1st virginia state regiment revolutionary war

Hugh Stephenson from Virginia became the colonel, and Marylanders Moses Rawlings of Cresap's company[9] and Otho Holland Williams of Price's company[1] were designated the lieutenant colonel and major, respectively. The 9th Virginia Regiment was authorized in the Virginia State Troops on January 11, 1776. He was commissioned Ensign 1st Va. Regiment Jan. 20, 1776. S 35890 (Pvt. Long served in the Rifle Corps until his resignation in May 1779,[44][45] at which time command of his company passed to Marylander Lt. Elijah Evans, also one of the original officers of the Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment. Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 (National Archives Microfilm Publication M246). S 1004-27 ("A Return of the Commissioned Officers of the Maryland Corps [Late Rawlings's] Specifying their Names, Rank, Claims to Promotion &c." and "Return of the Non-Commission'd officers & Rank and File of the Maryland Corps [formerly Commanded by Lieut. Each company was to consist of 68 enlisted men, with officers to include a captain, lieutenant and ensign (second lieutenant). Rider and Dych war-pension testimonies: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 15, microcopy M804: roll 2045, frames 001010, claim no. Militia Publisher . The three 1775 companies, among the first of the colonial units to join the newly constituted Continental Army, were raised and initially commanded by Capts. Index for vols. Washington, Specifying the expiration of Inlistments, Monthly from the 10th. In his most notable tactical achievement, Brodhead headed a campaign of about 600 of his Continental regulars, which included the Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment,[93][94] local militia, and volunteers to the upper waters of the Allegheny River in August and September 1779, where they destroyed the villages and crops of hostile Mingo and Munsee Indians. On December 9th, 1775 three companies from the First joined the Second Virginia Regiment in defeating Dunmores troops at the Battle of Great Bridge near Norfolk. Published by Posted Apr/22/2023. By the summer of 1779 the war in the north had become a stalemate, with Clinton and the main British Army quartered in New York and Washingtons main army at various points outside the city. Maj. Otho Holland Williams, exchanged on January 16, 1778[60] (likely with Rawlings), had been promoted to colonel of the 6th Maryland Regiment in December 1776 while a prisoner of war; he took command of this unit upon his release. The First Virginia Regiment of Foot, 1775-1783. 14th virginia regiment revolutionary war-evolution golf cart forumevolution golf cart forum The American commander positioned inexperienced Virginia militia under Brig. In 1779 he was put in charge of prisoners at York, Pennsylvania, and held this position until January 1782. Privacy Policy SUMMARY. [51][55] Lt. (later Capt.) [17][18] After heavy fighting that lasted most of the day and during which the Hessians suffered many casualties, the riflemen were eventually driven from the outer works into the fort where they and the rest of the outnumbered American garrison surrendered to the combined British and German attack force. It was subsequently organized between February 5 and March 16, 1776, and comprised seven companies of troops from easternmost Virginia. Lawson Smith's Comy. Company - Captain William Payne. 13th virginia regiment revolutionary war. As Gates neared Camden, word of his movement reached Cornwallis at his headquarters in Charleston. Clark began his career as a surveyor and claimed land in the Ohio River Valley, about 130 miles downriver from Fort Pitt. Both armies rested overnight and Clinton moved the British on toward New York early the next morning. Lineage and honors certificate, 201st Field Artillery Regiment (March 12, 2003): Long's Co. muster roll (May 16, 1777): U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 93, microcopy M246, roll 109, frames 492494 ("A Muster Roll of Capt. 259262. Gabriel Long's Company of the Eleventh Virginia Regiment of Foot Commanded by Col. Daniel Morgan. Be the first one to write a review. February 22, 2022 by ncurrie, posted in Military, Post-Reconstruction. The British turned back toward Princeton and engaged Mercers troops. The 1st Virginia State Regiment was a regiment of regular state troops from Virginia which fought during the American Revolutionary War. Adrian Davenport, Smith's Co.). 1778 the 196 men in the regiment were ordered to winter quarters in Winchester, Virginia where it would remain until May 20, 1779. For the Virginia general assembly's act of 19 Dec. 1778 regarding the recruiting of the state's Continental regiments, see James Wood to GW, 17 Jan., and n.1.Col. Company - Captain John Nicholas. The two armies began firing on each other across a creek but darkness soon put an end to the fighting. Crouse, Randy F. McNew The Revolutionary War Diary of Major William Croghan of the Virginia Continental Line, 1779-1780. S 35890 (Pvt. Van Schreeven, Robert L. Scribner, and Brent Tarter, eds., Revolutionary Virginia, the Road to Independence: A Documentary Record (19731983), vols. Its most notable Commander was Colonel George Washington. To further complicate matters, Rawlings resigned his command of the regiment on June 2,[87] primarily because of his frustration over not being able to fully rebuild the unit,[58] and did not accompany his men. Having recently suffered the humiliation of being chased out of New York City and subsequently out-maneuvered by the British, Washingtons Continentals looked to the Virginians for new strength and hope. Most of Virginias Continentals were mustered out of service in June 1783 with the final three companies of the First being discharged in July or August. Washington General Orders (November 7, 1779). Mercer was one of the first to fall victim to the bayonet charge. The regiment saw action at the Battle of Great Bridge, New York Campaign, Battle of Trenton, Battle of Princeton, Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth, Battle of Stony Point and the Siege of Charleston. The regiment was authorized by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia in December of 1776 as a force of regular troops for the Commonwealth's defense. [42] The men from the Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment all served in one of the Rifle Corps' eight companies, Capt. The surprised Hessians tried in vain to hold off the Americans, but by 9:45 am the Germans were forced to surrender. The Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment's field officers were drawn from the original three 1775 companies based on their seniority. General Lee retreated while the Americans under General Scott held until surrounded and then they too retreated in good order. 275, 278. He was an Ensign 1st Battalion 1st Virginia Regiment Sept. 6, 1775, when he enlisted. Adamson Tannehill, both of whom had been with the unit since its inception.[90]. intent on liberating the state from British control. [14] They were initially stationed at Fort Washington on Manhattan Island and nearby Fort Lee on the opposite side of the Hudson River. During the winter, General Howe returned to England and General Clinton took command of the British in Philadelphia. Washington tried to counter the British flanking movement, ordering Greens division, including the First Virginia, to support the outflanked Americans under General Sullivan. [5][6] The nine-company force became a regiment on the same tables of organization as the 1st Continental Regiment, which was originally the Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment. Long's Provisional Rifle Co. pay roll (July 1777): U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 93, microcopy M246, roll 133, frames 414415 ("Pay Roll of Capt. [8] It was not part of a state line organization but was instead directly accountable to national authority (Congress and the Continental Army). Campbell learned in the autumn of 1780 that a Loyalist militia force of more than 1,000 men was threatening the backcountry of western North Carolina. . The recreated First Virginia Regiment is a Revolutionary War living history and reenactment group that was formed in 1975 and is a founding member of the Continental Line. It devastated earl Cornwallis's left and delayed the British advance into North Carolina long enough to allow General Nathanael Greene to reorganize the American forces. Most of the regiment was captured at Charlestown, South Carolina, on May 12, 1780, by the British and the regiment was formally disbanded on November 15, 1783. James Dowden). [72] Pursuant to Washington's order, the enlisted men in Smith's composite company who were attached to the 4th Maryland Regiment rejoined Rawlings' command. [51]) Moreover, the enlisted men of Smith's and Long's companies who were still attached to the Provisional Rifle Corps, which was not part of the Main Army at this time, remained in that unit until mid-1779, at which time they left the service because their three-year enlistment periods had expired. The men of the Scotch Irish McClung Clan, whose ancestors had settled in the mountains of Western Virginia before the Revolutionary War, were among the first to answer that call, in greater numbers than those of . Using only their bayonets, the Americans captured the fort and 400 British troops in just fifteen minutes. The General Assembly passed an act late that year to immunize Campbell and his second in command from any prosecution or lawsuits resulting from their suppression of the insurrections, inasmuch as "the necessary measures taken for that purpose may not be strictly warranted by law, although justifiable from the immediate urgency and imminence of the danger.". Offering a unique genre or original interpretative approach to portraying Revolutionary Era history is daunting, as countless American War of Independence books are published yearly. of Rifle men Commdd. We portray Continental Army troops from the State of Virginia from 1775 through 1783. Virginia Soldiers in the Revolution: Summary of Statements Made by Soldiers Who Served in the Revolutionary War from Verginia' Either in the Continental Line or the Virginaa State Line, The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. Camp), Captain Jacob Valentine (replaced Capt. (1976). In addition to the 10 new companies, Congress also adopted the existing 22,000 troops that had already been raised by the colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts . Thomas Ewells from Virginia. The 2nd Virginia Detachment was formed out of various regiments under the 2d Virginia Regiment's original colonel, Brigadier General William Woodford, including elements of the 2nd Virginia Regiment. In mid-1778, after more than a year of these attacks, largely by warriors of British-allied Iroquois tribes and Loyalist forces, Washington commenced a concerted effort to neutralize the threat to the backcountry settlements of New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginiathe war's western front. Adamson Tannehill, 2nd Independent Maryland Company Somerset County, Grayson's Additional Continental Regiment, Thruston's Additional Continental Regiment, Rawling's Additional Continental Regiment, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Maryland_and_Virginia_Rifle_Regiment&oldid=1152565689, Military units and formations of the Continental Army, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, June 17, 1776 January 1, 1781: organized June 17, 1776; reorganized January 23, 1779; disbanded January 1, 1781, ~420 officers and enlisted men in late 1776, 52 officers and enlisted men in late 1780, Stephenson's Rifle Regiment, Rawlings' (or Rawlins') Regiment, Maryland Corps, Maryland Rifle Corps, Maryland Independent Corps. S 30996 (Pvt. 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