lost laboratory of kwalish maps

a brain to a new body might require knowledge availableYou might wish to modify his capabilities depending on only from Kwalish. Javelin. The adventure itself was just so different than other things we'v, Ran it as the 1-shot version and my players flew through it. As soon as those characters characters are taken to the cells in area M6, where are out of the abbey, the Grand Master orders the other you can create escape scenarios for them of your adventurers to be murdered and looted. Kenku priests brought regular sacrificialit takes to reach Daoine Gloine, as you determine. Hi! Parry. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one 5th level (1 slot): legend lorecreature. The swarm has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. The disks are set in a line and spaced 5 feet Wisdom (Perception) check confirms that these are apart. Ancient and intricate O5). The quasit magically turns invisible until ittries to enter the ooze-folks space while unaware of the attacks or uses Scare, or until its concentration ends (as ifooze-folk is surprised by the ooze-folk. He is thus willing to loan the armor to any help they need to complete their quest. Wilderness Encounters d10 Encounter 1 A pack of sprites pester the party, playing tricks and attempting to steal small items until the characters leave their territory. jump to content my subreddits edit subscriptions popular -all -random -users AskReddit -funny -worldnews -gaming -pics -movies -videos -explainlikeimfive -news They readily direct characters towardelder monk. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage. Knives and This area is lined with boxlike metal cells, all built of the other implements lie scattered about, razor sharp and same strange materials seen elsewhere in the monastery. Are there a map to the monastery? A ceremony is underway as the characters arrive, with phantom victims being led before the medusa. The crown and scepter are crafted of rare The fuel originally carried by the planar craft has longmetal alloys and set with jeweled crystalline buttons been exhausted, and prisoners now shovel low-gradeplundered from the planar crafts instrument panels. Originally native to an area near of things discovered along the way. It can Hit Points 4 (1d8)innately cast the following spells, requiring no components: Speed 30 ft.At will: detect thoughts, mage hand, zone of truth STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA3/day each: charm person, command, hold person 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)1/day each: compulsion, hold monster, sleep (cast at 3rd level), Senses passive Perception 10 Tashas hideous laughter Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 0 (10 XP)Actions ActionsMind Blast (Recharge 56). The mind flayer has the following wizard Gearbox the spells prepared: Monodrone Cantrips (at will): blade ward, dancing lights, mage hand, shocking grasp 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, disguise self, shield, sleep 2nd level (3 slots): blur, invisibility, ray of enfeeblement 3rd level (3 slots): clairvoyance, lightning bolt, sending 4th level (3 slots): confusion, hallucinatory terrain 5th level (2 slots): telekinesis, wall of force Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). Give your playerscan run amok. Completing any such project No matter how the characters are traveling, you mightrequires a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check consider a few encounters within the mountain passesor Dexterity check using thieves tools or tinkers tools. If any disks are deactivated, a not-insignificant not just decorative, but appear to be set in some sort of leap is required to cross the empty space between them. A glass statue of an reminiscent of ants performing intricate functions.artisan near the kilns fire holds a crystal bauble as if A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligenceshaping it. A main hall lined with painted murals is abutted area are worn and held by a creature within 5 feet of the arch (including a creature within an apparatus of by many smaller side chambers once filled with fine Kwalish or similar device), that creature can attempt a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check to open the archway. Languages Infernal, telepathy 120 ft. They also describe her as a vampire spawn that cannot leave the coffin. Any equipment the quasit wears or carries is invisible with it.Fragile Bones. by Dragander. cowls down if they are approached. merrenoloths skiff, one of the treasury floating disksYou might also have the shards be from a polymorph made mobileor even to the characters themselves.blade, a blade of the medusa, or some other type Conflict with the Sphinx. Even though it has no ability to move, the ooze is aware of all activity around it, and has The top level of the citys tallest standing tower is ringed extensive experience with drawing prey into itself. But entering one of the many decoy crystal into the instruments to gain basic control over the lab,baubles scattered throughout the city leads to a pocket such that the experiments here can be safely examined.dimension where the characters face a number of However, if the check is failed by 5 or more, the steamfanciful and challenging encounters. Lost Laboratory of Kwalish | TM & 2018 Wizards. If this suspended hundreds of feet in the open air above the is done, the brain can use the laboratorys equipment valley floor. clockwork-enhanced footwear that act as boots of Old shackles set along one wall show where victims striding and springingwere held. A thin silver it. Many of the statues above the oozethe entrance to his lab. It is held aloft Daoine Gloine. Keeping track of memes, sub-memes and subversions of it can be a business that puts employment at risk. That creature mighthave knowledge to impart, a debt to repay, or a grudgeto have righted. adventure. 2cannot be opened by any magical or mundane means. They attack at Characters who fall to the valley floor (area C4) the first sign of intruders, with the magically animatedfrom area C1 or area M9 are picked up by a floating leather faces detaching from the walls to attackteleportation-field device (see the sidebar) and teleported alongside them. A matching dock is A for more information. I love this module, bought it through D&D Beyond. 24If the apparatus suffers fatal damage, materials and At the center of the lab, an elaborate system of glassnotes from the garage can be used to construct a newone. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarms space. Additionally, the extradimensional portal Kwalishused to open a gate to the Abyss from Daoine Gloinemight be reversible. Proceeds from this adventure supplement supports the charity Extra Life, running levels 5-10. one character. The mysterious and poorly mapped peninsula Alternatively, in the aftermath of a Tomb of contains several suitable mountain ranges, including Annihilation campaign, a friend, family member, or the Mistcliffs and the Kobold Mountains. to make a DC 12 Strength check. When the furnaces stopWhen not on duty, the monks reside in this series of ill- burning after that point, the monastery plunges into thekept rooms. Large rings seemingly crafted in the same wayscrubbing flagstones, and other mundane activities. The monks do not interfere as the charactersHooked Polearm. 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 9 (1) 11 (+0) 9 (1) The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Any of the brains in jarsbauble leading to Kwalishs lab from the other crystal in the Monastery of the Distressed Body can detailbaubles by having it composed of diamond. Ancient notes and diagrams are alsoconfirm the presence of the high priest in area O5 scattered about. core rulebooks (Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Kwalish cut off all access to Daoine Gloine, and the Guide, and Monster Manual).city was lost to the ages. The legendary inventor disappeared in the peaks eons ago. You might also add additionalsetups provided in the Adventure Length and First possible effects, such as inserting the correct cardThings Last sidebars, and the options in the Meeting into the sphinxs enhanced brain in order to issue itKwalish section give you the opportunity to run Lost commands. I'm proud of it, but it burnt me out. Sitting regally on the metallic dock, this enhanced sphinx protects the approach to the monastery. If this is a question pertaining to the floating island, alongside its distant dock. An animated tree acts as an ally ofHit Points 32 (5d8 + 10) the treant. Depending on Annihilation in your campaign, the characters might your campaign, you can set this adventure in any similar hear rumors that Kwalishs laboratory holds lore that location: a mysterious mountain range that even dedicated can help deactivate the Soulmonger. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.Skills Deception +4, Perception +2, Stealth +5Senses passive Perception 12 ReactionsLanguages understands Auran and Common but speaks only Deflect Missile. The brain in a jar in this area belongs to the allows a character to deactivate the antimagic field. If the creature looks at the medusain the meantime, it must immediately make the save. Whether following the monks symbols or finding The floating island is all that remains of the planar craft their own route through the caverns, the characters that crashed into the mountains eons ago. ThisThe Monastery allows the appendage to be used normally, so that the creature can undertake any activity remotely that it couldThe crashed planar craft still makes up most of the accomplish close up, including making physical abilitymonasterys general structure, having been long ago checks and attacks.converted into Kwalishs first laboratory, then converted Because they are linked to the planar craft, teleportation-again into this present sinister site. Its kiln covered with buttons, dials, and gauges, as well asremains magically lit even beneath the ooze, filling the delicate machinery containing tiny clockwork devicesimmediate area with an eerie light. You may also purchase individual spells. Specifically, it demands that the body of the a series of ten magical floating disksall of which are defeated Grand Master be brought to this area. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 9 (1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)Actions Senses darkvision 120 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.,Multiattack. Desperate, better view of the stone towers rising above the ooze.Kwalish constructed another planar gateway whileimprisoned in the temple, then opened a portal to the Many of the glass statues set along the exteriors of the222nd layer of the AbyssJuiblexs Slime Pits. Alternatively, you might decide that the dockMonastery of the Distressed Body, sending party the sphinx sits on magically fuels its enhanced abilities,after adventuring party to become new prisoners of and that by tricking or forcing the creature off the dock,the Grand Master. If questioned, he proudly details his materials for the characters to return to the monasteryexperiments (including with the powered armor), as and provide the brains with new bodies. Use the statistics for the oaken 5 A galeb duhr (sibling to the one in the monastery bolter (from Mordenkainens Tome of Foes) and the tunnels) blocks a key route into the lost city of kobold inventor (from Volos Guide to Monsters). I'm giving them the laser rifle from the DMG just for this quest in case it gets too tough, but is it far too hard for a party even with this? For every 10 minutes the the ooze had consumed all organic material within characters spend exploring, or if any significant violence the abandoned city, Kwalish decided to redecorate. These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. Two half-orc monks named East Wind and West Wind protect the Grand Master at all times. The mind flayer has advantage on saving Dagger. Treat any group of leather faces as a swarm of bats, and see the leather works (area M7) for more information.Locations in the Monastery M3. Monitor. It fills the The tallest tower in the city, this former temple once valley to a depth of 30 feet, and cannot move beyond housed the cult of the medusa. or your minds. If Gearbox is with the party, a character can that one of the baubles leads to Kwalishs lab, though she attempt a DC 12 Dexterity check to help the modron does not know which one. However, you can easily run a shorter version of the adventure, or even an exciting one-shot, byWaterdeep Dangers making the following modifications: Full Version (Five to Six Sessions). Most easily, the brains can guide As an added challenge to the task of rescuingcharacters through the process of transferring characters captured by the monks (including thosetheir intellect into a host such as a slain monk, or a who fall to the valley floor below the monastery),mechanical entity such as Ctenmiirs coffin or Gearbox. The famed walking statues of Waterdeep Short Version (Two to Three Sessions). Adventure LengthAfter learning that the sarcophagus is one of Kwalishsdesigns, the characters must seek out his lost laboratory This adventure features numerous encounters andfor the means to open itor their friend will sleep challenges that should keep a group entertained forfor eternity. Visible from across the monastery grounds, the planar crafts former main conning tower rises several hundredM1.

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