pope john paul when shot mary holding him

In 1994, John Paul II visited Catania and told victims of Mafia violence to "rise up and cloak yourself in light and justice! John Paul II suggested that American bishops be more open and transparent in dealing with such scandals and emphasised the role of seminary training to prevent sexual deviance among future priests. He became close to a girl called Ginka Beer, described as "a Jewish beauty, with stupendous eyes and jet black hair, slender, a superb actress."[46]. McCarrick would eventually be laicized after allegations surfaced that he abused minors. In 1990, during the civil war between Tutsis and Hutus in the mostly Catholic country of Rwanda, John Paul II called for a ceasefire and condemned the persecution of the Tutsis. [131][132][133][134], As pope, John Paul II wrote 14 papal encyclicals and taught about sexuality in what is referred as the "Theology of the Body". He made the visit public. [39][53][55], On the night of 17 January 1945, the Germans fled the city, and the students reclaimed the ruined seminary. He was the first pope ever to visit several countries in one year, starting in 1979 with Mexico[113] and Ireland. It was amazing that, despite the emotion of the moment, Vatican Radio reporter, Benedetto Nardacci, was able to report live with unbroken clarity during the weekly General Audience that Wednesday when forced to report an event he never would have chosen to recount. [153], On 22 October 1996, in a speech to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences plenary session at the Vatican, John PaulII said of evolution that "this theory has been progressively accepted by researchers, following a series of discoveries in various fields of knowledge. Sign-up for E-NewsletterGet Register Updates sent daily or weeklyto your inbox. (1995). The two men held many similar views and understood similar plights, both coming from nations affected by Communism and both serving as heads of major religious bodies. And what struck me about some of them was their Polish patriotism. [360], John Paul II was criticised by representatives of the victims of clergy sexual abuse for failing to respond quickly enough to the Catholic sex abuse crisis. Wojtya adopted the name of his predecessor in tribute to him. Calvi's clothing was stuffed with bricks, and contained cash valued at US$14,000, in three different currencies. However, after over twenty-six years as pope, two assassination attempts, one of which injured him severely, and a number of cancer scares, John Paul's physical health declined. Even though the two bullets missed his superior mesenteric artery and abdominal aorta, he lost nearly three-quarters of his blood. [101] Cardinal Franz Knig, Archbishop of Vienna, suggested Wojtya as another compromise candidate to his fellow electors. [344][345], In July 2012, a Colombian man, Marco Fidel Rojas, the former mayor of Huila, Colombia, testified that he was "miraculously cured" of Parkinson's disease after a trip to Rome where he met John Paul II and prayed with him. Lenczowski, John (2002). Marys co-operation is totally unique . New York: Cliff Street Books/Harper Collins, 1999. p. 992. [267][268][269] The ex-priest was treated for mental illness and then expelled from Portugal to become a solicitor in Belgium. Despite difficulty speaking more than a few sentences at a time, trouble hearing, and severe osteoarthrosis, he continued to tour the world although rarely walking in public. Pope John Paul II (1978-2005) was the victim of an assassination attempt on May 13, 1981, the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima. [27] While saints' feast days are traditionally celebrated on the anniversary of their deaths, that of John Paul II (22 October) is celebrated on the anniversary of his papal inauguration, due to his date of death, 2 April, usually falls in Lent or Easter Octave. He permitted Archbishop Patrick Flores of San Antonio, Texas, to establish Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church, together as the inaugural parish for the use of this hybrid liturgy.[227]. Couldnt that have been the real point of the vision? In Mainz, he met with leaders of the Evangelical Church in Germany, and with representatives of other Christian denominations. Pete Vere & Michael Trueman, "Surprised by Canon Law, Vol. A discussion of the crucial work of Ratzinger (later pope) to attempt reconciliation between Lefebvre and the Holy See, Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, List of pastoral visits of Pope John Paul II outside Italy, Supreme Governor of the Church of England, Social and political stances of Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to the United States, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Learn how and when to remove this template message, foreign policy of the Ronald Reagan administration, Pope John Paul II's relations with the Eastern Orthodox Church, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church, Relations between Catholicism and Judaism, Papal Concert to Commemorate the Holocaust, Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II, Letter of Reconciliation of the Polish Bishops to the German Bishops, Prayer for Forgiveness of the Sins of the Church, Sisters, Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pope John Paul II High School (Tennessee), John Paul the Great Catholic High School (Indiana), John Paul II Catholic Secondary School (London, Ontario, Canada), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School (Virginia), Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, St. John Paul II High School (Hyannis, MA), St. John Paul II Catholic High School (Alabama), St. John Paul II Catholic High School (Arizona), St. John Paul II Seminary (Washington, DC), Pope Saint John Paul II Major Seminary Awka (Nigeria), St. John Paul II Catholic Secondary School, Canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II, sexual misconduct by its leader Marcial Maciel, child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, List of places named after Pope John Paul II, List of pastoral visits of Pope John Paul II, Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszynski, "St. John Paul II, the patron saint of families", "John Paul II proclaimed the patron saint of widnica", "Trecastelli celebra il suo patron ricordando Giovanni Paolo II", "Il santo patrono del nuovo commune Giovanni Paolo II", "Mass Schedule for St. John Paul II Parish", "On the 1700th anniversary of the "Baptism of Armenia", "John Paul II and the Personalist Movement", "Karol Wojtyla's personalism and Kantian idealism: parallel avenues of reason within the tension towards the ground of existence", "The Polish Romantic Messianism of Saint John Paul II", "How a tailor in Nazi-occupied territory brought the world a pope", "John Paul the Great Catholic University", "Beatifications By Pope John Paul II, 19792000", "Pope John Paul II (St. Karol Jzef Wojtya)", "Report: Pope Francis Says John Paul II to Be Canonized April 27", "Feast days of Sts. [357], The new saint's remains, considered to be holy relics, were exhumed from their place in the basilica's grotto,[358] and a new tomb was established at the altar of St. Again, the history of conflict in Central Europe was a complex part of John Paul II's personal cultural heritage which made him all the more determined to react so as to attempt to overcome abiding difficulties, given that relatively speaking the Holy See and the non-Catholic Eastern Churches are close in many points of faith. This was also deemed a repudiation of calls to break with the constant tradition of the church by ordaining women to the priesthood. Berger's biological Jewish parents were killed in the Holocaust, and after the war Berger's new Christian parents asked Karol Wojtya to baptise the boy. We want God! The Pope's visit is a mission, an extraordinary social catechism, and his stay here will be a watershed in Chilean history. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, actor Richard Dreyfuss and cellist Lynn Harrell performed on this occasion under Levine's direction. [244] During his 1995 visit to Sri Lanka, a country where a majority of the population adheres to Theravada Buddhism, John Paul II expressed his admiration for Buddhism. This more prominent location, next to the Chapel of the Piet, the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, and statues of Popes Pius XI and Pius XII was intended to allow more pilgrims to view his memorial. [94][424] The Vatican described the documentary as "more smoke than fire", and Tymieniecka denied being involved with John Paul II. HarperCollins. [35] [36] Another point of contention is the use of materials from the communist secret police in the report. Weigel, George. The Polish Communist authorities abolished the Faculty of Theology at the Jagiellonian University, thereby preventing him from receiving the degree until 1957. A second miracle was approved on 2 July 2013, and confirmed by Pope Francis two days later. As pope, he officially made public apologies for over 100 wrongdoings, including:[274][275][276][277]. [62] He did everything he could to ensure that Berger leave Poland to be raised by his Jewish relatives in the United States. [258] When he briefly regained consciousness before being operated on, he instructed the doctors not to remove his Brown Scapular during the operation. In March 2000, John PaulII visited Yad Vashem, the national Holocaust memorial in Israel, and later made history by touching one of the holiest sites in Judaism, the Western Wall in Jerusalem,[121] placing a letter inside it (in which he prayed for forgiveness for the actions against Jews). Reproduction of material from this website without written permission, or unlicensed commercial use or He extended it to the condemnation of abortion, euthanasia, and virtually all capital punishment,[138] calling them all a part of a struggle between a "culture of life" and a "culture of death". It instituted a number of reforms in the process of running the Roman Curia. Pope John Paul II (1978-2005) was the victim of an assassination attempt on May 13, 1981, the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima. The Crown Publishing Group. Paul Kengor Paul Kengor is professor of political science at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. [107] At only 58 years of age, he was the youngest pope since Pope Pius IX in 1846, who was 54. John Paul II. [184] It is the codification of the common portions of the canon law for the 23 of the 24 sui iuris churches in the Catholic Church that are the Eastern Catholic Churches. [415] In 1998, when a certain German gathered various statements that were supposedly made by the pope and Cardinal Ratzinger, and then forwarded them to the Vatican in the form of a memorandum, Ratzinger responded in writing on 22 July 1998: "The only thing I can say regarding statements on Meugorje ascribed to the Holy Father and myself is that they are [frei erfunden] complete invention". There is nothing strange, then, that the African and Asian animists would become believers in Christ more easily than followers of the great religions of the Far East."[239]. While teaching, he gathered a group of about 20young people, who began to call themselves Rodzinka, the "little family". On April 2, 1980, Andy Warhol met Pope John Paul II in St. Peters Square. John Paul was in the first bloom of his pontificate, and his image as a young, strong, independent-minded world citizen had been burnished by a visit to New York the previous fall. Warhol was hoping to cap a series of silk-screen celebrity portraits with the Polish pontiff. [206] Relations between Reagan and John Paul II were close, especially because of their shared anti-communism and keen interest in forcing the Soviets out of Poland. [80] In 1961, he coined "Thomistic Personalism" to describe Aquinas's philosophy. Besides, I'm a married woman."[94][287]. Wojtyla, Karol. In a 2019 interview with Mexican television, Pope Francis defended John Paul II's legacy on protecting minors against clerical sexual abuse. In January 2005, John Paul II became the first pope known to receive a priestly blessing from a rabbi, when Rabbis Benjamin Blech, Barry Dov Schwartz, and Jack Bemporad visited the Pontiff at Clementine Hall in the Apostolic Palace. While studying such topics as philology and various languages, he worked as a volunteer librarian and though required to participate in compulsory military training in the Academic Legion, he refused to fire a weapon. She responded, "No, I never fell in love with the cardinal. For instance, he hugged and kissed Carmen Gloria Quintana, a young student who had been nearly burned to death by Chilean police and told her that "We must pray for peace and justice in Chile. In the book, as quoted by Reuters, he wrote: "It is legitimate and necessary to ask oneself if this is not perhaps part of a new ideology of evil, more subtle and hidden, perhaps, intent upon exploiting human rights themselves against man and against the family. [393] In 1988, the controversial traditionalist Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the Society of St. Pius X (1970), was excommunicated under John Paul II because of the unapproved ordination of four bishops, which Cardinal Ratzinger called a "schismatic act". It was the exact date that the Lady had first appeared to Lcia dos Santos and Jacinta and Francisco Marto in Fatima, Portugal, 64 years earlier. [247][citation needed][unreliable source? He translated Scheler's Formalism and the Ethics of Substantive Values. Nevertheless, his critics often wished that he would embrace what has been called a progressive agenda that some hoped would evolve as a result of the Council. In Fides et Ratio (On the Relationship between Faith and Reason) John Paul promoted a renewed interest in philosophy and an autonomous pursuit of truth in theological matters. "[52], After his father's death, he started thinking seriously about the priesthood. from the crowds gathered during the funeral Mass that he celebrated,[318][319][320][321] Benedict XVI began the beatification process for his predecessor, bypassing the normal restriction that five years must pass after a person's death before beginning the beatification process. EIN 27-4581132 In 2003, John PaulII reiterated that "there is no place in the priesthood and religious life for those who would harm the young". . Meanwhile, Elio Toaff, the former Chief Rabbi of Rome, said that: "Remembrance of the Pope Karol Wojtya will remain strong in the collective Jewish memory because of his appeals to fraternity and the spirit of tolerance, which excludes all violence. One expert called such policies a "case of overkill" since they do not permit flexibility to allow for differences among individual cases. Panorama report: The Secret Letters of Pope John Paul II, First Greetings and First Blessing to the Faithful: Address of John Paul II, Monday, October 16, 1978, "1978 Year in Review: The Election of Pope John Paul II", "Events in the Pontificate of John Paul II", "Biggest Papal Gathering | Millions Flock to Papal Mass in Manila, Gathering is Called the Largest the Pope Has Seen at a Service", "The Philippines, 1995: Pope Dreams of "The Third Millennium of Asia", "CBN Pope John Paul II TimelineCBN.com Spiritual Life", "Pope to Visit a Mexico Divided Over His Teachings", "BBC on This Day | 29 | 1982: Pope makes historic visit to Canterbury", "A Retrospective of the 1982 Visit / Visit Background / Home The Visit", "2000: Pope Prays for Holocaust Forgiveness", "Pope John Paul II's Visit to Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority: A Pilgrimage of Prayer, Hope and Reconciliation", "Pope to Leave for Kazakhstan and Armenia This Weekend", "1979: Millions Cheer as the Pope Comes Home", "Pope Stared Down Communism in His Homelandand Won", "Gorbachev: Pope John Paul II was an 'Example to All of Us', "Visit to Wadi Al-Kharrar, Prayer of the Holy Father", "Pray the Rosary with Saint Pope John Paul II", "Homily of John Paul II, Mass in the Manger Square", "Homily of John Paul II, Mass in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre", "Pope John Paul II Visits the U.S., 1977 Year in Review", "Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis of John Paul II to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone", "Pope Attacks Apartheid in Speech at U.N. Court", Pope's "South Africa Visit Honors 2 Vows", "Religious Views: Pope John Paul II's Statements on the Death Penalty", "With Papal Prodding, Guatemala May End Executions", "Pope says EU constitution should cite Christian heritage", "Jewish Professor Defends Mention of Christianity in Euro Text", "Pope paves the way to Polish "Yes" vote", "Od Unii Lubelskiej do Unii Europejskiej", "The Vatican's View of Evolution: Pope Paul II and Pope Pius", "Stephen Jay Gould: Driven By a Hunger to Learn and to Write", "Message to Pontifical Academy of Sciences 22 October 1996", "Magisterium is Concerned with Question of Evolution for it Involves Conception of Man", "Pope Bolsters Church Support for Evolution", Pope John Paul II is the Favorite to Win Nobel Peace Prize, "Hostility to the U.S., a Costly Mistake", "What scar Romero's Canonization Says About Pope Francis", "Pope says taking sides in Nicaragua is peril to church", "Religion: Berating Marxism's False Hopes", "Pontiff's Message Condemns Destruction of Gulf War", "Pope Calls for End to Killings in Rwanda", "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons Paragraphs 7, 10, 11, 13", New Canon Law Code in Effect for Catholics, Master Page on the Johanno-Pauline Code of 1983. Then the whole thing spread. Are you hit? the stunned secretary asked his fallen friend. Following John Paul II's pilgrimage, the Haitian opposition to Duvalier frequently reproduced and quoted the pope's message. The Rite of Visitation took place from 4 April 2005 to 7 April 2005 at St. Peter's Basilica. "[45] It was around this time that the young Karol had his first serious relationship with a girl. Sebastian. People were stunned. I am speaking to you in yourno, our Italian language. [147] John Paul II's other attempts to reduce the sentence of death-row inmates were unsuccessful. [329][335][336] A nine-year-old Polish boy from Gdask, who was suffering from kidney cancer and was completely unable to walk, had been visiting the tomb with his parents. [47][83], The aforementioned students regularly joined Wojtya for hiking, skiing, bicycling, camping and kayaking, accompanied by prayer, outdoor Masses and theological discussions. They issued a common declaration saying, "We shall do everything in our power, so that the Christian roots of Europe and its Christian soul may be preserved. We condemn all recourse to violence, proselytism and fanaticism, in the name of religion. [53] In October 1942, while World War II continued, he knocked on the door of the Bishop's Palace, Krakw, and asked to study for the priesthood. Lech Wasa, the founder of Solidarity and the first post-Communist President of Poland, credited John PaulII with giving Poles the courage to demand change. He was canonised together with John XXIII. He had no close family by the time of his death; his feelings are reflected in his words written in 2000 at the end of his Last Will and Testament. One hand shot, and another guided the bullet, was how John Paul II put it. [35] [36]. [95][97] Wojtya enjoyed his holiday in Pomfret, Vermont, kayaking and enjoying the outdoors, as he had done in his beloved Poland. But as political leaders, they were finished. [37][38] He was the youngest of three children born to Karol Wojtya (18791941), an ethnic Pole, and Emilia Kaczorowska (18841929), who was of distant Lithuanian heritage. It entered into force the first Sunday of the following Advent,[180] which was 27 November 1983. He said: "In particular I express my highest regard for the followers of Buddhism, the majority religion in Sri Lanka, with its four great values of loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity; with its ten transcendental virtues and the joys of the Sangha expressed so beautifully in the Theragathas. He preached in Canterbury Cathedral and received Robert Runcie, the Archbishop of Canterbury. It is the same fraternity that Pope Francis today shows us to be the only way forward for the future of humanity. [263] Russian Foreign Intelligence Service spokesman Boris Labusov called the accusation "absurd". He bluntly criticised the poverty of the country, directly addressing Baby Doc and his wife, Michle Bennett in front of a large crowd of Haitians: "Yours is a beautiful country, rich in human resources, but Christians cannot be unaware of the injustice, the excessive inequality, the degradation of the quality of life, the misery, the hunger, the fear suffered by the majority of the people. They met for prayer, philosophical discussion, and to help the blind and the sick. was then entrusted by the People of God into the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Aca was apprehended immediately and later sentenced to life in prison by an Italian court. [263], A second assassination attempt was made on 12 May 1982, just a day before the anniversary of the first attempt on his life, in Ftima, Portugal, when a man tried to stab John Paul II with a bayonet. But like a candle in the White House window, Ronald Reagan and John Paul II and the people of Poland kept a flicker of hope alive. It was the first-ever Vatican event dedicated to the memory of the six million Jews murdered in World War II. The Third Secret, revealed by Mary to the three children, had been sealed in the archives of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Reflecting on the two dates May 13, 1981, and May 13, 1917 he thought to himself: Two thirteenths of May!, He started reflecting on what was, to say the least, an extraordinary coincidence, said Father Dziwisz. The documentation was then sent to the Vatican office for sainthood causes. [41] His elder sister Olga had died before his birth, but he was close to his brother Edmund, nicknamed Mundek, who was 13 years his senior. Still, for three days after the May 13 shooting, he suffered terribly. He spent two weeks there recovering from a severe concussion and a shoulder injury. [220] During an audience in 2000, John Paul II and Karekin II, by then the Catholicos of All Armenians, issued a joint statement condemning the Armenian genocide. [371] John Paul II accepted his resignation, and placed sanctions on him, prohibiting Paetz from exercising his ministry as bishop. John Paul withdrew it, wagged his finger in Cardenal's face, and told him, "You must straighten out your position with the church. "[193] Later, he met with several opposition groups, including those that had been declared illegal by Pinochet's government. The opposition praised John Paul II for denouncing Pinochet as a dictator, for many members of Chile's opposition were persecuted for much milder statements. The Polish Episcopal Conference stated that "'further archival research' would be needed to arrive at a just evaluation of the decisions and actions" of Wojtya. He visited the Umayyad Mosque, a former Christian church where John the Baptist is believed to be interred,[119] where he made a speech calling for Muslims, Christians and Jews to live together. He miraculously survived the attack, Four days later, this was surprisingly witnessed, when, while reciting the Regina Caeli from his room at Gemelli Hospital where he was hospitalized, Pope John Paul II assured his forgiveness to the person who tried to assassinate him, calling him "the brother who struck me. [111] In March 2000, while visiting Jerusalem, John Paul became the first pope in history to visit and pray at the Western Wall. [92][136] He coined the term "social mortgage", which related that all private property had a social dimension, namely that "the goods of this are originally meant for all. He was driving a blue sports car. The Polish Episcopal Conference stated that "'further archival research' would be needed to arrive at a just evaluation of the decisions and actions" of Wojtya. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 95. As to the latter, the communists had tried to kill the Pope. The emergency team at Gemelli discovered that the bullet fired at point-blank range had just missed the main abdominal artery. He consistently attracted large crowds, some among the largest ever assembled in human history, such as the Manila World Youth Day, which gathered up to four million people, the largest papal gathering ever, according to the Vatican. Two thirteenths of May! He resided in the Belgian Pontifical College during this time, under rectorship of Maximilien de Furstenberg. There that day was a Muslim Turk named Mehmet Ali Agca. Stanisaw Dziwisz later said that John Paul II had been injured during the attempt but managed to hide a non-life-threatening wound. Newsweek (19 November 1979): 144,147. Something told him that now was the time. Eleven dissident theologians, including Jesuit professor Jos Mara Castillo and Italian theologian Giovanni Franzoni, said that his stance against contraception and the ordination of women as well as the church scandals during his pontificate presented "facts which according to their consciences and convictions should be an obstacle to beatification". [205] On 5 June 1982, two weeks before the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, Calvi had written a letter of warning to John Paul II, stating that such a forthcoming event would "provoke a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions in which the Church will suffer the gravest damage". Copyright 2023 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. In 1985, the pope visited the African country of Togo, where 60 per cent of the population espouses animist beliefs. [66], After finishing his studies at the seminary in Krakw, Wojtya was ordained as a priest on All Saints' Day, 1 November 1946,[40] by the archbishop of Krakw, cardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha. [304][305] The South African Catholic newspaper The Southern Cross has referred to him in print as "John Paul II the Great". [175] In his book Memory and Identity, he referred to the "strong pressures" by the European Parliament to recognise homosexual unions as an alternative type of family, with the right to adopt children. The Dutch journalist Ekke Overbeek released a book on John Paul II with similar claims the following week. These powerful events are indelibly inscribed on the pages of our own lives. While in Britain he also visited Canterbury Cathedral and knelt in prayer with Robert Runcie, the Archbishop of Canterbury, at the spot where Thomas Becket had been killed,[115] as well as holding several large-scale open air masses, including one at Wembley Stadium, which was attended by some 80,000 people. One such theory, advanced by Michael Ledeen and heavily pushed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency at the time of the assassination but never substantiated by evidence, was that the Soviet Union was behind the attempt on John Paul II's life in retaliation for the pope's support of Solidarity, the Catholic, pro-democratic Polish workers' movement. COMMENTARY: Forty years ago, Soviet communists tried to turn out the lights. [25] Under John Paul II, the Catholic Church greatly expanded its influence in Africa and Latin America, and retained its influence in Europe and the rest of the world. [92] These visits reinforced this message and contributed to the collapse of East European Communism that took place between 1989 and 1990 with the reintroduction of democracy in Poland, and which then spread through Eastern Europe (19901991) and South-Eastern Europe (19901992). [207] Reagan's correspondence with the pope reveals "a continuous scurrying to shore up Vatican support for U.S. policies. [37][38], From October 1962, Wojtya took part in the Second Vatican Council (19621965),[37][68] where he made contributions to two of its most historic and influential products, the Decree on Religious Freedom (in Latin, Dignitatis humanae) and the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et spes). John Paul II visited the Vicariate of Solidarity's offices, spoke with its workers, and "called upon them to continue their work, emphasizing that the Gospel consistently urges respect for human rights". Associated Press, "Opus Dei backs new pope", CNN, 19 April 2005. [109][255] John Paul II said, "What we talked about will have to remain a secret between him and me. He was great, he was great. John PaulII said that the sacking of Constantinople was a source of "profound regret" for Catholics. We have to understand this well, and no one can doubt the saintliness of this great man and his good will. Of course, in that primary task, communism failed. In 1967, he was instrumental in formulating the encyclical Humanae vitae, which dealt with the same issues that forbid abortion and artificial birth control.

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