hohokam religious beliefs

), Environmental Change and Human Adaptation in the Ancient Southwest, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, pp. I particularly wish to thank Henry Wallace for his many thoughts, his permission to reproduce Rob Ciaccios illustrations of the snake-eating-toad motif, and his relentless consideration of Hohokam iconography more broadly. Religion and cosmology in the Casas Grandes world. In Neitzel, J. E., (ed. Johnson, A. S. (1958). Helms, M. W. (1988). VanPool, T. L., VanPool, C. S., and Phillips Jr., D. A. Shell. Wallace, H. D., and Lindeman, M. W. (2003). (2020). Schroeder, A. H. (1956). ), Life in the Valley of Gold: Archaeological Investigations at Honey Bee Village, a Prehistoric Hohokam Ballcourt Village, Anthropological Papers No. ), The Archaeology of Hybrid Material Culture, Occasional Paper No. Zoomorphic iconography on Preclassic Hohokam red-on-buff pottery: A whole vessel study from the Gila River basin. Prehistory: Ootam. Mathiowetz, M. D., and Turner, A. D. 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