11th virginia infantry

Lieutenant Odn Gurvoits, Eleventh Infantry. From the monument to Kempers Brigade on the Gettysburg battlefield: July 2. With more than two years of war gone by, and with no certain end in sight, President Abraham Lincoln needed to reassure, buoy, and rededicate the spirit of the nation to continue the struggle until its ultimate end. In 2007, the 11th Infantry was reflagged as the 199th Infantry Brigade, as part of the "Transformation of the US Army" effort. 11 November 1880, Lieutenant Frederick F. Kislingbury,[31][32][33][34] Eleventh Infantry, with a detachment consisting of twelve men, Second Cavalry, and ten Crow scouts, was attacked by a war party of Sioux near the mouth of the Musselshell, Montana, and had one horse killed and three wounded; one of the hostiles was reported killed.[20]. Officers of this regiment that served in the Civil War: This was the regiment known as the Eleventh Infantry Regiment during the American Civil War until 1869. On 10 January 1872, Company G (Captain Theodore Schwan commanding 18691886), Eleventh Infantry, reestablished Fort Phantom Hill. Upon the approach of the 9th Corps, about 3 P.M. the 1st, 11th and 17th Regiments advanced to the high ground in their front and met the charge of . 2 April 1873, Eleventh Infantry at Fort Stockton, Texas to escort surveyors on the Rio Pecos. 1911 the regiment was part of the Maneuver Division, San Antonio, Texas. SHS Papers: Volume 37: Fighting That War Close by Us: One Who Was There Tells About the Battle of Drewry's BluffMany Errors Corrected by John U. Sumter; Brigadier General A.P. The 11th Infantry ended the war in Czechoslovakia. The day's results were indecisive for both armies. toward the Civil War? Casualties, 2 enlisted men killed and 3 wounded. Arrived about sunset and bivouacked on the western border of Spanglers Woods. It is recommended that they each be given a certificate of merit for their action. 27 May 1887, Company E, Eleventh Infantry, reported on last return as having left Fort Sully 17 April 1877, to aid in removing settlers from the Sioux, or Crow Creek, and Winnebago reservations, Dak., returned, having accomplished the duty assigned. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. This was an expedition against all outlaws, ladrones, and insurrectos in this province. Standard D- The student estimates distance, calculate scale, and distinguish other geographic relationships such as population density and spatial distribution patterns. Captain J.E. As the Confederate army limped back to the south, the Union army failed to follow up its advantage and allowed the enemy forces to retire across the Potomac River to the relative safety of Virginia. Its members were raised in the counties of Campbell, Botetourt, Montgomery, Fauquier, Culpeper, and Rockbridge. He wrote: On July 11, 1863, Lt. John T. James of the 11th Virginia Infantry, Confederate States of America, sat down to write a letter to his family telling them of his experiences at the Battle of Gettysburg. The embattled partition represents the siege of Chattanooga in 1863. Colonel Garland was wounded. The regiment reported 750 men in the ranks. May 1875, Companies B, E, and K, Eleventh Infantry, at Fort Richardson. Col. Edward Fifield of the militia, were conspicuous. The 1st Virginia Infantry was assigned to the Fourth Brigade of the Army of the Potomac, commanded by Colonel G.H. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. In April 1941 one company of the 11th each were among the first US forces to garrison the new bases at Bermuda and Trinidad, established under the Destroyers for Bases Agreement with the United Kingdom.[51]. It is known that at least 4 Moros were hit, but no bodies were secured at scene of ambuscade. Activity 2: Comparing Perspectives The firing gradually died away, and but for an occasional shot all was still. June 30: Mustered into Confederate service. 1st Lt. Thomas F. McCoy, Col. U.S. Vol. In July 1968, the 11th deployed for action in Vietnam and operated in Cam L, ng H, Qung Tr, and Khe Sanh. In 1939, the 11th joined the 5th Division at Fort McClellan, Alabama. Elisha Hunt Rhodes enlisted in 1861 as a private, and by the end of the war he had risen to the command of his regiment, the 2nd Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry, U.S.A. His unit, a group within the VI Corps under General John Sedgwick in Eustis' brigade, marched 34 miles to arrive on the Gettysburg battlefield during the second day's action. Captain P. M. B. Travis, Eleventh Infantry. (7) Infantry Companies were formed, with their numbers being around 1,500 Officers and Men. Theme VI: Power, Authority, and Governance. The 11th Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Colonel Funsten was severely wounded in the foot and Lieutenant Colonel Langhorne was badly wounded. During the Red River War, the regiment was in the following actions: 5 February 1874, Lieutenant-Colonel George P. Buell, Eleventh Infantry, with Troops G and D, Tenth Cavalry, Company F, Eleventh Infantry, and detachments of Companies A and G, Eleventh Infantry, attacked a camp of hostile Qua ha dee Comanches on the Double Mountain Fork Brazos River, Texas, killed eleven Indians and captured sixty-five horses. This historic battlefield forms one unit of the National Park Service. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Regiment mustered out of service on June 17th, 1865. On 14 June 1958, the 1st Battle Group, 11th Infantry, was reactivated as part of the 2d Infantry Division at Fort Benning, Georgia where it remained until February 1962 when it was redesignated as the 1st Battalion, 11th Infantry and assigned as an organic element of the 5th Infantry Division at Fort Carson, Colorado. After marching for twenty miles it is not pleasant to lie down at night in the wet without any cover. Gen. J. L. Kemper fell wounded in front of the stone wall. 36224 and equipments of Private Branson captured by Moros. Despite great courage, the attack (sometimes called Pickett's Charge or Longstreet's assault) was repulsed with heavy losses. On 8 February 1991, the School Brigade was inactivated and redesignated as the 11th Infantry Regiment. Excerpted from Andrew J. Baker, "Tribute to Capt. In 2007, the 11th Infantry was reflagged as the 199th Infantry Brigade, as part of the "Transformation of the US Army" effort. The information above is from 11th Virginia Infantry by Robert T. Bell. Andrew Baker was a soldier in the 22nd North Carolina Infantry, C.S.A., Pettigrew's brigade. (Home Battalion.). For a time, the massed guns of both armies were engaged in a thunderous duel for supremacy. 1st Virginia Infantry (CSA) 21 Ancestors. How might the personal convictions of soldiers influence the outcome of a battle? Symbolism: The symbolism is that of the coat of arms. CAPT James Madison Cutts received the award on 2 May 1891 for his actions as a captain in the 11th Infantry Regiment, US Army, at the Battle of the Wilderness, Virginia, the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, and the Battle of Petersburg, Virginia, all between 5 May 1864 and 18 June 1864. 2d Lt. John A. Bayard, 2d Lt. U.S. Vol. Background: The distinctive unit insignia was approved on 28 March 1923. The third colonel of the regiment was Moody Bedel (4 September 1814 to 17 May 1815),[2] became a brigadier general during the War of 1812. Why do you think the Gettysburg Address became such a famous speech? When Dearborn was prepared to cross the line, the British Major Salaberry also prepared to meet him. It was reorganized on 26 April 1862. Company E - Lynchburg Rifles, Campbell County; enlisted April 19, 1861; mustered June 3, 1861; reorganized April 26, 1862. [4], This 11th Infantry Regiment participated in the following: the Battle of Crysler's Farm; the Second Battle of Lacolle Mills;[5] the Raid on Port Dover,[6] the Capture of Fort Erie, the Battle of Chippawa, where Colonel John B. Campbell (9 April to 28 August 1814),[2] was mortally wounded and the 11th Infantry came under command of Maj. John McNeil, who was breveted Lt. Col. for his actions; and the Battle of Lundy's Lane.[7]. Which army had the advantage after the first day of fighting? Company K (Valley Regulators) - Many men in this Company were from Alleghany and Rockbridge Counties. 2. [9], The regiment lost during the Civil War 8 officers and 117 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 officers and 86 enlisted men by disease. We have had rain and the roads are bad, so we move slow. The fifth or present Eleventh Infantry was formed by the consolidation of the 24th and 29th Regiments of Infantry on 25 April 1869. How might these images have influenced their readiness to obey orders in future battles, or the strength of their convictions? [20], 7 December 1874, Major G.W. Civil War. Both the Army of Northern Virginia (the Confederate army) and the Army of the Potomac (the Union army) concentrated their forces near Gettysburg after May 1863. 2. It was organized on 6 May 1862 at Newport Barracks, Kentucky,[3][16] as one of the nine "three-battalion" regiments of regulars, each battalion containing eight companies of infantry, in contrast to the original ten regular regiments of infantry, which were organized on the traditional ten-company line. But Hurrah! James and his comrades believed that the fate of the Confederacy hung on their efforts. Speeches should be limited to 300 words. I am still in good health and spirits and have faith that God will guide us on the final victory. Capt. During the summer and fall of 1865 the twenty-four companies of the regiment were organized. Captains: James Edward Blankenship (resigned August 25, 1861), Christopher Valentine Winfree (retired April 26, 1862), John Cabell Ward. Sir: I have the honor to report that a hunting party of 1 sergeant and 7 privates, Company E, Eleventh Infantry, while on the road to Malabang and about 1 miles from camp, 31 August 1902, were ambuscaded by a force of hostile Moros. Part C Gen. U.S. Vol. Let us know so we can get it right! What were some reasons for their success? Middletown, Md., July 2nd 1863--On the night of July 1st we were camped near Manchester, Md. From the War Departmentmarker for Kempers Brigade on the Antietam Battlefield: Kempers Brigade reached Sharpsburg about noon September 15th and took position on Cemetery Hill. All responded in a moment, and rushed on to rejoin the regiment, then going to the top of Cemetery Heights. [citation needed], Though the present-day 11th Infantry does not trace its lineage to this regiment it was referred to as the origin of the current 11th Infantry up to at least 1931.[13][14][15]. Theme III: People, Places, and Environment. Service in the Spanish War is shown by the castle and in the Indian Wars by Satanta's "arrow." The Adjutant, Mataling Falls. Murray, Col U.S. Vol. [53] During the Battle of the Bulge, the 11th counter-attacked into the southern portion of the Bulge, engaging the Germans in bitter winter fighting. The field officers were Colonels David Funsten, Samuel Garland Jr., Maurice S. Langhorne, and Kirkwood Otey; and Majors Adam Clement, Carter H. Harrison, and J.R. Hutter. Civil War: Shiloh; Murfreesborough; Chickamauga; Chattanooga; Atlanta; Kentucky 1862; Mississippi 1862; Tennessee 1863; Georgia 1864, World War I: St. Mihiel; Meuse-Argonne; Alsace 1918; Lorraine 1918. Excerpted from Robert Hunt Rhodes, ed., All for the Union: The Civil War Diary and Letters of Elisha Hunt Rhodes (New York: Orion Books, 1991), 114-117. It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia . [4], 10 February 1813, the Secretary of War ordered Gen. Dearborn to move the two brigades at Plattsburgh (Bloomfield's and Chandler's, numbering 2480 men,) to Sackett's Harbor; and 14 March Dearborn complied, leaving no troops at Plattsburgh, and only the 11th regiment of infantry and a company of artillery at Burlington. On or about 29 September 1901, the town was reoccupied by two companies of the Eleventh Infantry to secure the American position and bury the American dead. Movement to Fortress Monroe, thence to Centerville 1628 August. [9], After the surrender, the 11th Infantry with other Regular troops, was sent to Richmond, Va., where it arrived May 3d. No casualties among the troops. At the close of the cannonade advanced and took part in Longstreets assault upon the Union position in the vicinity of the Angle. Confederate General Robert E. Lee had hoped to gain European support for the South, fuel the growing movement for peace in the North, turn the attention of Union armies away from Confederate territory, and find provisions for his army. Captain Maurice S. Langhorne of Company A was promoted to major. Why did most major land battles in the eastern theater of the Civil War surround the Washington, D.C.--Richmond, Virginia area? The fifth[2][3] 11th Infantry Regiment, to which the present-day 11th traces its lineage. By 4 p.m., the Union troops were overpowered, and they retreated through the town, where many were quickly captured. This morning our Corps (the 6th) started in pursuit of Lee's Army. 11th Regiment, Virginia Infantry Overview: 11th Infantry Regiment was organized at Lynchburg, Virginia, in May, 1861, and accepted into Confederate service in July. Exposed to a severe fire of artillery and vigorously assailed beyond the Emmitsburg Road by infantry on the right flank with ranks thinned and much disorganized by its losses especially of officers it pressed on against the Union line at the stone wall where after a fierce encounter the struggle ended. No. Magruder and Wife," Confederate Veteran Magazine (November 1898): 507. In 1922, the 11th moved to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, and remained there for 17 years. The 11th Virginia Infantry Regiment was organized in Lynchburg in May 1861 with members from the counties of Campbell, Botetourt, Montgomery, Fauquier, Culpeper and Rockbridge, according to the . The Rebellion must be put down, and we are doing our best. [2] William S. Ketchum served as colonel of the 11th U.S. Infantry 6 May 1864 to 15 March 1869. By the morning of July 2, the main strength of both armies had arrived on the field. Maj.; Col. U.S. V. Civil War. 10 October 1871, Companies F and I, Eleventh Infantry, took part in the Battle of Blanco Canyon under Col. Ranald S. Mackenzie. July 3. 21. But I did not believe war inevitable & I felt sure I could get a place not inferior in a Southern army, & I really never realized the gravity of the situation. 2. ", "Greely's Dead Comrades; Arrival of the "Thetis", "Bear", and "Alert". Major Otey was wounded, and Captain Robert Douthat took over command of the regiment. April 1898 Eleventh Infantry transferred from Whipple Barracks to Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Missouri. Longstreets Brigade, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac. James must have wondered how he could possibly describe this enormous loss to his loved ones. The park is located in south central Pennsylvania near the intersection of U.S. Route 15 and 30. Crest: On a wreath of the colors a fusil Gules bearing a cross pate Argent charged with an acorn of the first. 1. The 11th Virginia was organized at Lynchburg, Virginia, in May, 1861, and accepted into Confederate service in July. May 1883, Department of Dakota annual marksmanship competition at headquarters Fort Snelling, Minnesota, Eleventh Infantry had the best overall scores in the entire Army taking home two medals. 11th Virginia Infantry, Pickett's Division As the Confederates streamed back across the fields from their failed assault, Gen. Robert E. Lee rode out to meet them. The 11th Infantry was awarded the Croix de Guerre for its daring crossing of the Seine river at Fontainebleau following Operation Cobra. Rumors of fighting in Pennsylvania have been heard all the days, but the distance was so great to the battle [Gettysburg] that we knew little about it. While not in the front line yet we were constantly exposed to the fire of the Rebel Artillery, while bullets fell around us. 1. 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment. The 11th Infantry participated in the following: Battle of Cerro Gordo, the Battle of Contreras, the Battle of Churubusco, the Battle of Molino del Rey (Lieutenant-Colonel William M. Graham, Eleventh Infantry, whose regiment had participated actively in capturing Molinos del Rey, received two wounds, either of which was mortal, and fell at the head of his command while leading a charge against the northern angle of the buildings. Fort D. A. Russell Third Battalion, Eleventh Infantry (less Companies K and L), Eighth Battalion, Field Artillery (Twelfth and Nineteenth Batteries). Russell, Cheyenne, Wyoming[50] Company K, Eleventh Infantry, left San Francisco, Cal., for Fort Niobrara, Nebraska. How did he justify his choice? In the summer of 1866, the regiment suffered a great mortality from cholera.[11]. The 2nd R.I. lost only one man killed and five wounded.Again night came upon us and again we slept amid the dead and the dying. 11th Regiment, Virginia Infantry (Confederate) Was organized at Lynchburg, Virginia, in May, 1861, and accepted into Confederate service in July. The issue of slavery was the main cause of the Civil War. As Company A, 2d Battalion 15th Infantry, the regiment first campaigned as part of the Army of the Ohio and later as part of the Army of the Cumberland, participating in such battles as Shiloh, the Kentucky Campaign, Chickamauga, Murfreesboro, the Battle of Atlanta, and the march through Georgia. Just after I had fallen I looked to my right, where a little house stood, just against which the end of the stone fence rested on either side. The 11th Infantry regiment was not full at that time, but was to be filled in a few weeks. The 11th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. McDonald was awarded the Medal of Honor for gallantry in defeating Indians who attacked the mail.[21][22][23]. Lieutenant Colonel Langhorne was promoted to colonel, Major Otey was promoted to lieutenant colonel and Captain James R. Hutter was promoted to major, although still a prisoner. [20], 8 November 1874, Troops B, C, F, and H, Tenth Cavalry, detachments Companies E and I, Eleventh Infantry, and thirty Indian scouts, all under command of Capt. Standard 1A- The student understands how the North and South differed and how politics and ideologies led to the Civil War. Then General Lee, having attacked the ends of the Union line the previous day, decided to assail the Union. Reading 1 was adapted from the National Park Service's visitor's guide for Gettysburg National Military Park. There were many battles in the Civil War, but only one evoked Lincoln's great oration. In the forenoon formed line in the field east of the woods with right flank near Spanglers Barn. [56] Since then, 1-11th has been consolidated into 3-11th, and both the Direct Commission Course and the Officer Candidate School reside in 3-11th Infantry.[57]. The most important Indian campaign of this regiment was against the Kiowas, Comanches and Cheyenne in 1874. On 24 April 1918, the regiment sailed for France. This regiment reported 6 killed and 15 wounded at Dranesville, totalled 750 men in April, 1862, and lost 134 at Williamsburg and 100 at Frayser's Farm. Headquarters, Companies I and M, Eleventh Infantry, arrived at Washington Barracks, D. C., from Porto[sic] Rico. 2 May 1904.Companies I and M, Eleventh Infantry, arrived at Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming. This is an umbrella project for all of the companies of the 11th Virginia Infantry. [4], 13 May 1813, five hundred men from the 11th Infantry regiment, being the first battalion, were ordered to Sackett's Harbor, and on 31 May left Burlington under the command of Lieut. Lieutenant Colonel George W. Hansborough and Major G.D. Camden, Jr. were in command. 7 November 1881, Troop G, Seventh Cavalry, and Company G, Eleventh Infantry, were relieved from duty in this department and ordered to proceed to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, for duty at the School of Instruction [forming the first garrison]. On 27 June 2007 as part of the Transformation of the US Army, the 11th Infantry Regiment was redesignated the 199th Infantry Brigade at Fort Benning. Choices and Commitments: The Soldiers at Gettysburg examines what many consider the turning point of the Civil War. [29], 12 October 1880, Camp Poplar River, Mont., established, Companies B and F, Eleventh Infantry, from Fort Custer, arriving this day and taking station.[30]. The regiment was commanded by Colonel Garland. Formed in July of 1861 in service to The Confederacy, during The American Civil War - The 11th Virginia Infantry Regiment was assigned to General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. It was consolidated MayOctober 1815 with a company of the 25th Infantry and a company each of the 27th, 29th, and 37th Infantry to form a company of the 6th Infantry. Download the official NPS app before your next visit. Captain John Ward was captured. The third[2][3] 11th U.S. regiment of infantry was authorized by Congress on 11 February 1847, as a one-year regiment for the MexicanAmerican War. November 1891 Company I [the Apaches ], stationed at Whipple Barracks transferred from the 9th Infantry to the 11th at Fort Huachuca. Berdan's Sharpshooters joined us, and we passed the day in firing upon any Rebels that showed themselves. After students have had time to formulate answers, hold a classroom discussion based on their ideas. McDonald of the Confederate Cavalry; 11th VA: Personal Reminiscences of the War of 1861-5; 11th VA: The 11th Virginia Infantry Regiment, C.S.A. 3. Civil War. Captain Blankensip resigned due to ill health. Captain William H. Irwin, Bvt. Description: A silver color metal and enamel device .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}1+18 inches (2.9cm) tall overall consisting of a shield blazoned: Azure, Satanta's arrow in fess Argent between in chief a castle Or in base a kampilan and bolo in saltire of the second hilted of the third. All the seceded states had united & organized a Confederacy, & the Confederacy was raising an army. Pope's Northern Virginia Campaign, Battle of Groveton 29 August, Second Battle of Bull Run, Maryland Campaign, See FS Library book 975.581 H2m for a muster roll of men from Alleghany County. [17], Early in July ten companies of the Seventh Cavalry, four of the First, and two (D and H) of the Eleventh Infantry, were dispatched to establish a summer camp near Bear Butte, north of Deadwood to scout the region lying north, northeast, east, and southeast from that point and keep the country clear of Indians. [Collection of John G. Scurry, A company, 11th regiment, Virginia, infantry][Decimalized .01-.81] | | Collection of letters belonging to John G. Scurry dated 1861-1865. Albert C. Ramsey was appointed Colonel of the 11th Infantry on 9 April 1847, headquarters at Baltimore. Ask a few students to read their articles aloud and then hold a classroom discussion on the different choices made by the soldiers that students "interviewed." In 1948 the 11th was an Infantry Training Regiment, a unit of the 5th Infantry Division, stationed at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. (Refer to Map 2 as you read the description of the battle.) Start with the search engine, being sure to choose "Match this exact phrase" before you enter the topic you want to search. This camp became Fort Meade.[27][28]. Dodge promoted to Colonel, commanding, Eleventh Infantry, the first four years at Fort Sully, Dakota Territory. & O. R. R., in Wilkinson's brigade, Kelley's division, Eighth Army Corps. The Battle of Gettysburg was not the clear-cut victory President Abraham Lincoln had been waiting for. Today, the 11th Infantry Regiment is part of the Army's regimental system and is the primary regiment to which many Infantry School units are aligned. During the Mexican Border Crisis 19141917 with Pancho Villa, the regiment served as border guards in Texas City, Texas, New Mexico, and 1915 Naco, Arizona, and April 1917 Douglas, Arizona. On a chief embattled of the second a cross Gules. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 1915 Company D, San Antonio, Tex., to Texas City, Texas and Company L, Little Rock, Ark., to Laredo, Texas. 11th Infantry Regiment was formed at Lynchburg, Virginia, in June, 1861, and totalled 972 men. Its members were raised in the counties of Campbell, Botetourt, Montgomery, Fauquier, Culpeper, Rockbridge and Alleghany Counties. Four of these companies (two of cavalry and two of infantry) have since been assigned to constitute this winter's garrison for the new post near that place now being constructed under the direction of Major Henry M. Lazelle, First Infantry. What was the situation by the evening of July 2? It was assigned to Floyd's Brigade. Captain Robert M. Mitchell took command of the regiment. Attached to Sykes' Regular Infantry, Reserve Brigade, Army Potomac, to May 1862. Civil War. This party withdrew, it is believed, toward the northeast and afterwards encountered the hunting party under Lieutenants Game and Parker, and also Company F, Eleventh Infantry, under Captain Chiles. He replied that he could not take the responsibility. The regiment surrendered 1 officer and 28 men. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Personal reminiscences of the war of 1861-5: in camp--en bivouac--on the march--on picket--on the skirmish line--on the battlefield--and in prison (1911), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=11th_Virginia_Infantry_Regiment&oldid=1126802464, Units and formations of the Confederate States Army from Virginia, Military units and formations established in 1861, Military units and formations disestablished in 1865, American Civil War unit and formation stubs, Articles needing additional references from January 2010, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from public domain works of the United States Government, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 09:06. [10] Erasmus D. Keyes was served as colonel of the 11th U.S. Infantry from 14 May 1861 to 6 May 1864. It sustained 63 casualties at Second Manassas, had about forty percent disabled of the 359 engaged at Gettysburg, and lost 15 killed and 94 wounded at Drewry's Bluff.

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