fatigue after partial thyroidectomy

If it wasnt for that, I think Id have been off the heavy duty painkillers within a couple days of the surgery instead of taking them for a week. Accessibility Quick question- did you have yours done by Dr. Clayman? He also biopsied a small nodule on the left thyroid & a right parathyroid gland. Were you able to go back to work okay? It was so comforting to hear your experience and how similar mine is. I have a thyroid function test in 6 weeks to see if the remaining lobes function would suffice. I teach starting next weekday 11think it will go okay. I know this is forever ago, but how are you? Sounds like we all have the "tired" symptom, but It's good to know that it can get back to normal, I just have to be patient and see. hi Mary, Im planning the same partial thyroidectomy surgery Thursday, and back to work on Monday, because I own a business and cannot get any more time off than that. Hi Sonni I didnt feel quite ready to do yoga or any type of mild exercises until 3-4 weeks after surgery. I did a CT which confirmed where it was sitting, and that it needs to come out. Im also thankful for this thread. I have my own PR business and need to get back to work quickly. I had a 4cm nodule which by needle biopsy was benign. I didnt feel bad during that time, only taking it easy to recover. The pain is manageable but not fun. Its lower down that I anticipated Id say its on my chest rather than neck but its looking really good and I reckon that in a few months it will be virtually invisible. Hi everyone I had a partial thyroidectomy on March 8th this year. ANY advise or words of encouragement would be appreciated. I had the needle biopsy prior to the surgery and it came out as benign. Let me know if you have any other concerns. You have to take an active role. Patient-Perceived Lack of Choice in Receipt of Radioactive Iodine for Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. The doctors are always like oh yeah youll be back in the swing of things in no time! Good luck to you. I can understand is a module is malignant or if there are other symptoms that could suspect cancer . No cancer found! You deserve to feel well. Its been almost 5 months since my surgery, and the scar is hardly noticeable. Im 50 years old and not nearly as fit as you are. Best to you!! I have no sex drive, very depressed and I'm always hungry Anyone else have these symptoms. I was wondering what people thought of this. Thank you so much for this reply! Yesterday, I headed back to the gym and can do almost everything. I am one day post op. I know its a silly thing to worry about but Im only 5ft and weight gain worries me as even small amounts of weight show on me very quickly. The pain is fairly intense for sure. It has been harder to recover than I thought, besides a bad sore throat, being dizzy, I barely can talk, and constantly feel exhausted. Having my partial lobectomy on Tues April 18, 2017. Ive read so many scary posts about managing hormone levels and poor quality of life issues after full thyroid surgery, etc. Most likely the remaining half of your thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormone for your needs, thus the symptoms you are having. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. So, I wanted it out while it was small. It is right in the crease of my neck. I am 3 weeks post-op and the second batch of steri strips are only now falling off. I woke up and fell asleep a number of times before finally being pretty much kicked out of recovery. Its nice to read about your experience with this surgery. Dont put it off, it was not a problem at all. Went to endocrinologist who sent me for a ultra sound and it appears that my thyroid grew back and it us growing substernal. PMC First of all thank you for posting your experience, it helped me feel more comfortable about getting my surgery. i was just wondering since it was so big was it cancerous at all. So far, I feel totally normalso Im hoping meds wont be needed. Im going in to have my left lobe removed next week and I wondered if anyone had problems with weight gain after their surgery? I wasnt sure if it was from low calcium or what. One, I am having difficulty swallowing and its really interfering with my eating. I felt pretty good but took it easy for about 2 weeks. My nodule was 4cm. The test was clean and he only took the right half. This week Im feeling much better and things were looking up until last night. Rationale: Contraindicated after partial thyroidectomy because these foods inhibit thyroid activity. So helpful thank you all so much. My thyroid function tested in the normal range one month after surgery, so I am not on any meds and feel fine. Id only had one other surgery and knew Id be nauseous after. I went home the same day as surgery and ate a fairly normal dinner. So thats without pain meds from 7:00 am this morning! Now, my throat feels better. Good luck. In general, thyroid surgery is well tolerated and the vast majority of patients will have a smooth recovery. These changes are due to damage to the laryngeal nerves that supply your voice box (larynx) during surgery. Im also wondering what my energy level will be like afterward, as well as the scar. In 2013 had a right thyroidectomy with a removal of a large non-cancerous follicular mass that 7cm4.5cm5cm. Thank u for your insight. My bloodtest result in my thyroid is i would have never know about this cyst if it werent for the mri. Incomfort is also worth mentionning. My voice is not completely back to normal (I sing) but its getting there. I was told that is a much more complicated surgery and recovery. But youll get there, just try to allow yourself a generous amount of time to heal. I highly recommend you check out parathyroid.com. You and your surgeon will decide the kind of surgery that is right for you. Thanks all so much!!! CST# 2011220-40. Hi, Kimberly, I just remember hoarsley saying to the nurse when I got up, I dont sound like a man, yay! Lol, I am so happy to see this thread! Youve done the biopsy, thats the hard part. I was just starting to have the symptoms you described when I had mine removed. Also, after my bandage came off I started using ScarAway silicone strips on the scar for about one month. Let us know how you make out. Do you, or anyone here have a good surgeon/Dr. Thank you so much for this article. Good luck! This is probably my number one complaint. It is hard to find any comments from men having thyroidectomy so thanks for sharing. So its been about a month (28 days) and I feel pretty normal. I thank the author of this article because this post encouraged me to get the surgery done. If you are really concerned, speak to your physician and ask what he/she thinks. Thus, there is a need to review conventional replacement therapy after thyroid surgery. The scar faded so nicely that Im not even sure I needed it. Only took 35 minutes under local anesthesia. This is my first surgery ever but i didnt do well w/c section an anesthesia. Energy isnt abundant. Also a lot of congestion. The anesthesiologist I met with in my pre-op appointment approved Xanax on the morning of surgery. I was advised to have them monitored, blood work, scans etc on a regular basis. Good luck! I just wanted to say thank you(!) I was very nervous and all of the comments really helped to ease my anxiety about the procedure and recovery. It was discovered in 2011, was about 4.4cm then, and has been monitored periodically since then with ultrasounds and biopsies (benign). God bless. 2 nodules:1 large that was suscpoius for papillary cancer and the second smaller nodule was inconclusive (Bethesda score 3) I have either seen or spoke to more than 6 doctors. The weight gain? I did gain a few lbs but think it was more because I was conscious of being tired and didnt want to push myself to exercise. :) The good news is - my scar is not that prominent and it has healed quite nicely. I would say to get it done. The standard seems to be six months. My throat hurt quite a bit, and my neck was stiff. I had a Thyroidectomy on May the 12th, Less than 2 months later I had an appointment with my surgeon on July the 10th and he was amazed to see that my scar is almost none existent. If you can, try to go in late and no matter how tempted you are, do not work late. .. My doc said it could take 2 months. I still have not needed medication though there are times Ive wondered if I do, but my schedule is also a lot different now (more active) so I wonder often if Im just plain tired like a normal person. Pain below the incision site and the sides of my neck and being exhausted is really it. Hi Paula Mine is a pretty good, clean scar but 2 long and visible above a t-shirt (!!!) Hello-I love this thread. I think one important thing to note is now they offer genetic testing called the Afirma testing. I was running half marathons right before surgery. Tools and a small camera are put into the incisions. I went back to the office the third week, and energy levels felt good, but by Friday I had to leave early and go home to sleep. My follow up appointment with my endrocologist is 1/29 to go over everything and a plan. My surgeon says he expects my vocal chords to make a complete recovery over the next few months. I just ordered ScarAway today. My recovery was a bit hard because of my reaction to the anesthesia but I think normal recovery is quicker. My dr says they will evaluate me but I will be having a portion of my thyroid out (where it is suspicious). If you need to chat just shoot a post. I I just had a parallel experience. So. Had I waited 6 months to have this surgery, I wouldnt be able to breathe. It has now been 7 days. UGHHH I am really hoping that the nodules were causing the weight gain and I dont have to join the circus, but instead will return to my slender self again. Im glad you mentioned the silicone scar padsI will definitely use those. Available for Android and iOS devices. Has anyone experienced a slight burning sensation at the incision site? Im looking forward to a full recovery, and hopefully negative for cancer. I've had hypo. My numbers are all supposedly normal but within the very bottom of the range. Banerjee M, Wiebel JL, Guo C, Gay B, Haymart MR. BMJ. Hi had my partial thyroidectomy September 27 2016, you are all correct fairly no pain just discomfort. It really helped to just take it easy for a good month after surgery. I think would get another opinion. I never told anyone I was having surgery so I had my assistant tell clients I had laryngitis. Im nervous but Im trying to get as much information as possible in order to make a good decision that I can feel good about. I agree you were scheduled too far out for follow up. Hitting the voice box or causing issues with my breathing. God Bless <3. Hi, Lorraine, Your experience seems very similar to mine. Plus, the relief of having that out of your neck is wonderful. Extent of surgery for low-risk thyroid cancer in the elderly: Equipoise in survival but not in short-term outcomes. I am so relieved to have it out! my dr said with 1/2 u are like normal, calcium levels should be fine nothing changes. Youll do fine! Since your calcium and PTH is still high, it sounds like you might have had a second one that is still in there, or perhaps a healthy gland was removed and the original adenoma is still present. I will do a blood test in a few weeks to determine whether the remaining portion of my thyroid is functioning normally. Has anyone ever heard if this happening? I am having a partial on 5/31. Hopefully the exercise and eating healthy routine will keep my weight stable. Time is really of the essence because, in some cases, it can become cancerous. Molly, A CT scan is a good idea. The only pain after was a sore throat for a few days from the anesthesia tube. I just have to mentally prepare myself for this. They were able to remove it through my neck without having to open my sternum which I was thankful for. They want to put me on an antibiotic post surgery. I feel a twinge when I bend or lift something. Pathology report was "benign" Thank God and I went for my labs yesterday (seems like they were taking all of my blood).results will be in, n a few days. Be alert to any new symptoms that may point to hypothyroidism. Have you had it? Any one who can give me any advice on how to make this easier would be so much appreciated!! By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following, Tiredness ,lethargy after partial thyroidectomy. Linda makes a good point. How is it that with all the sophisticated radio tracing equipment that shows something is present, the surgery doesnt show anything. Partial Thyroidectomy In this procedure, only partial portion of the gland is removed, the remaining thyroid is active and produces normal quantities of the hormone. After parathyroid glands are removed, the remaining parathyroid glands may take some time to work properly again. They start you on thyroxine to replace what your body is missing and check your levels/ make adjustments. ), and now I am on eltroxin. Surgeon did not want to make a freeze test during surgery to decide if the total should be done the results from those tests are not reliable enough to make a decision of that magnitude. Also thankful mine is in January. J Surg Oncol. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. My levels have always been normal, even with the large nodules, so I too feel nervous about taking out an organ that seems to be functioning alright. Hang in there. My hormone levels were all normal. I felt fine 2 days later. The ultrasound had not shown this. Alongside this I had heart palpitations and anxiety because of my experiences. It did take a few weeks to feel back to my normal self. I hsve this nodule for 5 yrs now same size no changes. By the time I had an actual appointment and scan in probably around July, it was revealed that I had about a 4cm node on my left thyroid. It was very difficult for me because I felt horrible every day due to no energy. I just came across your website, and am very grateful you posted. Wallner LP, Reyes-Gastelum D, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Hawley ST, Haymart MR. J Clin Oncol. The cat scan showed that the nodule had some tentacles that were growing down along my trachea . Subscribe now for my best San Diego, theme park, and luxury hotel tips in addition to thoughts on our recent travels delivered straight to your inbox, for absolutely free. I try to take advantage of those days Im just taking notes and keeping track of whats new/different with myself so I can better inform the doctor. Well I turned 50 this year and none of my friends have it, so I was a little frazzled by it all, but I suppose the fact I noticed the lump in my neck and asked questions was a good thing. Hi, Im hoping the exhaustion will start to lift this coming week. I know Im overdue for another ultrasound. It is time to take it out. The surgery went very well, I felt great after three days even went to lunch Etc. Hi Everyone, i had partial thyroidectomy last 4days ago.everythings turn out great. Endocr Pract. Im Vegan so this brand is safe if that is a consideration. Praise God! I am hoping to go back to work on Monday but am worried i may not be able to cope as i get tired just pottering about the house! Thank you again. My surgery is tomorrow for a partial. I had the same thing, even the trachea deviation! ; Hemithyroidectomy or thyroid lobectomy: This involves the removal of one of the two lobes of the thyroid gland. Hearing everyones experiences is really helpful. I had a partial thyroidectomy October 4th 2016 to remove a nodule and didnt know until after surgery if it was cancer. I visit the endo this week to see if I require the levothyroxin. Happy Belated 19th Birthday! it all started with a swollen thyroid gland my primary dr said it was no big deal that it would go away after my cold was gone. That is far too long to have to wait for followup testing. I dont know much about the pathology indetermine, but what I was told was that if it wasnt pure benign they would recommend removal. The camera helps your surgeon find the right area for surgery. Nodule on the right lobe and was 3cm x 3cm x 3cm roughly. I am also hoarse so forget about singing anything! Easy. Your email address will not be published. Ive done what theyve said Ive rested and there are days when I feel recovered but then there are days or I feel like Im back where I started..so if youre having the surgery or thinking about having the surgery I would suggest not have having any preconceived notions on how youre going to feel because everyone is different and it seems as though every doctor says something different. Thanks so much, Linda. You mentioned about the possibility of the other side kicking in and possibly not needing meds. I went for blood work on April 21st and my TSH was 2.44 (prior to surgery it was never higher than 1.3), free T4 1.00 and free T3 2.8. or, has anyone ever had to have a second surgery to remove the other half? My surgeon (Dr. Bouvet) was touted as one of the best in San Diego. Steri strips were removed at doctors office 10 days after surgery today. My nodule was 4.8 cm when it was discovered about 3 years ago. xoxo. Thanks for the info. My experience was very similar to yours. My levels before were 0.3 and theyre 0.9 as of yesterday. My voice was fine from day one. But Im hoping that every day it will get better! (1) So if you have hypothyroidism, have had a thyroidectomy or partial thyroidectomy, this means you! You will feel so relieved when you have it removed. At this moment death would be welcome. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for posting your experience. In that case, your thyroid may still work normally after surgery. It was still diagnosed as benign. I heard that the scarring isnt as dire. I had PT left lobectomy Nov 14for suspicious Hurthle cell cancer was scheduled for follow up with surgeon Nov 30 and was told to schedule with Endo one week after surgery date but only date available was same Nov 30. Should I seek one more opinion? A thyroidectomy can be done in several ways. You might also have to take supplements after thyroidectomy to balance your calcium levels. Did you end up experiencing any weight gain? A cat scan revealed that mine was sub-sternal. Surgeon giving me the option of a partial or full thyroidectomy says its up to me. I have to sleep sat upright because I have what I would describe as sleep apnoea symptoms, and wake myself up with loud snoring, Ive never been a snorer until now. . Thyroid cancer treatment side effects and complications associated with worse energy and significant fatigue. Surgery went well! Towards the end of the week I did 10 minutes on an elliptical and had to nap. It helps to read the experiences of othersboth positive and negative. I am wondering if the right side has not been working since I had large nodules in the left side. I lost my voice after the first night. I had my left thyroid removed 12/17/18. I had a partial thyroidectomy last week. If they are, then so be it. Doing good and yes I do need a nap during the day after daily chores. Even my ears hurt. it showed a cyst pushing my wind pipe so he recommended draining it. My module were found by accident. 7cm on right side with and smaller cyst like on the left side. A miracle finding them by accident and a miracle getting my voice totally back!!! Results: I can tell you that the surgery and recovery were very easy. . Im extremely exhausted but from previous posts that seems to be normal. But how much time? To follow you. I am having surgery next Tues 1/29 for a 4cm nodule on my isthmus. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. I had some mild nausea and a headache post-op but other than that the surgery was a breeze. I have had unexplained anxiety for the past couple years and a matter how many therapists are doctors I go to they all seem to tell me they think its related to my thyroid. Having a conservative Endo and supportive wife helped. Hi Amelia Its only 2 months it should go away your throat is still irratated from the surgery. This was because of the combination of too much calcium medication and another medication. Hi Molly, this is the week 3 after removing my right lobe. This thread was a life changer for mecant thank the author enough.. I have noticed some tiredness. I am not one who works out like you do and I am 64. Late 2017 through 2018 I was having a lot of weird symptoms like feeling like I was suffocating while in bed and trouble swallowing and waking up choking on Saliva. I was told 1-2 weeks as well. Nervous and anxious is an understatement. So what to do???? Im waiting on my pathology results and hoping for the best. I drove one week later but to turn my head required turning my entire body. I have talked myself out of going through with surgery too many times to count and am very concerned about too many things.weight gain, how I will feel immediately after surgery, the biospy results of removed section, whether or not I have to go back for a second round, damaging vocal cords, will I need mediction, what probs does meds present.etc There is not much I am not worried about. Im going for a CAT scan tomorrow. I have had swallowing problems for years and recently it has gotten so bad that I am choking and coughing daily. ultrasound result is with cslcification. I has read that someone recommended La Met skin serum but the price is just ridiculous. Coffee and vitamin supplements don't help either. I am kind of surprised at the length of the scar under the tape it seems quite long to me (maybe 2 inches) given that its only a partial TT. Your levels need monitoring as I am checking mine every two months via blood work. The procedure can be performed in two ways: 1. Tsh .397 It really looks fantastic. Hello, I am on day 6 of recovery from a left thyroid lobectomy. The thing is, you dont want to wait too long because whatever it is, its not going to get any better. Jewels xo. Im scheduled for surgery August 24. I had a partial lobectomy 10 weeks ago to remove a 7cms nodule. The main thing was that I was really tired. I dont work out like you do, so I really cant say. Ive been using Medihoney and coconut oil. She had me buy over-the-counter, professional grade silicone strips. For that reason, they never suggested removal of the right side. I am tired ALL of the time, constantly on the verge of tears, have slight muscle spasms all over but mainly in arms, and heart palpitations..My doctor does not want to entertaint he thought of medication until my "body adusts"in 3 months. I have quite a bit of pain when swallowing, moving my head or coughing despite the Norco. Most of the experiences on here have put me at ease though, and I thank you all for that. It helped to sleep elevated for about a week and I agree with most that you need two weeks off work. I had a TT on 12-23-09 and I must say that after 19 days, I'm fine. To manage stress, try to pick up something you like and do it till the day before surgery. If hormone levels are normal and a module is present and monitored regularly with ultrasound and biopsies, Im curious as to why they would need to be removed, I am such a case. Rationale: Maximizes supply and absorption of calcium if parathyroid function is impaired. Its important to keep the incision area moist once the wound has closed up to reduce scarring. It helped me a little on the way to my hemithyroidectomy. I put this surgery off and was under Active Surveillance for 7 years. Happily, mine was benign despite a previous needle biopsy show8ng an inordinate number of bad celks, including Hurthle cells. Thank you! I wasnt nervous and dont really care about scars. Id also tell people not to worry about this surgery. Hi Maybe you feel more comfortable with the second-opinion doctor? Learn how your comment data is processed. An official website of the United States government. My worst fear of course are the possible complications. Had my partial thyroidectomy 6 days ago due to a hyperfunctioning autonomous nodule (aka hot nodule). Im wondering what life will be like after thyroid surgery. I just looked over my ultrasound report and it says its pushing the trachea to the right. Thank you all for this thread especially the one that started it. All in all, not a terrible thing to go through. . eCollection 2022. Easy for your Endocrinologist to say, he doesn't have to live with your symptoms that are most likely due to inadequate levels of Free T4 and free T3, which are the biologically active thyroid hormones. Your incision will be closed with stitches or surgical glue and covered with a bandage. My nodule was approximately 5cm, and was causing hyperthyroid symptoms (tremors/heart palpitations/anxiety/etc). Hi, I am planning to get my partial thyroidectomy done soon for my indeterminate thyroid nodule on my right lobe. Im just wondering how necessary it is. Two weeks is about right fir recovery as LaJolla Mom said. I had a 7cm nodule removed last year by hemi-thyroidectomy. There is a technique called radiofrequency ablation I hope to be a candidate for, if not I will have 1/2 of my thyroid removed. I still wear the silicone bandages and probably will until at least April. A partial thyroidectomy is surgery to remove part of your thyroid gland. i have been fine after that BUT the mri showed another smaller cysts non liquid. No throat irritation (except the day of surgery) but Im having trouble singing. Im afraid that this will be my attitude forever and I dont want that. I am 57. The surgery went well, minor discomfort only. I hate removing half of a perfectly functioning organ. Zambeli-Ljepovi A, Wang F, Dinan MA, Hyslop T, Stang MT, Roman SA, Sosa JA, Scheri RP. Hope this helps. This was so helpful to me, I went into hospital so much more relaxed. Had it at UCSD with Dr Bouvet, apparently nodule was well encapsulated in the lobe with no sign of lymph adenopathy. Not full range of motion on neck but pretty good and no pain. Thanks! Identify foods high in calcium (e.g., dairy products) and vitamin D (e.g., fortified dairy products, egg yolks, liver). Thanks for sharing your experience. I could eat right away after surgery. Having some problems with my face feeling flushed. By the afternoon I was sound asleep at my desk and I didnt remember putting my head down! Hello everyone, I have a 1cm nodule on my right lobe. im not tired, not crabby, my hair doesnt fall out. I am trying Extra strength Tylenol for it now and it seems to be as good as the Norco without the side effects. Is it safe to apply any of the scar treatments at this time? My question is: how long does it take for your body to adjust to only having half a thyroid? Introduction: Good luck to all going thru the same thing. I might even suggest looking at photos in advance so that you can visualize and get comfortable with what your new neck may look like. I would say wait at least 14 days before you get into downward dog . You will be O.K.! LOL! I had 2 biopsies that ended up inconclusive. I tell him Im looking foward to it! I lost my mom & brother to cancer, and my dad had his thyroid removed. I was back to full productivity during weeks three and four but I did need naps and was still unable to exercise. The edema went away after about 5 days. I now put Earth Science Skin Serum on it every day. They intend to keep me overnight to keep an eye on my Calcium levels. The problem with a large nodule is they cant be certain its benign. I also bought the silicone strips to help reduce my scarring thanks so much for that tip! It kept growing little by little to about 5.2cm in 2018. I am having half of my thyroid removed Tuesday may 17th. I have a small nodule on the left so my concern is they may decide to take the whole thyroid. Not even a whisper. It was always in the back of my mind. I am not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I found other sites to be quite scary. Sharon, My levels are normal so no one wants to take it out only now I feel like Im choking cant see out of my right eye so I decided to bite the bullet and just do it. I want to be normal again. You are the first person that Ive heard had a nodule larger than mine. Between the two years of pondering whether or not I should do this, biopsies and appointments with various surgeons, nothing really prepared me for how it really would go for me, which may be differentfromhow you will recover. Of course, your doctor will give you the best advice on this. I had to be at hospital at 5:30 am so got home around 11pm. I get tested every 6 months. I had migraines for a few days after and still have a slightly hoarse throat.

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