident. If the null hypothesis is never really true, is there a point to using a statistical test without a priori power analysis? "turn rate indicator" (aka "turn and slip indicator"), abstract symbol designed to suggest that the left and right wingtips of the airplane are moving in an arc with their present position indicated by the LED lights, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. How can a pilot interpret that the plane is rolling left? Russian Language Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Russian language. If using any of Russia Beyond's content, partly or in full, always provide an active hyperlink to the original material. In historical dress, gorgets are reflective of imperial officer insignia, whereas in modern dress, these are reflective of the Soviet general insignia. You can find all information on the Defense Ministrys website for prospective candidates, as well as where youll find a recruitment office. Klimovo authorities, meanwhile, blamed Ukrainian soldiers for shelling the city, an accusation Kyiv has vehemently denied. The basic premise has been mentioned by everyone above: the basic instinct is to 'right the wrong', and if we see some indication tilted left, we instinctively want to move it right. Note the roll angle and its indicator in a right turn above for both styles. Ukrainian intel says it intercepted a call between a Russian soldier and his wife. Tsar Nicholas II Visiting The Russian Front, May 1915. The exact same source of confusion often arises when a pilot who is used to focusing his attention mainly on the (Western style) attitude indicator tries to fly primarily by reference to the "turn coordinator"- where the moving thing is the airplane, not the horizon. A boy can regenerate, so demons eat him for years. I get that soldiers 'snap' to a specific pose or posture during salute and attention. But the way the indicator is meant to be read, is that the illuminated LED lights are meant to depict the wingtips of the aircraft. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider What positional accuracy (ie, arc seconds) is necessary to view Saturn, Uranus, beyond? When I was doing graduate work in European and Russian history, perhaps the central question we grappled with was: How can ordinary people commit great violence? Folder's list view has different sized fonts in different folders. That means that you are clearly rolling right. Click here to find more about the telnyashka and why paratroopers started wearing it too. The cavalry escort takes part in the Russian presidential inauguration, as well as the Moscow Victory Day Parade on Red Square. Thanks for sharing this experience, but how come that these (Western) aircraft had 'Russian' FAI? The abandoned Russian military vehicles found by the Ukrainian army also point in the same direction. The reverse ('Russian') indication didn't appear just out of the sense of opposition to the West; it was a product of extensive research. This can add to the confusion when compared with the Russian style. Yet even in this context, most of the German soldiers struggled to overcome their revulsion. (You can see the video here). The Presidential Band of the Russian Federation serves as the official military band for the President of Russia, playing at official ceremonies and receptions for high-ranking officials. One is that in the times of chivalry, knights lifted the visor on their helmets to look at the person they were greeting. Leave! Following Russias ideological narrative and its coverage of the war is like getting lost in a hall of mirrors. To better illustrate your question, I'm attaching this image to show 2 different ways of displaying an aircraft during banking. This image is taken from this short video (yellow arrows were added). Why do Russian guards tilt their head and watch when leaders walk past? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Do the soldiers have a clear sense of the wars purpose? But why is it raised to the head? In October 1935, the officers' academy left the Kremlin for the Moscow district of Lefortovo and a Special Purpose Battalion was created to replace them on Kremlin and Mausoleum guard duties. This confusion is also suggested to play a part in. Edited by Liz O. Baylen and Mike Benoist. READ MORE: 3 Russian military men who only knew how to win. This website uses cookies. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. For historical dress, troops wear shakos with a sunburst Imperial eagle emblem. Thank you! The Kremlin Regiment (Russian: , romanized:Kremlyovskiy polk), also called the Presidential Regiment (Russian: , romanized:Prezidentskiy polk), is a unique military regiment and part of the Russian Federal Protective Service with the status of a special unit. Just something I noticed during late night YouTube watching around the whole conflict in Consequently, a pilot under stress and / or "tunnel vision" might want to return the horizon line back to it's original position by turning the yoke in the wrong direction, with potentially catastrophic consequences. But no one is showering their tanks with flowers. Neurology professor Bastiaan Bloem of the Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands and colleagues had noticed that Putin often walks with his right arm held rigid, while his left arms swings freely. Putin, Xi to discuss Chinas Ukraine peace plan in Moscow. It just seems weird that the Russians would always angle their head either upwards or upwards and to the side. There are a couple of reasons for ceremonial hats being so big (and no, its not because Russians have oversized heads). ", Western planes should have had a sphere/trackball to turn the "rest of the world" instead of a yoke/sidestick to turn the plane. The lower ranks salute the higher ranks first. Passing negative parameters to a wolframscript, What are the arguments for/against anonymous authorship of the Gospels. WebThe Kremlin Regiment, a group of special guards tasked with protecting high-profile Russian leaders, seem a bit odd. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. On May 8, 1967 the regiment took part in the unveiling ceremony of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden. Now "foreign servicemen can participate in operations during martial law, as well as in armed conflicts, in accordance with [the] generally accepted principles of international law, international agreements, and Russian legislation," said a new order published on the Kremlin website. They get in their way, as they did in Melitopol, chanting fascists! and occupants! as a Russian convoy tried to advance. (Images from flickr.com and pilotsofamerica.com). But these results did not tell the whole story. Weighted sum of two random variables ranked by first order stochastic dominance, Short story about swapping bodies as a job; the person who hires the main character misuses his body. Which language's style guidelines should be used when writing code that is supposed to be called from another language? What means of navigation did commercial Soviet airplanes use in the 50s-90s? While carrying a rifle or a naked sabre, the soldiers were to put the weapon on their shoulders. In the West, its called the Briton shirt, but in Russia we call it the telnyashka. This can be confusing to a pilot who assumes that the symbolic airplane (which never moves) is meant to illustrate the airplane, while the LED lights are meant to depict the horizon, after the manner of a Western-style attitude indicator rather than a turn coordinator. Are solid-state attitude indicators subject to gimbal lock? Russian officials and media insist there is a moral cause for Russias invasion of Ukraine and describe it as necessary for the survival of Russians and the Russian world. According to the Center for Strategic and Leave! However, with the growing number of military men and the difference between their headwear (helmets, shakos, caps, etc. WebRussian soldiers have been told they are there to liberate Russian-speaking Ukrainians from a genocidal Nazi regime bent on eradicating their language, culture, and identity. "Ravnenie na" Russian soldiers have not been prepared for this conflict either militarily or morally. Legend has it that in 1868, the Grand Duke and Admiral Konstantin Nikolayevich Romanov were reviewing the crew of the frigate General Admiral. The snipers killed more than 1,200 German soldiers and officers, losing only 97 men in combat. This should also shed some light on the reverse question. Military strategists know that battles are not solely decided by the resources, capabilities, or size of an army. @Claudix sorry you feel that way, I wasnt attacking you personally. They thought they were being sent to do training exercises. What Russians meant to do with Lenins mausoleum, The Order of Victory, the worlds most expensive military decoration (VIDEO), Why Russian paratroopers are among the best in the world (PHOTOS), Russian sailors' second skin: The tel'nyashka. For military salutes performed massively (e.g. WebThe Kremlin Regiment, a group of special guards tasked with protecting high-profile Russian leaders, seem a bit odd.When leaders like Putin walk past, they tilt their heads at jaunty Conversely, the direct ('Western') indication is more the result of gradual evolution: early AH had a gyro right in the central ball (or directly connected to it) that represents the horizon, and it naturally kept the 'true' horizon line. As Mikhail Dragomirov (1830-1905), the famous general and military theorist of the Russian Imperial army, wrote: When we salute a senior, we express our submission to him and fulfill the duty of courtesy required by everyone and not just by military rules. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Instead, Why do dogs tilt their heads? In accordance with the federal law of December 8, 1997 "On Immortalizing the Soviet Peoples Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 19411945", the regiment also maintains a guard of honor (Russian: ) at the eternal flame of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Its confusing even at 1-g, I wouldnt imagine an unusual-high-adrenaline situation. On January 28, 1936, the battalion and the Kremlin Garrison (Komendatura Kremlya), to which it was subordinated were transferred from the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR to the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the USSR. One of the factors that might have contributed to the accident was the confusion of the pilot on interpreting the attitude indicator; he was initially trained with Russian model (right) instead of Western model (left): But looking at both type of indicators, could anybody tell how the confusion is possible? Although I understand the logic in the Western instrument is better, personally I prefer the Russian style. Perhaps Russia expected for the world to stand by as it seized control of Ukrainian territory, just as it held back in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea. In the call, the man can be heard telling his wife that Russian forces blew up Klimovo in Russia. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. WebThe Russian military repeatedly flouted the laws of war by failing to protect civilians and even attacking them directly. Slowly through the 19th century, the so-called Polish salute (or Two-fingered salute) came to be used in the Russian Imperial army. Do they believe in their commanders? It only takes a minute to sign up. WebFor foreigners visiting Russia, it is useful to be aware of these "do's" and "don't's" of local culture. IE 11 is not supported. It has also recently acquired special ceremonial uniforms closely modeled on those worn on parade by the infantry and the cavalry of the Russian Imperial Guard until 1914. No, he hasn't had a stroke, or Parkinson's but he may be packing. In both models, if you see the indicators turning your head right (as if you were sat on the plane's seat), both show that the right wing is "touching" ground. Three battalions from the regiment took part in the Moscow Victory Parade of 1945 on Red Square. What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Ukrainians who spoke to Insider over the course of the ongoing invasion havepainted a grim pictureof the devastation. Even without the artificial horizon mixup, the conditions were ripe for spatial disorientation. As Ben pointed out, the most predominant line you might see is the horizon line. Some (apparently, about half or even the majority of) people perceive it better as them being at the origin and the world moving around them. In their government? June 29, 2017. The regiments casual dress is navy blue & features either a peaked cap or cornflower blue beret. Quiz: What weapons did the Soviet Union fight with during WWII? They were first introduced in the mid-19th century, You can find all information on the Defense Ministrys. Your body will sense that you are perfectly level, because at the same time the lift component has been also increased. In fact, in smooth coordinated turn without outside visual clues, you won't notice that your aircraft is actually banking to the side. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Russia tests Spec Ops units to the limit in unforgiving Arctic. For example, the countrys Navy needs to upgrade or replace old ships. Spoiler: It's a lot. rev2023.5.1.43405. Currently, two persons must be saluted by military men, even when these persons are not wearing military uniform the President of the Russian Federation and the Prime Minister. Instead of a Reichstag moment, Russian soldiers are finding themselves part of other moments that, in the age of social media, quickly become iconic: The moment when Ukrainian sailors, in response to a Russian ships order to surrender, replied: Russian battleship, go fuck yourself! The moment when a Ukrainian woman put sunflower seeds in a Russian soldiers pocket so that at least sunflowers would grow when you all [die] here. People around the world have seen Ukrainian farmers steal abandoned Russian tanks with their tractors. Forgetting or, worse, refusing to salute was considered an offense and was subject to punishment. :). Thanks for that answer. Thanks for contributing an answer to Russian Language Stack Exchange! Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? The whole world is with Ukraine! The Regiment's Presidential Band wears white uniforms similar to those by the Imperial Guard bands of the late 19th century. I was taught in and flew single and twin Pipers, Beechcraft and Cesnas in the 1980's. They found killing Jewish civilians who spoke German, like them, especially difficult. It has managed so far to withstand the Russian assault, which included attacks on multiple fronts aimed at Ukraines major cities, including its capital, Kyiv. [9], Guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, with a ceremonial SKS rifle. WebRussia is facing growing accusations that its military committed war crimes in Ukraine after more details and witness accounts emerged over the weekend about civilian executions in When the Great Patriotic War began in 1941, the units of the Kremlin Garrison were made responsible for defending the Kremlin, where the State Defense Committee and Chief Military Headquarters were located. And the captain was probably adversely influenced by a medication/opioid. ), there came a need for a universal military salute. But, honor is a mutual affair and those officers who do not return the salute given to them by the lower ranks, do a bad thing, for they show that they are less well-bred than the soldiers and, in addition, give the soldiers an example of non-compliance with the regulations. You may have never noticed it, but Russian President Vladimir Putin walks a little funny. But there is one more dimension to it. Vladimir Andreeff, a man who says he is a Russian army veteran, says this is all part of the standard "military greeting". When the commander passes him by a step, then his hand can be lowered.. They say their goal with the war is the denazification of Ukraine (whose president, inconveniently for that narrative, is Jewish). Brownings argument relied on the famous Milgram experiments, conducted by the psychologist Stanley Milgram in the early 1960s. Kim Kardashian's Las Vegas wedding photos have fans calling it a 'dig' at Kourtney, Amazon worker accidentally films herself getting fired while making Wes Anderson TikTok video, I was sued by my co-workers after announcing Id won a $105m lottery but there was an even stranger twist, Youre not crazy; your McDonalds hamburger does taste better, Man, I hit that guy: Amateur MMA fighter killed Air Force airman in a bar fight, police say, 'Assassin' who killed Putin blogger required medical assistance after nine hour interrogation by FSB. Unit of the Russian Federal Protective Service that ensures the security of the Kremlin, Commandant's Office of the Moscow Kremlin, 1st WPKA Soviet Joint Military School "All-Russian Central Executive Committee", People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, Spasskaya Tower Military Music Festival and Tattoo, Presidential Band of the Kremlin Regiment, Presidential Band of the Russian Federation, Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of Russia, 154th Preobrazhensky Independent Commandant's Regiment, Awards of the Federal Protective Service of the Russian Federation, "Russia: Putin celebrates Kremlin Regiment's 80th anniversary - YouTube", " ", " - YouTube", ".Ru - ", ", . Two MacBook Pro with same model number (A1286) but different year, Adding EV Charger (100A) in secondary panel (100A) fed off main (200A). In short, orders were not enough; there needed to be a moral framework to get most soldiers to kill civilians. In cases when the head is not covered (during field exercises, training, etc. Indeed, what has been noteworthy about this war so far has been the confusion and ambivalence among Russian soldiers, especially in their encounters with Ukrainian civilians. The mental picture of motion is different for different people. Milgram wanted to understand obedience to authority: Under what conditions would people follow orders, even when those orders ran counter to their moral sense? What are the advantages of running a power tool on 240 V vs 120 V? Have your say in our news democracy. Is a downhill scooter lighter than a downhill MTB with same performance? Are there (ideas for) GNSS based attitude indicators? "Apartments were blown up in Moscow, like they were terrorists.". But why is it raised to the head? Instead, they meet a grandpa who reprimands them for coming to Ukraine and tells them, Im also Russian. When their tank runs out of gas on the road, they meet a Ukrainian driver who asks them if they need a tow back to Russia, and they all share a good laugh. , (1997) (1999), - ", ".: : ", " ", Presidential Regiment archive.kremlin.ru, Kremlin Guards Don Spacesuits In Battle Against Winter Weather, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kremlin_Regiment&oldid=1105956200, Military units and formations of the NKVD, Military units and formations established in 1936, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Russian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Presidential Cavalry Escort Battalion, Kremlin Regiment (former 11th Cavalry Regiment), 4th Operational Reserve Battalion, Kremlin Regiment, This page was last edited on 22 August 2022, at 15:01. And after all, it's just 'obvious' that Artificial Horizon should show, well, horizon! It is very common for relatively inexperienced pilots to react in the "wrong" direction to the turn coordinator, as if the moving thing were the horizon rather than the airplane. Town authorities initially placed the blame on Ukraine, a claim that Kyiv has denied. Celebration of the Russian Airborne Forces Day in Moscow. Archived post. If you ever wondered why hats in the army are so big and why Russian soldiers march to SpongeBob Squarepants, look no further. It only takes a minute to sign up. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. They also tend to use maps with 'track up' orientation. Since 2005 the Cavalry Escort Squadron wears, on select occasions, dress and service uniforms worn by the cavalry units of the Red Army and the NKVD. The regiment is housed in the historic Kremlin Arsenal. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. You dont need Russian citizenship to join the military and, like the French Foreign Legion, serving in the military guarantees a foreign candidate citizenship. On May 7, 2006 the regiment gained a new regimental color modeled on the ones used by the Imperial Guard units. Get the week's best stories straight to your inbox. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. What are the fuller expressions of the Russian equivalents to some common festive greetings (e.g., Happy Birthday, Happy Easter, Happy New Year's)? One can not instill diligence, when one himself does not comply with it.. It was dark. The aforementioned rules were largely employed in the Red Army of the USSR. What are the common responses to " ?". The Ukrainian military has performed admirably, and civilians are joining the fight, with many Ukrainians even returning from abroad to defend the country. To move the needle more left you have to roll to the right more. rev2023.5.1.43405. I recall reading a book written by Viktor Suvorov where he described soldiers recognizing a high officer with an expression he referred to as "devouring him with their eyes". He walks up this long stairway lined with soldiers holding their rifles at the salute, and as he Despite the confusing fixed illustration of the airplane, the moving thing represents the airplane, not the horizon. Does a password policy with a restriction of repeated characters increase security?

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