michlalah jerusalem college

Known for the quality of its faculty and students who come from over 30 high schools world-wide, and the advanced level of its learning program, thousands of students have been educated in Michlalah for over five decades. Shoshie lives in Bayit Vegan along with her husband and children. He earned degrees in law and Semitic languages from Dublin University. She holds a doctorate in education from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education, where she also served on the faculty. She studied law at NYU Law School and worked in law firms in New York City. After high school, she attended Michlalah in Jerusalem and then continued to Stern College for Women where she graduated cum laude with a Bachelors in Art in association with the Fashion Institute of Technology. In addition, she has held faculty appointments at Yeshiva University and Touro College. She is very interested in the way people work and what makes them tick. Rabbi Kassorla is the former director of the Halachic Guidance program in Kollel Torat Chaim in Jerusalem. In 2018 she moved to Israel with her family and now resides in Arzei Habira. The second ETI track is for those who do not have a recognized BA. Haim.Shaked@hemdat.ac.il, Dr. Pascale Benoliel, is a lecturer, faculty member in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Michlalah is still the eclectic and nonpolitical institute that I remember attending as a student, when we heard lectures from rabbanim across the religious spectrum. This is a kiddush Hashem, though, at the end of the third year, I give two lectures on Bible criticism so [my students] will know what its about.. Michlalah Jerusalem College. Click on the image to beginthe Michlala application process. The first ETI track will operate in affiliation with Michlalah Jerusalem College Mens program. He inherited this love of Israel from his grandfather, a 7th generation Jerusalemite and IDF soldier in Israels 1948 War of Independence. and it was with this dictum in mind that the Michlalah campus was designed. www.jeffreyglanz.com, Dr. Tami Yechieli earned her Ph.d in Science education from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Mrs. G has since taught in several seminaries and has had many varied roles in each. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Dr Benoliel received her Bsc degree in Education Biology-Science and Technology (2002), at the Technion, the Israel Institute for Technology. Blessed with a storied and impactful career in chinuch, he is well known as the founder and Dean of Ateres Bais Yaakov in Monsey. In 1989 the program was given the official title The Linda Pinsky School for Overseas Students (Machal ). and the Class Acts series. Awide-eyed perspective and deep love of Tanach pulse in Mrs. Hyndi Mendelovitzs classes. He and his wife Mindel form a tremendous team in the seminary in the seminary world with a home that is more than open to students. Our History In 1964, Rav Copperman zt"l became a pioneer of Women's Torah education and founded Michlalah Jerusalem College to train teachers for the Israeli school system. Principal should mail/email as attachment directly to Michlalah. His vision and leadership abilities have also led him to launching and coordinating a very successful big-brother outreach program in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel. Her warm and energetic personality along with her genuine smile and positive demeanor endears her to all of her students. His book (co-author Chen Schechter) "Systems Thinking for School Leaders: Holistic Leadership for Excellence in Education" was published recently by Springer Press. As a granddaughter of Michlalahs founder, Rav Yehudah Copperman ztl, she is proud to be part of the Michlalah faculty since 2000. There is an upfront cost to the program, but you will receive reimbursement scholarships that exceed the cost of the tuition once conditions are met. He is the editor of Centralization and school empowerment: From rhetoric to practice. She also lectures at the Michlalah-Jerusalem College. She holds a doctorate in education from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education, where she also served on the faculty. In 2005 he met and married his wife Efrat and they currently live with their 7 children in Rechavia. A . Mrs. Baruch grew up in Queens and Long Island, New York. If advanced learning beckons you, together with a desire to make your personal commitment to Torah through knowledge and understanding, Top notch educators - Exemplary role models, 9 Sutton Road, Monsey, New York 10952 USA Since 2001 he has been learning in Yeshivas Midrash Shmuel, becoming a mashgiach and working with the bochorim in their avodas Hashem. An insistence from her students to ask the right questions, seek out the message in the text, and a flair for drama make these classes dance. Since she made aliyah 9 years ago with her family, she has taught in various popular seminaries. Baruch Hashem there are wonderful results, and I thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu that I was privileged to be the one to implement this vision, he says. Mrs. Hausman grew up in Brooklyn, NY. Throughout Shellys college years she worked for Aish HaTorahs college Fellowship program. Shiffy Klein grew up in Woodmere, NY. His highly-acclaimed teaching career spans more than 25 years. He and his wife live in Bayit Vegan. Machal attracts quality students from all over the world,including the United States, Canada, England, South Africa,andBelgium. In his words Tomer Devorah representedthe Chinuch Hashkafa that totally aligned with my approach to teaching Torah, respecting our students and ensuring their emotional well-being enabling them to be open to the Torah we are imparting to them. See full terms and conditions in the application packet. She resides in Shaarei Chesed with her husband and children. Showcase your expertise with peers and employers. Sunrise Tefillah, Underwater Observatory, Tel Beer Sheva, Camel Riding & Mitzpeh Ramon, Rector of Michlalah & Rosh Machal 2015-Present, Director of Logistics & Social Programming, 9 Sutton Road, Monsey, New York 10952 USA. Mrs. Reena Karsh grew up in Philadelphia and went to Pninim seminary in Kiryat Moshe. She lives in Yerushalayim with her husband and family. She taught and tutored in high school and a few seminaries, including Meohr and Pninim. She arrived in Eretz Yisroel that year and decided she never wanted to leave and chasdei Hashem has been here ever since! He served as Rosh Machal for 25 years (and Rosh HaMichlalah for 9 of those years), and currently shares his extensive experience and expertise as a senior consultant to Michlalah. Prof. Izhar Oplatka is a professor of Educational Administration and Leadership at The School of Education, Tel Aviv University, Israel and the head of the dept. Rabbi Noam Fix grew up in Queens, N.Y. where he began his work with teens as NCSY Regional President of the New York Ohr Chadash Region. Her passion for teaching and connecting lead her to her first teaching job post-college in Tichon Meir Moshe (TMM) High School. After she got maqrried, she joined our staff as one of our awesome Programming Coordinatoers, adding her engery and creativity to make sure that TD has the most amazing activities and events. She, therefore, pursued multiple teaching opportunities in Shulamith School for Girls in Brooklyn, Rebbetzin Aviva Feiners Machon Basya Rochel, Sharfmans Seminary, and of course Tomer Devorah. You can teach full or part-time, keeping a full seder or pursue other work opportunities. Lovely Garden home with secrete outdoor bathtub. Our Eim Bayit and madrichot live on campus and are available for our students twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week throughout the school year. He is the author, co-author, editor, and co-editor of over twenty (20) book on various educational topics. Back Submit. Milka Kimmel, originally from Lawrence, NY, is a Tomer Devorah alumnus. Mrs. Rina Fix joined our staff in 2021, and buiolt the first ever TD on-site kitchen. These students can earn a BA with teaching certification in Kodesh and English. View individuals from Michlalah Jerusalem College. In addition to her teaching and speaking engagements, she assists her husband in his medical practice and nurtures her multigenerational family. Report this profile Report Report. Michlalah-Jerusalem College is accredited by the Council of Higher Education of the State of Israel (Malag) and its transcripts are accepted in major universities throughout the world. [Many of] the women who came to study [at Michlalah] chose to do so even though they had matriculation certificates, says Rabbi Cooperman, some at a very high level. He also serves as the coordinator of training and education of school principals under the Administration of Religious Education. Rabbi Fix currently resides in Ramat Beit Shemesh with his wife Rivka and their six sons. Graduates will be provided assistance in job placement. She lives in Efrat with her family. Oct 2007. She lectures for women of all ages (from High School students to Senior Citizens) and is a popular columnist for Mishpacha Magazine. For any specific questions about the online application system, please email websitemachal@gmail.com. During the summers, she is the Director of Operations for NCSY Summer and the Camp Mom of NCSY Kollel. She also lectures at the Michlalah-Jerusalem College. The campus, located at the bottom of Bayit Vegan, is built on a hilltop with a stunning view of Yerushalaim. Rabbi Seltzer is a columnist for the International Hamodia Magazine, where his true life stories are beloved around the world. Originally from Teaneck, New Jersey, Mrs. Teller studied in Machal for two years. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. For recreation and relaxation, it includes a basketball court, a swimming pool, a dining room, a student lounge with an exercise room and many flowers, trees and grassy areas. Our organization ETI (English Teaching in Israel) was established to respond to the great shortage of certified religious-male English teachers in Israel. Mrs. Leah Rosenstein is the Menahelet of the Shana Bet program in Tomer Devorah. ChanaAbowitzis a veteran teacher and lecturer on a wide range of topics. Milka has previously taught in Bnot Chaya Academy and joined the Tomer Devorah staff when she moved to Eretz Yisroel. She currently lives in Ramat Eshkol with her husband and children. Mrs. Sophie Goldstein sits behind the scenes, managing the Financial Office and Admissions Department of the school. She and her husband, a member of the Michlalah faculty, and their children live in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Jerusalem/Tel-Aviv: Van Leer and Ha'kibutz Ha'meuchad (2014). Mrs. Wealcatch taught in various high schools, directed productions and served as assistant principal before moving with her family to Ramat Eshkol and joining the Tomer Devorah team. 100% of available housing is furnished. Prof Yaacov J. Katzis Professor Emeritus at the School of Education, Bar-Ilan University in Israel and now serves as President of Michlalah - Jerusalem Academic College. Teaching has always been a passion for Mrs. Hausman. But I felt that something had to be done for womens education.. After graduating they moved to Jerusalem where they lived for seven years before taking a job in London to run Aish UKs Young Professional program. Click on the image to beginthe Michlala application process. The rav who began it all sees himself primarily as a moreh bYisraela teacher in Israel. Mrs. Horovitz enjoys teaching Yirmiyahu to Shana Aleph and Mishlei to Shana Bet.Additionally, she has her Masters in Social Work and works in a specialized clinic that focuses on relational trauma. She currently lives in Rechavia, Jerusalem. T: +972 2 6750 907. Mrs. Shira Freund is from Far Rockaway, NY and is an alumnus of Tomer Devorah. In her role as Alumnae Coordinator, she helps past students keep connected to the TD family with newsletters, shiurim and more. Both Mrs. Kassorla and her husband, Rabbi Naftali Kassorla, share the privilege of teaching seminary women, as well as hosting them for Shabbos meals at their home in Jerusalem. in Education and Special Education from Touro College as well as her New York State Teachers Certification. Mrs. Lichtman lives with her family in the Givat Hamivtar section of Jerusalem. oplatka@post.tau.ac.il, Prof. Adam Nir is Associate Professor of Educational Administration Policy and Leadership and the Abraham Shiffman Chair in Secondary Education at The Seymour Fox School of Education, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Dr. Nir's scholarship focuses on school autonomy decentralization and School-Based Management, educational planning, leadership and human resource management in public education. Dr. Rosenwasser, herself a graduate of Michlalah College, has been a member of the faculty since 1982. Tomer Devorah maintains an uncommonly high staff to student ratio to ensure that each student feels that she is receiving maximum personal attention. The dorms are comprised of individual air-conditioned apartments. Rabbi Cooperman was born in Dublin to parents who imbued him with a love for chesed, Torah and Eretz Yisrael. His most recent books include Higher Education Consumer Choice (2015, with Jane Hemsley-Brown, Palgrave), The legacy of educational administration: A historical analysis of an academic field (2010, Peter Lang Publishing); The essentials of educational administration (2015, Pardes Publisher, in Hebrew); Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Schools (2015, Routledge, with Anit Somech). He is also the author of the bestsellers, 48, Inside Their Homes, Incredible! Her areas of interest are meaningful learning and meaningful teaching of scientific concepts and science teachers education. For the three years in England, Shelly taught classes on a wide range of Jewish topics to women exploring Judaism. Rabbi Nachman Seltzer is the author of twenty seven books, including such classics as The Network, The Link and The Shadows, (fiction) Child of War and Nine Out Of Ten, (biographies) and the It Could Have Been You, series. You can also email us atEnglishteachingisrael@gmail.com. Mrs. Rivka Lichtman grew up in Paramus, N.J. She taught in Manhattan Day School while completing her Bachelors degree in Psychology. She is our go-to for any technical matter from restocking the cereals to locking up the passports. Discover 43 listings near Michlalah Jerusalem College in Jerusalem, Jerusalem District Israel. Tehila Greenblatt, a Machal alumna, is a graduate of Michlalah College and holds a masters degree from Azrieli Graduate School. Michlalah Jerusalem College - Welcome Application for 2023-2024 (5784) Academic Year Dear Applicant, Thank you for expressing interest in our Machal Program. Education Hebrew Theological College . Rabbi Cooperman, in his eighties, still teaches four courses at Michlalah and has published many important works, including his commentary on the Meshech Chochmah and one on Seforno. She teaches Kivun, a curriculum that focuses on Jewish fundamentals. This upcoming school year will mark fifty years of Machal, fifty years of excellence in womens Torah education, producing thousands of graduates who have impacted generations of Torah homesand institutions, changing the face of female education worldwide. Interviews will begin at the end of November. Shoshie Ellman, a Machal alumna, received her BA in psychology from Thomas Edison State College. For years, Rabbi Schechter has been delivering shiurim in Tanach to baalei batim in Ramat Beit Shemesh, where he lives, and recently began teaching in a number of seminaries. Mrs. Rosenstein is married to Rabbi Moshe Rosenstein and they live in Ramot with their family. Get just-in-time help and share your expertise, values, skills, and perspectives. He heads the principal preparation program on behalf of Avnei Rosha and the Ministry of Education. In her inspiring Chumash and Hashkafa classes, it is clear that she is passionate about connecting with her students and bringing out their kochos. Mrs. Michal Trenk was born and grew up near Haifa, Israel in a small town called Ramat Yishai. He has also been teaching in various seminaries. Activity Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, is one of the Jewish religion's most sacred and widely observed holidays. Prof. Oplatkas publications have appeared in varied international journals including Educational Administration Quarterly, Journal of Educational Administration, Educational Management Administration & Leadership, Comparative Education Review, Teacher College Record, Canadian Journal of Education Administration and Policy, International Journal of Leadership in Education, Journal of Education Policy, School Leadership & Management, Urban Education, International Journal of Educational Management, and so forth. Mrs. Horovitz is a passionate teacher in an array of seminaries in Yerushaliym. Principal Fasman Yehsiva High School Sep 1982 - Aug 1985 3 years. The Linda Pinsky (") School for Overseas Students (Machal), Visit the Apply Page today for more details, "Learning Torah, Living Torah" Yom Iyun 5782, L'Iluy Nishmas HaRav Yehuda Copperman z"tl. For any specific questions about the online application system, please email. Rav Copperman ztl, the founder of Michlalah, was a strong believer that. The one recommending should mail/email as attachment directly to Michlalah. For each topic, weve gathered the tools and resources you need into one place, to help you guide your campus forward. Rabbi Meir Eisenman is a licensed Israel Tour Guide who has been guiding and sharing his love of Israel since 2008. She went to TAG high school, then spent a year in Bnos Chava Seminary. Born and educated in N.Y., Mrs. Mendelovitz moved to Israel in 2000, and has been sharing Torah here since. Mrs. Rivka Fix, married to Rabbi Noam Fix (Dean) runs workshops in her home and comes in to teach occasionally. Congregational Rabbi Congregation Or Torah Sep 1975 - Aug 1985 10 years. Rabbi Seltzer received his semicha from Rav Yitzchok Berkovitz at The Jerusalem Kollel, teaches at various post-high-school programs for American students in Eretz Yisroel and is a popular international speaker as well. Dr. Financial assistance is available to help with your professional development. He also lectures at Bar-Ilan University and at the Michlalah-Jerusalem College of Education. Mrs. Yudin, a Machal alumna, was a mechanechet in SKA High School in NY for a number of years before making Aliyah in 2008 and joining the Machal faculty. Mrs. Michelle (Michal) Baruch Mrs. Baruch grew up in Queens and Long Island, New York. In addition to her role as rakezet, she teaches Tanach courses and coordinates extracurricular educational programming, including yemei iyun and Shabbatonim around the country. Dr. Rosenwasser has been Rosh HaMichlalah since 2004 and lectures in Michlalahs Tanach and Education Departments. As our Maintenance manager, his first priority is ensuring that the TD campus is safe and comfortable and that every student has the amenities she needs. It facilitates learning with many classrooms, a newly renovated three-story library, a bookstore, computer labs and a . It can be seen from the way this Rav carries himself, that his educational philosophy is characterized by complete devotion to the principle that a Rabbis relationship with his students should reflect the same degree of love and. After attending Tomer Devorah for a year and a half, she received her B.S. She attended SUNY at Stony Brook and graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa majoring in History and minoring in Womens (Feminist) Studies. It facilitates learning with many classrooms, a newly renovated three-story library, a bookstore, computer labs and a . From New York to Jerusalem to London to Beit Shemesh, the Padowitz home is always bustling with good guests, good food and good conversation. in Psychology, Rabbi Fix went on to be ordained by Dayan Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg. What inspired me to start Michlalah was my experience while teaching in a more modern religious teachers college, says Rabbi Cooperman. He has semicha from Beis Midrash LaTorah and Rav Aharon Soloveichik ztl and holds graduate degrees in educational administration, Hebrew literature, and pastoral counseling. Mrs. Baruch is passionate about analyzing the contrast between her academic background in secular Feminist studies, and true womens empowerment as expressed through the Torah and Mitzvot. Michlalah Jerusalem College, Israel, yosglanz@gmail.com Helen M. Hazi West Virginia University, hmhazi@verizon.net Follow this and additional works at:https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/jes Part of theEducational Leadership Commons This Conceptual is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. A true sportsman when not studying or teaching Torah, Rabbi Cohen remains an avid soccer player. Rabbi Levs stimulating and highly-interactive classes encourage lively student participation. Rabbi Eisenmans grandfather was a descendant of Yoel Moshe Solomon (from the students of the Vilna Gaon) and a founder of one of the first neighborhoods in new Jerusalem outside the Old City walls. *In order to be eligible for a Michlalah$2,000academic scholarship. Limited Space Available Tailored to fit your academic and hashkafic needs FOR MEN on-campus and zoom learning two evenings a week three semesters or call 054.899.6878 To apply visit www.englishisrael.co.il FAQ While degree recognition is not required to apply, participants must submit copies their degree and transcripts to be appropriately advised as to degree recognition prospects. Her research focusses on education in the ultra-Orthodox community research done in the Israeli Democratic Institute, and ultra-Orthodox out of poverty program research done in the JDC. Machal provides a Torah-growth experience that focuses on personal commitment to a Torah life, through in-depth Torah Study and the opportunity for guided mentoring from Machal's superb staff. Originally from LA, Mrs. Chana Schuss went to BJJ for her year in seminary and then moved to Yerushalayim after she got married. Ilana elkad-lehman. Her classes on Menuchas Hanefesh and Shearim Btefillah are taught with passion and real life examples, making every lesson practical. Known for the quality of its faculty and students who come from over 30 high schools world-wide, and the advanced level of its learning program, thousands of students have been educated in Michlalah for over five decades. of Educational Policy and Administration. The students benefit from her easygoing nature and warmth, and jsut love schmoozing with her during their meetings or any time of the day. We were the youngest teachers seminary in the country and the first one to achieve full academic accreditation. Michlalah was granted accreditation by the Council of Higher Education of the State of Israel in 1978. recognized by the Ministry of Education of Israel A FULL REFUND ON TUITION This program starts October 30.10.22 ! Find high-quality, DEI-approved courseware to increase learning outcomes. She now works as one of our Programming Coordinators, where she plans the TD events down to the very last detail, giving the students the experience of a lifetime! Her edited book Studies on supervision in the ultra-Orthodox district of the ministry of education: Among Haredi authorities, schools ownerships and the public sphere was just published by the Jerusalem Institute for Policy research. In and out of the classroom, the Machal experience is one that connects its students to Torah, to our Mesorah, to Eretz Yisrael and to each other. Mrs. Teller currently resides in the French Hill along with her husband and children. Home University Off-Campus Housing Michlalah Jerusalem College. michlalahusa@aol.com, POB 16078 Jerusalem 9116002 Israel His family originating from Morocco, Rabbi Yirmiyahu Cohen was born in Gibraltar, where his parents and grandparents were born. . She attended SUNY at Stony Brook and graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa majoring in History and minoring in Women's (Feminist) Studies.

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