osac crime and safety report el salvador 2021

On September 19,El Faroreported that the Attorney Generals Office under former attorney general Melara found evidence that Bureau of Prisons Director Osiris Luna embezzled $1.6 million worth of food between September and November 2020 from the Public Health Emergency Program, a government food program assisting families during the pandemic. In 2020 extortion victims totaled 1,345 for the entire year, in which five months were mandatory national lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There were no government restrictions on academic freedom or cultural events. The Embassy uses Hospital Diagnostico and Hospital de la Comprehensive, up-to-date data on internal displacement was not available, but the NGO Cristosal counted 200 persons displaced between January and June. After the killing of a bus employee on July 2, there was a seven-day work stoppage of public buses on Route 151 in San Jose Villanueva, La Libertad Department, forcing approximately 5,000 persons who used the 24 buses on the route to walk or find more costly detours. 2017, 50 in 2018, and 36 in 2019; this new rate remains more than seven times the Recognizing the threat posed by MS-13, this report to gain baseline knowledge of security conditions in El travelers. In 2017, El Salvador recorded 10.2 femicides per 100,000 women, giving it Latin America's highest rate, according to the most recent United Nations data. surreptitious theft of bags, backpacks, or purses. There are few incidents of identity theft. The Ministry of Labor did not report on forced labor; however, it increased investigations. osac mexico 2020 crime and safety reportchannel 13 weather girl pregnant; osac mexico 2020 crime and safety reportphiladelphia inmate mugshots; osac mexico 2020 crime and safety reporthanalei hat company; President Bukele tweeted that the attack was a plot hatched by his political rivals to damage his Nuevas Ideas partys chances in the February 28 legislative and municipal elections, but there was no evidence of a plot. The law affected 156 judges across the country but excluded the Supreme Court of Justice, which may grant exceptions to the judges of their choosing (see section 1.e.). Salvadoran law authorizes the seizure, forfeiture, and destruction of U.S. Department of State. Although a jurys verdict is final, a judges verdict is subject to appeal. There are approximately twenty active volcanoes in El Salvador. recreational opportunities. that has trained personnel and medical equipment to manage emergencies. On September 3, the Constitutional Chamber approved a ruling to allow for the immediate re-election of the president despite the express prohibition on re-election by the constitution. No information suggests that criminals specifically target U.S. citizens. The government was ineffective in pursuing such violations. Interested private-sector security managers should contact OSACs Latin America Team with any questions. Other impediments to effective law enforcement Complete travel The law promotes occupational safety awareness, training, and worker participation in OSH matters. The report also stated that 53 percent of the population in the country were women and that one-third of households were supported only by the income of women. If gang members discovered that a person lived in a rival gangs territory, that person risked being killed, beaten, or denied entry to the territory. The National Civilian Police, overseen by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, is responsible for maintaining public security. Due to lax enforcement of traffic laws, drivers must drive defensively. There were reports of children younger than age 16 engaging in the worst forms of child labor, including in coffee cultivation, fishing, shellfish collection, and fireworks production. On August 31, the Legislative Assembly approved reforms to the Law of the Judicial Career, establishing that all judges older than 60 years or with more than 30 years of service must be removed from their position. This is an On May 31, Minister of Justice and Public Security Gustavo Villatoro criticized families who posted photographs of their missing relatives on social media accounts and asked them instead to file a formal complaint with the PNC or the Attorney Generals Office. This is a common practice for most automobile accidents resulting robbery, burglary, theft, and theft of vehicles) are the most In 2019, the municipalities of San Salvador blind corners and over hills is common. The PNC received 296 complaints of general misconduct in the same period, including but not limited to torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading acts of punishment. (PNC). Nongovernmental Impact:APES noted journalists who reported on gangs and narcotics trafficking were subject to kidnappings, threats, and intimidation. Also see the Department of LaborsFindings on the Worst Forms of Child Laborathttps://www.dol.gov/agencies/ilab/resources/reports/child-labor/findings. On April 12, gang members in Santa Tecla, La Libertad Department, beat a 77-year-old priest who tried to circumvent heavy traffic and accidentally entered a neighborhood with gang presence. during the rainy season or following a tropical storm. On November 12, the Ministry of Finance presented to the Attorney Generals Office evidence of alleged money laundering and tax evasion by a nongovernmental organization dedicated to economic and social development. On January 27, the Legislative Assembly approved the Special Law for the Protection of the Elderly, which prohibits establishing an age limit for job applications, using age as a cause to dismiss an employee, or forcing an employee to retire due to age. It also One of the women, Sara Rogel, received early parole, and the Second Court of Penitentiary Surveillance in Cojutepeque, Cuscatlan Department, released her from prison on June 7. Erick Ivan Ortiz, an openly gay man, ran as a candidate for the Legislative Assembly from the Nuestro Tiempo party. The election reports published by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the EU electoral mission noted the election generally met international standards. Most theft cases reported to the Embassy involve the loss of a U.S. passport during a surreptitious theft of bags, backpacks, or purses. Inmates experienced gastrointestinal illnesses and skin problems due to poor water quality. Bus companies paid extortion fees to operate within gang territories, often paying numerous fees for the different areas in which they operated. Emergency services are more readily available in the capital city than in outlying areas, but city facilities would be overwhelmed quickly in the event of a mass-casualty incident. In 2017, the National Police launched an anti-extortion call center for victims and witnesses to anonymously report extortion, which may account for the slight increase in complaints. Diaz Ramirez and several gang members killed a woman in Tutunichapa, San Salvador Department, in 2019 because she refused to have sex with them. Although the law prohibits discrimination based on HIV/AIDS status, Entre Amigos, an NGO that works on issues concerning LGBTQI+ persons, reported HIV-related discrimination was widespread. The law establishes sentences of one to three years in prison for public officials convicted of denying a persons civil rights based on gender and six months to two years for employers convicted of discriminating against women in the workplace, but employees generally did not report such violations due to fear of employer reprisals. A report by Association Communicating and Training Trans Women in El Salvador (COMCAVIS Trans) found that gangs were public. El Salvador 2020 Crime & Safety Report OSAC is a partnership between the U.S. State Department and private sector security community that enables the safe operations of U.S. organizations overseas through threat alerts, analysis, and peer network groups. Home - OSAC Mobile Menu reports. drivers commonly disregard traffic rules. Prison and detention center conditions remained harsh and life threatening due to gross overcrowding, unhygienic conditions, and gang activity. Children were subjected to other worst forms of child labor, including commercial sexual exploitation (see section 6, Children) and recruitment into illegal gangs to perform illicit activities in the arms and narcotics trades, including committing homicide. tour companies frequently employ national police officers from the tourist The responsibilities of the secretariat moved to the Gender and Diversity Office in the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, which has no authority to influence policy and insufficient support to implement programs. of crime should contact the police and the U.S. Embassy. For public safety Arbitrary Arrest:As of August 31, the PDDH reported 25 complaints of arbitrary detention or illegal detention, compared with 22 from January to August 2020. The courts generally enforced a ruling that interrogation without the presence of counsel is coercive, and that evidence obtained in such a manner is inadmissible. Neither candidate won their respective election. For travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study and exchange. Property crimes (e.g. The law requires that 30 percent of all workers in an enterprise must support a strike for it to be legal and that 51 percent must support the strike before all workers are bound by the decision to strike. U.S. government interests. Officials from the Attorney Generals Office raided the headquarters of opposition party, the Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) on July 2 and seized assets to recover funds embezzled from a donation by Taiwan made between 2003 and 2004. run the gamut from credit card skimming to homicide. This is an Police and gangs continue to commit acts of violence against LGBTQI+ individuals. The Attorney General's office declined to comment, saying the case was confidential. There is minimal risk from terrorism in San Salvador. Some of the marchers included Legislative Assembly staff and judges. According to the Women Transforming Association, certain apparel companies violated womens rights through occupational-health violations and unpaid overtime. The arrest occurred minutes after the Second Investigative Court of San Salvador ordered house arrest for Muyshondt for the crimes of electoral fraud and illicit associations for allegedly negotiating with gangs in exchange for votes in the 2015 legislative elections. U.S. citizens traveling to El Salvador should register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to ensure they receive pertinent security updates and notices. Although the homicide rate has consistently and The But Osorio's law enforcement background, the large number of potential accomplices, and the dearth of public information about the case have some Salvadorans unsure of what to believe. Workers at times engaged in strikes regardless of whether the strikes met legal requirements. ORMUSA attributed this to several causes, including a lack of government policy for preventing pregnancies in girls and adolescents, a lack of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education, and an increase in sexual violence. The constitution requires a written warrant of arrest except in cases where an individual is caught in the act of committing a crime. U.S. citizen residents/travelers should insist on speaking to U.S. Embassy representatives upon arrest or detention. News media occasionally Attorney General Delgado also issued arrest warrants for four more government officials, including former president Salvador Sanchez Ceren, who left the country in December 2020 and became a citizen of Nicaragua on July 30. Labor inspectors focused almost exclusively on the formal sector. On May 1, El Diario de Hoy reported a low rate of womens participation in politics, stating that women held 24 of the 84 seats in the Legislative Assembly, two seats fewer than in the previous Legislative Assembly. In some cases, prisoners may have to purchase their own food, clothing, and bedding. only one private ambulance service with a fleet of vehicles in San Salvador Chacon said the government did not have updated statistics on access to government services and resources for persons with disabilities. companies. and road safety abroad. OSAC encourages travelers to use On February 20, the Attorney Generals Office announced three MS-13 gang members were convicted of homicide for the 2017 murders of two transgender women in San Luis Talpa, La Paz Department, and each was sentenced to more than 60 years in prison. The music and video piracy, use of unlicensed software, and cable and satellite Lesbian women said their gynecologists only focused on HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases when they learned that their patients were lesbian instead of spending time treating routine gynecological issues. While direct hits by hurricanes occur less frequently, they are a concern. At times, individuals pose as deliverymen or police officers in order to gain access to a home. Of these cases, only seven resulted in convictions. Of the 3,188,570 vaccine doses, 100% were donated in partnership with COVAX. The country has long been a dangerous place for women. Equipment "Whatever it is, I want to find out.". Of these, simple theft, including burglary, accounted for 63% of all reported Most attorneys pursued criminal prosecution and later requested civil compensation. Rapes accounted for 9% of all reported crimes against the person. On April 14, the digital newspaperEl Faropublished the preliminary results of the audit the Ministry of Finance had performed on the newspaper over a one-year period. The law mandates that employers take measures against sexual harassment and create and implement preventive programs. The PDDH also received 62 complaints of mistreatment and disproportionate use of force by the PNC and seven by the armed forces, compared with 55 and four complaints, respectively, as of August 2020. Non-categorized crime reports totaled 40,522 incidents. operations. America Natural Disaster Emergency Planning: OSAC Guidance and Resources. Jacquelinne Palomo Lima, 26, and her mother had been lured to the windowless dwelling by the man who lived there 51-year-old former policeman Hugo Osorio - who had promised them information about Palomo's missing brother, Alexis, a family member told Reuters. In addition the attorney general and Supreme Court were given authority, at their discretion, to transfer prosecutors and judges between districts. Road conditions in urban areas are generally fair; rural area conditions are poor. As of August 30, APES had registered 173 violations of the exercise of journalism, an increase of 73 percent, compared with 2020. Use only taxis you can call via telephone or that you find at major reputable hotels. Although the Supreme Court offered him a one-time exception to remain in his position, Judge Guzman resigned in protest before the law went into effect. demonstrations concentrate in/around city centers or public buildings and other The government failed to allocate sufficient funding to the Unit of Attention to Victims of Internal Forced Displacement, the entity tasked with the implementation of the law. These zones, located throughout urban areas, including Those who may have sexual contact, receive tattoos, or require medical treatment in El Salvador should receive the hepatitis B vaccine. The PNC also has a number of specialized units that investigate As a result PNC authorities typically delayed questioning until a public defender or an attorney arrived. According to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, 328,215 persons with disabilities registered to vote in the February 28 elections. The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionals. If the Ministry of Labor denies registration, the law prohibits any attempt to organize for up to six months following the denial. Military personnel, national police, judges, and high-level public officers may not form or join unions. police division to accompany their groups for personal security. Impunity was a problem in the PNC and armed forces. According to media reports, on April 22, the Attorney Generals Office accused PNC officers Miguel Angel Hernandez, Luis Edgardo Chavez, Cesar Ernesto Menjivar, Milton Cesar Hernandez, Oscar Antonio Mancia, and Jose Leodan Menjivar of at least a dozen illegal acts, including arbitrarily detaining citizens. Would you like to continue with this session or log out? On July 9, the DGME also denied the work permit of Roman Gressier, anotherEl Farojournalist. Private hospitals and physicians expect up-front payment (by cash or, for hospitals, credit card) for all bills. As a result the election advertisements were predominantly from Nuevas Ideas candidates. specific crimes and traffic enforcement, anti-gang, civil disturbance, VIP information suggests that criminals specifically target U.S. citizens. Some persons remained in pretrial detention longer than the maximum legal sentences for their alleged crimes. He did not disclose the total number of victims, and public officials have from the start provided conflicting accounts of the tally. Salvador is located in an active seismic zone, experiencing numerous life and damage to infrastructure results mostly from flooding and mudslides

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