writing task 2 positive or negative development

However, advertising could cause several disadvantages for customers. Discuss the reasons that support your standpoints. Given below is a real IELTS Writing Part 2 Essay question. She has worked with the British Council and knows the tricks and tips of IELTS. 55K views 2 years ago Two very important parts of the writing score for the essay are the Task Response and Cohesion & Coherence criteria. Paraphrasing and IELTS: Is it Really Important? November 23, 2015 at 20:46. Main Secrets of an 8.5 Score, IELTS in 30 Minutes! Would you pleaese help me knowing if these expressions are true: NOW I'm m pursuing your method that's very effective! Brainstorm for ideas aim for at least one well-developed idea for each paragraph. BW ENGLISH SERVICES HK Ltd, Unit 2512, 25/F, Langham Place Office Tower, 8 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Hong 50 - 50. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Thanks for sharing this essay answer, I appreciate your efforts and it is nicely written. November 20, 2015 at 07:29. Among the major shortcomings of online university courses is the serious lack of human interaction to its education approach. SamNet | How to get band 8 in IELTS Writing Task 2, IELTS Writing Task 2 Preparation Tips and Tricks, Some People Think That Parents Should Teach Children How to be Good Members of Society, Happiness is considered very important in life, In some countries the average weight of people is increasing, Young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school, Research Indicates That the Characteristics We are Born With Have Much More Influence On Our Personality, Tips to write introduction in IELTS Writing Task 2, Writing Task 2: Most High level Positions in Companies are Filled, Reading stories from a book is better than watching TV Sample Essay, Countries Are Becoming More and More Similar Essay Answers, The best way to solve the worlds environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel Sample Essay. For example, they can go everywhere they want as well as having relation with everyone the want without any limitation. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"hPY3St16nVJ44.QRQZabR9RleplDr3enCZ._R2eO6hM-1800-0"}; Copyright 2021-2022 IELTS Material. + Explanation + Example OR result, 4 On the other hand, + Why is it positive?+ Explanation + Example OR result, 5 Conclusion: sum up + My Opinion: negative development (2 SENTENCES). December 15, 2015 at 20:49. is it ok for the students to only support one side opinion, for example, at the begining, i write: i think this is a positive trend,or i think this is a negative trend. For example, look at the following question and my introduction and conclusion below. I believe that this trend could have negative effects on these countries' development. Nowadays many students are participating in international exchange trips. Secondly, education through the Internet has completely eliminated the element of peer networking which is often deemed essential to one's learning. But could not find the ful essy posted by simon wven after afferless searching. Remember, maintaining clarity is key to for an IELTS writing test. One of the reasons is that lack of interaction between students in online courses, which may affect their learning progress because they complete their assignments independently and do not have opportunities to socialise with their peers. The advances in technology have provided a lot of workers with the option of doing their jobs remotely rather than in a traditional workplace. In other words, you chose both are equally valid. for instance, students who live in remote areas without roads or even no enough fund to pay for tuition to attend qualified school far away, an internet connection solves it. 4 You can skip the opposite point of view part but your essay will look better if you write about it. This may be not most efficient way to study because the students are not be able to ask a question and more important, get the feedback instantly. March 23, 2020 at 20:54, IELTS Listening: gap-fill about interview tips, IELTS Writing Task 1: hyphen and no 's' before noun . IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Essay Advertising is gaining more popularity in the marketing of products or services. In other words, use synonyms to portray your knowledge of words but avoid using jargons. This is an unprecedented development in world history, and one that I think is going to make largely positive changes for all humankind. Furthermore, the facts show that the more advertising expenses increase, the higher the product price is. The positives and negatives are equally important. Three different answers are possible: (1) You think it is a positive development. Practice daily! Personally, I feel that this issue is not purely positive or negative, so I would choose the third option. You may look at this and think, But thats an advantages and disadvantages essay Well, it certainly looks like it because I have used the phrase advantages and disadvantages twice! Helen | Children must be nurtured in families correctly if there are supposed to play a positive role in society. This IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answer is a great example of how to use an unconventional opening to set your response apart from those of other candidates. Keep it clear and concise. A recent trend in some parts of the world has seen an increasing number of youths moving out of their family homes to live on their own. For me, this allows an in-depth discussion that gives nuance and allows me to show my critical thinking skills to the examiner. It is neither wholly positive nor negative. Secondly, when it comes to taking responsibility in a family, many people may prefer to live without any responsibility which might make them happier. Thirdly,Eventhoughsomeofthesepeoplewithdrasticdecisionoflivinginsolitarythinkthat theywillgetridoftheirfamilytroubleswhichtheyconsideredthemtobeasanerroneous notion,however,theywillhavepursuedthebadhabitsthroughoutthegapyears,becoming exposedtothehumblingthingswhichtakethemtothebadgatewayssuchasabusingdifferent drugsorbeginningtotealingonthestreetofcity. Agree or disagree. Pride Hulkul 6th floor no 116 Lalbagh Road, Bangalore, Karnataka 560027, H-4-6, 1st Floor , Model Town II. Hi Simon This is my essay and i would really appreciate if you correct me. Hence, do not overlap the arguments. In this essay type, the examiner will give you a statement and ask whether you agree or disagree with the given statement. Hello ..simon The increase in the choosing of living alone also sees some advantages. You must decide whether it is a positive or negative development that people now wait until their thirties to get married and have children. One thing to avoid, though, is cramming too many ideas into each paragraph, which can be a big problem with balanced essays like this. Nowadays many people choose to live alone thatln in the past. In addition, finance for the education opportunity may not be a problem to most families as the cost of tuition is much lower than tranditional way. Posted by: Lexical resource: The sample answer includes many examples of good collocation such as stressful experience and financial consequences. Additionally, only thanks to advertisements, can customers be kept informed about newly-launched products. Second, if the percentage of universities offering online courses kept increasing like in the present, they would be less reliant on the governments financial support as little resources might be injected into updating college facilities. They learn to be more independent and realistic. She is also an IELTS Trainer and an extremely good content writer. November 18, 2015 at 15:42. However, writing a Task 2 essay is not easy! As life is becoming increasingly complex and difficult and property prizes are just skyrocketing, finding a reasonable prized accommodation is becoming immensely difficult. As a result, single people tend to lead a hectic as well as burdensome life with having a feeling of being resented, anguished and therefore a resulting unhealthy lifestyle. Support is critical to a good Task Achievement score. Posted by: For instance, if an employee needs to have medical treatment such as dental work, they invariably can only schedule it during work time. Posted by: Nowadays, more people are choosing to socialise online rather than face to face. if yes then what is the differences between this question with such a question like: The first paragraph should introduce the topic and your stand on the topic. The reason can be that the selling price of the advertised items covers the high cost of advertisements. This is the traditional method cannot match. Choosing to live alone first brings a major negative affect. In our increasingly global world, great attention is being paid to students' ability to interact with other cultures and be interculturally aware. People in a various countries have increasingly prefer to live by themselves. Thanks a lot! Start by rephrasing the prompt. Task response: The sample answer is at least 250 words in length and describes both a positive and negative development. Because of this trend, fewer and fewer couples end of their marriages. In the twenty-first century, the internet is changing the way that people socialise. For example: Participles can take on various functions in English. Hi. Truly there is a great value in this. The major drawbacks of working from home are domestic distractions and the absence of camaraderie. Samera | Your IELTS task 2 can require you to answer a "negative/positive development" question. In this essay, even 'young person' is appropriate. Working from home, however, means that workers can schedule time for non-work activities as they do not have to adhere to rigid working hours. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. it is undoubtedly true that most people, particularly in developing countries, tend to live independently more often in recent years than that of our ancestors. This is an unprecedented development in world history, and one that I think is going to make largely positive changes for all humankind. As a result, the elderly will make up a much larger proportion of the population in future. Kit | Employees who have young families, for example, often get distracted by the demands of taking care of their children and even though they employ babysitters and have family members to assist them, they cannot stop themselves from getting involved. Hi, Guys, I have found Simon's advice is very useful. |Direct Download Here | Stitcher | iTunes | Spotify | Soundcloud | Transcript |Podcast: Play in new window| Subscribe: Android | RSS. Safa | Secondly, It is true that most of the students do not have enough money and universities offer less fee packages for such type of education which is easily affordable. November 20, 2015 at 07:16, Hi Simon. Finally, no transportation is required in this type of courses which save the travelling expensive and decrease the burden from students which is very necessary for their peace of mind. While some some might want to write their strongest points in the first argument, other people might leave it for the last. In addition, students can build problem solving skills naturally during the online classes since they are required to find answers about question they have by themselves by using internet sites containing various information. Posted by: I'll show you a full essay for this topic next week. Your introduction should be 3 or 4 sentences. March 27, 2017 at 08:15. Without a doubt, many other countries will need to take similar actions in the coming decades. In the last exam it was a question for Writing task 2 which ended exactly with this phrase: "DO you think it is a more positive or more negative development?" Paragraph 2 is the main body of the essay. November 18, 2015 at 21:42. November 18, 2015 at 13:48. For example: Education to students is comparable to what is fragrance is to rose, identity. For example, instead of 'student' use 'undergraduate' or 'learner' occasionally. In some places the tone is informal and not entirely suited to an academic essay. | Online education, according to those who are in favour, is an innovative way of giving knowledge as it saves time. In addition, there is also a lack of social interaction with other students in the class room which is also very important source of learning. it is a fact that online courses are becomming more and more popular these days. Jass | For instance, a young lady living all by herself becomes a soft target for rapists and robbers alike, since she has no one around to see to her safety. This means that most houses are under-utilized and government is under pressure to provide more housing estates.

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