how to get even with gangstalkers

Every single channel of communication the TA uses for information is interfered with. As a community-based agent (CBA), you will be given specific instruction(s) on exactly when, where, and how to carry out punishment actions. It can also cause feelings of pressure in the chest, choking, irregular breathing patterns and respiratory incapacitation. They hired an engineer who built an RF Mind Interference machine based on Soviet schematics. Victims can feel isolated, wondering if there is help for people who are being gang stalked, or if they will lose control of their lives or minds. You can can get on the gangstalkers' nerves. Rumours consist mainly of lies. This requires the assistance of locksmiths and alarm technicians. The less you use electronic devices, the harder and more expensive it is to to follow and track you. They will stop using the same word or the same route to work. Scheduled when the target has acted in a way so as to deserve special punishment. 3. The Center will always have the targets position monitored, so if a target gives the CBA the slip, it will assign other appropriate community based agents to pick up the target at the earliest opportunity. Here are some commonly used punishment activities which are carried out both by CBAs and cooperating neighbors of the target. This is accomplished by a relentless campaign used to demoralize the TI that will create perpetual feelings of intense fear and hopelessness. These same tactics have been borrowed and are now deployed regularly. One day a gangstalkerwas following me around and spraying me with pesticide from his bag. I sometimes can see people in groups that match the gangstalking, but its not big bad gangs, its just your normal everyday citizens. You can can get on the gangstalkersnerves. All you will do is fuel their delusional beliefs, and set them up to be disappointed and angry. Infrasound easily passes through buildings and travels great distances. vigilantes and gangstalkers are into blood libel i.e. GangStalkers hate spending money, anything UPscale and pla. Key Terms from Rich (2011) and Equivalencies with Terms Presented in Kildes Manual For Gang Stalkers, Terrorism- The US and its allies will terrorize the civilian population to achieve political objectives. If they have a strange walk, imitate that. The ultimate vehicle intercept is the staged accident. 6. How to successfully deal with your GANGSTALKERS - YouTube In this case, it is usually waged by people within oppressed populations. -Tossing golf or tennis balls against the targets home when the target is known to be trying to fall asleep. Time it so every time the target opens a window the music starts. This chapter will cover only local agent visual surveillance. Similarly, the US Marine Corps document, Multiple-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare (2006) states: frightening the population into inactivity is sufficient to (achieve) our goals.. DEW- Directed Energy Weapons- used to damage or destroy people, equipment, and facilities, include microwave, millimeter waves, lasers, bright lights, holographic projections, and acoustic weapons (audible, infrasound, and ultrasound). This can include having the street torn up for extended periods, or repeatedly. These are the sorts of factors which you will need to take into account if you are trying to flesh out not only who is behind these sorts of attacks on you, but who could have the resources to do it. PO involve syngergistic coordination of PsyOp, MILDEC, OPSEC, and EBO. There are some things you can do to make them crazy. Government actors have unlimited resources whereas a jealous ex, disgruntled employee or vengeful neighbour do not. The battlespace includes the internet. PO Peace Operations- the new war (4GW, IR, UW, etc. Sabotage is very important in that it lets the target know they are totally helpless to stop it, and cant even complain about it effectively without appearing mentally ill. (The) organization (is) very fortunate in that some people, hearing about sabotage from a target did the sabotage themselves, to get attention.. -Knocking on the door for frivolous/nonsensical/wrong address reasons. PsyOp- Psychological Operations, a major part of the New War and a core part of CMO (civilian military operations) that is combined with EW (electronic warfare) and CNO. This stuff is very real and happens to innocent people every day, perhaps even someone you know. Non-lethal weapons employ means other than gross physical destruction to prevent the target from functioning.. It is not a conspiracy or paranoid belief to see a surveillance van on your street. Also keep a journal of daily occurrences and your mood and thoughts. Your phone is off but youre in a mall. On foot, walking for an extended period on the opposite side of the street from walking target. The battle remains, the battle for the mind.. A type of audiovisual product known as PsyAct includes agents of action who carry out plays in the presence of the TA. The sounds originate from within, above, or behind the head and are transmitted to the inner ear via bone conduction (thermal expansion). TPT conducts mission assessment, determines distribution priorities, and tracks the various products that have been distributed throughout the AO. Other types include Computer Attacks and Weather Modification. Thus, much of the modern PsyOp was built by a small group of private interests, using the social sciences to install a global government. They include biological and chemical warfare, directed-energy weapons, communications warfare, information warfare (IW) and psychological operations (PsyOp). Originally, Stay Behind was created with good intentions to fight communism. They might still cough at you, but theyll think twice before doing it. Agents must pass their initial training and demonstrate a high level of commitment to maintain community safety, and the ability to operate deniably, before they will be considered for advanced electronic punishment training. From now on, I willl let them lower themselves. Facts don't add up. Even if you are not the victim, if you know of someone who is a victim of gang stalking, report it to law enforcement. These weapons are silent and traceless. Agents of action follow a set of guidelines while play acting to deliver the messages. There, in the distance, was a monitor in a red car watching the stalker. They lose their temper so easily. These incentives are applied by specialists from our organization at higher than the local level. The worst part of this is, if you dont have an iPhone, youll never know if youre being tracked. Is your family involved in gangstalking? : r/Gangstalking - Reddit CMOC Civilian-Military Operations Centers- is established in the civilian sector for exchanging ideas. Condemns the clandestine creation of manipulative and operational networks and calls for full investigation into the nature, structure, aims and all other aspects of the clandestine organizations or any splinter group, their use of illegal interference in the international political affairs of the countries concerned, the problem of terrorism in Europe and the possible collusion of the secret services of Member States or third countries; There are other tactics which are not strictly part of the categories discussed so far: -IMPORTANT: Community-based agents (CBAs) are strictly forbidden from adding anyone to the list of targets. Every single channel of communication the TA uses for information is interfered with. It isn't unreasonable to assert that anyone who is a threat, real or perceived to someone in power or authority could be targeted. And I said he was. My family have been involved in gangstalking me. Centrist group No Labels causes ire with 'unity ticket' plan : NPR Answer (1 of 8): First of all your a target individual and for the length of time I have been one.. You will never? The targets associates will simply refuse to believe that anyone but the target is responsible. If you doubt that the government would ever dream of harming its own citizens, read yourself into any of these confirmed operations. Another thing, these gangstalkerscannot answer you back. Particularly with . So drive them crazy! And every time I succeed in getting them really angry. If they wear the same clothes day in and day out, make some remark about their clothes never-changing. C4ISR centers can be mobile or stationary, or virtual, or strictly computer-based. Please, dont let them poison you. Sabotage producing extreme safety hazards is generally not suitable for operations, because of the potential for bringing official investigators to an accident scene. -Restaurants and food delivery services can tell the target they are out of an item known to be a favorite of a target. I can positively say I'm being gangstalked by my brother My mother my father And most likely my . -Monitoring newspapers in your area for letters to the editor regarding activities. In this case, comments like Someone isnt taking their medication are not an appropriate response. The controlling faction of these PsyOp/CMO activities includes the military, federal agencies, NGOs, regional organizations, and international organizations that work with civil authorities. 5. Especially effective when cued by EC operators that the target is attempting to nap. Infrasound is thought to be superior to ultrasound because it retains its frequency when it hits the body. The reason such detail is necessary is that the punishment phase of active surveillance requires that supervisors customize each punishment action to match the personality of (the) target, and the need to make each punishment action appear to be lifes normal breaks.. The target can say whatever he/she wants, but the gangstalkersare never, ever suppose to reply to you. More and more commonly now we are also seeing drones, which now put previously advanced technology into the hands of your stalker, causing you to have a perpetual "peeping Tom" in your life. they make lies up about us the targets to get people to murder us.gangstalkers don't care vigilantes don't care they love the power they have over people even if that power involves murder.these people are pure evil to call them human really is an insult to humanity. In their Electronic Warfare publication, DOD defines DEW as: DE (directed energy) is an umbrella term covering technologies that produce a beam of concentrated EM energy or atomic or subatomic particles. It is used to deal with domestic threats in the New War. It is also recommended to look into "bug sweepers". Suffice it to say that it is possible to apply incentives which cause even people closest to the target to cooperate. Target selection is done by senior Control Center (CC) staff or higher levels. These lists, often compiled by law enforcement agencies, go by names such as "non-conviction police records", or "offender registry" or " Violent Persons Registry" and so forth, but they can also be compiled by corporations or political parties as well, particularly now with social media devolving into a surveillance apparatus itself. Web spoofing allows an attacker to create a copy of the worldwide web. While each individual gangstalker does his or her small part, what defines . These may include nonviolent protesters who are labeled as terrorists. A type of audiovisual product known as PsyAct includes agents of action who carry out plays in the presence of the TA. This multinational force (MNF), involving NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the UN, is termed civilian-military operations (CMO). Electronic harassment can also be used to damage your technology or devices and interfere with your access to phone or internet. This requires entry while the target is away from home for an extended period and must be scheduled by CC. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. A gang stalking group is a well-run organization comprised of members who are unidentified as gangstalkers to the outside world. Given that the human brain works on frequencies, one can see how damaging this can be and how difficult it is to prove. Dr. Allen Frey invented the technology in 1958. For the use of cognitive control or behavior control. ~Anesthesiologist Dr. John Hall Speaking to the Presidential Bioethics Commission, I am also targeted and this is my story. By doing so, you will frustrate those who seek to harass and annoy you.Moreover, by acting deaf, dumb and blind, you encourage a Perp to \"OVERACT\" and become louder, therefore, making his harassment even more obvious.You should always carry a recording device with you and record this acting out behavior known as DIRECTED CONVERSATION and do so without letting the PERP know that you are recording his behavior.You should then go and document the time, location and the date and describe in detail of the event that just transpired. Triangulating data from cellphone towers and WiFi signals is another tactic that particularly state actors can use to put you essentially under constant surveillance. Gang Stalking: This is used on gang stalkers in training. Plus you get to see one of my dumbass gangstalkers who followed me around - an ugly fucker. Some have tried to get control of Norwegian Stay Behind (armies) already years ago. PM me if you need someone to talk to. Like sabotaging the targets reputation, discrediting their public statements, web sites, media appearances, letters to the editor and the like are done under the supervision of psychologists and psychiatrists on their staff. Physical sabotage is an especially effective form of punishment when it is carefully limited to low value items, below the value where police will take the report seriously. Their methods may be nonviolent. How To Deal With Gang Stalking - Anoniverse Your neighbors are in on it. Targets are never told they are under surveillance or being punished. As far back as 1997, the US DOD has been creating generators in the infrasound and ultrasound ranges (7 Hz and 20-35 Hz, respectively) which can cause these same effects. I know this is a spiritual warfare and I am a multi dimensional being incarnated into a third dimensional vessel. This can be dangerous and is only assigned to very senior agents. GWOT Global War on Terror- use of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation warfare to achieve political/military objectives of the American Empire and New World Order. Many states have since enacted laws against stalking, where someone is the victim of a lone individual who pursues them obsessively and aggressively to the point of harassment. -Medical lab technicians can substitute blood samples, or otherwise falsify results making the target appear to have absolutely no reason for their complaints. Take the utmost care of your health, mentally and physically, ensuring you get proper sleep, exercise and leisure, as an outlet for you such as a hobby or pet can help immensely. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. Sabotaging the targets reputation- and all that goes with it, such as ability to earn a living, business and personal relationships- is a very special operations category. And, believe me, these people should be on the Government Watch List. These people listed below can be approached and given information which will cause them to make the targets association with them uncomfortable, or break off all contact with the target. If you came out and wrote an op-ed critical of the "lone gunman" explanation - you were a "conspiracy theorist". In any event, the person finds strange things happening around them - patterns begin to emerge, such as being followed, vehicular surveillance outside their homes or on the road with the same cars trailing them, maybe happening at the same time as getting mysterious phone calls for the first time along with all sorts of other strange "coincidences" and so on. You should maintain composure and act as if you are deaf, dumb and blind. In this case, your supervisor will assign you to call in to the show, and instruct you as to appropriate things to say, such as rebutting the targets claims, pretending to be a target calling and making wacko statements such as UFOs are harassing me, or pulling the discussion away from real activities and to something like media mind control.. Boy, did it ever. The Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA in coordination with the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories used mind-altering drugs such as LSD and scopolamine to extract confessions from subjects and manipulate the subject's mental health. Every target will have at least one CBA watching them (at) all times, even while at home and asleep. The enemy does not necessarily use violence to promote social change. DE warfare is military action involving the use of DE weapons, devices, and countermeasures to either cause direct damage or destruction of adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel, or to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the EMS through damage, destruction, and disruption.. How Widespread Has Government Surveillance Gotten Today? . Noise must be of a type which the general public deems normal. Remember that the goal is to have the target aware they are being punished, but not be able to convince anyone else that that is the case. 4. Daily meetings are attended by representatives of the military, NGOs, the private sector, and local officials. I turned around and told him to leave me alone. -Parking commercial vehicles often, near targets home with something unusual about these vehicles, such as there is no need for that trade, or just unmarked white vans to make the target think the van is there to conduct surveillance. I saw her and the next thing I know, shes on the phone to the gangstalkeryelling at him that hes not supposed to be talking to me. -Frequent squealing of tires near targets home. I remarked to him, Did someone beat you up? He replied, No. I said, What happened to your teeth? Inside a sweaty D.C. media tradition: Getting the cool kids to sit with and our As mentioned earlier, the organization has many top psychologists and psychiatrists on permanent staff at headquarters, and some in larger population centers. As long as you carry out punishment instructions exactly as given, there is no way the target will be believed if they complain, and you will not be exposed to risk of action by law enforcement. So assuming 25 rands and hour Amounts to R438 000/year. To carry out a voice to skull attack for a year. Because EC (Electronic Corps) has through-the-wall surveillance and punishment equipment, they will be reporting target activity along with community-based agents. Cockroaches apparently hate the light! They always do the same damn thing. However, in order to secure cooperation of specific members of the community to participate in the punishment phase, additional information keyed to appeal to the patriotic or community service sense of such community members may be used as well. This new war is fought for political purposes and revolves around the issue of gaining the support and influence of the population. Thats why theyre out there harassing you. Thefts have to be carefully considered and authorized by your local Center, unless you have authorization, do not steal. -For a CBA convoy, and where the target is at a location (and time) where traffic is normally very sparse, cause heavy traffic, forcing the target to notice. Show more. Vehicle intercepts are particularly effective when the target sees the same vehicle in an intercept convoy both in the morning and in the evening commute. The posturing even comes down to the gift bags host organizations hand to . Gang Stalking How to get Even with theGangstalkers, Gang Stalking The Government and the RealTruth. Neuroimaging Devices- Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation. No Labels is getting on state ballots, drawing a lawsuit and concerns about a spoiler. The murderous and sadistic ethos of government counter-proliferation programs echos that of the Nazis and this perpetrator network of war criminals are committing sickening acts upon the global population. Frequency determines what kind of damage occurs whereas power determines how much damage occurs. Here are some examples of sabotage a community-based agent (CBA) may be assigned to carry out: -Entering a vehicle, or home, and changing control and radio settings. 1. Often you will have an on-site supervisor (OSS) position you, and give you hand signals as to when to start your movement to intercept the target. 1. Your local OSS has a special means of receiving instant, silent instructions for the Center. There are some things you can do to make them crazy. The machine successfully transmitted images into a CNN reporters mind. 5. So basically, PO is simply a series of stimulus-response interactions. It's heavy, and a little hard to accept at first, but once you have a broad enough understanding of these crimes, you'll see what I mean. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Most companies and academic institutions have personnel whose job it is to address such problems. The only reason I think I'm being gangstalked is because they fear who I truly am. Im not saying what it is. -For a CBA vehicle convoy, boxing in the target during a commute, forcing the target to travel at a lower speed than the target wants to travel. This directional weapon could target specific individuals by producing an audible sound at about 16Hz which turned into infrasound at 2Hz when it coupled with the ears. At first, to break them down and get them to comply, and then it's used to train them by showing them what to do to others when they become gang stalkers. Appendix 3. One might think that friends and family members would instantly notify the target and side with the target. Gang Stalking Profile or Personality Type of A Gang Stalker - TheDEWDropIn The goal is to keep negative information covertly flowing into the community, in such a way that those receiving the information arent likely to tell the target. Particular frequencies and modulations will trigger precise chemical reactions in the brain, which produce specific emotions in the targeted individual. He gave me a dirty look and did not answer. That was a successful outcome. 3. The lease or deed will bear either an entirely false name, or the name of a senior staff member whose actual home will be at a different location. Active surveillance can include information gathering, but it (also) includes the agent making the target aware they are under surveillance. They dont care about your feelings, dont care about theirs. Some of these are the exact same groups promoting the use of PsyOp on civilians. This is normally done in special shifts and under scheduling and control at a higher level than your local CC. It utilizes civilians and the military, indeed all of society, to target civilian adversaries (aka domestic state enemies, insurgents, extremists, non-state actors, cells of fanatics, citizen terrorists) who value national sovereignty and/or pose some perceived threat to the states interests. In 1975, Dr. Joseph Sharp proved that correct modulation of microwave energy can result in wireless and receiverless transmission of audible speech. By playing deaf, dumb and blind, the Perp will have a tendency to OVERACT and become louder which is advantageous for recording. [20] Directed energy weapon programs revolutionized this. Men, women, even children. CR is an intelligent device that is aware of itself, the needs of the user, and the environment. For example, burning a targets house down, or even stealing an expensive appliance, would bring official investigators into the picture, so that is not done. Gang Stalking is often referred to as "Organized Gang Stalking", due to the deliberate and organized strategic nature of it. Early PsyOp research was done by a small private network of think tanks, foundations, and academic institutions, which went into partnership with government agencies and kept most of the results of their studies secret. Just do to them exactly what they do to you. From about 100 to 140 decibels infrasound causes a variety of biological symptoms. One can speculate that theyve made great advances in the past decades. People who are dealing with being stalked have many challenges, the main ones being able to prove it and getting others to believe you. What if in reality they are planning to enact a Chinese CCP social credit system, where we will all eventually be tracked 24/7? Maybe he was jealous I had teeth. The reason for that is that if you upload, your tormentors will know that you are recording them. And the TPD is in constant communication with other forces such as the TPDD, POTF, or TPT during the entire operation. PolWar- Political Warfare- a translation of the German term, weltanschuauugskrieg (worldview warfare), which means the scientific application of terror and propaganda as a way of securing ideological victory over an enemy. . events at the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021, were infiltrated by the FBI, Biden's administration wants Americans to report "radicalized friends, experts on dark psychology and gang stalking, Doppler radar devices to detect breathing and movement through the walls, Human traffickers also use these AirTag device, Stingray phone tracker which almost every police department use, Safeguard Your Money With Offshore Prepaid Debit Cards, How To Deal With The Police: Part 2 - What to Do When Arrested, 67 Jobs That Pay Cash Under the Table Now, Ruin One's Social Relationships And Friendships, Cause Financial Harm to Targeted Individuals, Cause Problems For Targeted Individuals in a Residential Complex. Often we hear the term "mobbing" used as well. He yelled right back at her and told her to f**k off! Examples: target protection can be changed to youth account, or, an overdraft protection feature can be disabled, or simply steal money from the account. PO involve syngergistic coordination of PsyOp, MILDEC (military deception), OPSEC (operations security), and EBO (effects-based operations). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Gang Stalking, also known as Community Stalking, Cause Stalking or Stalking-by-Proxy is the nomenclature used to describe the various techniques deliberately used against individuals with various nefarious intentions. This is a global issue! PREDATORY GANGSTALKING. Police follow orders by e.g. GIG is connected to all communications systems used by coalition and allied forces. Each CBA surveillance team will be given a cell phone number for reporting target actions and movement to the local Control Center (CC). DOD defines them as: weapons that are explicitly designed and primarily employed so as to incapacitates personnel or material, while minimizing fatalities, permanent injury to personnel and undesired damage to property and the environment. Privacy Policy- Disclaimer.

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