barton thorne cordova high school

Office Phone: 901-416-4540 He also referenced McCarthyism, as well as a standoff between federal agents and the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas during the 1990s. MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Feb. 25, 2021) A Memphis-area high school principal is suing his school district after he was placed on administrative leave for speaking with his students about the importance of free speech. The following article written by Brooke Conrad appeared on ABC4 News on February 26, 2021. I dont care what side you agree with, we dont practice sedition, we dont attack our legislature.. In Florida, lawmakers have put forward a proposal to penalize social media companies that ban political candidates during elections. After the school district refused to act, Thorne filed a federal lawsuit. Sonora High School encourages students to become life-long learners and contributing members of an ever-changing world. Thorne is asking for unspecified damages. Three Loudoun County parents say the school districts student ambassador program, meant to combat systemic racism, discriminates against students based on their race and viewpoints. Thorne v. Shelby County Board of Education, Newsmax: Daniel Suhr and former ASU student Tim Tizon discuss appeal of unlawful conviction, Former ASU Student Appeals Conviction for Distributing Constitution- Newsmax, New Lawsuit: Albuquerque vote to give taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood violates New Mexico Constitution, Virginias Discriminatory Ambassador Program Courthouse News Service. And within an hour of filing, he was notified that he could return to work. Office Phone: 901-416-4540 Thorne is suing his school district and its superintendent for the suspension. What the Superintendent and School District did was inexcusable, and ILLEGAL. A native of South Memphis, Linda has . MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - A principal at Tennessees largest school district is suing over his suspension following comments to students about fallout from the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. And so, if they can do that to a minorityor if they can do that to a powerful voice, it doesnt have to be a minoritywhat will stop them one day from doing that to you? Principal Barton Thorne. What happens when the marketplace of ideas becomes a forced monopoly? Full-time Teacher, Member of Division I, Class AAA, Section 4, James Vinson (Head Coach) Troy High School Mission. Daniel Suhr, managing attorney at Liberty Justice Center appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to discuss the vaccine mandate challenges being heard by the U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 7. High school principal Barton Thorne reinstated following civil rights Barton Thorne, the principal of Cordova High School, told students during morning announcements that they needed to be aware of the censorship happening on social media. Barton Thorne, the principal of Cordova High School, told students during morning announcements that they needed to be aware of the censorship happening on social media. Forget the War on Stoves. Imagine that a public school administrator who is teaching kids to think for themselves. "This isn't about Trump," he said. He also criticized the Capitol riot, calling it ignorance at the highest level. He said that no matter what side you agree with, one should not practice sedition or attack the legislature. Office Phone: 901-416-4800 Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 5 Things to Know About Principal Barton Thorne and His Case Against Facebook Page; . 2. Lowe seems to believe its a crime to encourage young people to think critically about the big issues of the day. Principal Barton Thorne was suspended in mid-January by administrators for Shelby County Schools, the school district that governs Cordova High School. Office Phone: 901-416-4540 Full-time Teacher, Vandas Lynch (Assistant Coach) Full-time Teacher, Steven Havrda (Assistant Coach) Your email address will not be published. What happens when you do not have dissenting opinions, when you do not have an exchange on competing ideashow do you know if your ideas can stand on their own if there is no marketplace of ideas?, Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Apple, are so powerful, and they have unilaterally made a decision of what you can and cannot see on their platforms, thats a major issue and I want you to understand that. What makes those types of systems possible is the restriction and elimination of the free exchange of ideas.. Barton Thorne, until recently the principal of Cordova High School in Memphis, Tennessee, was suspended after speaking to students about the dangers of big tech censorship. Email: mail_hide("212939", "calleyjp", 0, "gro.21kscs") Cancel culture isnt just stopping hate speech, its silencing legitimate speech protected by the First Amendment. And not whether or not you agree or disagree with the people being filtered, but can this happen to you one day?, READ: 5 Things to Know About Principal Barton Thorne and His Case Against Shelby County Schools, Your email address will not be published. Office Phone: 901-416-4540 Cordova high school principal, Barton Thorne on leave after speech According to the lawsuit, Thorne usually delivers a weekly speech to students to educate and inspire them. Thursday Farm Market. We keep a close eye on China because of its influence now and the lessons we can learn from its ancient past to better our lives today. Office Phone: 901-416-4540 High school principal sues over suspension after controversial comments to students about Capitol riot, free speech, Mother arrested for leaving children home alone to go to gym, police say, Suspect accused of kidnapping, raping child in South Memphis pleads not guilty, Whitehaven mourns loss of high school band director, City of Memphis takes formal stance on 5-year residency requirement for mayoral candidates, Thorne drew comparisons to the Branch Davidian standoff. The only violation of Shelby County School guidelines was made by the district itself, when it breached Thornes contractual rights by placing him on administrative leave for teaching his students the classic American principles of free speech and democratic self-government. Phone: Email: Degrees and Certifications: Office Phone: 901-416-4540, Josh Beard (Assistant Principal) Thorne warned his students that anyones voice can be cancelled for any reason by a small group of people. I dont care what side you agree with, we dont practice sedition, we dont attack our legislature.. Full-time Teacher, Member of Division I, Region 8, District 17, Section 4, Chautara Franklin (Head Coach) Principal Barton Thorne called it "shocking and disappointing" to be removed for speaking to students about the First Amendment. The cancel culture taking foot in America has now reached our schools, and I will not stand for it.. The suit however, will not be dropped. Phone 951-736-4545 | Fax 951-736-4538. Think about totalitarian government. Home US School Principal Suspended for Talking to Students About Big Tech Censorship. Barton Thorne is principal of Cordova High School. This article by Nicole Wells was published January 27, 2023 on Principal Thorne asked the young people to consider what happens when other groups filter and decide what you can hear and know about. Disclaimer: The materials contained in this website are for informational purposes and are not to be considered advertising or legal advice. He should be saluted for educating the kids at Cordova High School instead of indoctrinating them. Lawsuit: Memphis School Principal Suspended After Teaching - Breitbart Barton Thorne, Principal, Cordova High School Transcript of Remarks to Cordova High School Students and Staff January 11, 2021 The thing I want to talk about, that's happened recently, and I never from my years of teaching and administration, I do not get into religion and I do not get into politics with my students. Cordova High School / Homepage - Shelby County Schools (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13247195197429350,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-8850-4234"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Follow us for breaking news and latest updates: Thorne is suing his school district and its superintendent for the suspension. School Principal Suspended for Talking to Students About Big Tech Censorship, Copyright Policy and Infringement Notification. Virginia parents argue school ambassador program is discriminatory. Thorne was soon placed on administrative leave by the Shelby County Schools (SCS) and is currently under investigation for professional misconduct.. Please take a moment to view this . And Shelby County Schools silenced him for that. Office Phone: 901-416-4540 Staff information for the 2022-2023 school year is displayed as it is entered/verified by Cordova High School administration. Arlington, Cordova both looking for new football coaches Email: mail_hide("212222", "franklincn", 0, "gro.21kscs") He was also critical of the riot in the Capitol. Email: mail_hide("212214", "cartermt", 0, "gro.21kscs") Suhr told Sinclair his firm had reached out to the school district several times before filing the suit, but the school never responded in a substantive way.. (03/07/21) Barton Thorne, Principal at Cordova High School in Tennessee was suspended from his job for making a video and sharing it with students and staff. The school districts Office of Equity and Access (whatever the heck that is) also weighed in on the situation. Sonora High School / Homepage - Fullerton Joint Union High School District Office Phone: 901-416-4540 During his video message, Thorne explicitly denounced the Capitol riots, saying they displayed ignorance at the highest levels., I dont know too many people that are going to be okay with what happened, he said, according to the transcript. Excerpts from Principal Thornes Jan. 11, 2021, message to students: Case filings are available here:Thorne v. Shelby County Board of Education, Complaint, Feb. 25, 2021 Transcript of Principal Thornes Message, Feb. 25, 2021 Liberty Justice Centers Demand Letter to Shelby County Schools, Jan. 25, 2021 Press Release, Feb. 25, 2021.

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