spock mock method with any arguments

The according rules are run at the The last part of the test (the then: block) is the same as we have seen in previous examples. annotation. The second part of the statement is a Groovy closure (denoted by the -> character), and it means take the customer argument, and execute its setId() method with an argument of 123L. Like a mock, a stub allows unexpected invocations. you should first check whether the arguments array is at least five elements long. Make sure theres a draw method on the polygon, at this stage it can be empty because were doing a bit of TDD: The then block defines the expectations. block. when block will be matched against the interactions described in the then: block. #1) any () - Accepts any object (including null). instead of fail, since no assertion error is being treated as passing, while it required While we could certainly create a mock implementation of Subscriber by hand, writing and maintaining this code Spock will now print the objects' types: Fixture methods can now be declared with JUnits @Before, @After, @BeforeClass, and @AfterClass annotations, Sometimes we need more detail, and instead of looking only at the method call itself, we are also interested in the arguments. A good example is strict mocking, expressions classified as interactions, all top-level expressions in these blocks are implicitly treated as conditions. Spock uses JDK dynamic proxies when mocking interfaces and CGLIB proxies when mocking classes to generate these dummy objects at runtime. use of _ * (any number of calls), which allows any interaction with the auditing component. which always comes at the end of the method. methods declared in the subclass as well as inherited ones. than one parameter or a single typed parameter, method arguments will be mapped one-by-one to closure For this scenario, the stubbing line is changed to entityManager.find(Customer.class,1L) >> null. Spock unit tests will need to be placed in the src/test/groovy/ folder, while JUnit tests (if any) are still in src/test/java/ as per Maven guidelines. The next version of Spock will no longer support Groovy 1.7. later feature methods may depend on earlier feature methods having executed. but using given: often leads to a more readable feature method description (see Specifications as Documentation). Note that unrolling has no effect on how the method gets executed; it is only an alternation in reporting. We expected to see this drawLine method called four times, but it wasnt called at all. return the numbers one, two, and three on the next calls, and throw a RuntimeException for all subsequent calls: Its now possible to match any argument list (including the empty list) with foo.bar(*_). Blocks start with a label, and extend to the beginning of the next block, First, well need to include libraries that Spock needs for mocking classes. This article is long. Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? If you relied on this behavior to hide some output, or to prevent a stack overflow due to a self referenceing We have already seen the use of the right-shift (>>) operator to return a fixed value: To return different values for different invocations, use multiple interactions: This will return "ok" whenever "message1" is received, and "fail" whenever whenNew (MimeMessage.class).withArguments (isA (Session.class)).thenReturn (mimeMessageMock); Note that you have to prepare the class that performs "new MimeMessage". Currently some features are incubating. For the report to be generated, you have to enable it and set at least the logFileDir and logFileName. Given the following example, running FooIntegrationSpec will execute both inherited and foo with one retry. Fortunately, we can do better: By using notThrown(), we make it clear that in particular a NullPointerException should not be thrown. There is no need to explicitly call super.setup() or super.cleanup() as Spock will automatically find and execute fixture methods at all levels in an inheritance hierarchy. To use the mocks just inject them like any other bean and configure them as usual. Depending on the circumstances, the interaction The default is to not generate this Sometimes, it is desirable to both execute some code and delegate to the real method: Here we use callRealMethod() to delegate the method invocation to the real object. The name of a specification Focusing on the behavior of objects rather than their state, it explores how Expects a feature method to complete abruptly. The type constraint checks for the type/class of the argument, like the negating constraint it is also a compound constraint. expressions, eliminating the need for an assertion API. The short answer: there is no normal way to do it, because it's a bug. is received by the subscribers. should throw an EmptyStackException, you could write the following: As you can see, exception conditions may be followed by other conditions (and even other blocks). Any object that Groovy knows how to iterate over can be Since a global Groovy mock is still based on a CGLIB proxy, it will retain its general mocking capabilities For example, the following will no longer work: To avoid such problems, use HamcrestSupport.that: A future version of Spock will likely remove the former syntax and strengthen the latter one. running. In order to share an object between iterations, it has to be kept in a @Shared or static field. Sometimes we need to convey that an exception should not be thrown. Spock is also capable of including and excluding followed by a predicate: Requires works exactly like IgnoreIf, except that the predicate is inverted. hard-coded integer values: We have finished the test logic, but still need to supply the data values to be used. The theme for this release is to increase the information that is provided when an assertion failed. labelled) block - in fact, the presence of an explicit block is https://github.com/craigatk/spock-mock-cheatsheet, Spock Guide with Eclipse, Gradle, Groovy | Krzysztof Gralski, Natively Compiled Java on Google App Engine, Building Better Data Visualization Experiences: Part 2 of 2, Unleashing Feature Flags onto Kafka Consumers. If the response type of the method is a final class or if it requires a class-mocking library and cglib or ByteBuddy If it is set, it is prepended to the value of the @Issue annotation when building the URL. To ignore all but a (typically) small subset of methods, annotate the latter with spock.lang.IgnoreRest: @IgnoreRest is especially handy in execution environments that dont provide an (easy) way to run a subset of methods. The second way is to use a def in the variable definition and pass the class name to the Mock() call. Similar to the @Before annotation in JUnit, Spock also allows the extraction of common setup code into a method that will run before each unit test. Even though Spock can also work with Groovy code, in this tutorial we will focus on Java unit tests. testing asynchronous code: Spock now ships with a DSL descriptor that lets Groovy Eclipse better Use this if you just need to satisfy some dependencies without actually doing anything with these stubs. If you use matchers in a method, then all arguments need to have matchers. I hadn't spotted that. report. In such a case one can just write: Most of the time you shouldnt need these features. Support overriding Junit After*/Before* methods in the derived class, https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/spockframework/, http://docs.spockframework.org/en/spock-0.7-groovy-1.8, http://github.spockframework.org/spock-grails, Try to keep the number of conditions per feature method small. Lets create a unit test that covers this scenario as well. Therefore, spock passes Object[] { ArrayList [ byte[] ] } to the closure. And in addition to verifying the mock method calls we specify, we can verify no other extra methods are called on our mock objects: Spock also provides the ability to verify the order in which mock methods are called by specifying the order in multiple then blocks: There may be times where you want to re-use your mock method definitions across multiple test cases. You can find a list of third-party extensions in the Spock Wiki. allowed, or it can match fewer invocations than required. If the closure declares more compatible with the methods declared return type. to use them together with GroovySpy. On line 9 we create a new MockFor object to mock the DataStore. How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. it needs to be combined with another constraint to work. Like most Java mocking frameworks, Spock uses fields. satisfied, a (subclass of) InteractionNotSatisfiedError will be thrown. meta-annotation. unless a subclass declares its own annotation. A typical detected and activated by the IDE. data structure, then you need to move the condition into a separate method that just returns the boolean result. The description for each extension will Special thanks to all the contributors to this release: Dmitry Andreychuk, Aseem Bansal, Daniel Bechler, Fedor Bobin, Leonard Brnings, Leonard Daume, Marcin Erdmann, Jarl Friis, Sren Berg Glasius, Serban Iordache, Michal Kordas, Pap Lrinc, Vlad Muresan, Etienne Neveu, Glyn Normington, David Norton, Magnus Palmr, Gus Power, Oliver Reissig, Kevin Wittek and Marcin Zajczkowski. I am trying to test a controller.list() method. Spock code. If a mock has a set of "base" interactions that dont vary, they can be declared right at mock creation time: This feature is particularly attractive for Stubbing and with dedicated Stubs. the same method was called on a different mock object, or a different method was called "instead" of this one; just between iterations of the same method. Our class under test now has 3 fake dependencies, and we have full control of all input and output that happens during the unit test. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. In particular, this means that interactions can be declared in a setup method. They both use the -> to mark a closure, so Java and Groovy code are mostly very close to each other. iteration interception point in the Spock lifecycle. get a chance to match. Spock provides several different ways to define mock methods and when those mock method definitions will match calls in the code under test. Spock will present the following test error: Here, Spock tells us that, while our method was indeed called once, it was not called with the arguments we requested. A feature method must have at least one explicit (i.e. execution of setup methods and the after-actions are done after the execution of cleanup methods. a wider audience than just developers (architects, domain experts, customers, etc. You can use. of the mocked type for the duration of the feature method:[7]. Furthermore, spies can be used as partial mocks. Ive tried GroovyMock(HTMLCodec) also GroovyMock(HTML4Decoder) which is the one that owns the decode(), but nothing worked so far. and another one where a is 3, b is 9, and c is 9. Applying this annotation to a spec class has the same effect as applying it to all its feature methods. Spock offers a very neat syntax for using Hamcrest matchers: Due to changes made between Groovy 1.7 and 1.8, this syntax no longer works in as many cases as it did before.

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