side effects of using lemon as deodorant

Check the individual ingredients on your deodorant label for irritants. According to the American Cancer Society, however, there is no clear or direct link between parabens or aluminum and cancer. View abstract. A convenient (and less messy) way to do this would be to use a lemon juice squeezer and simply pour it in. 2018;133:301-314. doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2017.12.016, Scholey A, Gibbs A, Neale C, et al. A. Chemistry. Urban J, et al. But consuming more than that can cause problems like weakness in the body, lethargy, lack of concentration, etc. Lemon juice is acidic and has the potential to cause mild discoloration on some fabrics, particularly when used in large quantities or concentrated form. One way to sidestep possible side effects is to test your skins sensitivity to baking soda before applying as a deodorant. Therefore, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider about any supplements you plan to take and check in about potential interactions with other supplements or medications. J Urol 1996;156:907-9. Some of the factors that contribute to body odor are poor hygiene, gastrointestinal problems, underlying medical problems and nutrient deficiencies. 2020;39:101155. It is also an eco-friendly and chemical-free alternative to conventional deodorants, as it does not involve the use of synthetic chemicals or non-biodegradable packaging materials. Black cohosh and other herbal remedies associated with acute hepatitis. Antiperspirants/deodorants and breast cancer. The frequency with which you should apply lemon deodorant depends on your individual needs and body chemistry. I am unaware of any effect of lemon juice deodorant on axillary lymph nodes or breast health, says Kimberly Feigin, radiologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center. Mix one part baking soda with six parts cornstarch and dust the powder under your arms. If you have dry or sensitive skin, you could be more prone to the following side effects if you use baking soda under your arms: The drying effect of baking soda is likely due to its alkalinity. This password will be used to sign into all, Photo: Michael Paul/Getty Images/StockFood, 38 Best Sneakers for Women in Every Single Style, Im On the Hunt for the Best Sunscreens Without a White Cast, Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of May 1, The Reality-TV Producer Sleeping With a Guitar Player, What to Do (and Not to Do) When Your Friend Has a Newborn, AI Singers Are Unnervingly Good and Already Ubiquitous. Lemon. J of Herbal Pharmacotherapy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1963;72:1082-101. Apply a pea-size amount of mixture to each underarm with a beauty spatula or popsicle stick. Lemon Paraiso is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Learn how they work, plus how to make your own. Ashley Hubbard is a freelance writer based in Nashville, Tennessee, focusing on sustainability, travel, veganism, mental health, social justice, and more. A prospective randomized study. Anti-inflammatory Agent If you experience any adverse reactions or have concerns about using lemon as a deodorant, it may be best to seek alternative natural or conventional deodorant options. Current research suggests that individuals who take glaucoma or thyroid medications or use other types of sedatives should not take lemon balm. Although more research is needed to understand the risks associated with traditional deodorants, there are plenty of natural alternatives that also prevent sweat and body odor. Well discuss the pros and cons of the best products. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. It stays beneficial only when you stick to just one glass everyday. Lemon balm can be consumed as a tea, taken as a supplement or extract, or rubbed on the skin in lotions. The research suddenly called into question . Antiperspirants reduce sweat, and deodorants increase skin acidity. Tooth Decay 2. View abstract. View abstract. Place in the refrigerator to set and apply as needed. HSV-1 is associated with cold sores and some cases of herpes. What are the benefits of using baking soda as a deodorant? Blend up your favorites and apply to your underarms. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. (4), Heartburn is another side effect of overusing of lemons. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Ive even taken chlorophyll tablets, which is known to quell odors of all kinds foot, underarm, even halitosis. This affiliate program is designed to ensure the sites earn advertising revenues by advertising and linking to Amazon and other program sites. Several traditional deodorants are petrochemical-based, and include things like silicone dimethicone, perfume, and things that dont naturally biodegrade in the environment, says Busch. Thats why we rely on a diverse group of writers, educators, and other experts to share their tips on everything from the way product application varies to the best sheet mask for your individual needs. Our team thoroughly researches and evaluates the recommendations we make on our site. You can keep reapplying throughout the day as it wears off. 2020;76:79-87. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Weakness Advertisement2 Top 12 Side Effects Of Lemon 1. Mix about 1/4 tsp. If youre a Manhattanite, you know this summer has had more than its share of soupy, muggy, sweaty scorching days, but its been about five or six weeks since I started using lemons, and my armpits remain blissfully unaware of the disgusting conditions surrounding them. Is Lemon Deodorant Safe For Sensitive Skin? Alena Clark, PhD, is a registered dietitian and experienced nutrition and health educator. Dark Spots 4. When life gives you lemons, make lemon water-, In vitro study of enamel erosion caused by soft drinks and lemon juice in deciduous teeth analysed by stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy-, Are Natural Ingredients Effective in the Management of Hyperpigmentation? A few weeks ago, I hosted a chat with Maggie Gyllenhaal. Does Melissa officinalis cause withdrawal or dependence? A study of the phototoxicity of lemon oil. Chemistry, technology, and quality evaluation. Though lemon is often used to detox your body, it can also lead to dehydration. You can also use pure aloe vera gel from a prepackaged bottle. Learn how they work, plus how to make your own. When I was growing up, my mother suggested I apply lemon juice under my arms at least once a week while I was taking a shower to avoid using deodorant. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". What Are The Benefits Of Using Lemon As A Deodorant? Unless youre particularly lucky and have no body odor, you might rely on deodorant to do so. Occurrence of coumarin analogues in lemon juice. Urol Res. Pelvic fractures are typically the result of high impact injuries. This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. This is because of the various side effects like heartburn, sore throat, decalicification of bones, teeth, etc. When you apply one of these types of lemon, your armpits will start smelling like lemon after one week. It could sting like crazy! Aloe has natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which means it can get rid of odor-causing bacteria. No deo for me either.. Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. And now, another edible-cum-deoderant intrigued me. After this time, some people realize they dont need deodorant at all.. I know that milk of magnesia is also good. Using a mixer, combine the ingredients until smooth. Alternatively, you can rub the cut side of the lemon directly onto your underarms. To establish that the product manufacturers addressed safety and efficacy standards, we: We do the research so you can find trusted products for your health and wellness. Will Choupette Walk the Carpet, and More Met Gala 101. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. To minimize these risks, it is crucial to perform a patch test before applying lemon juice to your underarms and to be mindful of sun exposure when using lemon as a deodorant. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I have never used deodorant and have never needed it. Lemon balm (Melissa officinales L.): an evidence-based systematic review by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration. Drake D. (1997). A pH of 7.0 and above is considered alkaline, and baking soda falls somewhere around 9.0 on the pH scale. Use of underarm cosmetic products in relation to risk of breast cancer: A case-control study. As medicine, there isn't enough reliable information to know what an appropriate dose of lemon might be. You can do a patch test by taking a small amount of baking soda and applying it to a small area of your skin, like the inside of your elbow. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2006;1:1269-74. Bear WL, Teel RW. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. View abstract. It is still essential to be cautious when using lemon juice as a deodorant, especially on delicate or light-colored fabrics. Critical Rev Food Sci Nutr 1983;19:1-98. For some individuals, lemon juice may cause skin irritation, particularly if they have sensitive skin or apply it to freshly shaven or broken skin. High doses can potentially affect thyroid function by slowing the production of thyroid hormones, which control metabolism and other body functions. If you have dry or sensitive skin, you could be more prone to the following side effects if you use baking soda under your arms: redness rash itchiness scaly skin The drying effect of. Antiperspirants and breast cancer risk. Coconut oil is incredibly versatile for hair and skin needs. Antiperspirants reduce sweat, and deodorants increase skin acidity. The ascorbic acid present in lemons leads to improved iron absorption because of which you have excess iron in the body. Ranganna S, Govindarajan VS, Ramana KV. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to smell good. On top of that, its significantly less expensive than mainstream deodorants. 2005;5(4):71-114. doi:10.1080/J157v05n04_08, Miraj S, R Kopaei, Kiani S. Melissa officinalis L: a review study with an antioxidant perspective. Anticancer Res 2000;20:3323-30. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. View abstract. This may lead to dryness, itching, redness, and irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin. Combine 4 tablespoons of baking soda and cornstarch each with 6 tablespoons of coconut oil. Freitas D, Bou F, Benallaoua M, Airinei G, Benamouzig R, Le Feunteun S. Lemon juice, but not tea, reduces the glycemic response to bread in healthy volunteers: a randomized crossover trial.

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