why does the symbiote loves spiderman

The symbiote even apologized to Spider-Man and expressed a desire to one day earn his forgiveness. Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman Spider-Man (2002) Spider-Man 2 (2004) Spider-Man 3 (2007) The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Show 4 more items. "Amazing Spider-Man" #375 was billed as "the final confrontation," as Spider-Man battled Venom in an abandoned theme park, determined to stop him for good. WebAt some point the symbiote joined a group of corrupted Klyntar who used their hosts as chattel, and was labeled as deranged due to its desire to form a single, strong, symbiotic bond with its host and protect them. Spider-Man (2002) Spider-Man 2 (2004) Spider-Man 3 (2007) The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Show 4 more items. The black costume originated in 1982 from an idea submitted by 22-year-old fan Randy Schueller, after Marvel ran a competition for aspiring writers and artists to elicit new ideas for the Marvel Universe. They continue to menace Spider-Man, this time fighting him on a deserted island. ", VENOM BOIZ! MJ refuses the replicate as she would be rather dead, but Poison states that he can just reanimate her corpse, and that corpse would be just like him, but without 'the pesky feminine attitude getting in the way'. Why does the Symbiote no longer set off Spider-Man's spider Establishing himself as the nexus of the Hive he created, Knull proceeded to conquer worlds and form a fleet of Symbiote Dragons. It would then carry the unconscious body of Peter through a typical session of fighting street crime silently. After the Red Goblin's defeat, the symbiote was transferred peacefully back to Brock. The Marvel Multiverse is full of distinct differences and unique figures, with certain decisions proving to be the lynchpins that can result in entirely new realities. When the sample of Grendel symbiote was bonded to Cletus, Knull reanimated and psychically communicated with the serial killer; though the nature of their conversation is unknown. Instead of visiting Reed, Spider-Man first brings the suit to Curt Conners for analysis. Spider-Man hunted down Kraven in his new form, Mary Jane saw what was happening and Peter told her that she needed his help. Knull is no joke. After several months of confrontation, Spider-Man loses against the Venom Symbiote and it took over, emerging from his cocoon as much different being, that was partly Peter Parker and mostly Venom. Once there, Spider-Man released the symbiote, and it covered his body, forming a new costume, completely black with a big white spider symbol on his chest, slightly larger eyepieces and white patches on the back of each hand. Composed of the same unstable molecules found in the Fantastic Four's costumes, this new suit would be more durable and stealth-like than the handmade red and blue costume. In the Ultimate Universe, the symbiote is bio-mechanical organism called the Suit, created by Richard Parker and Eddie Brock Sr. in an attempt to cure cancer, but eventually got attached to Peter Parker when he attempted to continue his father's experiments. [43] Intent on settling his eons-old grudge against the Celestials, Knull hunted them down and infected them with living abyss. [25][65][21], In addition to using symbiote dragons as mounts,[2][43] Knull is capable of manifesting draconic wings from his symbiote. I'm always curious as to why the Symbiote seems to prefer Spiderman over Eddie Brock, even though Spiderman rejected the Symbiote plenty of times where as Brock embraces it and wants it. He was the first something. When asked by Kinda Funny Games' Greg Miller, who is wearing a black suit t-shirt, why the suit isn't in the game, Intihar revealed that it didn't feel like the right time. However, not too long after, the symbiote manages to escape and hide in Spider-Man's closet, disguising itself as a normal Spider-Man costume, and successfully reattaches to Peter. In most realities, the costume is normally black, has a large white spider design on the chest area, slightly larger all white eye pieces and white organic web-shooters on the back of each hand. Spider-Man has one of the more distinguished and varied rogues' galleries in comic book history, a villainous roll call that includes everyone from the Green Goblin to Doctor Octopus and Kraven the Hunter. MasterTainment explains! Entertainment reporter, writer, and all-around geek, Scoot Allan has written for print and online media sources like Geek Magazine, GeekExchange, GrizzlyBomb, WhatCulture, RoguePlanet.tv and the Urban 30 before joining CBR as a senior writer. "I think just making it an unlockable suit wouldn't be doing it justice. Doc Ock assumes full control over the suit, claiming that Flash Thompson is weak minded and cannot do anything without the symbiote, and that with his own previous experience with his robotic arms along with his iron will can control the symbiote, becoming "Superior Venom". [12][22], Later freed by Carnage when he merged with an offshoot of the Grendel, Knull would eventually arrive on Earth and come face-to-face with Eddie Brock, who was the host of the Venom symbiote. In their first meeting in "Amazing Spider-Man" #300, Peter uses his knowledge of how the symbiote works to defeat Venom, while in "Amazing Spider-Man" #317, he pretends to take the symbiote back, revealing that the alien still secretly wants to be with Peter, not Brock and the symbiote's attempt to break its bond with Brock knocks them both unconscious. As penned by Brian Michael Bendis, this story introduced Klyntar, home of the symbiote hive. WebHe rejected it for trying to use him for a typical session of fighting street crime but it was trying to make the world a better place the way Peter envisioned nothing else however it hurt him psychologically and developed bitter feelings for Spider-Man, it developed a love-hatred when it got attached to Eddie Brock, and there started aggressive According to Donny Cates, Knull was the first "something" in the universe. Symbiotes, Symbiote Dragons, proto-symbiotes, Exolon and various unidentified creatures (creations);Void Knight (creation, deceased);All-Black (creation and former symbiote, deceased);Symbiote-Armor (creation and former symbiote);Big Mother (creation and genetic recipient);Grendel (creation and former symbiote, deceased);Wraith's Exolon Symbiote (creation and former symbiote, assimilated by All-Black);Venom (creation and former symbiote);Void (current symbiote, deceased); Knull was an eldritch god of darkness and the creator of the symbiotes. If there was a tomorrow. Peter then removes the creature using high frequency sonic waves and the symbiote is imprisoned. When the Tyrannosaurus symbiote bonded to Venom and reconnected to the Hive Mind, Knull attacked using the Grendel symbiote and attempted to devour Venom. MobileFormerlyKnowhere, Klyntar, Gorr's Homeworld Another is in Spectacular Spider man cartoon where the Symbiote easily rejected Brock in favor of Spiderman when he wanted it back. The History Of Venom's Relationship With Spider-Man Explained. Maniac Most of Agent Venom's story doesn't directly involve Spider-Man, but their paths crossed in unusual fashion in the pages of "Superior Spider-Man." It's not every day a super-scientist tells you that the costume you've been wearing to protect your identity while fighting criminals is not only a sentient alien, but a sentient alien that is trying to permanently bond with you. As his dragons rained down on the Earth and quickly overwhelmed the planet's superheroes, Knull emerged from one of the Celestials and declared his intent to destroy the planet - offering to make it quick and painless if given the human called Brock. After this, MJ didn't want any more violence and innocent blood spilled, so she agrees to the replication, but she promises that she will make his life a living hell to make him pay for what he did to Peter, and to this response, Poison leaves for the graveyard, where he unearths Gwen Stacy's body and put her in a cocoon similar to his, where after a while a symbiote hand emerges from the cocoon, indicating the successful reanimation of Gwen. The idea was purchased by Jim Shooter at Marvel for the sum of 220 US dollars (over 500 dollars today) and the opportunity to craft the story. Identity How can Kylntar symbiotes defy Doctor Stranges spells? Knull's avatar was subsequently immolated, his connection to the Grendel symbiote seemingly severed and his body remaining sealed at the heart of Klyntar. The arms of the spider design initially wrapped around the wearer's ribcage, though the placements tend to change location depending on the artist, varying from over the shoulders, over the clavicals or not wrapping around the body at all. Out of desperation, Venom offered to serve Knull if Earth was spared, but Knull refused - remarking that the Brock he was interested in was Dylan - and ripped the Venom symbiote off Eddie before throwing him from the top of the Empire State Building,[19] satisfied that Eddie could no longer prove a pest to his plans once he succumbed to his wounds and his consciousness was trapped within the Hive-Mind as a codex. Venom and Spider-Man were forced to join forces to save her, and afterward, Anne helped Venom realize that Spider-Man regularly saves innocent lives. However, Knull possesses a volatile temper and is prone to reacting with extreme rage when denied what he wants, such as when Eddie tried to stop him from re-corrupting the Venom symbiote or when the Silver Surfer refused to serve him. The two became permanently fused over the years, considering themselves a "we" after twenty-five years together. Despite Donny Cates' assertion on Twitter that "Nothing can kill Knull. Awakened by the Light when the Celestials invaded his kingdom of darkness, Knull was chosen by the WAY more powerful. Elder God;[10] Primordial deity of the Abyss[12] [10], A few months after the battle, an Earth-based cult dedicated to worshiping Knull - led by Scorn - obtained a sample of the Grendel symbiote and Cletus Kasady's corpse, intending to turn him into Knull's avatar and facilitate his awakening. For the rest of the year, the events of "Secret Wars" unfolded retroactively in the pages of the crossover book, while Spider-Man, wearing the black suit, continued to do his usual stuff in his own comic things like fighting supervillains, dating the Black Cat, and dropping out of college. However, as the symbiote attaches to Spider-Man, the pain of severing the bond with Brock shocks it, causing both Brock and Peter to pass out, and when the symbiote seems to have completed its bond with Peter, it faints and detaches from him. Eddie Brock's symbiote needs chocolate and brains for an important reason. While fans were initially against the costume change, they soon fell in love with the new Black Suit. Web64K views 2 years ago. His first act is to share his 'gift' (replicate the symbiote) with Mary Jane and Aunt May, who were saddened by Peter's previous apparent 'death', and they were discussing about him when he broke the window and entered. [24] When confronted by Wraith, Knull removed Zak-Del's Exolon symbiote and absorbed it into his symbiote-armor before reforming All-Black's Necrosword form. ), Earth-70134 (What if Spider-Man rejected the Spider? Remember, that new origin was being told to us by a deranged cult leader spinning their own new gospel. The armor was originally solid black, but after he founded the Symbiote Imperium he emblazoned its chest and back with a red dragon emblem. It drastically enhanced Peter's various powers, but it also brought out a lot of aggression in Peter's The Venom symbiote was first introduced in 1984 as part of the line-wide MarvelComics crossover (or, if you prefer, glorified Mattel commercial) known as "Secret Wars." Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1 explored the fallout of Peter Parker not realizing the symbiote suit was a living organism until it was too late. Affiliation The few gods that Knull spared were forcibly drafted into his army, enslaved to his will and transformed into monsters using the living abyss, placed as sentries to guard the worlds he'd conquered. This defeat proved temporary, as Knull recovered and resumed his conquest of the cosmos. The black costume first debuted in ASM #252 with the tagline "The rumors are true", affirming suspicions that Spider-Man would be getting a new costume. He didn't like the story, but he liked the idea of changing Spider-Man's costume. Citizenship During his invasion of Earth, most of the people infected by symbiotes resembled Knull. [57], As King in Black, Knull was supposed to keep maintenance over the Celestials' creations, but he refused the work. The 2017 crossover Venomverse by Cullen Bunn and Iban Coello introduced multiple versions of Venom from across the Marvel multiverse, working with the Earth-616 Eddie Brock to fight back against the encroaching and invasive Poison species. It's time to find out. Finally, Spider-Man rejoined with the Venom symbiote in order to stop Red Goblin during "Go Down Swinging" which saw them separate from each other for the first time as allies before it rejoined with Eddie Brock. However, we'll start with the alien first. The symbiote then possess Thor, but after making a deal with Kingpin, Black Cat destroys the symbiote for good. So it might come as a shock to you (especially if you haven't been following Marvel Comics over the years) that things are far more nuanced than that. Male WebAs the symbiote peels away from him and oozes down a drain into the sewers, Eddie desperately begs Spider-Man to help him get it back. At first doing good for Peter, but after awhile Peter starts to get aggressive in crime fighting and his normal life. Not only did they not set off Peter's early warning spider-sense, but they knew his true identity, and were able to threaten his loved ones. After Spider-Man abandoned the Symbiote, in Spectacular Spider-Man #99, he was given a cloth version, hand made by Black Cat. Naming themselves Venom, In order to defeat Red Goblin, Brock willingly gave up the symbiote to Spider-Man, who donned it again in "Amazing Spider-Man" #800. Creators Dude severed the head of a celestial. He returned to the cloth version for the Back in Black story line to find Aunt May's shooter. Skin Eyes [12] After Knull reawakened, he reformed his symbiote-armor, with a differently-shaped helmet adorned with horns. During the latter part of Civil War, after Aunt May had been shot by a sniper as a result of Peter revealing his secret identity. NEXT:Marvel: 10 Heroes Who Would Be Better In The Venom Symbiote. Its on 9x12. Forming an organization known as the Agents of the Cosmos, the symbiotes of Klyntar subsequently attempted to expunge their dark origins and redeem themselves by acting to protect the cosmos they'd once terrorized. But they were able to briefly work well together against the Poison Hive -- until the Hive tricked Spider-Man with a vision of his deceased Aunt May and killed him, adding that version of Spider-Man to the ranks of the Poisons. There have been a few differentWhat If? Anne, who had helped Spider-Man locate her former husband, arrived on the scene to try and help, but ended up nearly being crushed by a falling ferris wheel. Carnage's murders were indiscriminate, however, and when Spider-Man asked for Venom's help in stopping the killing spree, Venom agreed. This was just one of the many detrimental side effects that were easy for Peter Parker to overlook given the ease and extra power that the costume brought to his life. [24], Hellbent on returning the cosmos to the Abyss, Knull created an artificial planet from the living darkness he controlled to serve as his throneworld and base of operations. In 2011's Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Spider-Man is a playable character and symbiote suit is a wearable alternate costume. Although his body is taken over by the symbiote, he is still in control because it didn't take over his mind. The Symbiote Costume, also known as the Black Suit ,is the first new change of costume donned by Peter Parker in the first published Amazing Spider-Man #252, and chronologically donned in Secret Wars #8. For the symbiote, however, it was rejection, and rejection led to bitterness and hatred. He enjoys salad but prefers french fries. As Eddie armed himself by merging Mjolnir and the Silver Surfer's Surfboard into a battle-ax shaped like Venom's spider-emblem, Knull attempted to flee while throwing everything he had at Eddie, but was cornered at the top of the Empire State Building, stripped of his symbiote-armor, and thrown to the ground. Flash was bonded with the symbiote, which was acquired by the U.S. government after Mac Gargan's arrest after the Siege of Asgard. Creators and Appearances [12][16], Through his symbiote army, Knull is responsible for the destruction and corruption of entire civilizations across the universe. [14], Expert Combatant: Despite not possessing any formal training, Knull is a vicious warrior with billions of years' worth of combat experience, capable of slaughtering entire armies of gods augmented by the Uni-Power singlehandedly. WebThe symbiote attached itself to his suit that he was wearing at the time. Unfortunately, bonding with Brock twists the creature, devolving into a more violent and aggressive behaviour near insanity, having a main objective to kill Peter Parker for wronging them both. While the symbiote's time with Mac Gargan represented a regression into old habits, its story was about to take a very different (and very strange) turn. Finally, new artist Todd McFarlane made it clear to Marvel that he didn't like drawing the black suit. The X-Men Just Lost Their Best Leaders - What's Next for Marvel's Mutants. In this universe, Eddie Brock still put on the symbiote, like in Earth-616, but after the zombie apocalypse, where he became infected and turned, the symbiote began to die, since it could not feed on dead hosts. - September 17, 2018 12:49 am EDT. RELATED:Marvel: 10 Things You Didnt Know About Venom & Carnages Relationship In The Comics. [41][42] Blazing a swath of destruction across the Kree/Skrull Alliance's colonial territories en route to Earth, Knull laid traps to waylay ships sent to investigate; thereby claiming several prominent warriors from both species for his army. Peter tricks Venom for a third time by faking his own death, escaping the island while Brock and the symbiote relax on the beach, content in the knowledge that their quest for revenge is complete. 4) #3(June, 2018)(Full appearance)Venom (Vol. [55] They were able to take advantage of Dylan and Thor injuring Knull to infiltrate the core of the Hive-Mind, the God Hive. It was not until 1984's Secret Wars that the black costume would debut. In some ways, it can be seen as a twisted romantic allegory, a warning about what can happen when love turns to loathing, but it also, surprisingly, has a happy ending (at least for now). [23], Knull was an ancient malevolent deity who purportedly ruled over the Abyss, the existential chasm that existed between the destruction of the Sixth Cosmos and the creation of the Seventh Cosmos. The Marvel Multiverse is full of distinct differences and unique figures, with certain decisions proving to be the lynchpins that can result in entirely new realities. One such shift is the result of Spider-Man staying connected to the Venom symbiote and being transformed by the process. [12], Divine Physiology: As a primordial god of darkness, Knull possesses superhuman attributes and powers which far exceed those of humans and even most other deities. The symbiote costume is one of four and grants bonuses. One of the versions of the symbiote that Venom encounteredwas an incarnation of Peter Parker who hadtaken the symbiote back from a sociopathic version of Eddie Brock by force. The symbiote's ties to his emotions also led it to further fuel his aggression that began to alter Peter Parker's personality even when he wasn't wearing the costume. While many of the heroes and villains had co-mingled and had families, Spider-Man remained alone and bonded to the symbiote, fully fusing with it and finding an equilibrium between himself and the alien life form. Furious, Knull confronted the God of Thunder, who was unimpressed and dismissed him as merely one of hundreds of gods of destruction he had vanquished. And I think it's a story that needs to be told, and it needs to be told the way Insomniac would tell it.". The symbiote, however, isn't dead, and it soon seeks Eddie out and breaks him free. Later, Spider-Man is confronted by Venom. [12] It is unknown exactly what abilities the armor possessed and conferred upon Knull, though it was capable of shapeshifting to manifest a cape, waistcloth, wing-like fins, and draconic helmet. [20] Knull despises the Celestials and their creations, attempting to carry out a genocide against them by corrupting and slaughtering all life. Spider-Man goes to a psychologist, who tells him that the alien suit is showing signs of "love-hate" but that the core emotion is still love. He also conducts industry interviews, is a Rotten Tomatoes certified film critic, and knows a LOT about the X-Men. Watch: https://www.marvel.com/watch/digital-series/marvel-s-the-pull-list/here-s-what-you-don-t-know-about-venom-the-pull-list-mailbag?linkId=57510641", Venom Writer Confirms Origin of Venom's Iconic White Spider Symbol, DONNY CATES on Twitter: "Well, thanks to Thanos killing everyone. The story that followed involved both Peter's long-lost parents, recently returned (they would turn out to be imposters, but not for another year) and Eddie Brock's ex-wife, Anne Weying. [25] Leaving Zak-Del for dead, Knull resumed his conquest of the cosmos; unknowingly hunted by his opposite - the God of Light. Seeing this, he removes the symbiote with the help of a vision that features Uncle Ben. After Secret Wars, Spider-Man takes the symbiote back home, and after a while, it leaves Peters body and connects with Eddie Brock to become a new Lethal Self-taught Merging with the closest hosts they could find, the Hive was now infected with concepts of honor and nobility, so the symbiotes turned on Knull and trapped him at the core of the throneworld, rebranding themselves "Klyntar" out of their word for "cage". When Peter Parker started wearing his new costume, he no longer had the need for his utility belt, which contained his spare web cartridges, spider-signal, and his miniature camera. During his time with the symbiote, he would frequently wake up well-rested yet still exhausted. In an alternate reality, where Peter Parker and Mary Jane stayed married and had a child, Peter was too late to help the Avengers and X-Men against Regent who had absorbed all of their powers and killed most of them. So, the cloth was gotten rid of by Peter as a request from Mary Jane who was terrified after being kidnapped by Venom and Peter went back to his classic red and blue costume. Believing that he was helping him, the symbiote sneaked back into Peter's body after he had taken it off and gone to sleep. He was probably enjoying his dead and burning black kingdom out there in the void", ryan "venom boy" stegman on Twitter: "For #Creators4Comics, Ill be auctioning off this, the original drawings of knull I did while talking to @doncates for the first time about our venom run! But this statement from Intihar further validates that this is indeed where the series is heading. However, given the close bond that has formed between Spider-Man and the symbiote before he rejects it, Parker's spider-sense is no longer triggered by the alien symbiote or its offspring. Personal Information Image via Marvel Comics. Earth-616 Having damaged his original costume in battle, Spider-Man discovers a machine thought to be a fabric replicator. In the ensuing chaos, May was trapped in a burning building and, due to the weaknesses of the symbiote, Spider-Man was unable to save her. While Peter Parker initially loved the various perks of his new costume, there were some definite downsides as well that were largely kept hidden from him by the symbiote. [8] As his connection to his self-proclaimed apostle grew stronger, Knull began awakening and exerting his influence to corrupt both the symbiotes of Klyntar and those stranded on Earth -- namely the Riot, Agony, Phage, Lasher, and Scream symbiotes. During one of his first battles with Venom, he forced the symbiote to choose between hosts in order to weaken his enemy, though the shock of bonding to both Eddie and Peter knocked all three of them out. Affiliation and Relationships All rights reserved. After the end of the Secret Wars, Spider-Man returned to Earth and brought the symbiote with him, there he discovered that the costume could mimic any clothing he wanted. Fantastic had. Peter tells his former friend he can finally let go of his hatred, but Eddie glumly states Hair The suit enhanced his strength, speed and generated black unlimited webbing from it's own protoplasmic substance, and even allowed Peter to take a bullet without injury. While he showed up in the much-maligned "Spider-Man 3," Venom has more recently become the star of his own film franchise one that, to this point, has not involved Spider-Man. Reality ", DONNY CATES on Twitter:"No. He used the severed head's divine power to refine the blade, creating a metaphysical connection between the primordial symbiote and the slain cosmic god - which would be the source of most of Knull's tremendous power. [12] After recovering from his injuries over the course of a century, Knull began experimenting with his powers and discovered that he could manifest amorphous parasites called Symbiotes from the Living Abyss and bond them to lesser lifeforms, corrupting life rather than eradicating it. It was the first time they would team up to take down Venom's crimson "son," but certainly not the last. Peter did his best to help the heroes counter the symbiote, but not long after he passed away from old age -- prompting a vengeful Black Cat to sell her services to Kingpin in exchange for helping her gain revenge against the symbiote. Initially, he and the Earth-616 Venom bristled against one another. When the Venom symbiote arrived in Marvel, its Gallery [28][11] The Grendel's rampage was stopped by Thor, who blasted it with divine lightning and severed Knull's connection to the vast majority of symbiotes. Originally a species of conquerors, the Klyntar had repented of their ancient evil ways, seeking instead to become a force for good. Death Unfortunately, **It's like Ask Science, but all questions and answers are written with answers gleaned from the universe itself. He made things "personal" by unmasking Hobgoblin after their fight,and threatened his life if he continued to cause trouble. Mary Jane, angry about the way Peter is treating people, confronts him, but he suddenly receives a message about a crime and changes to his symbiote suit and leaves for the city. and its living abyss was used to create a super-soldier initiative called the Sym-Soldier Program. Ultimate Spider-Man with the Symbiote suit. [12][33], While serving as a herald of Galactus, the Silver Surfer came across Klyntar and was devoured by it, its constituent symbiotes attempting to imprison him alongside Knull at the artificial planet's core. Ryan Stegman's concept art for Knull depicts him with a cape rather than a waistcloth, and questions whether or not he should have eyes and hair. Some symbiotes, however, had been corrupted by their hosts, and the Venom symbiote was one of these. [9][19][32], Knull's reign of terror came to an end in the sixth century CE, when two symbiote dragons - one black and one red - arrived on Earth and were named the Grendel and Grendel's Mother by the Danes. Initially gaining the upper hand against Earth's heroes and even killing Eddie, Knull's victory was undermined when Eddie's son Dylan Brock, who was born with symbiote powers, severed Knull's connection to the symbiotes. [53], When Dylan Brock entered the battlefield and began using his powers to free the people and heroes Knull had enslaved, Knull attempted to capture him but was attacked by Thor - who he recognized as the one who had almost killed the Grendel centuries prior. When Knull attempted to seize control of Cletus through the symbiote, Cletus resisted Knull's control and their connection was severed when the Grendel symbiote absorbed the codex - trace remnants of living abyss left in former symbiote hosts - that the Carnage symbiote had left in Scorn's body. Fortunately, Flash (having taken up the mantle of Anti-Venom, formerly held by Brock himself) was there to keep the peace between them. As Knull predates the creation of the Seventh Cosmos, he is technically not from, When asked what Knull would have done had he encountered. 630 lbs (285.76 kg) Spider-Man rejected this claim despite Black Cat's use of common sense, whichmade Peter Parker's decision to keep using the symbiote a little suspect. In the process, it was revealed that Spider-Man was really only the symbiote, with a sonic blast from Klaw revealing nothing left of Peter beneath the symbiote except for his skeleton. This results in Eddie learning Spider-Man is Peter Parker in most media, discovering he only has one enemy. But even with this, Flash could not be bonded to the symbiote for more than 48 hours, or else he could lose control, which he did twice after, turning into a more savage and bigger Eddie Brock type Venom. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014 video game), Earth-1089 (What if the Alien Costume possessed Spider-Man? When the Grendel was destabilized by sonic grenades, Knull's manifestation engaged Venom in a brutal one-on-one battle, Venom's arsenal of high-tech weapons proving ineffective. King in Black #5(April, 2021).

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