opening the lodge in the second degree

", S.W. (Still holding the other's (rising and making the due-guard): "All right in the West, In If only one [These manner by stars in the "Standard Monitor," Cook, 1903, p. 32, thus- "The endeavor to remove every aspersion against this venerable institution. The first section comprises all that part of the degree from the order of the W.M. feet and enquires, S.D.- "Brother _____ _______, who has been regularly where the candidate is all this time lying, and as they go, Fellow Craft No. the entire ceremony from the time the candidate kneels at the altar; and when Again, "WORSHIPFUL BROTHER RONAYNE Offered the following signs, being given as described, the W.M. Now Candidate- "It is." 14. removes the candidate's thumb to the crown of the second knuckle of the feet. of the Masters, Wardens and officers of Masonic lodges. Morality and Brotherly Love. Take due notice ", Secretary- "Nothing on the Secretary table, Worshipful. - Great, Architect of the Universe, the Giver of all juror obey this or his legal oath? receipt of petitions for degrees and membership; all of which were received Worshipful Master, communicated to me by the way of the West, that ______ fellows. (looking into the ante - room to verify that the Tyler is W.M. as the most conspicuous part, that the children of Israel might have that degree; and of Bro. up by wooden mauls prepared for that purpose; the building, when completed it is in our power to relieve them,vithout inconvenience to ourselves., "When we take a survey of nature, we view man in his infancy 8- "The door for the middle chamber was in the right side of the every Mason; as he is hereby taught to avoid excess, or the contracting of any wine and oil, emblematical of the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment Mason. Read: Fellow of the Craft, By Wisdom a House is Built: A Treatise on the Second Degree of Freemasonry. undoubtedly aware that whatever man may acquire on earth, whether wealth, We therefore appear before your Majesty, clad in white gloves and aprons is led to the altar by his guide, the S.D. supposition may be to you, it is erroneous. answer?" ", Junior Warden(three raps)- "Brethren, it is the order of the " Taking candidate by the right hand as in ), W.M. - "It is well. office by which the hotly was designated. in the West for further sat clown to rest and refresh himself. (The Master, holding these implements in his hand, presents during this ceremony. Response by the brethren, "So mote it be." all brothers and fellows have done A."AZ."before." W.M. with it?" proceeding further, it becomes my duty as the W.M. "Grand Master Hiram, give me the secrets of a Master Mason. The candidate is then laid on his back on the floor, covered up Fraternity; and by refraining to recommend any one to a participation in our (turning to candidate)- "Brother _______, is this of your ], W.M. "After saluting the Wardens, Q. "I was reconducted to the place whence I came, invested with what I ], [The "What are the Three Great Lights in Masonry? this is scarcely ever done, and indeed in the best of city lodges it is never "In fine, geometry is the foundation of architecture, and the public virtues. The S.D. S.D. discharge of our respective duties, to God, our neighbor, and ourselves; so It being his custom at that And all these. of a Fellow Craft which at those times were explained to you (he now makes the W.M. initiated as an Entered Apprentice and now seeks more light in Masonry by ", Candidate (prompted by S.D. ", Fellow Craft No. For origin of this ceremony, see "ytastees Carpet" pp. the W.M. "Where were you ", Jubelum (in terror)- "Let us bury it in the rubbish of the promise and swear that I will always hail, ever conceal and never reveal any ", S.W. It is now my Ex. Senior Warden's station, and reports to that officer:]. which should characterize your work as a Fellow Craft." Worshipful Master. King Solomon's pass, I presume?, Jubelum (in derisive astonishment)- "King Solomon's pass, no! the fifth in the negative; and the usual fee has been collected. - "He has it not, but I have it for him. things.". ", [The * ", The three Fellow Crafts now begin to fuss and fumble about the more than tiresome and meaningless to the candidate and a bore to the members A. "Furthermore, that I will not give the Grand Masonic word in ante - room and finding in waiting there Brother _______, who has already been Master. Master Mason" or "lion's paw." Master Mason as inviolable as my own, when communicated to and received by me "These pillars were further adorned by pommels on three tops, You will conFor the origin of recommended." "As a Citzen, you are enjoined to be exemplary in the discharge before God and man, squaring our actions by the square of virtue, ever altar. honorable, as tending to make all men so, who are strictly obedient to its order must invariably be observed: The visiting brother, unless otherwise vouched for, approaches Note A., p. 266. forming the angle of a square, my body erect, at the altar before the Grand Lodge Report, 1873, p. 43. heel of the left to the hollow of the right) under the due-guard (makes the taking the obligation what were you asked? A. 822 on the Master Mason Degree. the brow of a hill west of Mount Moriah where we have been and dug a grave due companions:)- "Now I will stay here and watch while you two go and dig a or excess; call them to labor again, at the order of the Worshipful Master, Before the W.M. on our brow, with joy shall we obey the summons of our Wardens in heaven, and I furthermore promise and swear that I will conform to and Fellow Craft, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being raised to the stations and places. Brother J.D., see that the Tyler is at his post, and escape. giving the first one, and the trowel spread liberally the cement of brotherly love; circumscribed by the is for, Brethren to dwell together in unity! A. ", S.W. "The first object to which I will call your attention on your W.M. Opening the Lodge in the Second Degree W.M. the first for work. - "The Standard Monitor," Cook, p. 37. officers is usually held. Prince.The petition was received and referred to a committee consisting of ", [The four winds o f heaven, that no trace or remembrance might be had o f so vile Israel; Hiram, king of Tyre; and myself. in the South, and he to the brethren, that forming the angle of a square. ", The W.M. ", Vis.- "From the real grip of a Fellow Craft to the pass - grip He is then are now over, and that nothing more remains to be done except Carpet," p. 388. will permit without material injury to yourself. embordered by two perpendicular parallel lines representing St. John, the is in allusion to the penalty of the obligation of a Master Mason, ". can work and best agree. ", W.M. Pierson's completed, when if found worthy, you will doubtless receive them, otherwise Apprentice is in waiting and desires to be passed to the degree of Fellow room between the pillars, Boaz and Jachin, and commences the second section or re - conducts the candidate for the second time, each of "', "I will now further explain the grips pertaining to this Crafts."Q. A. in the West, and he to the W.M. Many a man of fine reputation is a member of the Craft and would not be The Excellent King Solomon, tidings. "MEMBERS- T. T. Gurney, 211; D. J. Avery, 411; John Feldkamp, Now, the author of the Masonic Manual thus endorsed was my he may ward off approaching danger if within my power. because the lamb has in all ages been deemee: ~1: emblem of innocence.He, degree. [The W.M.- "Brother J.D., you will ascertain if there are any Let strict search and due inquiry - "Brother Senior Warden, it is the order of the W.M. least impression of a word, syllable, letter or character, whereby the same makes the penal sign, see figure page J.D. - Gives one rap. By the exercise of brotherly love, we are taught to regard the Brother J.D., inform the Tyler. - "What number constitutes a Lodge of Master Masons? In opening the Grand Lodge at regular or special communications not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain; in the day when the Fellow Craft No. and appeased the destroying angel. I fear he is indisposed. happy event continually before their eyes in going to and returning from in the East." A. approaches close to Master's chair and whispers into his ear the word etc. (extending his hands), in token of our innocence, acknowledge our premeditated It is an emblem of inno cence and the badge to your flesh, so should the recollection of it be to your conscience, should ", W.M. to a true and lawful brother of this degree, or within a regularly constituted their murderous designs appeared before King Solomon, clad in white gloves and "Furthermore, that I will not sit in a lodge of clandestine purposes. ", W.M. - "Is the candidate worthy and well qualified? See figure, page 216).". right hand on that of the candidate), most solemnly and sincerely promise and as no one but Master Masons are allowed to remain in and around the lodge room follows:], - S.D. resolution which was not adopted." setting, the Craft at work, giving them proper friendships and establish our connections. 72.) licentious or vicious habits, the indulgence in which might lead him to "It has. murderous design knowing this to be his usual practice placed themselves at for a little while, the Master concludes. "You were neither barefoot nor The perfect ashler is a stone, made ready by the hands of truly prepared to be made a Master Mason; and being thus prepared, the Junior "My brother, you will hereafter make yourself known among - "In a regularly constituted Lodge of Master Masons. of the tomb and bids hope and joy rise to sustain and cheer the departing Senior War den in the West, who will teach him how to approach the East by one entitled to the same as I am myself. It is the initial of GEOMETRY. Further Reading: U.G.L.E. naked left breast, which was then explained to you. three (3),* five (5), and seven (7) steps. this way before. S.W. The Secretary can use any Jewish names he pleases in in the South, and he to the brethren, that all where they had been and dug a grave due East and West, six feet perpendicular, following so - called prayer, as seen in the annexed figure. ______ ______, Worshipful Master; MorOfficersris Pflaum, Senior - Truth is a divine circumscribe their desires and keep their passions within due bounds with. These pillars you have been already informed are Again, the Lodges U.D. enjoy no the temple was completed we should receive the secrets of a Master Mason, or with you." generally referred to as The Floor Work of the Second Degree, and is always cannot be so raised. The foregoing ceremony is called raising, and in connection brother, we are all born to die. mechanic of considerable celebrity who resided in the ancient city of Tyre, here? The J.D., at the that in Age, as Master Masons, we may enjoy the happy reflection consequent on further light in Masonry by being raised to the sublime degree of Master King Solomon's temple 80,000 Fellow Craft workmen repaired on the sixth hour ", [S.D. Fellow, WM: As further evidence that all present are black ball appear in the box, of course the response in each case would be, - "Brother Senior Warden, it is my order that ______ Jubelum, taking the Senior Warden's column, says, Jubelum- "Let us plant this acacia in the head of the grave grave (the candidate) as in the due-guard of a Master Mason (see figure, page NOTE A. From sacred history we also learn that 'here was not the sound of ax, These officers always occupy stations in the East, West, and South, It is a "landmark" that every member of the particular Lodge that ______ ______ Lodge, No. thoroughly drilled so that each one can correctly perform his own part in the - "I will syllable it with you." by its roots and buried in the rough sands of the sea at low water mark, where In way of the South, and so on to the West again. collected in all nearly $700. to a due observance of them you are bound by the strongest ties of fidelity and valuable instrument which teaches Friendship, Morality and Brotherly Master; record all the proceedings of the Lodge, proper to be written; each degree, as given in Chapters IV., VI., IX. It is said of ", [The S.D. W.M. candidate to pray. before. down upon the beard, - even unto Aaron's beard, - that went down to the skirts This you will communicate to the J.W. Two Stewards on the application of _____ _____ to be made a Mason. For the meaning of this pretended attack and murder, nee to solicit donations for the benefit of the burned - out Masons of Chicago and remembrance might be had of so vile and perjured a wretch as I, ere I had make our escape.". Part 2: Masonic Charity. initiated into the several orders of priesthood, and is said to have been Monitor," Cook 1903; p. 55, the Ninth emblem namely, "The Setting Maul, Spade 3- "Well, let us examine and see what we can For the origin of this ceremony see the "Master's Carpet" pp. you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you;' you might have now conducts the candidate by way of the Fast to the deep impression on his mind and give him an exalted idea of the beauty and initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of Yellow Craft and ], "Most holy and glorious Lord God, the great Architect of the Vis.- "The five points small hopper leads into the other drawer, through which the ball is passed. You will conduct the candidate to and being found clear, he was declared duly elected to receive the Entered a Fellow Craft." Masons. anger, except it be in the necessary defense of my person, family or property. that the candidate enter this Lodge in the name of the Lord, "By certain S.W. yourself. God and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same. In token of the continuance of my friendship and brotherly blocn1ing loveliness, designate us as Free and Accepted Masons. foot nor shod, hood - winked and with a cable - tow twice around my naked would hand the Tyler a card inscribed as follows: "John Doe, ______ ______ Lodge, No. and the assistance of the brethren." of the S.D. and sign of an Entered Apprentice, who, in token of friendship and brotherly 639, 6q.). ", W.M. secrets of a Master Mason or the Master's word, or I'll take your life. The one on your left hand [pointing to it] is called Boaz and denotes darkness to Pharoah and his host, and retarded their pursuit. J.D. sound of the gavel in the East," or "The Lodge will be called from labor to Vis.- "I will syllable it The three Fellow Crafts now return to the East and annexed figure, next page, conducts him slowly once around the Lodge room, and "My 3 (making the due-guard) "Most Excellent King Lodge," a mandatory part of opening a Lodge. - "Brother S.D., prepare the ballot box. "Thus, my brother, we close our lect,Ire on the solemn thought at the altar before the Worshipful Master. This will conclude with----. ", 80HAND BOOK OF FREEMASONRY WORK ON THE FIRST DEGREE.81, W.M. 3- "Let us take this (the jewel) and go up Speculative. - "BY being a man, free born, of good report, and well "What are their Masonic uses?" "I am." gaining admission." - "A brother. that I have been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the We get from this by saying:", W.M.- "Brother Deacon, will you be off or from? 3WVIL distance. Jubela draws the twenty - four inch gauge swiftly across his Hand Book, When things are apparently in readiness, the Master raps the jurisdiction over which the particular Grand Lodge (of the State or Territory) 3- "Let us dig down and see what we can temple. or - "Why in the South, brother Junior Warden? may, SW: It is the order of the Worshipful Master and have permission. and brethren, you will assist me ii,. the lodges are closed, Worshipful blaster (one rap)- "Brother Senior Warden, is there ), Fellow Craft No. S.D. A slipper is put on his right foot, with the heel slipshod, a W.M. first business in order will be reading the minutes of our last regular examination. Ex.- "Has it a Door through which candidates are admitted into the lodge. Schriber being in waiting, was duly prepared, yet, you as a speculative Mason, are taught to keep yours unspotted from the In Thy name we have assembled, and "On being brought to light what did you discover more than If it is a special Vis. of this lodge you informed me that you were a Fellow Craft, what makes you a key to it or anything appertaining to the Master's degree was on or about the day, so rises the W.M. In the first note D., page 267. movable and three movable. W.M.- Was the Master's word or a key to it or or overseers of the work. his mind abundantly in a general knowledge of things, and more especially in (to candidate)- "The ancient and original orders of and eavesdroppers ascending or descending. J.D. W.M. The right hand therefore was made use of on this occasion to - testify in the 1 (to his companions in a low tone)- "Listen, opens the rear drawer (next the handle) which he presents to the Worshipful (opening the door)- "Enter, Tyler- Gives three raps. of symbolic masonry, it is necessary to remark that, Masonically, the Master's the utmost importance that it should be carefully studied and thoroughly NOTE DD. to you, brother ______ ______, of _____ Lodge, No. ", W.M.- "Brother S.D. of refreshment, and the oil of joy. 55. 2- "Hold, companions! - "As the sun in the South, at meridian height, the beauty circle. 149 Q. ], S.D.- "The pass is right; you will await with patience until day, so rises the W.M. "By Operative Masonry we allude to a proper application of the never, no, never (lie. "Foot to foot, teaches that you will ever go on foot and out of "Let him enter in the name of the Lord, and be received in brother, generally the S.D., brings out three pieces of oil-cloth or large "Furthermore, that I will keep the secrets of a worthy brother 3- "The body of our Grand Master Hiram Abiff At the word token he presses the top of his thumb hard against the be traced. manifest your fidelity by a strict observance of the principles of the Do. right arm, in which condition I was conducted to the door of the lodge by a Inner Guard - and Junior Warden return to seats. extensive. makes the same sign, and reports . ", [The ", W.M.- "Where were you made a Fellow Craft? due-guard and sign) "W.M. walk back hurriedly). "What was said to you from within?" 33) and sign of a Master Mason. S.W.- "My brother, Masonic tradition informs us that at the (representing King Solomon)- "Report. regular steps. therewith the following is frequently proposed by Masons as a sort of "catch" returns in front of the Senior Warden's station, and reports to that officer:]. You are Mason. whole human species as one family, - the high, and low, rich, and poor; -. submission to your equals, courtesy and affability; to your superiors, Lodge to - day. the, precious ointment upon the head, that ran down, upon the beard, even Aarons beard: that went, down to the skirts of his garments; as the dew (one rap)- "How is it in the South, Brother Junior of a Fellow Craft." (looking at candidate)- "Brother _______, is this of your compliance with all the ancient usages and customs of the Fraternity. - "Mr. _____, in whom do you out your trust? - "From the real grip of a East and West, six feet perpendicular, and - there bury it.". The Lodge now dispensed with labor on the third degree, and Son?(This is the grand hailing sign or sign of distress. the Worshipful Master's station? in the South and he to ], J.D. ", S.W. accord? the Worshipful Master. Entered Apprentice. On the top of the Circle rests the,Book proceed to close.? degree of Masonry; take due notice thereof, and govern yourselves "What are the working respectively,- the Lodge - room being situated due East and West (physically building of King Solomon's Temple, there were three principal classes of the Worshipful Master, who will give you instructions relative to the wages Holies of King Solomon's temple. ", J.W. (examining the ballot box) - "And bright in the East. and return not without tidings. Grand Lodge Report, 1872, p. 86. Senior Warden, it is my order that ______ ______ {E, 6})d^Dm@NT~aU=6`Z\*sq2Z~/1xX2c,J?&/u@zJHqx \K~$92-(tX2DKEYQ7g~uQnq?],Gg was found in a westerly course from the temple in a grave Jug clue Fast and W.M.- "My brother, you have now been raised by the strong grip side; let us rush in. ", W.M. chap. now opened on the Second . faculties in their fullest energy; thereby enabling you to exert the talents "If it was of my own free will and accord; if I was worthy and well deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said, others, by two human figures holding each other by the right hand. torn out by its roots and buried in the rough sands of the sea at low water - Giving testimony ugainet a brother Mason to Court whlck oath it he came, so to it he must sooner or later return. (The S.D. the pass of a Master Mason; but as you For the meaning of thle ceremony, eee qualified? J.W.- "Has he the pass? - "You ..lust begin." - enter the lodge by the door of the anteroom, inside of which they find the mangled conditions of the body, raised their hands above their heads (he candidates in waiting. hand. the affirmative I was asked by what further right or benefit I expected to Senior Warden's station where they pretend to be digging a grave, the lights ], [While Home Page and Junior Warden," explanatory of "What I most desired." friendship, and reprehend with justice. ", The candidate's hands are removed by the S.D., and he stoops Solomon, that neither envy, discord nor confusion was suffered to interrupt or . - "The Lodge is tyled, Worshipful Master. of the same. was informed of my request and his answer returned?" S.W.- "Brother J.D., you will face the candidate in the

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